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Everything posted by Tritledee

  1. I don't think they'd evict him this week, no matter what, but if he takes himself off the block they'll say he can't be trusted and he'll be a bigger target. I agree about Cody. I think they should evict Elena.
  2. I hope he explains that attack on Megan when this is over. I never did understand that. I just never understood any of the early animosity. They didn't have enough time to get to know each other and yet they targeted people. I agree with what someone else here said about not having any evictions for the first two weeks.
  3. I think he's planning on using it on Jason so they can backdoor Cody. Edit: But Alex is not happy with Elena at all, so who knows what'll happen.
  4. That is so sweet. I envy you. As far as Cody goes, he appears to be from a solid family with good morals. I think he's in for a rude awakening with Jessica.
  5. Honestly, I don't even "detest" any of them. There are a few I don't much like, but I can't say that I hate or detest them. That's just too much emotion directed toward someone I don't know personally. (I don't hate anyone personally either at this point in time. )
  6. I It's something in construction. I have no idea what kind of construction. It could be selling bird houses for all I know. He's a vet. I wonder why he isn't able to get a job that's more to his satisfaction. I'm not criticizing any kind of honest work, but if he's not satisfied with it, one would think he'd make a change. I don't think he's going to get the "job" of Winner of BB19. It's looking like one of the other "applicants" will win that title. I wonder what his backup plan is, other than to shack up with someone he met less than two months ago.
  7. I agree that the hate toward Paul is over the top. Also hate toward Josh.
  8. If your daughter's ex was abusive, then he is also a crappy father. Of course if someone is escaping abuse, I wouldn't blame them for leaving. I'd have a hard time believing that the mother of Cody's daughter was abusive to Cody, especially considering she has custody. I can understand if there's monetary reason or if someone is deployed, but Cody is a salesman. He even mentioned that he doesn't make that much money, so it's likely not a specialty position. His daughter was created in Iowa and that's where she still is. His family is in Iowa, and I hope that they're part of Cody's daughter's and her mother's support system. Cody decided to live in Texas to be a salesman, and THEN decided that he'd give up his time with his daughter this summer to be on a reality television program for the entire summer. I'm going to stick by my statement that he's a crappy father. I'm glad your daughter has found a wonderful person now. What is an EOD?
  9. Agree. The thing is, Cody and Jessica are far from Mensa material. Jessica has no room to criticize the intelligence of anyone else. She has a nice figure, and that's all she's got going for her.
  10. I wonder if Cody slept last night realizing that his daughter might be allowed to watch at least part of the show and is seeing that her daddy gave up his time with her this summer to lay around in bed with a Jessica. I think, or at least hope, that his daughter's mother hasn't let her watch, but even if she didn't watch, she knows that her daddy gave up his time with her. That kind of stuff can have lasting damage. He already made the decision that he would live in Texas while his daughter is in Iowa. That, in itself, is a crappy thing to do.
  11. We're not so different from a pack of wolves. Paul established himself as the Alpha almost immediately. There are challengers, but they have to wait for the right time. I find BB to be fascinating. It's people-watching in sort of a condensed version. (Stating the obvious, though different people watch for different reasons.)
  12. Agree. I think he will learn a lot, but at the same time, I hope his experience doesn't make him cynical. He has a good heart and a conscience (I know some here will vehemently disagree! ) and I think he's the kind of guy who wouldn't turn his back on someone in need.
  13. OMG, it was a JOKE. I have great relationships with my wonderful daughters-in-law. In fact I'll be leaving in a few minutes to meet up with one of them. I raised my kids the way my mom raised me. From the moment they were born i began getting them ready to be on their own.....to leave the nest. It was gradual, of course, and I've always let them know that I'm there as a safety net. They now make their own choices and get the credit if they're good choices and deal with the consequences if they're not. I give them advice when asked and otherwise keep my opinion to myself. So, thanks for the parenting "advice", but according to my offspring, i'm good in that department.
  14. My point was that Dan never gave up. Cody and Jessica did. What's the point of giving up? You're there anyway, so why not spend your time trying every damned thing you can think of to try. Instead they ran off to their bed and licked their wounds. No matter how futile things may seem, giving up should not be an option. I don't admire quitters.
  15. But Alex said that in her goodbye message to Jessica, so Cody didn't hear it. I think Paul would have been gone very early without that safety. And welcome to Morty's.
  16. Paul is playing a great psychological game with these people. Notice how he thanked them for saving him? Classic.
  17. I think that Paul was laying some more groundwork to get them to take his future deals. And they'll probably fall for it.
  18. ROFL, sorry I thought you meant the last bully session. Yes, I thought that whole thing was over-the-top and said so at the time. I never like to see anyone get ganged up on by a group. One on one is fine, but the mob mentality is not.
  19. Maybe it wouldn't have flipped, but it was still worth a try. She had nothing to lose by hearing Josh out, but she let her personal feelings stop her from doing so. She gave up. She conceded the game. I would expect more from someone who proclaimed to love the game. And Cody said his favorite player was Dan Gheesling. Obviously he forgot about Dan's epic game play. Never give up.
  20. I was thinking that same thing when I watched that. Sometimes it's almost like he has hypnotized them.
  21. In that instance, I do think that Jessica deserved it. She was the one who was trying to make Josh feel stupid with her little "spelling quiz" and subsequent remarks. She threw out her rude comments and then ran to the backyard. I actually think that Josh would have been more effective in that exchange if he had just said nothing and done nothing. He should have just dropped it after he pointed out to her that he had a college degree and a business. Jessica wanted to cause a ruckus and Josh gave her what she wanted. Rookie mistake.
  22. She should have allowed a conversation with Josh. She shut him down and it bit her in the ass.
  23. Yeah, I don't care either. It's just interesting to watch these people with their different personalities. I enjoy studying people, even if I may not necessarily like them.



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