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Everything posted by CortneyIrene

  1. My computer at work wont let me quote people. Slowpoke: I was SOO Taken back when I saw Zach crying! It was actually quite sad to me. I think Zach kind of has a point. Its hard to win against someone who's sister has such a big following, and gets people to vote for Frankie and stuff like that. I see where Zach was coming from. Also with Frankie saying he's using the money to build schools in Africa. Who wouldn't want that to win. I honestly think that's wonderful for Frankie to be doing that. But he doesn't need big brother to make that happen.
  2. I think its funny that some of the house guests didn't know who Ariana is. I mean yes she's quite famous. I only knew who she was because I've seen her on TV. Then one of the people I watch on youtube interviewed her, and that's how I found out she's a singer. I mean its not like hes Beyoncé's sibling. I really would love to see him leave the house AFTER the jury buy back. He just seems like a HUGE diva and an equally huge loose cannon. #Teamanyonebutfrankie
  3. I really love Donny. He seems like a sweet man. I wish he would have gotten into an alliance. I think he could have done very well in this game if he would have. I will be sad to see him be voted out when the time comes. I hope he finds a way to step his game up, and hopefully win HOH tonight!
  4. Christine was saying last night in her DR session that Nicole is her best friend in the house. Like really, she's clearly not that good of a friend if you couldn't even have the time to tell her, that she is indeed going home. Stop hiding behind everyone else, and start playing the game. The boys are not going to be able to keep her safe forever. There will come a point, and I see it coming sooner than Christine thinks. That the boys wont want her or need her anymore. Sheesh!
  5. I finally decided to get the live feeds, and these last couple days... its been a snooze fest. I hope some entertainment comes. I find it sickening watching Christine all touchy touchy with Cody. Like come on. At least last night I got to have a couple laughs at Frankie and Cody dancing. But other than that, wow... Boring!
  6. #BB16 6:34pm BBT Nicole, Celeb, Vic and donny are still playing Jenga. Nicole is very impress with how tall it has become. Vic says Derricks playing very safe, too safe. Its Vic's turn, she knocks the tower over. They got to 30 levels. #BB16 6:36pm BBT Cody is in the KT doing dishes. #BB16 6:38pm BBT Donny is in the SR looking for some chocolate milk. #BB16 6:39pm BBT Celeb, Derrick and cody are now in the KT. Donny is pouring a glass of chocolate milk. #BB16 6:41pm BBT Celeb starts singing and we get FotH #BB16 6:42pm BBT Derrick is in the living room making something with the Jena pieces. Zach comes and sits down, and we get FotH again. #BB16 6:43pm BBT feeds are back, Derrick is still playing with the Jenga blocks. Nicole has joined in and is making something of her own as well. #BB16 6:44pm BBT Celeb joins the Jena crew. Celeb is talking about how his brother and his wife built their own million dollar house. Nicole tells Derrick his building is nice.[it's actually really neat looking - Cortney] #BB16 6:47pm BBT Frankie joins in with the Jenga crew. Derrick comes up with an idea to build things with the Jenga pieces, and everyone has to guess what it is. #BB16 6:49pm BBT Zach and Donny are sitting at the DT eating. Donny tells Zach he ate an entire jar of peanut butter this week. Zach leaves the DT. #BB16 6:55pm BBT. Cody is in the KT he's filling the kettle with water. Cody starts cleaning the KT more, putting food away. Christine comes into the KT and tells Cody we have recycling in the SR. Frankie pours some hot water into his cup. Cody asks what they're playing. Frankie says Jenga Ceraides. Christine is back in the KT. She grabs some cleaner, and starts cleaning the counters. Cody tells Christine to back out of his kitchen. Christine asks Cody is he's seen the movie Rainman. Cody says no, and then asks some questions about the movie. Christine puts an apple on the table and the camera zooms in. Then we get FotH #BB16 7:01pm BBT Feeds are back. Cody keeps singing, so we get more fish. Feeds are back again. Cody and Christine continue to clean the kitchen. Christine tells Cody she would love a stove like that at home. Cody asks Christine what kind of stove she has. Christine tells Cody she has one with coils, and its hard to clean. Cody says oh I use to have one like that in school, and we broke it. Cody and Christine start signing, we get fish. #BB16 7:04Pm BBT Celeb, Derrick, Nicole, Frankie, and Donny are in the LV. They've started a traditional game of Jenga. No game talk going on at all. Everyones laughing and having a good time.
  7. #BB16 3:38PM BBT Nicole gets out of the hammock and walks inside she checks herself out in the mirror. #BB16 3:40PM BBT Frankie and Celeb are sitting on the lounge chair. Talking about America's favourite player. Celeb tells Frankie he thinks it will be him to win since he has a ton of followers. He also mentions Ariana and how she can just ask people on her Twitter to vote for Frankie. #BB16 3:44PM BBT Nicole makes her way back into the hammock in the BY. #BB16 3:48PM BBT Nicole is talking to herself, saying its not fair. #BB16 3:53PM BBT Frankie and Celeb talking about what music was played this morning. Frankie said her herd Tupac and Fresh prince. Frankie starts singing and we get Fish. #BB16 3:56PM BBT Frankie and Celeb both get up from the lounge chair, and Celeb heads inside. Frankie checks the laundry, and then lays back down. #BB16 4:04PM BBT Christine, Celeb, Donny and Frankie are in the BY sitting on the couches. Talking about football, Dallas cowboys to be exact. Christine says that in Arizona there are lots of Dallas fans. Donny says there's lots of Dallas fans in Dallas. #BB16 4:08 BBT Vic and Derrick talking in the FR. Derrick is telling Vic that everyone has someone their close with except Nicole. Vic says that Zach wants Nicole to stay because he has no one else in the game. #BB16 4:13PM BBT Vic and Derek still talking in the FR. Derrick tells Vic that Thursday they will be voting for Nicole to go home, and theres nothing thats going to change his mind. Vic says I don't want Nicole to stay and I already told you that. Derrick says Me and you are going to vote for Nicole, same with Celeb and Frankie, thats 4 people. She can't stay. #BB16 4:26PM BBT Franke and Nicole laying on the lounge chair. Nicole tells Frankie she hasn't listened to Ariana's music, and she doesn't think many people in her town listen to her either. Frankie tells Nicole he's been on youtube for about a year and a half. He tells her the different days he makes videos. Nicole asks how it works with making videos, money wise. Frankie says he doesn't really make money. On a good month he will make $1000.00. #BB16 4:30PM BBT Feeds 3/4 are on Vic and Derrick in the FR. They are whispering about Christine, and how she's married, and cuddling with Cody. Derrick says thats her choice. Vic thinks that Cody and Christine are part of a twist, and that they're cousins or something. Derrick says they wouldn't be cuddling if they were cousins. #BB16 4:35PM BBT: Vic says Zach is going to do whatever he can to keep Nicole. Derrick says Frankie would never vote to keep her, as well as Cody.
  8. #BB16 1:55PM BBT Donny is now walking laps in the BY
  9. #BB16 1:20PM BBT Still not much going on. Donny in the BY sitting on the couch, while all other HG are asleep.
  10. #BB16 11:17AM BBT Donny in BY folding laundry while the other HG sleep. #BB16 11:18AM BBT Donny putting laundry away in FR. #BB16 11:21AM BBT Donny is back in the BY reading the bible.
  11. Frankie drives me bonkers. Hes such a diva, like come on. You tried out for survivor, you're going to be outside in the cold. Yet you need a sleeping bag in the have not room because your have circulation problems. My dog could come up with a better excuse. FRANKIE you're soooo fake. Get out of the house lol.
  12. #BB16 10:37AM BBT Frankie, Christine and Derrick in WCA talking about Nicole campaigning last night. #BB16 10:39 AM BBT Donny is switching laundry in the BY then sits on the patio set reading the bottle of raid to himself. #BB16 10:40AM BBT Nicole talk is still going on in the WCA between Frankie and Christine. #BB16 10:45AM BBT Camera 3/4 is now in the ER where Cody and Celeb are sound asleep.
  13. Oh I know she has no chance. But you never know! I'm just living on false hopes lol!
  14. I really love the way Derrick is playing the game. I think him being a police officer really helps him in this game. He's good at acting, and keeping secrets. I think that when Derrick, Cody, Hayden and Nicole had their little alliance, and Cody threw Nicole under the bus. Derrick did a very good job not getting any blame on him. He's very good at that. No one really points the fingers to him. I think he has a really good chance at winning. Or making it to F2. I think he deserves it. He's playing really well. Although I would love to see Nicole win it.
  15. I agree that Vic is kind of useless in the house. However I will not be surprised if she makes it to F2. She's very good at two things. 1: being a floater. 2:Acting/being clueless. Though she does have her funny moments, I really don't know how she made it into the house.
  16. OH MY GOODESS. I have not laughed that hard in a while! Nicole should have totally kissed Cody in front of Christine. I would have LOVED to see her reaction. However, Nicole doesn't like to show much PDA. But maybe it could have got Cody thinking, not to vote her out. Hmmm Doubtful. But hey it would have been worth a try on Nicole's part, and she could have drove Christine crazy at the same time. COME ON NICOLE lets get this house going crazy before you leave! Do something!
  17. Christine's behaviour concerns me, and doesn't concern me. I mean WHAT married person will go and cuddle, and be all mushy with another person. To me that is strange. But like Tim says on Twitter, that its part of her strategy. I honestly think that, that's beyond "strategy." I think since she's kind of the ugly duck she may not have had attention from people like Cody, and to me it seems like Cody will cuddle with any girl. And he's just taking what he can get. I mean there's not many girl options left in the house. I feel bad for Christine's husband, even if they had agreed that this is okay to do. It would be really hard to watch your significant other on top of someone else. I would lose my mind. I hope their marriage is good when she gets out of the house. I hope the best for her, however I'm not a huge fan.
  18. I think it was great that Celeb stuck to his word. However, he could have went about it WAAAY better. Like come on! I agree he could have played and just pulled the chain all crazily and pretend he was trying hard. Just like in the abracadabra (Sorry SP?) BoB. He played and made it look like he was trying. Why couldn't he have done that! Obviously production has something to do with that as well. Tisk tisk.
  19. 1. Nicole will cry, regardless if she's kept in the house or not. 2. I think that Cody is the least likely to win. To me he kind of just floats around, and goes with what everyone else says. 3. I would love to see Hayden brought back into the game. As I'm unsure if Nicole is really going home, you never know with all this flip flopping. However, if Nicole is sent to Jury this week, I wouldn't mind seeing her back in the house. But I think it would end up being the same as the house is now. With her being such a smart, strong player. She will just get voted out again. (I really hope that doesn't happen. Nicole is my favourite house guest.)
  20. I really hope the house decides to turn, and keep Nicole. I don't know if I will be able to handle watching the other house guests, without at least having a couple some what normal house guests around. I love Donny as well. But they both can't stay, and Donny isn't really exciting to watch. They really need to get rid of Frankie or Christine, and I hope that happens in the next few weeks to follow. Hopefully Hayden gets brought back into the house. He has such an awesome personality, and the house needs that back.
  21. I really love how entertaining Zack is. However I totally agree with his actions being provoked by his DR sessions. When he first came into the house, he was a lot less angry/hyper/verbal diarrhea. I mean when I first watched the first bb16 episode, and they showed Zack and his life story, blah, blah. He came off as arrogant. However, he grew on me. But when he went on his wild rampages it made me want him out of the house. Also him being stuck to Frankie and being his little puppy. I was so happy when Zack confronted Frankie, and he was no longer his little puppy. But I know that wont last for long at all. I would like to see Zack calm down a few levels and maybe step his game up. I would like to see him make it to F4.
  22. I'm so upset that Nicole is going to be leaving the BBhouse. I hope she comes back, or Hayden. If only Christine had her own mind, then she could see she's being played hard. That's okay she will be next. Or hopefully Frankie is next. I really hope Nicole will make her way back into the bb house. Maybe if she gets a second chance, she will grow a backbone, and not be so nice.
  23. When BB16 first started I really liked Frankie. However, now my opinion of him has changed drastically. I wouldn't say I hate him. But I know I'm not his number one fan. I think for him to be playing for a charity is a really nice and bold thing for someone to do. But to come onto big brother to do it? I think he could have thought of a thousand other things to do to help out. I also think Frankie coming out to tell everyone who he actually is, was very smart on his part. However, I think it was very dirty of him to use that to his advantage. Its clear to me, and I could be wrong. But to win people over that way, and promising them things that everyone knows wont happen is so wrong. But for the other house guests to just jump into his sinking boat. Come on now, they should all know better. Lets just see how many house guests heads Frankie can shove up his butt, before something happens. I mean out side of the house he's probably a great person. They probably all are. But when money is added, people just go crazy. #Teamanyonebutfrankie
  24. I would have loved to see TA with Hayden, Nicole, and Zack
  25. I was very concerned the game was going to become boring and go nowhere. I'm pleasantly surprised. However, who knows if the house will flip again. Lets hope it stays exciting. Even though I think Frankie is a very entertaining person, he annoys me as a house guest. I hope he goes home. But you never know in the Big Brother house. #Teameveryonebutfrankie



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