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Everything posted by gerberadaisy7

  1. I certainly hope not and I got quite the laugh when she won as well.
  2. Dumb move on her part... I look forward to seeing Elissa leave.
  3. Elissa's game has just officially exploded.
  4. Yeah she is. Worse in one sort of way because she is so self-righteous.
  5. I get along with my mom very well, but I don't see her more than my hubby. Not even close. If they work together, I can totally see that. (I worked with my Mom once.) I was just curious as to how that happens, unless your husband is in the army. I care. I have to look at her. I also find it so hypocritical that she injects poison into her body and then pretends she is a Yogi. (Seems like she wants to launch a career off it based on her promoting a brand name yoga mat and other behaviour.) She may as well be a smoker or a heroin user and do yoga. It is all pushing toxins into yourself.
  6. She looks decent there. Still a bit over done but at least not overworked. How does one see their Mom more than their hubby?
  7. I bet she would throw a pretty entertaining meltdown.
  8. She tried so hard, but I guess this challenge was totally swayed towards the melatonin deficient. Too bad.
  9. 1. Which Juror do you want back Judd, Helen, Candice, Jessie ? Judd. 2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight ..... Elissa will say something moronic. 3. Who do you think is playing best game at this point ? McCrae...
  10. I hope it is Judd that comes back. That said, I hated it when they did this on BBCAN (even though I really liked the HG that returned) and I am hating it now.
  11. Slop is causing her breathing problems? LOL OKKKKKKKKK....
  12. I get a kick out of it too. She seems more like a cartoon character than a real person to me.
  13. Good grief. No kidding. And what is this anyway? I am sure if any HG's got to bring their mom's, sister's, brother's, whatever, it would have been a better experience for them.



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