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Everything posted by Hawknose

  1. Andy and McCrae talking in the HOH - he is explaining his talk with Jessie earlier - Jessie believes that Amanda, McCrae, Helen and Elissa are running the house and that Spencer, GM, Jessie and Aaryn are always gonna be the pawns. Apparently Jessie wanted to backdoor Amanda this week and Andy has decided that because of that Jessie needs to go home - that conversation sealed her fate.
  2. McCrae explaining to Andy in the HOH that he is afraid that after the upcoming McManda wedding that Amanda will turn on him and vote him out. Andy reassures him that she would not. The whole time he is in the HOH he is staring at the monitor, worried that someone will come in - probably afraid of Amanda.
  3. Jessie asked Amanda when was she diagnosed with ADHD? and all four cameras immediately cut to the HOH room, which was empty. Shortly later we return, and Amanda asks Aaryn "did the house medic ask you if everything was OK with your medication?" and again, the cameras immediately cut to elsewhere. WTF BB? We already know that they are on meds, it's no secret.
  4. Slow day - the HG's have re-invented "duckball" they are also playing with fake oranges from the kitchen
  5. Sorry CrimTV that was a reference to the first veto competition where the HG's had to retrieve letters and spell the longest word possible - Elissa spelled POTROASTS which was not a word and was eliminated. I was just poking fun at her, that's all.
  6. Sure we do - she's thinking POTROASTS
  7. Hey WickedOne that's Jessie - but thanks anyway
  8. Andy and GM talking in the HOH room. I'm pretty sure he told her that he's keeping Spencer. She mentions that she's not the smartest person and he cuts her off. "I hate when you say that! You light up a room when you walk in. You are the most unforgettable person." He tells her. Look how she smiles at that! Andy is a charmer when it comes to GM. Talk inevitably turns to Nick.....The word "like" is used in this conversation approx. 1,287 times.
  9. Andy and Helen were in the HOH trying to figure out who to send home this week - Andy was leaning toward Jessie, but then Jessie came in, Helen left and he began telling Jessie that he was leaning toward Spencer - now Helen is back and they return to talking about Spencer
  10. I couldn't help thinking about this after I left the page....hmmmm.....is Elissa fooling all of us? And then the answer came to me - like a vision - undeniable proof that she ISN'T throwing the competitions......the word is....... POTROASTS
  11. I found this online - Amanda teaches men how to wipe their butts - apparently she has a youtube channel
  12. Jessie is talking about acting and memorizing scripts and how when she needs to remember lines - like the veto meeting - she can nail it. Weren't they goofing on her last week for saying "Meeto Veeting"?
  13. I hope so - we need a little shake up around here - do they show it on the feeds? Is this CBS's way of telling me - go outside it's a nice day? Seriously WTF?
  14. ^^^^ Lol that is a good one - and also the little sheep reminds me of the picture that Slimcruz posted a while back in reference to Spencer's Marilyn
  15. It would be terrific if it was so but I don't think she has purposely thrown any of them
  16. Aaryn was saying that Elissa told her that when Rachel got home there were so many negative things said about her that she couldn't go online for a year. Then she was saying who has time to read that drivel anyway? She doesn't need anyone's approval and she doesn't care what people say about her. It sounded like a preemptive strike against the American public, because I can guarantee she is gonna have lots to read when she gets home.
  17. GM Practicing for the Milli-Vanilli reunion tour
  18. Lol - a quick idea I had "McCrae's escape plan"
  19. BB offers McCrae some help dealing with Amanda
  20. I agree but Helen is onto Andy playing both sides so he needs to pick a side fast! LOL
  21. Right after her conversation with Andy, Aaryn goes and tells Jessie that Spencer is the new target this week because Jessie is more loyal than Spencer (I don't know if this is 100% what Andy said, but he wants to keep Jessie calm and see what happens over the next few days) GM walks in during the whisper session and they abruptly stop talking (2nd time since POV that has happened)
  22. Edit Long whisper session with Andy and Aaryn in the lounge. Seems like Andy is considering keeping Jessie and getting rid of Spencer this week, but he's still not sure. IMHO if he does not remove a piece from Helen's chessboard this week, he is down numbers going forward.



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