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Everything posted by stevea11

  1. Hello everyone. It's been quite a while since I've been on Morty's. Hello to the oldie but goodies and to all the newbie's out there. I haven't studied this years batch of lab rats yet and I'm thinking of keeping it that way until the show starts. That way I don't get any preconceived opinions of anyone. I just hope we get a good mix of people that I can love to root for and some that I can love to hate. We shall see!
  2. If she would have cut it about 3 ft. lower THAT would be some funny chit!
  3. Steve, the Stevester, the Steve-o-man, the Stevedude. I always knew you were a man with balls but now you got hair on 'em. Your mommy is so proud of you. I know I am.
  4. Yep, I agree. Vanessa certainly played a hard core game and absolutely deserves to be on the next all stars game if there is ever one. On the other hand I was sooooooo happy when Steve evicted her. I don't feel sorry for her as she has plenty of money...
  5. I thought Liz's final "vote for me" speech was pretty lame. When you have to think of something positive to say about yourself you know your in deep doggy poo.
  6. I liked this season of Big Brother. Perhaps it was not the most lively season but still it was entertaining to me. As usual there were those that I liked and didn't like. There were some that I did not like at first but came to like later on. Of course there were certain one's that I loved to love (Meg) and those who I loved to hate (Vanessa). Although Steve was not my favorite to win I'm glad he did over stuck up Liz. My ahh-haa moment was watching Vanessa come so close and getting snuffed at the end by the socially awkward "boi". That was priceless. I was happy with the AF player choice although I would have preferred Johnny Mac.Overall it was not a "worst ever" season nor was it a "best ever" season. I enjoyed reading Will Kirby's assessment of the bitter jurors. Sorry but I'm glad they were pissed, especially Austin.
  7. WOW. For a minuet I thought Vanessa was not a man because she had no balls but then she shocks me by voting out Austin. I'm both surprised and impressed. Too bad for her scummy ass that Steve won HoH. I assume he will put up Vanessa and Liz for eviction. Hopefully Steve or Jmac will win veto and Vanessa goes to jury.
  8. If you can't put your finger on it, call Austin,
  9. The house should have booted the twins the first chance they had. They have no one to blame but themselves.
  10. I just don't see that happening Marty. Jmac is by far the easiest one she can beat as he has won no HoH's, only veto comps. Her best bet is to put up one from each side like Austin/Liz vs. Jmack/Steve. Personally I think if she makes F2 with anyone that's left she will win this game. As much as I hate saying this she has by far played the best game.
  11. At 7:38 BB time Vanessa won HoH. Oh dog poop.
  12. As much as I dislike Vanessa I would vote for her to win. She's playing these morons like a fiddle.
  13. At least the "boy" showed some balls this week.



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