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Everything posted by Hawknose

  1. ^^^ Yeah Marty I heard him say that and I laughed As McManda plays in the pool, Jessie watches them and a look comes over her face - its as if she has to fart and is holding it in
  2. welcome Straykat! I know that Elissa is a certified yoga instructor. I get that. But she has been on camera for about twenty minutes with GM, and I can't help but feel that the sole purpose BB invited her into the house was to advance her career, nothing more - in other words it's like they owed her a favor or something......
  3. She needs to regroup and come up with a few new zingers
  4. Look whats coming straight at the BB house - Jessnado!
  5. OMG She just set up camp right ON TOP of Elissa and continues to antagonize her - my only complaint is that her comedic material isn't that great
  6. Lol - she just asked Elissa - "who got fake boobs first, you or your sister?" And please - LAUGH! We all thought it was going to be a boring week!
  7. Elissa walks into the bathroom where Jessie is taking a shower. She asks Jessie - "how are you?" and Jessie responds - "awful now that you're here". Then Jessie says - mmmm this HOT shower is so nice I can stay in here all day. Then she says to Elissa "so Rachel shadow, what are you going to do today"?
  8. Jessie wasting no time going to work today. She is telling Aaryn how Elissa calls her and GM skanks. She has been antagonizing Aaryn for the past 10 minutes - I wish this Jessie was here the whole time!
  9. I didn't hear the whole conversation but Elissa warned Aaryn not to leave any of her stuff laying out in the open - then mumbled "crazy bitch" - I think Jessie took Aaryn's cup and hid it
  10. Aaryn continues to reference an event from last late last night/early this morning. After Jessie gave GM an earful about the things that Aaryn says about her, Aaryn got up to leave the HOH room and GM wouldn't let her leave. Then when Aaryn left the room GM followed her saying "you're going to talk shit about me right? You're going to talk shit about me right?" and she said that GM was bumping up against her with her chest. Aaryn has also stressed that she doesn't feel safe when GM behaves that way - I think she is trying to get BB to remove her. She has also said that as it gets closer to the end, she is afraid how GM will react when she gets voted out. She's a chicken chit.
  11. Did you notice that she told Aaryn - I'm worried about Spencer, he can go far in this game.....because Helen knows that Aaryn wants him out already!
  12. Helen is making a pitch to Aaryn first thing in the morning. She is saying "I think down the line you and I can work together to get out some people that we can't beat in the end". Aaryn is in a good position now as everyone wants her to work with them and they all know she's probably playing for second place - but you never know how they will vote
  13. Mung beans and mackerel This weeks choices are: 1 - cottage cheese and cow peas 2 - turnips and taffy 3 - head cheese and habaneros
  14. I saw Jessie do something strange last night, but it happened so fast I didn't know what was happening - on the update's page they reference the incident and it is pretty funny - Jessie employing some chaos tactics 1:24AM BBT: Flashback, Camera 3: After all the fighting Jessie grabbed McCrae’s blue cup from between the bed and wall and hides under something in the opposite corner. She then goes into the next room and grabs the right flip-flop from a pair (leaves the left one behind her) and shoves it under one of the decorative cubes, then jumps into bed and starts reading.
  15. We are showing our age here GingerSnaps! I'm writing a letter to Da-dee.....
  16. OMG that would be so epic! Amanda would go crazy the entire time she stayed in the house - it would totally throw her off!
  17. I saved a picture of her demonstrating the "sex with her ex" Also something strange - every time I go to the quad cam it starts replaying from the same point in time and I see Helen and Aaryn in the storage room and Aaryn saying how GM got in her face after Jessie got in GM's ear
  18. The Last Word: It seems strange to me that through this whole incident we never got the fishes on the screen. It's very odd considering how they censored the entire Amanda/Jessie fight two weeks ago. JMO. 1:48 am BBT : Jessie is in the yard telling Spencer and GM that if they make it to the end they will have her vote, and also that after the things she overheard she knows that none of the others are her friends and have been lying to her about a lot of things for a long while now. Jessie throwing Aaryn under the bus to GM. Jessie vows that until she leaves it will be her mission to blow everyone's dirt up in the house. I am sure she will try her best to pollute the jury as well.
  19. The saga continues! - 1:13 am BBT - Helen is trying to do damage control and the whole time Jessie is outside the door listening! She overhears all of Helen's BS and also that she is Andy's target this week and immediately runs upstairs and confronts Andy. She asks if he gave Helen a heads up that Jessie felt Helen was acting distant with her earlier, and Andy simply admits it and Jessie leaves. Now Helen is in the HOH doing damage control with Andy, and apologizing, he tells her not to worry.
  20. Epilogue - 12:42 am BBT - Jessie finally emerges from the DR and has a quick puff before going back up to the HOH where Helen asks her if they can talk. They sit out at the chess table, Helen apologizes, but Jessie still wants to speak her peace. Helen is all apologies but Jessie isn't buying it and finally Helen says that she has told everyone not to hold this against Jessie as far as Thursday goes. Jessie deserves a LOT of credit for holding her own here. Once again Jessie spars Helen into a corner, and Helen gets up and tries to walk away. Bottom line is Helen is busted.
  21. You should see my lashes today - so luxurious! Aaryn gives GM an oil-check
  22. After the big blow up with Jessie Helen tries to turn on the waterworks but the well appears to have dried up



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