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Everything posted by melmel

  1. 4:25 PM BBT Janelle tells Dani that she would have to work with David because she hast talked any game with him. She says Kevin makes these weird jabs at her and Dani says yeah he doesn't like you. They then talk about Nicole A and how her pitch was she against Janelle and they think Nicole A and Kevin are close and that why Kevin doesn't like Janelle. They then think Enzo just going to vote with the house. They then talk about the yeller outside and what they think it said.
  2. 4:15 PM BBT Tyler and Christmas are out on the hammock talking about how many battle backs or DE they would need to equal the 85 days. They have come to conclusion that there no possibe way to do a battle back but 2 double evictions. Tyler then says just dont make it this week. They talk about what if scernarios about a reset week. Janelle and Dani are in the loft talking about who they can get votes from. Christmas says she dont trust Day and Bay she says they are wildcards.
  3. 4:05 PM BBT Nicole and Christmas are in the loft talking about the votes. They are trying to figure the numbers and who can play in the HOH. They then talk about Bay and day and who they would vote. Nicole says she dosent trust Kayser she think he would put up her and cody. Christmas said she can get Day and Nicole says okay perfect. They then finish their talk and talk about what they need to do.
  4. 7:07 PM BBT Dr calls Christmas to pick up her next baby. The rest of the house is in shock with her having 3 babies now and they say no way not another one. We get FOTH. 7:19 PM BBT not a hole lot going on some eating some chatting. Christmas names her baby All star safety star and Enza. They start crying, They say go tell how cute we are. Christmas tells em they are already know how cute they are. Christmas hollers look how cute they are and starts making her rounds to show off her babies. Day and Bay are talking and Christmas comes in with all 3 babies and Day breaks out and says oh look how cute you are. 7:30 PM BBT All cams show the 3 star baby's then back to everyone in the KT talking general chit chat meanwhile Bay and Day are still up in the HNR talking. Janelle and Kaysar outstide talking.
  5. 6:24 PM BBT Christmas goes in the SR to get their high seats and as she getting them they start to cry again. Christmas says she feels like she is going to have more babies and it starting to get annoying before it was fun. They cry again and she says what now you need to be burped. Janelle and Enzo talks about TAR and the situation with Boogie and Dr will, The camera cut to Day and Christmas. She tell her she got more baby stuff. Day say oh heck no. FOTH for second. 6;43 PM BBT Cody Ian and Nicole talking about sports. Christmas is tending to her baby starfishes. Dani is talking about Janelle and how she dont know if she has any votes. Ian says she did the same thing to Nicole A when she was in the house, she went to Tyler to try to talk him about not being up on the block and get the votes for her. Dani says that everyone in the house is trying to make her look bad. Ian share his experience. Nicole start to say that ever since she been in the house Janelle been mean to her. 6:57 PM BBT Day and Bay are in the HNR whispering about Cody and Derrick are a duo. Nicole, Cody Dani and Ian are all by the hammock talking general chit chat.
  6. 6:15 PM BBT Dani and Cody are talking about Ian and how they want to include him so he feels confortable and so he dosent know about 6 person aliance. Cody suggest playing a bunch of Backgammon with him. Dani says she feels super confortable with Ian. Cody says that coddling all these alliance is exaugsting. Ian comes over and the chat stops he says she has to do 62 more laps they did math and it matched up. The babies start to cry and tell Christmas they are hungry. Dani says that Janelle is probably upset because cody wont used the veto.
  7. 6:07 PM BBT Kaysar and Janelle inside the house at the KT table talking. Ian Christmas Memphis outside trying to figure how big the yard is and do the math. Someone hollers for christmas and tells her she has to do more 1 of everything with the babies. The babys started to cry and Christmas says yes babies. They want to be told a story. Christmas tells a make believe story of her being a story. She finishes the story Nicole and enzo clap and say yay. FOTH.
  8. 12:31 PM BBT Kaysar is in the pool blowing the duck back up. Christmas says the water felt good after doing the 50 laps. Bayleigh says yeah i bet. They are all enjoying the backyard today. No game talk going on. 12:40 PM BBT Janelle is in the KBR putting makeup on talking to Memphis and she asks him if he has heard anything and he says no he feels like today going to be more about the casual conversation. Janelle says they feel like that he is a weaker competitor and he says for sure. Memphis leaves and the camera changes to Christmas and Cody talking about workouts and exercise. The baby starts crying and she wants to be feed she is hungry. 12:52 PM BBT Tyler cody dani and bayleigh are talking about the different comps. Cody then says that he dosent want to do Hide the veto this year and say please dont make us do it. They then talk about Scottie and how he feel during the comp. They then talk about food and oats and how they want different ones so they can make better food with it. They then talk about how bayleigh says she wishes they would bring someone back dani says they dont think they can do that.
  9. 12:006 PM BBT Christmas and Nicole talk about the baby and what she has done with the baby and BB comes over and says your not allowed to talk about production. Christmas thanks BB for bringing her back and thanks them for the BB baby star. We get FOTH. 12:14 PM BBT Bay and chistmas and Cody are talking about baby and baby weighs. Enzo joins in the conversation. All cams are on the three of them talking. 12:21 PM BBT christmas says they dont emphsize on the havenots. They dont see us suffering every week. There so much tone then just the little game talk on the show. Enzo says the last few days went by so slow. Cristmas said she tried to not get to excited about it otherwise she wouldn't sleep at night. Dani says that they always wait for her dr late at night right when she takes her make up off she said she had it on all day waiting for them to call her.
  10. 11;30 AM BBT Memphis Cody and Janelle all in the KT Memphis doing excersize with the arm bands. Cody and Janelle just makin food and drinks. Ian is his hammock rocking back and forth. Christmas is talking about her work programs that she has. 11:38 AM BBT Christmas finishes her chat with Nicole and the baby starts to cry and she asks what it want and it says 50 laps in the backyard. She starts counting them. Bay talking about milkshakes. 11:43 AM BBT we get FOTH. Feeds come back Bayleigh and Cody talk about food meanwhile Christmas and the baby are outside doing laps in the BY. 11:50 AM BBT Christmas finishes her 50 laps hands the baby to Nicole who is reclining and says baby sit. She gets in the pool and the baby says thank you Mama and she says your welcome baby all star. Bay cody talk about her and swaggy nothing to exciting happening.
  11. 10:01 AM BBT Kaysar, Memphis and Bayleigh are all outside talking drinking coffee while everyone is still asleep. 10:03 AM BBT It is time for the HG to wake up. 10:17 AM BBT feeds come back up and we have David and Bayleigh are in the kitchen. Nicole is in the WA Day is also in the WA doing her ADL's. BB calls Memphis to the DR downstairs. Kaysar goes to the KBR where Ian is laying in bed and he talk to him and want to make he didn't step over anybody's lines. Ian says i guess it 10 o clock i should get up i guess. Bay gets called to the DR downstairs. 10:30 AM BBT Most HG up doing ADL's and getting ready to hang outside. General conversations going on since they just woke up. Bay and Memphis both liked today's playlist of music. 10:36 AM BBT Enzo comes from downstairs and Bay tells him good morning. Enzo says he not really awake yet. Bay says i know they woke you up in the middle of the night. Christmas baby starts crying and she says she needs a minute and it needs burped me. She burps it and it says thank you mama, she puts the baby down and Day says it sounds like elmo. FOTH. Bay is in the kitchen making something. 10:42 AM BBT Enzo has the baby now and is in the SR changing his battery for the day. Nicole and Christmas are in the WA talking. The baby starts to cry Christmas goes to get the baby from enzo and the baby is hungry and a diaper change is needed. 10:48 AM BBT Nicole is in the storage room changing her battery for the day. Kaysar is running outside. Memphis is outside just chilling. BB tells them to lower the outside Awnings. David is also outside running. 10:52 BB comes over and says Enzo, Ian and memphis thank you thank you. Ian says one is defective and wasn't screwed in all the at and BB says sorry. 11;00 AM BBT Tyler Janelle and Cody all get called to change their batteries, Bayleigh still cookin and it pops at her, 11:09 AM BBT Ian an Nicole talking on the Hammock about the beer and wine they got. Nicole says it gonna be time for lotion soon as she puts some on. She offers some to In and he says yes please. Nicole ask if they are gonna blow up the duck and Ian says he not putting his lips on it. Nicole says that how the season is going and FOTH. 11:16 AM BBT BB tells Day to put on her microphone. Nicole and Ian and Christmas all say that was kind of agressive and BB says sorry. 11:20 AM BBT Christmas and Nicole talk about her wedding dress the person that making is from say yes to the dress. Venue is Turk and Chacos from scene on meet the fosters. The date for her wedding is December 9th. The welcome party is the 7th. Rehersal is the day before. BB tells Janelle cody and Tyler to change their batteries again.
  12. #BB22 1:04 PM BBT Janelle and Kaysar talking about LA life and TAR and other general chit chat. Tyler Kevin and Cody down stairs at KT general chit chat going on. Critter Cam for Veto Comp.
  13. 2:56 PM BBT Kaysar ask Ian if he is going to nap and Ian says that there not a chance he just sitting in the bed because it is comfortable. Janelle is at the Mirror putting makeup on. Kaysar leaves to use the bathroom and Ian asks if she has talked to Nicole and she tells him no and she asks if she has said anything to him and he says nope. Awkward pause while Nicole and Day are talking about the saftey suite and FOTH.
  14. 2:40 PM BBT Kaysar tells Janelle that is the cards we are dealt. He says his plan was to lay low and be friendly. Janelle says that he could have done that if she wasn't here. Ian comes in and the chat stops they talk about food. Day Cody and Nicole are talking about food and washing clothes.
  15. 2:35 PM BBT Enzo tells Ian he just wants to win some comps. He says he is too old for this stuff. He wants his kids to see he won comps. Ian says it is whatever it is and Enzo says that how you do it. Enzo ask how many time he wents up and ian says 3 times in season. They ask Day and she said 1 time in season 17. Janelle ask Kaysar if he is okay and he said yeah he is just exhausted from everything going on. Janelle says that she talked to Tyler and he is super nice and that he said he has to with what the house wants. Kaysar mentions that he is being avoided because they dont want associated with them. Janelle says here we are on the block together once again, Janelle says that she dont think they were targeting them and kaysar says yeah but they are associated with them.
  16. 2:21 PM BBT Janelle, Ian and Day are in the CBR are talking about one of Janelles season that she was in, Cody is in the kitchen. Kevin was laying on oe of the bedrooms and we get FOTH. They come back on and more talk of the seasons. Dani Enzo and kevin and Nicole are talking about the Saftey Suite had something to with lazers and FOTH. 2:26 PM BBT Christmas goes in the SR and see they stocked them back up on groceries and says Yeah they stocked us up again and i can eat it all. Tyler tells her he knows they done see it earlier and she just says oh. Enzo and Ian are talking about the Saftey Suite. Christmas is instructing a excersize in the KT.
  17. 2:11 PM BBT Tyler is up in the HOHR eating something and listening to his music. Dani and Nicole are in the WA talking, Not a lot going on as they just finished doing saftey suite. FOTH.
  18. 7:27 PM BBT Dani and Memphis are talking in the PBR. Memphis says there is only winner and dani says you got to at least congratulate them and he says he always has.he congratulated the winner on his season. Dani says we are not playing with new kids. Christmas says that she told her to go out fighting (assuming talking about NicA). Dani says that a lot of people says it just game but there is some personal aspect to it as well. 7:35 PM BBT Dani and Christmas in the PBR talking about how it is persona; sometimes and bring up paul and what happened to him on his season. Kevin and Janelle talk about Day and NicA and kevin ask where she is. Janelle tells she is sleeping and depressed. Kevin says this is not good and ask if she has talk to day today janelle says Day is here for her daughter to win the money for her and Kevin says she knows that. Janelle says thay they have to band together to get the numbers. 7:50 PM BBT We get FOTH nothing going on general chit chat
  19. 6:50 PM BBT Cody and Christmas talk about Janelle and Kaysar and how they told NicA to not go camphian to Cody and the other and who to talk too. Cody then says they need to win this HOH if not HOH then veto an Christmas agreed. They then talk about how David keeps talking about a all guy alliance and how it annoying them. Cody says it was us three then add David after being nominated and it dont make sense. He then says Janelle made that up because bay said the same thing. Dani said that Janelle offered her safty to be in her aliance and she said no. It makes Christmas nervous. 6:58 PM BBT Cody says he didn't trust tyler at first he was a beast on his season but now he likes Tyler he is cool. Christmas said her name was pulled up and she won saftey and they scrambled. Cody ask her who said her name and she tells them everyone. The chat then changes to food, Memphis and Janelle are in the KBR talking. Memphis says all the have not have to pick a person. 7:06 PM BBT we get FOTH. Christmas is saying this dream she had. Janelle and Memphis are still in KBR no talking going on at the momment and we get FOTH. 7:10 PM BBT Janelle says we had a alliance. Memphis laughs and said yeah we did on wednesday maybe thursday of last week. General chit chat going. NicF and Ian are playing a game and Ian laughs and NicF ask what and Ian just says nothing it something from when i was kid. 7:21 PM BBT Christmas asks if they will have a early show. They all laugh about it. The camera then changes to Day and Janelle talking about NicA and Janelle says she has paranoia she took me as talking to Memphis being buddies with him when i went up there and told him not to bay and NicA up. He says he can put up whoever he wants and let the house decide what they want to do. Day then ask where she is and Janelle says she is sleeping. They mention that david never campnianed to her. Day says she told NicA that he dosent benefit her game and it not going to help her get the money to cadence. Janelle says she trying to stick her neck out for and that she would give them one more number.
  20. 6:30 PM BBT Janelle and Kaysar are in the lounge talking about NicA. Cody, Day and Dani are in the PBR talking as well. Kaysar and Janelle are talking Day and how she wants to vote to keep David. Janelle says that if how she wants to vote she doesn't want to work with her moving forward. We get FOTH. Janelle says the other side of the house doesn't not like Bay. Kaysar asks her she knows and she tells him pre alliance talks with Dani. 6: 35 PM BBT Kaysar and Janelle contuine their talk about Day. Janelle says that she knows that David is not good for her game. Kaysar says this is very unfortunate that she wants to play this way. Janelle says she thought she thought she was a smart player. Janelle then goes on to say she dont get it it picture perfect and it laid out for her. Janelle and Kaysar are taking the shots for her. Kaysar asks what are they going to do wait till week 5 and have someone blow up your alliance. Janelle says she is so done. 6:41 PM BBT Janelle goes on to say if the house is split jump on the side that your friends on how hard is it to see that. Kaysar says this is just unbelievable. Janelle says yes. Kaysar then goes on to say that he can't make people play a certain way. Janelle says yes. Kaysar says if we go home we go home. He then mentions that he has been getting the cold should and Janelle ask who. He mentions Cody Enzo Memphis. He says the only out of the group tat hasn't is NicF. Janelle leave and Kaysar ask if she is coming back and she tells yes. 6:46 PM BBT Kaysar goes into check on NicA and he asks if she talked to Day and she says a little bit. She then says Ian doesnt want to talk to her not even with general chit chat. Kaysar explains to her that he is just scared and NicA starts to cry. Christmas and Cody are in the PBR talking. Christmas asks who they would pin against each other an Cody tells her he dosent know. Christmas says there are a few options but if you get HOH dont blow my cover. Cody says they need to win HOH and Veto.
  21. I select Nicole Anthony as my HG token for this season of Big Brother All stars
  22. 12:00 PM BBT Bay, Christmas and NicA are in the loft talking. They ask where her loyality is going to be and what is she going to do after. NicA says she never though about that. She is just in survival mode right mode. They talk about last night and why NicA just went to bed last night after being on the hammock. 12:20 PM BBT Bay asks if she has talked to day yet? NicA says no she she hasn't yet. Bay tell she really thinks she should do it since she has more clarity. We get FOTH. 12:25 PM BBT we are still on the stars. 12:33 PM BBT we are on Rancho Coastal critter cam now.



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