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Everything posted by graceomalley

  1. much as I dislike the way that Austin & Van interrogate people, I am even more annoyed with people just rolling over for it - I get that they are trying to protect their "game" but I don't see any of them actually having a "game"! - it so frustrating! - get rid of the twins first - if for no other reason than they are insufferable brats - then Van then Austin - I hope Johhny Mac stays -
  2. what is it with calling Meg Mrs. Garfunkel? what did I miss?
  3. They are both so snotty - I would put up one of them along with whoever was left after tonight's eviction - Van has better game than Shelli and should go home, but Shelli needs to go too - breaking up the twins should be on everyone's radar - and quick - rooting for Johnny Mac - seriously - get rid of the snottytwits!
  4. couldl not agree more!! - and I was rooting for Van! - I want the twins gone - they are snotty -
  5. why does Steve dislike Becky so much? did they have an argument or something?
  6. I'd boot Shelli first - she is the smarter of the two - and so far Clay has been very unimpressive in comps....
  7. I officially don't like either of the twins - Liz's goodbye message to Jason was snotty, mean and unnecessary - and Julia - her attitude in the house so far is not much better - hoping it comes down to Shelli and Liz on the block - I've had quite enough of Princess Shelli and her Prince Clueless -
  8. maybe I am missing something here - if the slop was affecting her meds and she needed to eat, or if it was a reaction to the meds in general, why not advise the HGs of that? and why, if she is not feeling well, doeswn't she speak to the HGs herself and tell them that it is a medical issue? Is she not allowed to discuss it? Wouldn't it help her if the HGs knew that it was something physical - especially as she has been taken off of HN status? I have absolutely no idea what is going on with her - none - I suspect that she severly underestimated how the game would affect her - physically and emtionally - tonight and Thursday should be interesting, but I do hope that everyone sees that no one in that house in any way harrassed her regarding her gender status - it was strictly game play -
  9. I'm still rooting for Vanessa or Steve, but I like John! - loved how he was talking to the Veto medallion!! too funny - he is hiding his strengths really well, and may very well be the person to beat in this game -
  10. I'm rooting for her - good game play and I love that she teamed up with Steve - just wish that she would stay clear of Shelli-Clay -
  11. DaVonne is smart, but she lets her temper get in her own way - there is a slight chance she will not be going home, but not much of one - I'm still amazed the house is not targeting couples - Jeff & Jackie, Shelli-Clay, and eventually Liz and Julia - they do realize that if the twins are not evicted in five episodes, that both girls will be in the house right? another couple? let them go till fourth eviction then out they go! and I like them - I liked DaVonne, but her anger is making her not that much fun - they should have put up Audrey -
  12. as far as alliances go, she chose wisely - still rooting for her -
  13. she reminds me of Hilary Swank! - and wow! surviving being hit by a train! -
  14. what a stressed out bunch - I don't care for Jeff all that much - didn't care for him on TAR and I have no reason to change my opinion - hopefully he and Audrey will be on the chopping block next go round -
  15. same here - I don't have the feeds, but I know that CBS edits the feeds favorably for some and horridly for others - I have no problem with spoilers, and getting the backstory here helps make what I see on air a lot more clear - there is also the added benefit of hanging out with all of these great people too!
  16. that's who she is reminding me of! Amanda!! - ohhhh she has to go...... I wonder if she is counting on the houseguests not wishing to be the one who votes her off due to her being transgender - she was exhausting on the show - I can only imagine how much worse it must be on the live feeds -
  17. my fave so far - she's quick - and yes, I think she will spot the poker player - hope she sticks around -
  18. Frankie Grande??? on no no no - just no
  19. she quoted Lisa Vanderpump's tag line on the RHBH!! - for that I give her points!!! - didn't like the dig at James, and she sounds like she's got a bit of a mean streak in her too - I don't care what she was, or what she will be - all I care about is whether she is here to play or here to get camera time - hoping its to play - not manipulate the HG with her backstory, but to play the game that is BIg Brother - right now quoting Lisa V is a good start for me - but I am withholding judgement for now -
  20. this one - cute...but is that all? only time will tell - and great catch about what he would bring into the house with him!!! - too funny!
  21. he surprised me - was not sure I would like him but right now I do -
  22. yeah - no - did not like battle of the block at all last season and won't like it this time around either - the positive feedback came from AG and Meehan - in spite of that, I'm looking forward to this season and watching it with all of you!



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