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Everything posted by gerberadaisy7

  1. That is what you should do and I will do the same. If I want to comment on Elissa's ducklips, I should be free to do so without judgment or baiting comments. Just saying.
  2. OK thank you! You said this so much better than I ever could.
  3. I agree that misogynistic slurs/statements are as bad as racial ones (and homophobia).
  4. I don't see where I made excuses for Aaryn or anyone else. I was only questioning if the situation was handled appropriately and IMO it wasn't.
  5. Are you going to make the same type of post in Amanda (and other's) threads(s) where they are continually attacked on their appearance?
  6. This is an excellent summation of why it made me uncomfortable. It should have been addressed at the finale, with everyone being called to the mat for their ish, as CBS clearly felt the need to go there this time. And yes, very convenient how the BB stars junk is completely overlooked. I honestly had no idea that was even her LMAO.
  7. Oh gosh NEVER. Not a bad moment. Aaryn et. al. should be summarily destroyed. Total first on BB to see/hear inappropriate behaviour, expressions, slurs, etc. Good thing CBS is taking action!! I think it would be fair, racially, to leave this open as long as Candice's.
  8. This message will be lost because there are so many good people.
  9. The delusion she has demonstrated thus far has been astounding, so only in that light, can I see why she can't grasp any of this. We are in for some good times. Hahahahahahahaha!!
  10. She annoys me more than Rachel too, which is pretty incredible. I think it is because Rachel didn't think her ish didn't stink. She was just a sore loser and bad winner. Elissa is all that with a snotty too good tude, while being a dirty hypocrite. Not that I want Rachel back, but I would rather watch the real deal than this thing.
  11. I can't wait to hear GM's nom speeches. Her last one was a riot.
  12. It definitely will be interesting to see her reaction when she realizes she has no power.
  13. Are you trying to tell me it isn't rigged?
  14. I think at this point Elissa is the biggest threat to win. Everyone in the jury house hates Amanda. GM would be wise to consider that.
  15. It would suck to hear and not be able to go home to your family. That is my take on that.
  16. What does Julie deserve beyond a cheesy talk show and covering BB? Really, I want to know, what hard core war story has Julie Chen uncovered lately???
  17. Pre-jury, where you can go home to your family and friends, see what you did wrong etc... No problem. Telling someone you are a racist bitoch, everyone hates you, but we need your vote, not so much.



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