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Everything posted by Lamasquerade

  1. and some botox and face peels. Frankifaker...lol Sissy...lol You made me laugh. thanks. I wonder how he manages those long flights with circulation problems. He certainly is a trooper.
  2. I agree, but I don't see those guys as "hot." I can't imagine what she would do if a "hot guy" gave her attention. It's going to suck big time for Christine when she has to go back to her husband and her coffee shop life.
  3. It's too bad she has to go because she was the only one who actually tried to break up the party, but it was too little too late. She should have started earlier, a lot earlier. Too naive and Christine ended up being her downfall. Still don't know how she continued to trust Christine after learning about the BS.
  4. I think if you are strong, the competition is easier to win on your own than with someone else. You don't have to communicate with someone else and you control the way the ball flows on your own. It's natural to have the same tension on both sides when it's one person, but with two people it's impossible.
  5. Yep, I think he's in the closet too. Maybe that's the twist this season, they're all in the closet!
  6. Why does Derrick think it's okay to interrogate anyone? Get over it shithead and move on. All he talks about is hurting his game and no one distrusted him before. What a delusional creep..hasn't he been hurting everyone;s game and placing distrust in the house---that's what it's all about!!! Derrick is as delusional as Caleb, just different delusions. Caleb thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread and Derrick thought he had this game wrapped up with no obstacles in his way.
  7. Conspiracies are nothing new and brought up every year, yet everyone continues to watch. Whose fault is that?
  8. Yes, they're all buying it except Derrick and Donny. Why do you think Derrick wants Donny out so badly, because he knows between the three of them they are the shrewdest and smartest people in the house. The rest are total morons, easy prey and have no clue. To be fair, they are young with no jobs or menial jobs so they are lacking the life experience of the other two (Derrick/employment and Donny/Age). Frankie is an immature asshole and fits in the shrewd category.
  9. Donny had a chance to change the flow of the game, but didn't. I can understand not talking game play right away and sit back while you can and get a feel for everyone, but he is long past with not getting involved. He can't cry about it now, since he did nothing to move his game along. Just because Grodner gives free passes to other houseguests this season and past does not make it right now to give it to Donny. I'm against the unfair play and no one should be treated special.
  10. As I remember it, it was a Portuguese community, a lot of factories and basically poor neighborhoods. Either way, it's irrelevant to the game because whoever wants to and is chosen to be in the house has a fair chance at the money, no matter if they are rich or poor. For those us who have children, we all want the best for them, but most of us go out and earn a living for it and do not think about winning money on a game show to provide a better life for them. So I never buy that "I'm doing it for my family" sob story. For whoever wins or loses, if they win, they are the best, if they lose, they aren't. No one has done anything egregious to get ahead in the game, so it's all fair game. Lying and back stabbing is an expectation of play, so let the best man or woman win.
  11. I agree. He's been a cop for over 10 years, I would imagine if he was really good at his job he would be more than a sargeant now or at least aspire to instead of wasting time on a reality show to make money.
  12. He's as useful as Jocasta and Victoria are in this game, if you actually refer to real game play. He takes up space like them and he is only good for going back and forth with stories. Maybe he is Andy. He should have been long gone already too!
  13. Oh, pukie. Yeah, CBS was hoping all the 12 year olds would turn in to get a glimpse of the mega star Ariana.
  14. I wonder how hard the hug is going to be between Caleb and Frankie when Caleb starts stalking his Ariana. I'm sure Caleb is already thinking that Ariana should be his prize for backing Frankie J. Grande.
  15. I guess it's CBS who is now shoveling the shit and we the viewers who are racing to scoop it up. Yep, it looks like the BB production snow job gets worse every year. That pic must have been taken last Thursday, because I remember commenting on that ugly necklace Julie was wearing.
  16. Maybe he and Derrick should plan their escape, since it appears they can't take the heat. This is not a game for the weak. Nicole is lucky she is still there. They all had their chance to make a big move and didn't, so now they have to deal with it.
  17. Yep, the so-called brilliant, covert, cop looked like he was going to cry like a little girl when he said it on national TV. He may still win of course, but he thought it was going to be easy and it was always his. Expect the unexpected, Derrick.
  18. My thoughts... She's an old, beat up, ugly, hag who ruined the show when she took over as producer. I hate when I have to be kind.
  19. I bet the 49's can't wait to meet Frankie. He's probably working on his meeting dance now.
  20. Now that he is no longer Frankie's bitch, I don't mind if he hangs around. If goes back to old ways then I hope he leaves.



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