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Everything posted by Tritledee

  1. I think they already knew that she didn't trust any of them, plus the damage from Cody's HOH was already done, so there probably wasn't any recovering from that. She should have put up Raven, who everybody still seemed to like, or any other HG who wouldn't get evicted to insure that Josh would get evicted. She stacked the cards against herself. Poor game play.
  2. She forgot the cardinal rule of BB. Trust nobody but yourself. You can act like you trust others, but there's only one winner on BB.
  3. Thank you for the compliments. I enjoy reading your posts too. We don't always agree, but your posts always have a respectful tone. I'm really not a "Josh fan". I just see him as sort of an immature 23 year old guy who has led a sheltered life. He has made some mistakes, but he does have some depth. I think some here can't look past the immaturity to see that he's really not such a bad guy. I think he will learn from this experience, and he has the capacity to regret some of his actions. I say this as the mother of adult sons, and they made their share of stupid decisions when they were in their early 20's. (They're WAY better now. ) I'm not so sure Jessica has the capacity to learn from her mistakes. First she'd have to admit to herself that she has made mistakes, but her attitude seems to usually be that everything is somebody else's fault.
  4. Yeah, not taking Ramses off the block was probably a fatal mistake for her. Stupid.
  5. It gets most interesting when they have to start turning against each other. I kinda think Paul is going to be experiencing the jury house in a few weeks, depending on comp wins. The way I see it, the others are in the alliance at this point because there is no other choice. I see them quietly positioning themselves for getting Paul out and the aftermath. Still, I think if Paul does make it to F2, he'll win. The advantage he was given in the beginning wasn't fair, but his game play has been better than anyone's. IMO.
  6. I don't know whether to laugh at Elena's appearance or admire her confidence. She just cracks me up. And that bikini was definitely tiny. I wouldn't be surprised to see her pull an Amanda at some point and just wear a few bandaids.
  7. Actually he has NOT been relentless. He stopped. Jessica then stupidly instigated a confrontation. I never gave Josh a free pass. In fact, I have said I thought the pot-banging thing was over-the-top. I really didn't like him in the beginning, but I do like him a lot more now. Still, he shouldn't win, IMO. As I said in another thread, I don't hate Jessica, but she's a mean girl and I'm just not a fan of mean girls. She's deservedly gone from the game for making stupid decisions. I don't feel sorry for her.
  8. To be clear, I don't hate Jessica. I don't like her because she's a mean girl. It came oozing out of her the first day. As far as her extensions and fake eyelashes, while they're sort of comical in appearance, I actually feel sorry for her that she feels she has to go to such extents to look attractive. The extensions are likely the culprit in her baldness, so she's in a vicious circle. It'll only get worse for her at this point. The point in mentioning her life outside of the house is because she seems to fully expect that she's going to have a life with Cody. Maybe she will, but it's likely that the morals that he was brought up with will eventually override his feelings of lust. Most people eventually come out of that new relationship fog and see reality. Cody is still in the game, and his feelings for Jessica are likely to continue to impact his game.
  9. How Jessica chooses to make her living is her business, of course, but when you go on national television you have to expect that it's going to be exposed. I would suspect that Cody's family probably aren't too keen on the concept of having someone like her in their family. His ex looks like a very sweet person and probably doesn't want someone like Jessica anywhere near their daughter. But I'm just speculating. Maybe they don't mind.
  10. LOL, yet you are so "sure of it". I'm not trying to draw you into a confrontation. It's nice when someone can back up their words instead of just throwing out their assumptions.
  11. Please enlighten me if you're so sure of it. I didn't hear him make PERSONAL remarks.
  12. He wasn't relentless. He stopped his antics (until Jessica started that mean girl stuff with her ignorant remarks about his intelligence). If Cody and Jessica had come out of their summer-sex-camp mode long enough to play the game, they would have seen that. They lost the game for themselves. They only have themselves, and each other, to blame.
  13. Of course who Josh wanted out didn't really matter. It was out of his hands after the nominations were solidified. I still think getting Jessica out was the right move for that side of the house. Mark and Elena would have run right back to the Cody/Jess side, and it's likely that Kevin and maybe Jason would be there too. Depleting Cody/Jessica was the right thing to do for the Paul side of the house, IMO.
  14. I don't recall him getting personal like that. They crossed a line that every decent human should be offended by.
  15. I agree. It's very obvious. Maybe they made some sort of deal with him beforehand. It definitely tainted the beginning of the game.
  16. I think he picked up the pan after Jessica tried to escape outside. I could be wrong. The thing is, he had decided he wasn't going to do that anymore, but changed his mind again after the outrageous bullying by Jessica and Cody. I don't think it was unfair for him to take the gloves off after some of the things they said to him. It's very personal to call someone a "fat ass". Josh never got personal like that, as I remember. Jessica has an ugly soul. And Cody followed right along to protect "his woman".
  17. I don't know if he can walk without forfeiting his pay. He's not wealthy. I think it might be a big financial sacrifice for him to lose that money, plus have to pay back expenses.
  18. Oh, I dunno. When someone is advertised on an escort site, it doesn't take a genius to surmise that she's an escort.
  19. Just so you know, just because someone wrote an editorial-type article voicing disapproval of Josh's actions doesn't mean that the ENTIRE Latino community disapproves of Josh. That's a whole lot of generalizing you've got going on there. There are probably some hookers who don't like how Jessica represented herself, but it's unfair to say that the ENTIRE "hooker community" () disapproves of the way Jessica has represented herself. I hope this clears things up for you.
  20. I'm going to guess you missed where Jessica instigated the last "circus act" with her attempts to paint Josh as stupid, and also her ridiculous spoon banging temper tantrum. The thing is, Josh is a college graduate. Jessica is a college dropout who has decided that she should use her body to get ahead in life. She was reportedly a well-known escort in Boston. And if you haven't done so, take a look at her Instagram page (which she's probably deleting because she doesn't want Cody seeing it - her words). Jessica continually misused "big words" in her attempts to look intelligent, yet tried to stump Josh with her spelling quiz. She just showed herself to look ignorant in the process. Personally, I won't miss the sound of Jessica's voice and that ridiculous laugh. As an escort, she probably "fake laughs" a lot. As far as Josh's "persona", it's likely cultural. People with open minds aren't irritated by cultural differences. I find those differences interesting and entertaining.
  21. The way he's looking into the bag before getting out each chip is hilarious. What a weirdo!



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