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Everything posted by melmel

  1. 11:23 PM BBT Dani is now talking to Dani and they talk about his photo's he is basically giving the same spill he gave to everyone so far he got a plan but he is not sharing. Dani asked if it a big plan like a backdoor or something and he says no it just my plan and he wants it to go smooth as possible. Dani says she understand and agrees it it his hoh he can do whatever he wants as he deserved it etc. Memphis tells her not to worry about his end goal is to get rid of one of three and that all she needs to know right now. They go back and forth about what if it was a double and Memphis says he will figure something out and to just know that all of the committee is safe.
  2. 11:03 AM BBT Day walks the guys and Enzo say this is guys talk man yo this is guys talk they joke around. Memphis says your going to see him butt naked laying on the bed and Feeds cut to stars. 11:08 PM BBT Day and Nicole are talking while doing facial work. Tyler and Dani are in the PBR talking Christmas comes in and joins them. Nicole is doing her hair and Day is washing cleaning up from her mask. General chit chat going right now 11:15 PM BBT Dani is up and dressed getting her mic on right by the mirror. Tyler and Christmas are in the PBR talking. Tyler asks if he has a plan and if it set in stone. Christmas tells him she dosent know he is not telling anyone anything. Christmas says he thinks Day and Kevin need to be separated. Tyler says he is offering up sushi and other stuff an says he likes this guy. Dani agrees she like him too.
  3. 10:20 AM BBT Cams go back to Memphis and Christmas and she is telling him her power. Christmas says that she didn't want Memphis to worry about the power and being backdoored. Memphis seems to be okay with it and says whoever else has the 3rd power will be done next week and Christmas says yes. Memphis says he is not going to tell anyone his plan for the week there are too many people with lose lips. They bring up Cody being one of them. Cams change to David and Kevin talking Kevin says it probablly me and you going up. David said that fine and i will go. David said he tried staying quiet about thing and they still blow up in front of him so he is okay with going. 10:25 AM BBT Kevin tells Day lets talk some scenarios and they talk about the talk Kevin had with David and says he is ethier big mad or building up a narrative. He thinks Day betrayed him because she went to Nicole and took her advice instead of his. They talk about him throwing them too the wolves and how he is okay with leaving because nothing is going his way now. Feeds cut to stars. 10:41 AM BBT Christmas and Memphis still talking in the HOHR and Memphis says once he puts the plan in action he wants everyone to be in agreement with it. He knows everyone has their own agenda etc. Christmas asks if she is a pawn and he tell hers no. Nicole is up now and she is getting ready for the day appears david took a shower as he is in just a towel. Memphis is talking to Cody now. Christmas goes into the PBR talking to someone in bed not sure who. 10:46 AM BBT Memphis tells Cody pretty much the same he is not telling anyone about his action plan as he feels there to many chatter going on and there still more game to play before they get to the comette. Cody agrees with him. They talk about dani being one those has lose lips. They talk about christmas and how she think she is puppetmaster. Memphis says something about his plan and says he not telling anyone. Enzo is up and goes to where Cody and Memphis are and Memphis said okay ima rip off the bandaid. 10:55 AM BBT Memphis shares his master plan with cody and Enzo and says Final 3 is called "wise guys" and they talk about adding Christmas and saying Final 4 wise guys. Christmas comes in and they share the info with her and says Final 4 wise guys. Christmas says are you serious. Memphis says i wouldn't lie i done talked to you. She leaves and they talk about his plan that he plans on not talking to anyone about. They agree to and okay with him not telling anyone they do some handshake and Enzo leaves and then Memphis follows and says that is too easy
  4. 9:48 AM BBT Day is in the bathroom putting some facemask on her face. David still cleaning the Fridge. Christmas is also up and she tells Day good morning. Kevin has left the love lounge and is in the shower now. Memphis is now up and in his favorite hoodie. Day is sitting on the couch waiting on her facemask to finish. Memphis walk by and he says he is trying to take notes from dani being all fancy and stuff. Day says oh crap and laughs as he walks by. 9:59 AM BBT BB comes over the PA and tells them there are fresh batteries in the SR. Day says oh goodness. She then lays down on the couch with her eye closed. David took out the trash and is putting a new bag in the kitchen. Kevin is out of his shower and Christmas is putting her makeup on. Kevin is straitening his hair up and talking to christmas about birthdays. Feeds cut to stars for a second then comes back on then back to stars again. 10:08 AM BBT Cody is in upper lounge hanging out. Kevin is in the Wa brushing his teeth. Christmas still applying make up to her face, David is still in the KT wiping down the table where he took everything out to clean. Tyler Nicole Enzo and Dani are still asleep apparently while everyone else is still up. 10:13 AM BBT Christmas has finished her makeup and ready to start her day. Kevin is fixing his hair up in the bathroom. Kevin talks to Day about the HOH and Christmas is up in the HOHR listening to Memphis music. She gets up and starts dancing to it. All cams go to Memphis and Christmas. They are talking about the HOH comp. Memphis says everyone was memorized by the way he was putting the puzzle together. Memphis says that David congratulated him this morning and said it should have been his HOH Memphis says whatever he says is just vomit out of his mouth and says he follows after Day, Camera changes to David and Kevin talking. David he is litterlay trying to play the game every way possible but with the name calling it is hard.
  5. 9:02 AM BBT David is up in the storage room looking around at all the food they got. He grabs some bananas and leaves the storage room. Kevin is also up in the Love lounge relaxing looking up in space. David says "what's up bb world?" 9:10 AM BBT Cody is up. He comes downstairs with a pair of shoes and says it cold. David is back in the SR looking n the fridge for something now. He looks in the cabinets for something and leaves with looks like flower to make something. He getting stuff from the fridge in the kitchen and takes a sip of his coffee. 9:16 AM BBT David has every possible container out on the KT table it appears to be cleaning out the fridge and reorganizing so it all fits in there. Kevin is still in the Love lounge appears to be talking to himself. He is talking to husband i believe and he says he made it halfway and everyone is speculating, He says it going to be hectic but he seem to be struggling by. he says from his perspective a bunch of guys seem to be running the house and calls it a bro show. He says if this season keeps going this way it going be a bunch of guys at the the end. He says it is what it is. He says he is just tired. 9:24 PM BBT Kevin says something but with his hands by mouth it hard to hear. He moves them away and he sys with people not thinking about it didn't give him anxiety. He said it like Happy birthday to me but it like bleh but his birthday dont make him special. David is still hard at work cleaning the fridge making sure everything clean and organized in there. Kevin says god this is going to be so hard though. He says he cant even talk about that. Kevin says that tyler never told him who he was going after and he had 8 conversation's at once. 9:33 AM BBT Kevin says someone told him they didn't want talk right right now and Dayvone had him feeling like some type of way about then her and some others backed out. Feeds cut to stars. 9:34 AM BBT Feeds come back on and Kevin says it his birthday and to make his birthday wish come true. Cody is now in the KT makin him some food to eat Day is also now up she is in the SR getting something and come back out. David is still cleaning up the fridge wiping the shelves down making room for everything to go in there. Kevin stops talking and Feeds cut to stars.
  6. 2:00 PM BBT Nicole and Day getting ready for tonight's episode. Tyler Cody and Dani all in the PBR talking general chit chat chilling before tonight's episode. 2:14 PM BBT Feeds cut right to puppies for tonights show. Enjoy the Episode!
  7. 9:50 AM BBT Memphis Enzo and Dani all talk about Tyler being friends with Kaycee. Dani says they are best friends and that the 2 of them talked before the show and she was supposed to be on but not sure why she isn't on. 9:55 AM BBT All cams show Kevin sleeping.
  8. 9:30 AM BBT Kevin is sound asleep in bed. Memphis is up drinking his Coffee, Enzo is also up drinking coffee along with Dani. 9:40 AM BBT Enzo and Dani leave and Leave Memphis at the table drinking his coffee. Enzo says this is the season where he dont give a crap. 9:45 AM BBT Dani Enzo and Memphis talk about Ian Speech. Enzo says it was like a DR Will speech with the analogy of putting alcohol on a wound 9:48 AM BBT Stars are on the screen.
  9. 5:50 PM BBT Nicole joins them in the HOHR and he tells her the same that he feels like his game is done with. He talked to Memphis and Christmas and I couldn't get their votes. He says Memphis told him straight up he voting for Tyler to stay and Christmas wasn't definitive. Nicole asks if he going to talk to Day and he said he is not giving up till he is gone. Feeds cut stars.
  10. 5:49 PM PM BBT Dani comes up the HOH and Ian says im pretty sure my game is over. Dani ask him why what happened? Ian explains he went to christmas and yesterday she said she was going to vote me out and no today she dosent know. Ian says he feels like he been ganged up on like a sheep. Ian says he is 90% sure his game is done but there like a 1 or 2 percent that Tyler could have some power,
  11. 5:35 PM BBT Ian is up in the HOH talking to himself and he says there is nothing more frustrating, Christmas comes in and tells him she will be right up she got called to DR. Nicole says ugh i hope this inst good bye messages already. Feeds cuts to stars for a minute and come back and Christmas is yelling at cody as it copy righted as songs are. 5:40 PM BBT All general chit going on for a bit no game talk going on feeds get quiet for a bit they hope they get music with the halfway party. Cody says music for an hour i'm down with that.
  12. 5:30 PM BBT Nicole and Chritmas talk about Ian and his final pitch. Christmas tells her he is laying on it thick, She tell Nicole that he was saying he has more to this game. It like a bad break up. Meanwhile Kevin and David are in the WA talking while Day is doing at the sink.
  13. 2:53 PM BBT Kevin says he need to talk to David and Day first to see what the dynamic is and what not and he will get back to Tyler, Tyler thanks him for talking to him. Tyler and Christmas talk in the SR about the votes flipping. Tyler says the votes have done flipped already dont he know that. Tylersays he wants christmas HOH basket if she wins.
  14. 2:45 PM BBT Tyler and Ian are talking in the loft room. Kevin tell Tyler he has never been capigned too besides Janelle and Kaysar but they dont really count. He says otherwise noone has tried to campign into it. Tyler says that is crazy, He says that he is just trying to listen to what everyone saying and Tyler agrees, They talk about Ian getting mad and Tyler says well alchool was involved.
  15. 2:41 PM BBT Ian talking about what he wants to eat he not sure if he wants chicken as the protein or not to go with his dinner and we get stars again.
  16. 2:33 PM BBT Feeds come back on Cody and Ian are talking. Ian says that Kevin is voting for him. Ian just nods an agrees with him. Ian says what frustrates him is him making the Pawn pack and he dont even touch the nom chair or anything then tells her that he needs more information. Ian bring up david and said he is done talking to david he gave all the information he had.
  17. 12:50 PM BBT Enzo is joking around with Christmas laughing. Ian is still rocking, Stars come on again and go off. Enzo starts to whisper something to Christmas. She says she dont like how they all of sudden come to her and complement how good of a player she is. She talk about Ian guilt tripping Dani and how he know the psychological aspect of the game and how good he is. 12:57 PM BBT Christmas says he hasn't won anything talking about Ian. Christmas says lets talk about stats Tyler has won comps he has come close to winning. Where as Tyler if he wins HOH he knows who he wants up and you know you are his target. Enzo brings up he mentioned Kevin earlier and what he said Christmas said that is bullcrap. Ian comes in and the chat completely changes.
  18. 12:30 PM BBT Enzo says that Ian made Vaild point about Christmas and Tyler and Cody tell him you know who is gonna go after us Day is. Cody is playing with a camera and Cody says it get blurry the more u zoom in. Enzo says they cant throw the HOH tommorow you can not throw it. 12:40 PM BBT Feeds cut to stars for a bit then come back on. Nicole Cody Enzo and Dani are all talking about Zingbot and different zings they think they would get and the comps. Feeds go back to stars again. 12:44 PM BBT Feed come back and they are talking about a hoodie that they want from Tyler. Ian is by himself rocking. Enzo Cody Dani Christmas Nicole are all talking general chit chat in between stars.
  19. 12:00 PM BBT Tyler and Kevin are in the KT talking about making pizza. Someone used the pizza sauce and Dani said she will put in another request after saying it so annoying. Enzo is the PBR laying in his bed awake after talking to Dani about Ian. 12:06 PM BBT Ian is talking to Enzo about him getting mad and blowing up last night. He said he had a good talk with Dani and they hashed thing out. He tells Enzo he need his vote now and that dani agreed to break the vote in his favor. Ian says if he was to get HOH the people who shake things up he will put up on the block that is where his head is at the momment Enzo just nodding and haking his head in agreement with him. 12:13 PM BBT Ian says that Kevin is too wishy washy and he cant work with someone that way. He talk about a handshake and meaning it. He also says that kevin told him he needs more information and Ian told him everything he knew. Ian says he dont want to work that way and wants to stay in the game to prove that. Enzo says he has a headache and he trying to stay out of the drama and Ian says he is trying to as well. 12:20 PM BBT Nicole comes in after Ian leaves and he starts laughing. They talk about Ian pitching hard and who he would put up. Enzo says he would put up Dayvone and David. Nicole says yeah he really wants to stay in the game. Dani comes in and they rehashes Ian pitch to Enzo again. Dani said she is going to lock herself in the HOHR today and not let anyone in. She might let Enzo in to talk crap about the HG but that it. Dani then says let talk the 5 fold.
  20. 10:42 AM BBT BB comes over the PA system and says they must be awake between the hours of 10 am and 10 pm. Christmas says she is awake. 10:49 AM BBT Feeds cut to stars for a split second. Feeds come back on and shows christmas still reading, Memphis up and oing something in the KT. 10:54 AM BBT Kevin is up from the bed and is kitchen fixing to make some food. Memphis gets up and goes the WA to shower. Nicole is up and doing something at the mirror in the PBR.
  21. 10:00 PM BBT Memphis and Christmas are talking Day says Enzo was offended by her speech in the loft. Christmas aproached him about it and he got mad about it and wasnt going to talk to her anymore 10:10 AM BBT Memphis says well enzo is not touching the block next week and we need to bring him in, Christmas agrees and says yes, Feeds cut to stars. Christmas says Kevin nicole or Day will not put him up and Memphis says yes they wont know and he is probably the safest in the house. 10:18 PM BBT Memphis said if he is number 7 that is fine we just got to make sure the nominations stay the same. Christmas said that she hopes someone in the comette wins this week otherwise it going to get crazy. Christmas thanks him for the chat and leaves. 10:24 PM BBT Memphis goes back to the dining room and drinks on his morning coffee, Christmas is in WA on the couch waiting to use the restroom Kevin is up and doing something else. 10:30 PM Kevin is awake in the PBR in his bed. Christmas goes back to CBR and is reading a book. Memphis is drinking coffee nothing else is going on.
  22. 6:55 PM BBT Day says that David and Enzo are pushing for Ian. Kevin says the more he learns bout Christmas game the more he dont like it. Day says there got to be a guys aliance. Day says David keeps talking about the guys the guys an they know why he is pushing that way. Day says she knew it. Kevin explains what happened how he was offered an alliance then the deal with him and tyler bay and Day happened then they kicked him and now they recurited him back.
  23. 6:47 PM BBT Kevin and Day outside talking outside and she tells him not to do it not to do it. Day goes in the loft and is crying covered up. Kevin is in the Kt with Dani and Cody. All cams go to Day in the loft upset. Kevin joins her in there.



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