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Everything posted by Lamasquerade

  1. Yep, a nice set-up for the both of them. He must have some connection to Grodner. They look alike, maybe relatives. Definitely not a coinkidink! I couldn't stand that lip smacking thing he did with every sentence when announced his truths. I wanted to smack the lip smacking out of him.
  2. Not as stupid as she sounds. She has a total grasp on the game and clearly explained herself up in the HOH. Too bad her widdle feelings got hurt, but she got over it in a nanosecond. She wuvs Derrick.
  3. He's very good at comps too! I could definitely see him F2. He just needs to pull back a bit and watch the crap that comes out of his blowhole.
  4. I know Zack won the comp, but Caleb is no slack for sure. He was rolling and flying through the air. Hmmm..Derrick and cody will have a hard time beating him in a physical comp. He's a beast.
  5. When Nicole and Christine were made double HOH I remember Nicole saying that she would choose players with better chance of her getting dethroned to regain Christine's trust. Well she accomplished that and got steamrolled over for it. I have to say from the TV show, Derrick and gang screwed over Nicole really bad, but I don't think Christine was convinced but her back was to the wall. She had to nominate Nicole.
  6. I think I heard Derrick tell her this morning that campaigning won't help her. She then just went from person and person and told them (in a non-campaigning way) how nifty it would be to keep her in the house. Most were gracious, but Cody aka "Closet Cody" looked like he wanted someone to put him out of his misery. I hope they back door him soon.
  7. If the smurfs needed a stand in, paint her blue and she would do well. I think her "I can't sleep alone" was an invitation to Derrick to join her this morning. His reply "what do you do at home," made her smurfy eyes wide. lmao
  8. Okay, maybe it's because I am aware of her now because I never knew she existed, but she is all over the newspapers and internet. She is 21 and just dumped her 19 year old BF for a 21 year old gangsta rapper. Ewww...I bet Frankie will wet his panties over that.
  9. and wins! I know I would laugh my ass off. Serves them all right too!
  10. Exactly! Like a true navy seal he is in and out and up and down and around and about before you can blink a wicked eye, WickedOne.
  11. Okay, she is wrong for what she does with Cody, but what about his part in it? He knows she is married, yet he is always touchy feely with her. This morning he had his arms wrapped around her from behind as they sat in the chair. Her husband is a real wuss if he lets that go. I think Cody is gay and after he lost his first beard, Amber he now has a new beard, Christine. She's more manly than he is.
  12. Derrick is desperate for the win and desperate people usually don't win. Frankie made him sweat last week for sure. Derrick is use to things just flowing his way, but can easily be put off when they don't. He is good at manipulating the others only because they are naive and easily manipulated by nature. Frankie is shrewd and you don't see him being manipulated nor Donny for that matter and Derrick is afraid of both of them. The best player is the won who wins!
  13. What 40 year old man is besties with a 20 something wanna be thug? I bet if you asked Frankie who he would want to be most in the whole wide world he would answer "Ariana Grande." Now, that's sick not in a good way. Frankie J has a maid?
  14. I'd like to see the two of them battle it out. Frankie is definitely better at competetions. Unless Victoria and Christine are the last two left, it should be good finale.
  15. Ewww! No I didn't watch it. I watch the TV show, BBAD and feeds if I have them and that's it. I don't search for articles but will read here if posted. When they are gone from the house, they're gone and I'm pretty much done with them then. Thanks for the info, it's good to know that someone wants Cody for a present. lol
  16. Bowling pins Derrick is playing the game, can't deny that, but I just don't think there is anything ground breaking or brilliant about his game play like some think. Like you say, how hard is it to get over on a bunch of "bowling pins," not very hard at all? His biggest competition in the game is Frankie and he's still there!
  17. I really don't think so. I don't think she went on the show for a showmance, but for publicity only. Caleb probably had so many Amber scenarios going on his head he couldn't keep track of them. I bet he was jealous of Donny too when Amber talked to him.
  18. "I am a 21 year old young lady living in Tucson, Az. I have been acting since I was in 4th grade, my senior year alone I won acting awards from my school, my district, and the state of Arizona. I took a break from acting for the past 3 years to do school. But I can't live without acting. I promise you won't regret having an audition with me. When it comes to singing I am referred to as an "uh-oh oreo", in other words, I'm vanilla on the outside and chocolate on the outside. I sing like an African American women, let's put it that way. BUT I can also sing like a little white girl. I have a very broad range. (I WILL HAVE A REAL HEADSHOT UP SOON. My last one is from high school, I look very different now.) Visit my facebook to see more pictures. www.facebook.com/cnvarner" Is she for real? OMG, where do they get these weirdos from? I hope she wins so she can't get her nose fixed and some English classes. "I look different now" - yes you do, you're uglier and you lost more cartilage in your nose.
  19. I think the endurance comps are fewer because Derrick and Donny don't have a chance. I think Frankie has it in the bag too. He would stand on one foot on top of 100 piled high 4" blocks for 10 hours for a win. Then thank his grandpa for the determination and strength to do so. Survivor has no idea what they missed.
  20. He's as good as an Ambien. Frankie and Zach are the real entertainment. Of course, I like to hear the stupid things Caleb says, so in a way he is amusing too.
  21. Donny and Zach dropped the ball more, had the lead and should have won I. I think Donny may have been the weak link in that duo. I just think it's easier to control both sides when you are doing it yourself, but you have to have strength and you can see that Frankie's arms are definitely in shape. It would have been more helpful if Caleb played and messed up his game. They underestimated Frankie and that's where they went wrong. He definitely is determined to win and I can see him doing it.
  22. The way he told Nicole to "take a seat next to your boyfriend" confirmed that he was jealous of Nicole and Hayden because Amber wouldn't give him the time of day. I think it would be fab if Amber showed up at the wrap party with a 6'2" good looking totally chiseled guy, blonde and doesn't have crazy eyes! Wait, this guy is a country singer too and has his own reality show starting next Spring. Wouldn't that be a hoot!
  23. It would be so entertaining for me to see him walk out the door before Frankie.



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