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Everything posted by CortneyIrene

  1. Barf. That sucks that everyone gets to play in the HOH I think Frankie shouldn't be allowed to. I just hope he doesn't manage to win HOH or the POV. Blah
  2. From what I could see.. Vic looks way better without the extensions. #BB16

  3. RT @xGame_0veRx: Wouldn't mind paying extra for some Jury house live feeds, now that I think about it. #BB16

  4. Thank goodness Frankie hit the button. Hopefully he'll be out the door next #BB16

  5. I wish there was Live Feeds for the jury house. At this point, I think the jury house would be more exciting. I would love to see what good ol' Zach Attach is up to... Tormenting everyone probably.
  6. I thought Caleb was good looking the first week of BB. Now after all these weeks, I find him very unattractive. I think its his 1000239023920 stories of what he has done and what he is. and that he thinks he's better than everyone else.
  7. I'm sad that Nicole is out of the house once again. I really liked her, and her voice actually didn't bug me. I really liked that she wanted to make big moves and actually play the game. But I think she was hopeless coming out of jury for the buy back. She lost her mojo. But atleast she can be back with Hayden. I bet he's excited.
  8. I have one of those fitness trackers... (Fitbit) and its not very accurate. It will count steps if you move your arms like they Hg's do in the house to get their bars up. They're set up to go off after 10,000 steps. However you can change the amount of steps. I mean its not the worst I used mine for a few months, and now it sits in my dresser.
  9. Victoria has an interesting sense in fashion. But to each their own. I think she needs to look in more mirrors at time because the ones she's looking at must be magical, to make her want to wear some of those outfits. But it could also be that she has gained some weight this season. And maybe that's why some of her clothes look frumpy on her. I like some of her outfits... They're nice. But they don't suit her. I just want her to take out her hair extensions. People always look 100 times better without them.
  10. Cody seems like he was really hurt by Christine being boo'd so badly. Maybe he has more feelings for her than he says. I thought he would have been happy to have her gone. But then again, maybe Cody was using Christine to his advantage. He knew she would vote for him if he was to go up. Atleast that's what I think.
  11. I just hope that with Frankie pushing the golden button takes him out of being able to compete for HOH in the redo. And I hope that the producers don't make the POV guided for Frankie to win.
  12. I pick mission B. There place is so dirty that I don't think any of the HG's would be surprised if there was a rodent of some sort in there.
  13. I was actually really surprised when Christine got boo'd. I would have cried if that was me. I understand that people don't like her and some people may even think she's a cheater. But to boo someone that badly, that was just mean.
  14. So since the button was pushed, does that mean since Frankie is the current HOH, that when we redo the entire week.. Frankie wont be able to compete in the HOH? With that being said, I bet the POV will be set up for Fankie to win. Sheesh Frankie is never going to get taken out of the house.
  15. Note to self. Don't fart in boyfriends face. #opps #farted

  16. I actually feel bad that Christine was boo'd. I would have cried if that was me. #bb16 #bigbrother

  17. RT @08Jayhawk: Dear Grod please let Frankie be evicted second tonight #BB16 http://t.co/wTBP6kQ96G

  18. Hi. My names Cortney, and I'm addicted to #BB16 @CBSBigBrother #problem

  19. Yay Vic is up and doing ADLs in the bathroom #bb16 #BBLF



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