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Everything posted by stevea11

  1. Found this article in the internet. Interesting. http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/‘big-brother’-winner-dick-donato-reveals-hiv-diagnosis-on-‘couples-therapy’/ar-BB6OJzh
  2. Mine are simple: Liked......... Zach's crazy behavior Hated.........Frankie dry humping the guys
  3. So, I just sent a nice donation to Morty's. I feel bad to be listed as a LFU and not be able to report this year (did not get the live feeds). Hopefully I will be able to report next season. Regardless I can't thank Morty and this years LFU's enough for what you have done this year. God bless ALL of you and now it's off to Survivor!!!!!!!!!!
  4. So, I just watched todays episode of The Talk w/ Julie Chen. Todays guests, Derrick and Frankie??? I'll bet Cody was pissed. Derrick looked good and had great answers to the questions asked. Frankie was there, glitter and all and behaved, well, like Frankie.
  5. So, BB16 is in the history books. If they have another BB All Stars who would you like to see on the show from this season? The rules are simple: Pick the two houseguests from BB16 you think would/should be on the show. My two are: 1. Zack 2. Frankie
  6. I'm suprized they did not mention Derrick picking up an extra 50K for winning BB16. Boy didn't have the balls to take Victoria to F2 and thus gave up 450k. Personally I'm glad he didn't. DUMBASS
  7. One can only hope that Frankie's not happy. I'm sure he will be as dramatic as possible since the spot light is no longer on him.
  8. I feel like a lab rat myself. Excuse me but I think I'm ready for a colonoscopy....
  9. I thought voting went on until tonight at 9??? WTF
  10. That is so unfair. If that little rat basterd wins AF I will so much fire off an email to CBS, and it won't be pretty.
  11. That high pitched voice is so damn annoying it would drive me insane. Just tell the bitch she going home with 5k plus her stipend and be done with it. You'll get 3 or 4 hours of boo-hooing and then it's over with. If she still says "but I don't understand" just tell her you never will. In light of all the B/S going on in the NFL I shouldn't say this but damn Victoria you either shut up or I'm gonna "crush" you. Maybe production could provide Derrick and Cody with a roll of duct tape !!!!
  12. Yer missin' da rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  13. No pain, no gain !!!! If ya can't stand the heat get outta the kitchen !!! A little pain is good for the soul, ask Wicked !!!
  14. I kept thinking to myself, who does Victoria remind me of?????? Then it hit me..........EDITH BUNKER !
  15. I had 1 warning point on my screen for damn near 2 years. Whatever I said must have been a hum-dinger. It's gone now so I'm free to piss someone off again!!!
  16. Ok, so I made it thru 4:38 and I couldn't stand it any more. Now I;m depressed
  17. Thank you again LFU's. You have again done an amazing job keeping us informed on this years batch of lab rats.



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