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Everything posted by Hawknose

  1. Apparently Helen is relieved that she wasn't the replacement nominee. Her faith in Andy is renewed. Helen is doing another "preemptive strike". She is trying to make sure through Andy that Amanda knows that the pawns in the house are still the priority for next week - in other words, Helen is covering her ass in case her side of the house does NOT win HOH next week. Smart woman. EDIT : Spencer walks in and Helen admits that she was scared of being back doored because Jessie was so happy last night (Jessie thinks Spencer is the target).
  2. Thank you so much Marty! I really, really love hanging out here - I feel like I'm watching the show with all of you guys! I'll be sad when it's over
  3. ^^^^ Yes I agree GingerSnaps it makes her face look....IDK if "haggard" is the right word - at certain angles Jessie! Wake up! They are going to evict you this week! This is no time to rest! It's almost time for the Meeto Veeting!
  4. I know you guys are gonna laugh at me but I gotta say it - I felt TERRIBLE watching Judd beg for his life. Andy said it best - it was like watching a dying animal. I don't think I could have voted him out if I was there. I know I am a sucker. Stop laughing.
  5. I was thinking the same thing. If she were purging continuously I think BB would have pulled her from the game a while back.
  6. Oh look I get to use the new word that I learned from WickedOne last week - Amanda is getting a mean case of anatidaephobia
  7. I agree. Helen is great at getting others to do her dirty work for her - and then making people feel like they did the right thing. Remember her telling Aaryn that she was Janelle? HAH! Remember when the HG's were all sulking after the Judd eviction, and she came in, sat down, and convinced everybody that they did the right thing? She turned Judd into a plotting mastermind who needed to be evicted for the good of the rest of them. I gotta admit, Helen is playing a great game, but I hate her tactics - I keep wondering how could the HG's not see what she's up to?
  8. I think that was Aaryn's way of deflecting the blame onto the house to keep her hands clean, and since they wanted Judd gone, they didn't respond to it. JMO.
  9. Andy, Helen and McManda are in the HOH room laughing at how naive Jessie is. Helen said that they were playing pool and she (Jessie) is extremely happy, strutting around like she won the game. Andy and Amanda are repeating the things that they told Jessie earlier, and they are all having a good laugh at poor little Jessie. Andy admits that he is going to feel bad but that he is going to blame it on the house. I'm sure someone will relay this to Jessie before Thursday in hopes of securing her vote.
  10. Aaryn, Andy, and McManda are all comparing notes on Helen. Helen is totally unmasked. McManda told Aaryn that Helen wants Aaryn on the block next week, and Aaryn is telling McManda that she wants them broken up. It's funny, McManda are using Aaryn's own scare tactics against her, and Aaryn seems to be buying it. Aaryn appears to be pissed off at Helen now. EDIT : Helen comes in and takes the temperature in the room. Aaryn puts on her smiley face.
  11. Ivgal who what? Lol I don't know which who you're wondering about..... Jessie is telling Aaryn about this long, elaborate vivid dream she had last night. It's not worth going into detail over but I usually associate her vivid dreams with her mood swings....we'll see.....oh and yes she was making out with someone she knew in her dream and then suddenly it turned into Spencer - I wish I was quicker on the button because Aaryn's face was priceless
  12. Spencer and Andy in the hammock chatting for a while. Spencer asks Andy if Aaryn pissed him off at dinner. Apparently Aaryn made a comment suggesting two men together was disgusting, and it pissed Andy off a little bit. Spencer said he was sorry that Andy was hurt by that, and Andy said that he just holds his tongue and is waiting for Aaryn to leave. I also got the impression that this wasn't the first time that Aaryn has eluded to feeling that way about gay men, and that Andy has noticed.
  13. Spencer and Andy having an interesting strategic chat in the hammock. Both agree on this: neither can beat McCrae in an endurance comp, and if Elissa goes Helen will be vengeful but if Helen goes Elissa will be lost in the sauce. Spencer wisely agrees with Andy that he's better with Amanda on his side than against him, and confides in Andy that he trusts McManda more than the "mommie-squad". EDIT : Spencer says that he feels that Aaryn thinks that they are all stupid, that she just nods in the right places and continues to file her nails - Andy laughs and agrees.
  14. The McNasty's exchange dinner leftovers via smooches.
  15. Mommy Helen was not happy with Andy's nominations this week. She has no use for that which she cannot manipulate to do her bidding. Her and Amanda have that in common.
  16. A second ago in the kitchen, Elissa let out a sort of howl/scream. I thought maybe she found a roach in her food or something. Turns out there was a dead fly in a dirty pot that they were cleaning out to wash. I don't get it. Has she never seen a dead fly before? As a result Elissa decides to pour bleach into the pot before it's washed. I am thankful that I am from Earth.
  17. GM ate SOMETHING for dinner tonight, IDK what it was but she ate it with a spoon
  18. Helen up in the HOH - Andy explains to her all that Jessie has proposed - that Jessie wants to backdoor Amanda and then align (Jessie,Andy,Spencer,GM, and Aaryn) vs Helen, Elissa and McCrae. Jessie has a good plan but it's just a little too late in the game to start making plans with people after sleeping half the summer away while the rest were scheming. Helen and Andy consider her dangerous and want her gone this week.
  19. Andy is reassuring Jessie that she isn't leaving this week - hardcore. Reminding her of how he trusted Spencer early in the game and Spencer was leaking information to Jeremy. He is reassuring her so believably that I fear by the time Thursday comes he is going to feel horrible about deceiving her and actually choose to evict Spencer instead.
  20. I totally agree. She is wearing her "pageant mask" for the past few weeks. Her face is in a constant state of someone who is trying to suppress emotion from peeking through. Here's a screenshot from earlier: Total pageant face.
  21. I was watching the video link above, and on the sidebar I saw TMZ with David Girton - I haven't seen this until now - the quality is awful but it's interesting - they sat that he didn't make any remarks but I clearly remember him making a comment towards Candice
  22. Lol - I have looked it up online in the Merriam Websters dictionary and Dictionary .com and both say it is not a word. IDK. Either I'm having deja vu or we've had this conversation before......
  23. Andy and Spencer in the HOH room saying that Elissa really sucks at comps. Spencer saying he tries to be classy but it's real easy to talk a little trash to her and get her totally frazzled - Andy cosigning saying oh yeah she gets nervous a hell. They are thinking about competitions down the road. They are both laughing at Elissa in reference to her performance in prior comps. They don't think she throws comps either.



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