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Everything posted by stevea11

  1. I don't normally disagree with you Marty (brilliant minds think alike) but this time I will. It will either be Cody/Victoria or Derrick/Victoria with the slight possibility of a Caleb/Victoria F2. Anything less would mean their are 3 TOTAL idiots on this show. Why take a chance of taking your "bro" to the end and risk 450K if you come in 2nd when you can take Victoria and guarantee yourself an easy 500k. To come this far in the game and take a chance like that is sheer stupidity.
  2. I wasn't sure where you were going with your comment untill I finished reading it Slowpoke. I gotta get my mind out of the gutter.
  3. I'm off on Monday's. Hell, I'm off everyday.I just go to CBS.com and watch the show. Sorry but I do not know who is streaming it live tonight.
  4. Wicked One, There are no words to express my total gratitude to you, my painfully adorable princess of darkness for bestowing the above video clip of my two all time favorite house guests for my private pleasure. As soon as I clean up this mess I shall burn 3 black candles (and the house their sitting in) and pay homage to your greatness. I would say god bless you but I think we torched him last week. Forever you humble sub-servant, Steve-a-11
  5. Like 6borders I'm very happy with the way Derrick has played this game. He really hasn't bad mouthed anyone any more than he had too. Seems like most of the hg's have looked up to and respected his opinions and he knows that. If everyone buys into what he says and takes his advice then I can't blame him at all for taking FULL advantage of that. To make it this far in the game and not get put up even one time is not an accident but sheer brilliant game play. Call him a sheep herder if you want but what would you do if you were in his shoes. I'd stroke their ego's, tell them what they need to hear and lead them straight to the slaughter house. I didn't care much for him in the beginning but I'm rooting for him to win. Yes, as much as I detest Skankie he too has played a wonderful game. Neither one of them were dumb enough to let others lead them around. If both of them made it to F2 that would be epic as two deserving people made it to the end. Regretably Victoria is going to leave with 50k for doing nothing more than sitting around eating cereal and popping zits. End of rant. You are now free to get up and move around the cabin.
  6. It's a sad day when the dog has better career prospects than the house guests.
  7. Maybe they can put those two with the Kardashians. They can call it "El Grande Kardashians" They could have a contest to see which is more inflated: Grande's ego or Kardashians boobs.
  8. Very good observation 6borders. They went and commericalized my damn TV show.
  9. Good point. I thought the same thing myself. And why the heck was the pooch in the house for such a short time. Maybe she was made a have-not and said hell-no and pooped in the hot tub and was booted from the game...
  10. I know this is totally mean and cruel but don't you just love it when some delusional douchbag on BB really thinks that when they get out of the house throngs of their adoring fans will be waiting for them. Have they not watched this show before? Quite a few of them in the past have had the same thoughts and in the end had the same results. I would be terrified to openly say stuff like that and have it backfire in my face. I'm telling you now Caleb and Skankie are gonna be STUNNED when they find out Donny is getting a small part in a daytime soap opera. If he gets AF they are going to need smelling salts as well.
  11. Here's to hopeing Frankies' flame turns into a flicker when he gets out. How did he put it? Oh yeah, he got crushed....
  12. So I'm a little confused (don't go there) We will have a eviction on Tues. and Wed. night, right? Are both going to be live evictions? I guess if Julie says "stay tuned for tonights evection" it will be taped. If she says "stay tuned for tonights live eviction" it will be live. Either way Wednesday will be a whirlwind for the hg's. HoH, nominations, Pov, results of Pov and next evicted HG PLUS the start of 3 part final HoH comp. Are you confused? I know I am.
  13. Apparently I'm not the only one who has never heard of Araina Grande before. http://wonderwall.msn.com/tv/mayim-bialik-is-not-a-fan-of-ariana-grandes-sexy-billboard-ads-1838408.story
  14. After watching last season and thinking of all the crap the hg's will face when they get out this years batch of lab rats should have nothing to fear. With the exception of their home towns they will all have their 15 minuets of fame and then POOF, their gone. I really thought Aaryn and Gina Marie were gonna catch hell for the racial remarks they made for a long, long time but within 30 days I never saw a media clip of them peroid. America's attention span for stuff like this is very short lived which is a good thing for these fools. Or better yet: KISS ME, I AM BEAST MODE.
  15. I am soooooo hoping that Donny has been told by CBS that he is not allowed to Mention TA and getting a cameo on a soap opera while in the jury house. I want to see the expressions on a few hg's faces when that news is revealed.
  16. Do you really think Skankie's sister will be in the audience the night he gets the boot? I mean after all it's not guarenteed he's going home that night. With her hectic schedule I don't see her being there unless it's a sure thing. If he made the F2 I could see that happening.
  17. I always thought Donny would be a hands down favorite for AF. That may be deminished by his leaving so soon. I'll still vote for him but I think Zack, Derrick and Frankie have a reasonable chance as well. We shall see.
  18. I think when Caleb leaves the house (unless he wims BB) he will soon be forgotten. Remember, second place is the first place loser. He hasen't done anything memorable to be remembered for. He was not a bad player at all, just not a great player. I'm not a pro or anti Caleb, he's just....Caleb. When he gets out and the dust settles down I hope he decides against visiting Frankie in New York. If he does and goes clubbing with Frankie I think he's gonna see a "different" side of NY than what he's looking for.
  19. When the POV ceremony comes up Cody should rip a page from Skankie's playbook. Remamber Skankie's speech when he won the POV and did not use it so save anyone. What comes around goes around.



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