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Everything posted by mayzee

  1. Derrick has created a monster and Victoria is acting out with all the crying & whining. Poor Victoria was (falsely) led to believe that she & Derrick would be the F2. .she saw Derrick's success & progression in the game as her own. Derrick pumped up Victoria's ego by telling her that she beat all the other girls in the house after Christine's eviction. She latched onto him as "her person" in the BB house several weeks ago when it seemed like all of the other HGs had coupled up (Nicole & Hayden; Cody & Christine; Frankie & Zack; Caleb & Amber; Donny & Jocasta). Derrick needs to be brutally honest with Victoria and tell her the truth of the present situation. Whoever recruited Victoria Rafaeli for BB needs to seriously review their selection process.
  2. I think Derrick is maybe feeling a little guilty about how he has "used" Victoria in this game. With Cody's revelation of the "Hitmen Alliance" with Derrick since day 2 of the game, Victoria's been asking Derrick a lot of questions. I think Victoria is finally coming to realize that she was used and lied to by Derrick. And now she's hurting and feeling bad because she got outplayed. Like Nicole said at her eviction - "It's not big baby this is Big Brother".
  3. All Derrick has to do is work some of his magic manipulations and re-program Victoria. The week of the "rewind" Victoria seemed to have accepted her fate of going to the jury and campaigning for Derrick to win. All he has to do now is rewind Victoria back to that mindset and wait for the finale on Wednesday.
  4. Derrick has repeatedly told Victoria that she is special; she is like family because he cares for her like a sister. He also tells Victoria that they are close and will visit each other after the show,etc. I don't believe that Derrick has romantic feelings for Victoria. But he has been blowing a lot of smoke in her direction and pumped up her ego a bit. For Derrick it was how he manipulated her - using her as a pawn and telling her what to do.
  5. Derrick would have to answer questions from the boys on the jury. If he wins the final HOH and takes Victoria to F2 with him - Cody will be extremely hurt because he really trusted Derrick. And Cody's eviction will be fresh in his mind before the jury votes. None of the HGs in the jury wanted to be evicted before Victoria (especially the girls) but they were - I think there might be some bitterness there.
  6. I just wonder how is Derrick going to handle Victoria until Wednesday. He can't carry her any longer and I honestly want to believe that Derrick wants to let her down easy. However, he did make promises to her about "their special relationship" continuing after the Big Brother show is over.
  7. Absolutely. And especially after all the things he said to Cody tonight on BBAD. At least he seems to be aware that the fans would consider him a 'schmuck" for turning on Cody and taking Victoria to F2.
  8. Poor Cody, so restless and nervous awaiting the results of the part 2 HOH comp. What's taking so long is Derrick is trying to throw the comp to Victoria but she cannot catch it. Derrick does not want to be the one choosing the F2 - he doesn't want any Victoria or Cody blood on his hands. Derrick doesn't have to choose because either one of them will take him to F2.
  9. AMEN TO THAT! A backfire would be totally unexpected. (I also think that Frankie said the same thing if Derrick & Victoria are F2.)
  10. I would love that outcome. And it would be a huge lesson to future BB contestants about using that tactic of "bringing a loser to F2 in BB".
  11. IDK but my guess is that Derrick likes Chinese food and some how convinced the others that they wanted it too.
  12. Cody would never turn on Derrick because he trusts him 100% and believes that he can beat Derrick. Based on what, I don't know. Comp wins???? I don't think that Derrick wants to win the final HOh because he doesn't want to choose between Cody & Victoria. If either of them win the final HOH both of them will take him to F2. So Derrick doesn't have to win it. Cody would have a better chance of winning the $500K if he took Victoria over Derrick. But Cody is stuck on the "Hitmen" alliance and bragging rights that he would settle for 2nd place. However, if by some Big Brother miracle, that Victoria actually won a comp (that wasn't given to her) and she choose Derrick for F2 - Cody would be pissed, bitter & broke (minus stipend) because the only prize he won was the "Dino" costume. Ouch!
  13. If she does manage F2 with either Derrick or Cody that would "SUCK". And since the remaining HGs believe that the jury is bitter - Victoria should win the $500K - Now that would be unexpected!
  14. Me too. This season has been too predictable and not very entertaining. We watch Big Brother for the drama and thanks to Sgt Levasseur we haven't had much. Derrick played an effective game for himself - just not very entertaining Big Brother drama for the rest if us.
  15. Caleb's unconditional loyalty is a good trait to have as a person in the real world - but it did not serve him well in the game of Big Brother. I was happy to see the clip about his family - they are good people. I hope he doesn''t get too upset when he finds out about all the money that Donny, Frankie & Derrick won. He played as good a game as he could, and he does have the $5K from the veto comp that he won.
  16. Just when I was starting to feel a little sorry for Frankie - he had to go and say that, once again 'I am the best, I have the power to single handedly pick the winner, etc." I was back to disliking him for being so arrogant. I did crack up with Cody's "Jesus comment."
  17. Frankie might have been spared the audience boos on eviction night, but if he does many interviews - surely someone will ask him to account for some of his inappropriate behavior in the house. He played the game well enough without all that over-the-top Frankieness. I can't help but think that the main reason that he turned on Zack was because Zack rejected him & his sexual advances. Frankie's ego couldn't take it, so Zack had to go.
  18. Victoria was very lucky to have Derrick carry her to the end. She was used as a "pawn and a vote". She really had no game. But she also needs to thank Caleb for the veto (Because as the winner of that POV he took the $5k - instead of the veto) because that was the only time she won a comp on her own. (as opposed to a team win) And she also needs to thank Hayden for using the veto to remove her from the nomination block and for winning the luxury comp and securing her $5k.
  19. Derrick's game play was effective - because he is where he is right now. But for me without the usual drama, fights, lies, etc. - it was kinda boring. Derrick possessed a "specific set of skills" that the other HGs did not have. ...the only thing that was unexpected, for me, was the boos that Christine received during the double eviction.
  20. I would also love to see the boys fight it out in the end. That would be entertaining - and I have no idea who would end up on top. However, Sgt. Levasseur isn't about to let that happen. In fact he has nixed any kind of excitement for this season because 'it's not good for his game'. The way he played "undercover" all summer was only good for his game and he will probably win the big prize. But as a fan of the game - it was way too predictable and boring. No fights, no drama, no game-changing moves, no interesting conversations between the HGs, lack of creativity or entertaining personalities. The Sgt within the comfort of his many alliances was able to manipulate the HGs into playing his game. The entertaining HGs (Zack, Hayden & Donnie)were evicted too early in the game. The strong & competitive women (Amber, Brittany & Nicole) were also evicted early in the game. Now all e have left are the HGs that are under Derrick's control - good for his game. Just not very entertaining for the viewers & die-hard BB fans.
  21. Just think only a week ago Frankie was talking about having 'all the power' because he had won both HOH and POV. I bet he didn't expect to be heading to the jury the following week. 'Expect the unexpected' - He forgot he was playing Big Brother. And he really needs to stop beating himself up so much over pushing the gold button. Any one of the other HGs could have pushed it. The fact that they all decided to do it together - everyone is responsible for the rewind.
  22. I just want Caleb to seriously get over his infatuation with Amber. She never gave him any indication that she could or would have a relationship with him outside the BB house. Caleb really messed up Amber's game. But she can be thankful for the following: 1. She was evicted before jury. If she was in Jocasta's place - love sick Caleb might have volunteered himself for eviction just to be sequestered with her for 4 weeks. 2. She wasn't attached to him for 48 hours like Victoria.
  23. I really want Caleb to win the veto because at this point in the game it's the only thing that will save him. I want the F3 to be Caleb, Cody, & Derrick - Sorry but Victoria is unlikely to win anything on her own. I want to see at fight to the finish between the boys.
  24. If Derrick takes Victoria to F2 over Cody or Caleb I think they will feel that Derrick "played them" - because they both believe that they are taking Derrick to the F2 and will beat him with the jury. I also think the Frankie would give his vote to Victoria out of spite - he does not seem like the 'forgiving type'.
  25. I just want them to cast a truly diverse group of people to play the game of Big Brother. I'm a die-hard fan of the game and I wish they (the producers) would go back to the good old days of casting. I don''t need the "air-head eye candy". I understand that CBS wants to capture the young demographic and be involved in social media - But they're hurting the Big Brother brand in the process.



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