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Everything posted by melmel

  1. 7:40 PM BBT Christmas and Dani talk and Christmas says that Kevin told her he got him to go neutral and Dani says do you really think he said that and Christmas says i dont know that what he just told me. David and Kevin are in the PBR talking about clothes. Feeds cut to stars.
  2. 4:30 PM BBT Cody and Enzo and Nicole going over days who won comps what days who was nominated etc. Kevin is in the Key room talking to Christmas about the order who he has talked too. Enzo told him that if he can get him to be neutral about it then he could probably get the votes he needs. Kevin thanks her for letting him talk and she can finally get into pajamas.
  3. 4:15 PM BBT Cody Nicole and Enzo up in the HOHR talking about Kevin. Cody says lets not turn this into a hate cody party. Cody says no part of him hate kevin. Nicole interupts before he can fish and says i know you want to ge ride of him. Cody says lets be clear then feeds turn into stars, 4:25 PM BBT Feeds come back on and they are talking about Christmas and Cody says he dosent want to put her up. They then talk about Hayden and previous season. They talk letter on something and Dr wills being in black. Feeds cut to stars again.
  4. 4:10 PM BBT Memphis and Christmas are talking about Tom cruise and penople cruise. Memphis calls out to his son and says in a few weeks they are going party> Christmas adds in with Tuna.
  5. 4:00 PM BBT Nicole and Kevin are in the CBR talking. Kevin is trying to get nicoles vote and Nicole says that she has to think about because there is a lot of information that has been given to her. He made some kind of deal with her and he swaers to keep it. Feeds cut to stars.
  6. 11:39 AM BBT Memphis Kevin and Nicole are in the bathroom doing their ADL's. Tyler Cody and David are outside talking about celebrating Enzo birthday once out of the house. 11:50 AM BBT all general chit chat and we get stars on the feeds. 11:52 PM BBT Critter cam for Veto Ceremony.
  7. 11:33 AM BBT Nicole is in the Bathroom blow drying her hair. Everyone else is outside talking general chit chat going on.
  8. 11:20 AM BBT Christmas is inside getting some food and Nicole is up. Enzo is still running outside while everyone else is talking.
  9. 10:39 AM BBT General chat going on between Memphis Christmas and David. Stars on the feed for a minute then come back. Christmas says happy Monday everyone its a beautiful Monday. BB comes over and ask then to lower the outside awnings. 10:51 AM BBT Memphis is talking about religion. Kevin is now up outside with Cody David and Memphis. 10:54 AM BBT BB calls for Christmas to downstairs DR. She goes to the DR. BB calls for another wake up message. BB then calls for Nicole to go do dr downstairs. 10:57 AM BBT BB tells Nicole to disregard the message. Memphis talking about touring and travel. 11:07 AM BBT Cody is making shake to drink in the KT. Enzo is outside running. Tyler Memphis David Christmas and Kevin all outside talking outside.
  10. 10:09 AM BBT stars on the feed. Wake up call maybe. 10:24 AM BBT David and Memphis are outside talking. BB comes over and says Cody Tyler wakey wakey houseguest there are fresh batteries in the SR. Christmas says it going to be a fun day. BB comes over again and says BB Enzo Tyler Houseguest must be awake between the hours of 10 am and 10 pm thank you. Christmas goes out to where Memphis and David are out.
  11. 1:17 PM BBT A plane flys over the BY and they all stop talking and wave at it. Christmas and David are talking about working out. 1:28 PM BBT Cody is talking abour travel and traveling. Kevin is making hashbrowns or slopbrowns to eat. 1:32 PM BBT Christmas is talking about Bobsledding and some guy that was pushing the bobsled in the olympics. Cody bring up Lolo from BB cleberity and how she was a bobsledder. Kevin is eating his slopbrowns. Tyler walks in and says they smell like burnt bacon but the crunch though. 1:45 PM BBT Memphis is out by the pool sun tanning. Kevin is eating his slopbrowns. Nicole finally comes out and Tyler says what up you finally came outside. The Houseguest are outside enjoying the sun while they can. 1:52 PM BBT Kevin is making drink and really focused on it with the hand crank mixer. The Guys are out by the pool getting a tan on. Some are in the pool as well.
  12. 1:08 PM BBT Kevin is cooking him some food to eat. David Christmas Tyler and Cody outside talking about movies.
  13. 10:42 AM BBT Cody says he wants Kevin gone. Enzo says yes he needs to go and Christmas but we need to back door her. They says if Kevin was to win he would put me and You. They talk about Dani how she will twist information. Cody says that Dani and Christmas go after each other and we are protected. Cody says he going to to tell david that he has to do something to appease this group he is working with and going to trust him and reassure him that he is not the target this week If he messes that up then cody will go after him. . Enzo says that Day was drilling him to win this HOH this week, 10:55 PM BBT Cody and Enzo talk about Nicole. Enzo says he really like nicole because she dosnt run and tell everybody everything. Feeds cut to stars Feeds come back on and they talk about David again. Enzo says he likes Memphis he is a man after his own words. Christmas tells Enzo she wants to go after Dani.
  14. 10:09AM BBT David and Dani up in the PBR. Cody is asleep in the HOHR. 10:20 PM BBT Christmas is in the WA putting her make up on. Enzo says he is a HN and he says had 7 pickles last night. Christmas tells him to make the slop like oatmeal add honey and milk. Enzo says anything going on today Memphis and Christmas tell him nominations. They start talking about the comp and Enzo says the money was too hard to pass up. Christmas says she is mad that each shot she got worse. 10:30 AM BBT Enzo goes up to talk to Cody and they talk about Dani not wanting to leave. Cody asks what time it is Enzo tells him it 10:30 and he says oh crap bb let us sleep in today .Cody says Dani is after Christmas. Memphis is scared of Tyler. Enzo and Cody talk about Kevin and Day told him all the alliances. They also told him about Dani having the power and was going to use it on Memphis. They say he has all this information and he needs to go. Emzo says he is going to take it peronsal and say your not going to get my jury vote.
  15. 12:51 PM BBT Tyler is brushing his teeth right now. That all i can see other 2 cams are on stars, 12:55 PM BBT All feeds go to stars last thing was Kevin in the WA clipping his nails.
  16. 12:30 PM BBT Feeds come back on and Day and Christmas talking in the key room. Day says she has this voice on her shoulder to fight to stay to in the house. She said she has a reason to be here she fighting for a different reason and it not for the money she also believe David is doing the same as her. She said she feels like she up against the wall and the odds are not in her favor. She tells Christmas she feels like she could be a asset to her game but that is up to you decide. Day says you got a couple hours to marinate on that. Christmas says wow i defiantly wasn't expecting that turn in this direction but it did. Day says that is me to you as a game player. 12:48 PM BBT Day and Christmas are talking about Bay. They both feel bad how things went down with her.
  17. 12:06 PM BBT Feeds come back on. Day is packing her suitcase up. Kevin is packing in case it his last day in the house as well, 12:10 PM BBT Memphis is in the key room pacing. Nicole asked about her face cream. Nothing really happening. 12:15 PM BBT Tyler and Dani in the kitchen. Tyler is making a sandwich. Cody is now in the KBR fixing up his hair. Nicole said she gave Christmas a hard time in the SR. Cody says she stormed out of the DR and that she said she playing this game for everybody else. Cody said that she was defiantly mad but he not sure at who. Feeds cut to stars. 12:24 PM BBT Feeds come back on and Day and Christmas are talking. Day said she just told them that she is play the game and this is how she plays she peeled back some to some player but not all and Feeds cut back off again.
  18. 9:37 AM BBT Kevin goes into the Love lounge to talk to alphonso. He says he dont know if this is his last day in the house tonight. I love you alot there has been a lot of highs and lows. I know you was annoyed before I left. He thanks him for guiding him. He said if it his last day dont worry they still will have a family some day, I have been told i am safe but however, 9:42 AM BBT Enzo and David are talking about Kevin and how they tell him one thing and it spreads fast. Enzo tells David if him or or tyler wins he is safe but it also depends on the type of comp it is. 9:45 AM BBT Foth for a minute. David and Enzo talk about Day and how she been playing. Enzo says he likes bayleigh better. 9:50 AM BBT Enzo says that Day tried to tell him how to control his HOH and Enzo says im not like that im a leader and not a follower. David says that Day think he is working against her this whole season and Enzo says she needs to stop this is way to much. 9:53 AM BBT Feeds cuts to stars. David and Enzo still talking about Day. David asks who he think Tyler voting for. Memphis and Dani are in the HOHR talking. 9:58 AM BBT David asks who he thinks cody is leaning towards and Enzo says probably day. Then feeds cuts to stars.
  19. 5:24 PM BBT Feeds go off to stars. Enzo eating some popcorn. Day still working on the hair for tommorow. General chit chat going on. 5:30 PM BBT Feeds cut off again due to Tyler and Enzo singing while playing pool. Day still working on the wig. 5:40 PM BBT Feeds go down to stars, 5:50 PM BBT Feeds come back on for a bit more general chatter going on and then they cut off again.
  20. 5:13 PM BBT feeds go off for a few come back. Day is fixing Anitas hair in the bathroom, Enzo and david outside. Christmas goes in to get some slop as she is hungry. Tyler and Cody playing pool outside.
  21. 5:00 PM BBT Kevin is in the bathroom with his alter ego "Anita", Day is dying of laughter. Enzo and David talking outside joking around No game talk going on at the momment.
  22. 10:52 PM BBT Christmas and Memphis are in the HOHR talking. Dani and Kevin are fixing something to eat for breakfast.



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