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Everything posted by gerberadaisy7

  1. It's made the game completely stale and boring to me too. It has also wrecked the POV comps. Everyone should be sharting bricks over who wins that and having 2 people safe takes a lot of the fun out of it. I am so glad this is the final week.
  2. Agreed. He isn't playing at all as far as I am concerned... Or it is the "sit on your rear and do absolutely nothing strategy", if you will. It can get you a reasonable distance in the game and that is what is happening here, as he is seen as less of a threat than Nicole, who actually is trying. There are tons of things he could have chosen to do, but he chose not to. Exactly.
  3. It was pretty nauseating. Gross. If you have to tell people you are famous, then you aren't really famous at all. And I am still lol'ing at him calling himself a mogul.
  4. Yeah he is LOADING on the pity party 24/7. I find it neither endearing or cute, but it sure is working on many viewers. I am constantly reading about pooooooooooooooooooooooooor Donny and his "pure heart" LMAO. This is true but he has never really tried. I would see it differently if he were laying out a strategy in the DR, but no. He says a whole lot of nothing in there too.
  5. It would be funny/not funny at all if somehow Jocasta ended up going back in the house. LOL.
  6. Good points. Makes me want to see him when his back is up against the wall.
  7. Is Frankie better or is Derrick laying low? I really can't tell right now. But yes, them too battling it out could be great.
  8. Yeah this is with people you have known for long periods of time and actual friends. Not the same at all as going into the situation for expressly that purpose. What you are going through is much, much more difficult and makes BB look like a walk in the park.
  9. Caleb is not a floater. He has had an unwavering commitment to both his alliance and being a freak.
  10. They all talk through their nose from her part of the country? ROUGH. Remind me to never visit there. A whole region of Fran Dreschers. *shivers*
  11. Gahhhh I can't remember!!! Yuck indeed! The current format is by no means perfect, but it can be an absolute blast at times. Them buddying up and preening for the camera non-stop without any scheming? No thanks.
  12. I thought of that after I posted this. He sleeps when everyone else is awake, on schedule.
  13. Yes Judd did have a lot of info but he wasn't allowed to talk about it or the jury house to anyone. I remember in season 1 of BBCAN, Gary came back in and he had tons of information he used to his advantage. It was really quite unfair. He was totally lying to everyone about what the jury thought about everything to swing votes. And he almost won!
  14. She actually has been playing the game and trying to make moves, but OMG HER VOICE. I am sorry, I can't say I will miss that at all should she go home on Thursday. Yikes. Too bad, because I really could have rooted for her, if only I could stand listening to her.
  15. Yes at least she tried. He gets to stay because all he does is sleep. Useless.
  16. He's not trying. He is sulking and whining and otherwise doesn't want to be there, so put the man out of his misery and give him the boot. Enough already.
  17. YEP. No game, no strategy. And now he has turned into a self-pitying crybaby. Just bounce him already....
  18. The best players don't end up on the block every week LMAO.
  19. That the purpose of his little dog and pony show isn't self-evident to everyone is absolutely nuts to me. What a bunch of idiots. Truly.



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