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Everything posted by melmel

  1. 6:11 PM BBT Feeds come back on Kevin and Tyler are in the hammock talking about the Hammock, David and Christmas are talking. Ian is talking the game is not all about comps its also about strategy. Ian says this game is also about social status too. Dani said that Kevin dont like but whatever. 6:20 PM BBT Cody asks what day it is and Dani says it tuesday and Cody says oh crap covid day. David says he wants to keep it status quo. Kevin and Ian are talking about guys and how both are on the wall together. 6:25 PM BBT David said he likes the plan and he down for that. Christmas said making moves. Christmas says can i talk to you in the mourning. They talk about Cody and Christmas and she asked him if he was receptive and David tells her he could tell by his words and actions. David says he was defensive about keeping Ian. 6:33 PM BBT Dani Memphis are in the HOHR talking about betting money. Dani says that they cant do it in the rule book Memphis acts shocked and we get stars, while Dani is looking at the camera in the HOHR. Day ask dani if she going to work out and Dani says no she is going to work out. 6:41 PM BBT Cody and Dani are in the KT talking about Paulie being on the MTV The challenge. Cody says he hoping he goes on and they discuss the pay and how long it is on the show. Nicole is outside running. Ian is in the Hammock rocking back and forth. Christmas joins her in running. all general chit chat.
  2. 2:22 PM BBT Enzo says if he get HOH he is flipping the hole house and putting up one of the girls and someone from the other side. He dont care he will tell them to figure it out yourself. He is tired of all of these aliances. Cody agrees with hm. Nicole comes in to talk to them. 2:27 PM BBT Nicole says she is going to spin the vote er vote on David. She is planning on voting to keep Ian and blame it on David. Nicole says she need the votes to be 5-3 so her plan will work. They say that day will be mad they bring up slick 5 and Cody says that not a thing anymore. Nicole says that she know who he would put up because he is in my pocket. They all groan. 2:37 PM BBT Nicole says that she dont want ian to go because he has the core four back 100%. Nicole is trying to per-sway them to keep Ian but she knows that he is going this week. Nicole is telling them that she trying to look decent she dont want to look like a monster. She is sacrificing a lot she giving up her best friend and jury vote but she couldn't even look at him in the face yesterday. 2:43 PM BBT Enzo says i will do whatever you guys want to do. He agrees to to stick with the 5-3 votes. Cody says what about dani she will go after david and day. Nicole promisies she wont. Cody says she will press david about it and Nicole say let her do it then.
  3. 2:14 PM BBT Kevin and Day are in the bathroom are whispering in the WA. Cody and Enzo are in the HOHR talking about Day and how she spend most of the time in the KT and then when she goes outside she walks right passed him. Cody says if him and Enzo were to go up then it would they would be in trouble. Cody says if it was Him and Nicole it would him going or him and anybody else.
  4. 11:54 AM BBT Dani and Nicole standing in the CBR whispering talking about someone. They leave and Tyler is in the KT and they run into Ian an he says good morning they ask if they he ate and he says yes he had a big bowl of slop. Nicole said she is going to talk to Memphis today and she said she is going to play it smart and make it organically.
  5. 11:16 AM BBT Memphis an Dani are talking bout Ian and Memphis said that he had a very composed conversation and he like he knew what he was talking about and they wonder where this Ian has been the hole time. They said he was like that the first week and the flew under the radar. Memphis then talk about tyler and how they dont think they could convince him to put enzo up. 11:24 AM BBT Dani asked him if she can tell him personal and Memphis says yes. Dani says this is just a rumor but she thinks Christmas and Tyler are close mavbe a final 2. Memphis says she is very erotic. Feeds cut for a second and they come back on they talk about how that Tyler and Cody might be closer. Memphis said we got to keep a close eye on them though. 11:30 AM BBT Nicole comes in with food for Memphis and they talk about the eggs and cheese. Nicole leaves and they go back to Christmas. Memphis tells Dani let me get back to you about Christmas. Dani asks do they think they got the votes to keep Tyler. 11:39 AM BBT Dani says she feels super confortable with Memphis and she wants to go far with him in the game, Memphis said he has all theses ideas he wants to spin off but he cant and he says it sucks because that is what he is used to he sits at the roud table at his work and they all spin ideas out. Dani tells him well i will listen to your ideas i wont tell no one. Feeds cut to stars. 11:42 AM BBT Dani is in the HOHR byherself just sitting at the table. All cams are on her. She is watching the different cameras. 11:48 AM BBT Tyler is in the KT making some food cams get quiet while he cooks. Memphis complements on his breakfast that Nicole made and Memphis said he almost broke his tooth on the avocado top and Nicole apologizes. Dani comes don and they talk about how it was Christmas and Cody idea to do it but they put Tyler up to it. Dani says she would have punched her accidentally and luckily she was awake.
  6. 10:42 AM BBT Memphis and David are outside talking. Memphis tells him to keep doing what he is doing. Cody Enzo and Nicole are in the WA joking around. Memphis says you got to in survival mode. Christmas who else is in bed as they want to scare them. Christmas says she cant do Day as she would punch her in the face. Feeds cut to stars again, 10:46 AM BBT Christmas and Nicole doing their ADL's. Cody goes up to the HNR room gets something and comes back out. Day is still sleeping with the covers over head. Someone is taking a shower. 10:52 AM BBT Memphis talk to enzo about them being final 2 but also making separate alliances. They keep the same name of the aliance. He says it keeps both of them off the block. Memphis says right now it still to early to do it. But over the next weeks we got to work on it. 11:03 AM BBT Feeds cut to stars again. Enzo and David talking about working out and how it too early because of slop before feeds cut. 11:08 AM BBT Feeds come back on and Enzo Tyler and Memphis are talking about a party and when double eviction might be. Enzo is playing pool with Tyler and Memphis is talkin about his dream he had. He dreamed that they played a comp in the parking lot.
  7. 10:00 PM BBT Day is stillin bed with cover over her face. Christmas gets called to the DR. While David is outside drinking coffee, 10:10 PM BBT Christmas is out from the DR and she is in the KT talking to the Camea. She comes out and ask who made the coffee and says it strong. She then talks to Memphis and says hey old man. Christmas said she saw Nicole and Ian talking then they were whispering and left she dont know if she went to talk dani or what but she thought i was asleep. 10:15 PM BBT Christmas said Nicole was all smiling and asks if she think she is voting for him. Memphis said no that a front there is no way that she would vote against the house. Memphis says sh probably wanted him to stay longer in the house but his time is up. Christmas agrees with him. Memphis says the 2 of them are probably really close friends and that plays a factor in it as well. 10:25 AM Memphis said this HOH is going to be crucial. Memphis talk about him not sleeping good and having the backyard again. Christmas and Memphis thank BB for the BY. Memphis asked should they ask about Tyler votes and Christmas dosent think so. Memphis says it 2 different people now. Christmas hints to Memphis that David might vote for Ian to stay. Christmas tell hims that is not good. Feeds cuts to stars. 10:35 AM BBT Christmas is talking to the outside camera. Cody and Enzo are both up Cody heads to the WA. Nicole is also up in the WA. Feeds cut to stars.
  8. 6:57PM BBT Christmas said she has a reason to put everyone up except Memphis Cody and Tyler. They take turns putting bug spray on Christmas make a comment about the bug spray smelling nasty.
  9. 6:25 PM BBT Dani says Day never hangs out with her anymore. Cody says the same thing that he was hanging out with Kevin and David earlier and that she went to the back of the backyard. Cody what does she want me to do apologize they couldn't have 1 on 1 time. Nicole says she spends a lot of time in the Kitchen. Enzo says she didn't like seeing himself by himself and to come in so he did. 6:31 PM BBT Nicole Dani Enzo Cody are talking about the Next comp might be. Nicole says it might be something where you have to watch something. Dani asks bout what the bleep and they said that closer to the end. Nicole says ask ian about that. Cody says we haven't had a quiz one in a while. Enzo think it might be a luck comp. 6:38 PM BBT We get stars for a second and feeds come back to Kevin and David outside. David says you what is crazy is that one think I'm an intelligent player. Kevin says well know you got to run with it and feeds go back to the talk in HOHR. They talk about maybe this week about being a double eviction and Enzo says no there too much going on with the powers. 6:45 PM BBT Enzo talks about how he heard someone walking all time when he was a have not he says he at least lost 7 pounds. He said what are they doing trying to get their steps in. Dani and Nicole and Cody all laugh and think that is funny. 6:52 PM BBT Memphis and Christmas outside talking about who they think have the other 2 powers. Memphis thinks maybe enzo has a power. Christmas doesn't think so. They know that David used his so Kevin and Day dont have one. Christmas asks him if he has one and Memphis says he dont have one at all.
  10. 6:00 PM Feeds cut to stars. Ian and Kevin are talking about votes. Kevin tells he needs at least two more votes. Ian said he going to try and get Enzo and Christmas. Camera cuts to HOHR and Dani asks Nicole who do they think she would put up if she was HOHR. Dani tells her we are pretty sure we know but we want to make sure. 6:05 PM BBT Enzo is talking about a penguin suit and general chit chat and joking. Dani bring up Day and how she is playing Enzo mention how she never told em that she is using the veto. Enzo says that maybe in in the fact that she was bullied with the fight with christmas. 6:11 PM BBT We get stars on the screen again. Dani says something to Cody Nicole and Enzo but it all whisper. Enzo says whoever wins HOH do whatever they want they all laugh about it. 6:22 PM BBT Dani and Cody tell Nicole that after this week David and Kevin have to go there is no other option. Nicole says Ian would never target any of them and that Tyler would. Dani says she knows. Cody asks the 3 of them if he was to win the HOH do they think they can he have the convo with Day about being a pawn and that he has no other choice.
  11. 5:55 PM BBT Ian tells Kevin he doesn't want to be the first to go to Jury. We get stars and then the cameras switch to HOHR where Dani Nicole Enzo and Cody are talking. The four of them are talking about Day. Dani said she came up to Dani and told her she is using the Veto but she didn't tell anyone else. Dani said she thinks she can run her mouth then next week mend things with her. Cody said he is going to run his mouth to her and Dani said please don't.
  12. 5:39 PM BBT Cody says to Enzo and Dani that no matter what there going to be a blindside to multiple people. Dani asks who they think Day who would she put up before the blindslide. Enzo says he is worried it cody that she would put up. Cody said she not playing strategically just on emotion now. Dani said she asked Nicole who Tyler who he would put up and Dani says Day. Dani says Ian feels 1000% safe. Cody said he went to him and asked if he has his vote and cody told yes. 5:45 PM BBT Cody talk about how he wants to really talk to kevin but he knows that it going to go back to Day because they know she is working with Kevin and David. Dani just warns her to be careful with him. Dani brings up how they all wanted to work with Day from the begining but she never trusted any of them. Cody says etheir way we are going to blindslide someone and it sucks. 5:50 PM BBT Kevin and Ian are talking to each other. Ian tells him he want to get more information from Enzo. Ian says at first he felt safe but now that he is on the block he dosent feel safe at all.
  13. 5:08 PM BBT Cody and Ian are in the Hammock talking. Memphis and Dani are talking outside about the chances of one of the being good and the other being bad. Interment stars going on too. 5:13 PM BBT Dani gets up from the couch area outside and goes inside Cody gets up from the hammock. Ian is happily swinging in the Hammock. Cody and Tyler are playing corn hole. Dani is in her HOHR talking to Enzo. Enzo tells her he dont care who goes, Dani jokes and says this is the worse HOH ever. 5:20 PM BBT Dani tells Enzo that she thinks Enzo will put her up if he wins and maybe Cody and Nicole. Enzo says he dosent know where Day is at. Dani agrees an says yeah she dont know where she stands ethier. Dani and Enzo both agree that with Tyler he is worried bout his appearance with outside the game. Enzo says yeah the hole bay thing took a toll on him. Enzo says Memphis has never been on the block at all he went final 2 with Dan and lost and now he hasn't on this season yet. 5:27 PM BBT Enzo talks about how Day wouldnt tell anyone if she is using the veto are not. Enzo said he knew hen she was going to use it no matter what. Dani said why dont you just your friends with Kevin. she says it so weird and Enzo agrees. Dani says that Day is denying she is close to David but she knows they are close. Enzo said she is acting werid seculding herself. 5:34 PM BBT Cody comes in the room and they talk about Nicole. Dani ask him who he think Nicole would put up Cody says probably tyler. They go back and forth who would pup who. Tyler told dani that David said he want to keep Tyler to screw with dani.
  14. 12:55 PM BBT Cody and Day are in the bathroom. Day is putting makeup on for the day. Day says mom hack cut the top off. Cody tell her that he squeezes the crap out of it he didn't think he would run out of it. Enzo does some Family shout out to his mom because he knows she making baked Ziti today and says you though i would have only lasted 5 days but here I have lasted longer than 5 days, he says I wish I only last 5 days too. He then shouts out his kids he says he hopes they are having fun at school if not doing schoolwork at home. he loves and misses them. he does a shout out to his brother and he says he knows he probably doesn't miss him because football started but he knows deep down he misses him and that he can entertain him while he is at work and wondering why he is doing what he does and says there a lot of game left to be played. He then shouts out to Amanda.
  15. 12:30 PM BBT In camera 3 Dani and Nicole are talking. Nicole tells her she talked to christmas last night. Dani asked what she said she said that she was afriad of being backdoored she dont feel close to them. Nicole shares that Tyler told her if he goes to Jurry he is leaving. Nicole says it all was organic and Dani says good. They think that they can bring her in since she is super grateful for not being backdoored. They both want to talk to memphis sometime. The camera then switches David and Ian talking for a bit. 12:44 The camera goes back Nicole and Dani but they are talking about Dom and Vicctor. They then talk about christmas and Dani asks do you want me to tell christmas and Nicole says no because then she will know we are close and i dont want her to know that. Dani says okay i wont tell her. 12:50 PM BBT Tyler and Day are talking about the comp where they got to catch things in their mouth. Tyler says they told they got a slow Motion camera so now it a thing. Day says she cant do that she is a germaphobe. Cody whispers something but i couldn't catch it.
  16. 12:16 PM BBT Tyler Ian David Kevin and Nicole talk about water. Ian says when they started with going with doing way with plastic straws people was mad about it but now they are okay. Tyler bring up his water bottle he has it has a filter in it and how it works. They go back and forth on if the house has filtered water. BB told em it was but they dont believe it. Ian says on his season they had fridge with water dispenser but half way threw the filter needed to be change and they never did.
  17. 12:00 PM BBT David and Nicole are outside talking. David tells Nicole that Dani came to him and tells him that she hopes he wins the Endurance comp, Kevin joins them and the conversation changes to the tableware. Nicole said they were nice, She says if they can get the black out what they have now they would be nicer. Ian comes in and join them and they talk about different plane company's.
  18. 11:12 AM BBT Dani then tells kevin that she thinks she can get the votes. Kevin asks who he thinks she can get she tells him Nicole Ian Enzo and Day for sure. Kevin then says he is good for not making people feel salty for being on the block and bringing them back to reality. Dani bring up the power and how she is so scred of them. Kevin then says the perfect nom is the newb because he is hungry to win. Kevin asks about David and she said she dont know him becaue he dont talk to anyone really in the house. they end there conversation hug and Kevin asks if he wants to bring in the next person. 12:25 PM BBT David is the next person to come in and he congratulates her on the win he said he is disapointed he couldn't win against Memphis and Dani agrees. David acknowledges they haven't talked much after the first week. He gave some self confidence to her and he appreciates her talking to her Just let him know before nominations. Short and sweet conversation is all.
  19. 11:34 AM BBT Dani and Memphis are in the HOHR about Tyler and how he is playing is sloppy. They then talk about Kevin and how he is an ant. They go back to tyler and they think the only one that will be mad is Christmas. Memphis tells him that she needs to get his word that she is not going up next week. 11:52 AM BBT Kevin comes in and is next to talk to dani. Kevin says he wants to connect with her. Kevin tells her she is his consultant and has looked out for her. He has never gone againist her in any way. He has never said anything negative about her. He tell her when he talk to his husband she is like the cool cheerleader that hangs out with awkward people. 12:00 PM BBT They both think tyler has a power and Kevin makes the point they all think the power is to be removed off the block but there 3 so it cant be all three. Kevin asked her is he safe this week and Dani responds with a picture and ask about if he would be williing to be help out with her bigger picture> Kevin said he wouldnt mind if he knew he had votes and if he was in a aliance and he would feel some type of way towards. He dosent want to be expendable. He dosent want to be in jury on his birthdy since he would feel like he would be laughed at.
  20. 11:14 AM BBT Nicole and Dani are in the CBR whispering. Memphis comes in ans scares the crap out of them. While christmas Kevin and David were in the kitchen making food. 11:21 PM BBT Day is fixing her hair while Nicole takes a shower. Cody is also in the room and tell her whats up sloppies
  21. 5:15 PM BBT Day is the first one to fall down from the wall. 5:21 PM BBT Another round of water comes down and Christmas tells them to lock it in.
  22. 1:04 PM BBT David and Christmas are talking in the storage room about someone on his season Christmas says yeah they had to pull them down. David tells her that they will throwing things around. Christmas said she appreciates it she likes to be aware. Christmas asks if it deals with the hole tyler bay and day ordeal and he tells her no it dosent. She appreciates that. 1:10 PM BBT Feeds cut to stars some general chit chat in between stars. 1:15 PM BBT Critter cam for the live show feeds wont be back till after show.
  23. 12:44 Christmas is taking a shower while Tyler is shaving at the sink. David is talking to Day and Kevin about they need to start studying days. David asks what you mean by that and Kevin explains there is always a comp about the days. Day adds in the fact that is not a everybody discussion. Kevin said his season used playdoh and some use card or whatever they could find. 12:54 PM BBT Day tells bay to watch her nipples because the cameras are on her. Day then says yall are gross why is it when you we are changing you zoom in. Day then ask if they are going to miss her if she leaves. Day then asks if kevin has a attitude and he asks a question back and they get mad at him.



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