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Everything posted by melmel

  1. 10:11 PM BBT Memphis and Kevin talking about Day's plan and the nominations up in the HOHR, Kevin asks if it to early to get conformations and Memphis tells him o there maybe 1 vote that will vote for you but he thinks majority will vote for Day. Memphis tells him he thinks he is in a good spo. They talk about Enzo being a stright shooter. 10:20 AM Memphis says Nicole feels like Day has given up. He talked to Nicole on the Hammock and he said she never been like this. He said she going to give up and not campaign. Memphis says he felt a rift when Day used the veto she showed her cards. Memphis then talks about Keesha and how he didnt want to be connected to her and that why he separated from her day . He then says the same with Janelle and Kaysar he knew they were targets. But on a personal level he loves them. Feeds cut to stars 10:30 AM BBT Memphis and Kevin are talking about how good tyler is in the game he is a comp beast. Memphis says that he got lucky with Ian because in the momment people felt like Ian was more of threat, Even though tyler is a comp beast Ian is smarter. Kevin says he tried to get Tyler admit he threw the wall and he swears he didnt. Memphis says thing worked out perfectly since day kinda threw her hands up and gave up and now they are fighting with each other. Memphis him and kevin should step back and let them go at each other. Memphis says that he needs to talk to christmas and Kevin said yeah he got some kind of vibe that low key she is in some sort of aliance and Memphis says he never got that. Feeds cut to stars
  2. 9:53 AM BBT Nicole is talking to David about her podcast she and victor do. where they came up with the name of it etc. Dani is up and applying product to her face. Day is taking a shower. 10:06 AM Nicole david she needs a break and heads to the bathroom. She is having some kind of cramping. Day asked her what she do and then tell her that she suposed to push against her cramps. David has come up with a new talk show coffee talk it a 1 on 1 with him and someone else. Feeds cut to stars.
  3. 9:39 AM BBT Nicole is up and she tells Christmas good morning. Not many are up. Christmas is putting her make up on. David is talking to Nicole. Kevin and Day are up and they say good morning to them. Christmas apologies for all the screaming.
  4. 9:00 AM BBT Feeds are on stars. 9;19 AM BBT Feeds come back on. Light are on in the house. David is up making some breakfast. 9:25 AM BBT BB calls over the system and says "wakey wakey houseguest". Then feeds cut off. 9:31 AM BBT Feeds come back on again. Christmas is up doing her ADL's David is eating a bowl of food.
  5. 11:29 AM BBT Enzo is making breakfast. Tyler is doing the dishes. Cody Dani and Nicole are outside looking for Enzo purple bandana. Dani said she saw it by some sunglasses inside and it not outside.
  6. 11:24 AM BBT Christmas Tyler and Cody are talking about Ian and his algorythm that he has. They think he is going to vote for those who play game moves. The topic then changes to Christmas season and Paul and Josh how they played on the game. Nicole comes on and they talk about her breakfast taco she made and what is on it.
  7. 11:14 AM BBT Cody Enzo Tyler Christmas and David talk about Military time and what wake up meant in the Military. Kevin and Day are in the bathroom. Kevin is taking a shower.
  8. 11:06 AM BBT Day and Nicole are talking in the KBR whispering. Day says they are going to call for the ceremony on with her facemask on. Nicole laughs. Enzo talk about donating clothes on his pervious season because he was on the block with Brenda.
  9. 10:40 AM BBT Enzo Christmas and David are talking about being criticized by the fan base and being perceived, Enzo talks about how he prepped his daughter for the season. He talks about how he might get in a showmance and what not before leaving. Enzo says if he gives nickname to the girl then its serious and not just a romance. Christas brings up Nicole a and Enzo says it would have been too soon but that she was a sweet girl with a sweet soul, 10:50 PM BBT Christmas talk about her brand and her clients she gets. She also talk about Loyal and his dad. Nicole and Dani are putting makeup on and whispering in the key room. 11:00 AM BBT Day is on the couch in the WA with a mask on. Cody is taking a shower. All feeds are on the Bathroom.
  10. 10:13 AM BBT BB calls out that they must be awake between 10 am and 10 pm and Wake wake houseguests 3 times. That dont work so they call chistmas to dr downstairs and say wakey wakey houseguest again. Memphis and David are talking about the game in general and the different aspects of the game. 10:20 AM BBT They talk about how Enzo is in a good spot because he dont give a crap attitude. BB tells Day to put her mic on. David thanks him for the chat and Memphis says he didn't make the coffee strong enough. David ask Enzo if he found it and he said something about the DR. 10:26 AM BBT Christmas is now up and awake. They guys outside are putting the awnings up. Nicole is now also awake. 10:36 PM BBT Tyler Cody and Nicole are in the bathroom doing their ADL's. Christmas Enzo and David are talking outside general chit chat going on.
  11. 9:58 AM BBT Memphis and David are outside talking. Memphis said since one of them used the veto last week it was easy for him for nominate them. Memphis says Day is the dangerous out of the 2 of them. 10:06 AM BBT Enzo is up in the bathroom. He comes out and ask if they seen his bandana. David is talking to Memphis. David tells him that he was never told it was an all stars season. Memphis says that once you have been in here 90 to 100 days they have so much clarity. Memphis for first weeks he was only looking at the big picture but he says it was too much.
  12. 9:05 AM BBT All houseguest are still asleep in bed, lights are off. 9:21 AM BBT Feeds cut to stars for second but go back to sleeping houseguest, 9:33 AM BBT Feeds cut to stars. Wake up call.
  13. 1:56 PM BBT Nicole talks about how she wanted to learn Spanish by the time they got married but she wanted it to be a surprise to victor so she got this spanish leanring subscription. Victor got the notification and says aint this cute and she had him cancel it because it was no longer a surprise.
  14. 1:51 PM BBT David Nicole and Cody are outside talking about Nicole and Victors family. He is Spanish and David ask her if the food is different and Nicole says yes they are large and dance and eat food. While she just hangs out with the kids. General chit chat going on.
  15. 1:44 PM BBT Cody and Nicole talk about some seafood. Nicole says she rather have 5 lbs of imatated crab. They talk about sushi. They then talk about shaving.
  16. 1:39 PM BBT Christmas is hard at work doing the dishes. David is making some food to eat, Day is also eating some food. Feeds cut to stars.
  17. 1:30 PM BBT Nicole and David are outside on the couch. Tyler Day and Christmas are in the KT making some food to eat.
  18. 12:10 PM BBT Christmas asks where was she when she said this information. Memphis said that Nicole took the bait took it Day and then brought it back to Memphis. Memphis says ethier Nicole is working with Day and Dani is tight and fast. Christmas said that Day would not bring my name to her it would have been Dani or Nicole. 12:20 Memphis and Christmas are talking about numbers and the odds are. He says odds are in their favor no matter what because it would be 1 against 6 or whatever. Nicole told Memphis she is down to vote with the house. Christmas said she is a gamer and will vote whoever she wanted to win. Memphis feels like he was dragged along with Dani and Day. Memphis says she knows how to play she get the number she been on mulitple times and want to play with the comiette.
  19. 11:33 AM BBT Feeds come back on and Cody and Day are up in the bathroom doing ADL's. Memphis gets up from bed, 11:40 AM BBT Kevin is eating a banana. David is talking about the weather and Memphis is drinking coffee. BB comes over and asks them to lower the outside awnings. Kevin says he hates doing because he is afraid there might be bugs, 11:50 AM BBT Day is putting products on her face Nicole is using the bathroom and Christmas getting out of her PJs. Memphis Kevin and David are outside talking about the comp they had to do. Something about switching animals in the cages. 12:00 PM BBT Cody and Nicole are outside with David and Kevin they are talking about their dreams they had last night. Kevin ask them if they think their pets will be mad after months of being away. Nicole says she doesn't think so because Victor refuses to pet them. 12:05 PM BBT Christmas and Memphis up in the HOHR talking and Memphis says he gave Day a nibble of the plan and sure enough it came back to them. Memphis said the information she gave him she was very adamant about it not leaving the 2 of them.
  20. 10:50 AM BBT David is up and Tyler got up to use the bathroom. Kevin is now going over Day and surprisingly he said she is annoying she ot her hand in to many pots. He says her personality on the awesome side. You can tell she is a realsient person she fought her way threw. She is socially aware. He compares her to a magnet that ethier pushes or pulls and he says that she pulls. Kevin then says is that everyone the remember he forgot tyler. 11:00 AM BBT Kevin starts tto analyze him and says man he is hard because there is nothing annoying about him. He says he is very humble person. He says that if he saw him on the streets he would be a like douchbagy surfer dude but living with him not a douchebag at all. He has humor but he dosent shove it down your throat at all, He says he knows why angela snatched him up because he is fun to be around. David comes outside and the awesome or annoying chats stop. 11:15 AM BBT Kevin and David are talking about him when he got the power. Kevin says it didn't bother him that he had to wait til after he used the poor that he had it. He says its a game move. He says he was unbothered by it. Everyone is still sleeping in the house. 11:20 PM BBT Kevin tells David that Ian knew he was being used and back tracked and then said none of that was true etc. Feeds go to everyone sleeping. They come back to David and Kevin talking an Kevin starts to explain the Hole Nicole and Day diabolical, Feeds cut to stars.
  21. 10:30 AM BBT Kevin is up and outside on the couch talking to himself the rest of the Houseguest are still sleeping. Kevin is talking about being a basic potato and not like the fancy purple potateos. He goes into saying he feels like Nicole is unconfortable in the house as well. He then reverts back to saying when he was a kid he wanted to a actor but as he got older he didnt want that 10:35 AM BBT Kevin goes in real quick for a cup of coffee. He then comes back out and he asks what we think of the all guys alliance, He says he think it annoying because they wont shut up constantly from his perspective. He says he can argue both sides. He says that it awesome because they are strategizing all the time and it cool to see them make moves. He anazyles Memphis as both annoying and awesome. He says Memphis is different person since jury started. 10:40 AM BBT Next Kevin goes over David and he said he is awesome in some ways but as far as a game player he is not the best but over all he is a awesome guy. Cody is after David and he says it would be a close poll with him because personally he is so full of himself and thinks he is this funny guy but he really isn't. so it would be hard to decide with him. Next is Nicole he says that she perceives her self as someone who is weak not sure what to do or asking for help. He says he can see how her voice is annoying. but other then her annoying voice and her showing as a weak she is doing good as being undercover, Overall she is awesome. 10:45 PM BBT Kevin says Dani she is polar opposite of Nicole she know what she wants to do and puts it into action. Kevin dont know how America perceives her peronality on the show but she is caring. He says the only annoying part is all the whispering she doing. Christmas is the next one and he says america i need you help with this one. He says she is messy very messy as far as a game player. He compares her to a preacher who preaches but dont practice. He says that she is driven
  22. 3:34 PM BBT Christmas and Tyler talk he asks if she is okay she said she is just enjoying time alone, He asks if she has taken her vitmin she said she takes em with juice and tyler goes eww they say that a couple times and he leaves. 3:43 PM BBT Memphis is telling him about the missippi river and his dads place there. Enzo and David are in PBR talking waiting on the Nom ceromony to happen. 4:04 PM BBT Puppy cam for Nomination Cermony
  23. 3:02 PM BBT Kevin and Day are talking in the WA talking about her pregnancy with Cadence. Cody and Dani are talking in the Camera room about Christmas and Advent calendars. 3:08 Kevin and Day are talking about cadence how she voiced texted her while she is cookin down stairs cooking. Cody and Dani are talking about voice chats. feeds cut to stars. 3:19 PM BBT Christmas and Kevin talk about what it was like on thier previous season veres now, Feeds cut to stars 3:25 PM BBT Dani and Cody are in the love longue talking. Christmas is in the WA they are waiting for the Nom ceremony to happen.
  24. 11:34 AM BBT Memphis says it going to be tough couple weeks now we are at halfway point and it only going to be harder. Dani agrees with him and he send her out of the room. Next is Nicole. Memphis says he gives the same speech he given everyone else. Stars come on for a bit and then feed come back. Nicole tells him she appreciates that he is tight lipped she knows he is one of those people she knows that he wants thing in order she like that and trust him that she is not going up. she goes along with and thank him for talking. 11:40 PM BBT Kevin is the next to come in. He tells Memphis he is glad that he connected early on with him and congratulates him on the win. He tells them the same all except he says he got 6 others he got to think about as well. He says not that the other 4 he close with or anything they will definitely talk before veto and what not. Kevin agrees he appreciates everything that went in order the last time. Memphis says definitely and he says okay and Kevin leaves. Memphis said this is going smoothly. 11:46 AM BBT Cody and Enzo are talking about what memphis told them and how they really hope day gets to stay. Nicole and Dani are in the Key room talking and Cody and Enzo talking. Memphis is ready for day and she comes in. He ask her how she is she said she doing alright i guess. Day says okay, Memphis says he has been a solo artist in the game. Day makes it clear that she been wanting to work with him she never gome against him in any way. she says ignorant is bliss she dont want to know his plan especially if it involves her in any way. Stars come on and Day agrees with him. Memphis says his plan today is to talk to everyone today before the nominations. Memphis asks what time is noms. Day says usually 1;30 2ish. she says if not we can talk later it fine it nothing important and she says what you 2 or 3 other people to talk to today. 11:56 PM BBT it gets quiet for a bit then it Tyler turn and im sure it the same speech as everyone. He has a plan and he is not telling anyone his plan because they dont know how to stay quiet. He dont want the feather ruffled so he not telling anyone his plan. He knows he is part of the committee so he is safe. Tyler tells Memphis day thinks David is trying to throw tyler the bus and vice versa. Memphis said they wanted to split the vote. Tyler says i think it best David goes since he is trying to throw day and me under the bus. Memphis ugh they wanted to do this. 12:00 PM BBT Memphis has a hole different speech with david. Memphis tells him to listen carfully because if this dont go as plan you will be public enemy number one. Memphis says the plan is if you get picked to play in the veto and you happen to win it not to use the veto at all and keep my nominations the same. David agrees to the plan and the feeds cut for a second. They come back on but it quiet.



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