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Everything posted by Keepittogether

  1. I really like her. There is something about her energy, smile and disposition that seems genuine. Time will tell as the game starts to reveal the people, but from what I’ve seen so far, she’s a favorite!
  2. This guy is a complete tool. Thankfully, several of the other houseguests are on to him. Unless his side wins the next HOH, he’ll probably go on the block. Can only hope his “girlfriend” will be sitting next to him. As as a side note it’s annoying the way B.B. casts stereotypical black people every year. Loud, obnoxious and full of themselves. I don’t know ANY black people that conduct themselves like this in real life.
  3. Oh, was trying to be helpful, because in your response to my original post it sounded like you didn’t know what her name was. But maybe you were referring to Shannon when you wrote “I think that’s her name.” It’s not going to matter anyway. The current team has basically said they are going to get Omoarosa, Keisha then Metta out. All of the black people out 1,2,3. It’s the same every year. They always get rid of them first. The racsim never changes.
  4. He seemed like a nice guy and straightforward. However, his personality didn’t seem very well suited for the game and all the double dealing and seeing things three steps a head that is necessary to go far in the game.
  5. Loving this girl. She’s got a great attitude and perspective and great spunk. So far my favorite!
  6. This one is smart, but she’s a snake. She’s playing the same type of game so far as she did on her seasons of the Apprentice. I’m so glad the “girls” realized that they were being played, before the vote. My only hope is that Keisha would distance herself from her before it’s too late. But it might already be too late for that, now that a line has been drawn in the sand. Game on!!!
  7. I still think Shannon has a target on her back, since she has shown herself to be a beast in competitions so far. But I’m so glad that she decided to flip the house!!! Good for her because it’s exactly what needed to happen.
  8. This is the worst season ever. I literally check in here at Morty's to see if there is anything of note. I fast forward through the CBS episodes and even though I tape BBAD, I haven't watched even one. surprisingly I've never even turned it on. I'll continue to monitor the rest of the season, but this is really, really bad. Wake up Grodner, have a real conversation with your producing staff and even Julie and Les if you need to. You guys have fully jumped the shark of the show even being interesting anymore. I've always been a die hard fan. But this is just lame.
  9. New posters, please stop creating new lame posting topics. That's not how it works here. If you have something to comment about a specific houseguest it goes in their thread. If it's just general comments about several houseguests or anything else - it goes here in the general discussion thread. I Thought I would mention this, because some people (who I have not seen here in years past, so probably don't know how we roll here), keep creating a new thread every time they have something to say. It's not necessary and it actually quite annoying. That said, have a good Sunday.
  10. I agree with you Roli. I've been watching BB from its inception and been on Mortys for years. How sad to see the devolvement in the game and clearly here too. I may have just been dumb, or thought because I could see the "houseguests" in real time that they were playing a real game. It's very clear to me now, how much of a role (the only role), that production has in things. Like a science project they have the control group. There are a few variables that can come into play, but ultimately, they control the whole thing. I've been naive for years. What's obvious now is that this season of "picks" are just not good actors and want to just make it to jury. What happened to wanting to win? How I long for the days of Kaysar and hard working people who might have made dumb mistakes in the game, but were solid individuals, with good hearts. I'm going to keep tabs on this season, BB and Mortys is part of me. It's become a ritual of my summer life. But, this season holds no joy for me. And I don't mean because they are annoying. All houseguests become annoying at this stage of the game. It's because no one (except for the man baby with a beard) is actually playing to win.
  11. Oh Marty, say it isn't so! We need your insight and wisdom! I agree, this season has been lame and the house guests are not interesting at all. Maybe after the double eviction this week things will improve.
  12. That would be great. Let them have to think on their feet instead of doing whatever Paul wants.
  13. Wow, I'm shocked anyone would use that term on here. Unless they possibly meant it in some other way? I live in Los Angeles and it's a demeaning term for anyone of Mexican heritage here.
  14. I agree. No offense, but not interested in your animals. I'm sure there are sites for that, or send personal messages.
  15. Obviously if she is truly terminally ill, I have empathy for Raven. However, that doesn't mean she is not an annoying game player that is using her illness at every possible turn to garner sympathy in the game. Everyone knows the scrutinity that you sign up for when you agree to be on BB. And there is no excuse for not knowing. All they have to do is watch prior seasons before coming into the house. Ravens problem is the same as many other others that have played the game over the years. Entitlement. For some reason, she thinks she is owed something. Sorry sister you're not owed anything, except your stipend when you leave the game. Stop going on and on about your physical stuff. Just shut up about it already. If you do and start to really just play the game, you could have a shot. Because then you would gain a reputation with the other houseguests of playing hard DESPITE your physical limitations. Now that would be bad ass. But I'm not holding my breath.
  16. I'm not a fan of Paul, Cody or Jessica. I have to say though, the three of them are at least annoying and with Paul over the top enough to keep things interesting. I don't really "like" anyone so far. And usually by this point in the season I'm rooting for someone. If not for these three, I doubt I would even be paying much attention. There have been players over the years, who I have thought seemed like genuine good people and weren't annoying, but had no real game. An example of that type of personality this year would be Ramses. But how I long for the days where the personality was cool and they were also a game badass. Like Janelle. Derrick was also good, just perhaps a bit boring. I wish one of the sheep would wake up and go after Paul. Then we'd have a real game going.
  17. This is just a complete waste of an HOH. Jessica doesn't seem that bright, but I would have expected more from Cody from a strategic perspective. Josh and Ramses are just floaters. They're not controlling any aspect of the game. Nor do they have any swaying influence on the players that do. This is just lame and a waste. At the very least they should be breaking up one of the couples.
  18. I agree and am aware that I could stop watching and obviously I haven't. I'm just venting one of my major frustrations with the show. And while I'm sure most of they people they cast do have acting or hosting aspersions (like Jeff's gig) I do think they could do a better job at finding a better cross section of people. It's like they run down a check list of some lame formula each year and it gets old. I would imagine that they do get a lot of people that apply/audition that don't fit into their formulaic casting plan. It would also be cool to see some other cultures as well, to see how they live. How about someone Asian Indian or Muslim? America is made up of more that dim witted 24 year olds with fake boobs. It would just be nice to see how sins of those people would fare in the house. Just sayin.
  19. I agree. I was trying to remember her name when I was writing my original post. She was awesome and genuine and played before BB begun casting in stereotypes. It's just sad that they always cast a crazy, over the top black woman, that is primed to go off at the slightest provocation, (think China or Mama D). Or she's a bible thumper. They always throw in a flamboyant gay man and a young, white male nerd, and a quirky white female that is somewhat alternative. I think Nickomis started that trend. Add in one "older" person and then the rest are the beautiful people. Personally, I wish they would stop with this lame formula and just cast interesting people. You can basically. Predict how the first half of the season is going to go and who will be voted out in the beginning, based on the casting. And it assumes that the audience is dumb, which is insulting as a viewer.
  20. There's just something about him that's creepy. Not sure what it is, but it skeeves me out.
  21. Paul is a complete racist. It's oblivious from his gameplay last year and how he has targeted Dom and Ramses this year for really no reason. He can talk and profess whatever he wants about friendship and loyalty, but he's a tool. He feeds and works into people's lowest selves. Maybe he will win that way, but from my perspective, he's a rascist tool.



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