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Everything posted by Califcyclone

  1. Wiilie is a Hantz...he has had 3+ (insider) years of observing and learning tactics to use in a show of this nature. I am not feeling bad for him...he is playing it like a Hantz. He is creating all the chaos he had hoped. I suspect he's trying to show people that they should keep his crazy butt over someone else that is like able. I also think he feels/knows that Hantz's make good TV and they will find a way to keep him in or bring him back...perhaps he has some inside knowledge on lengths CBS will go to to keep a super villain. I feel he was not "protecting" Brit when he called that house meeting without coaches and did not mention that she shared that info with him. I felt he intentionally did not mention Brit to make others believe he is a strategic genius. And, watching the feeds of that meeting he kept repeating the same stuff over and over. He was pushing people to abandon their game and get behind his. It was all pretty self serving.
  2. Willie: Leave me out of your plans & schemes. Yours (not so) Fondly, Fruit Loops
  3. Ian, Ian, Ian: How can someone so smart be so dumb? I'm watching you. The HOH Spy Cam
  4. I am with you on wondering about where the coaches are sleeping. But I wonder about many other things with the coaches role/gameplay and not sure if we know yet and/or if this has been discussed in other threads. Are the coaches getting paid to play? If so, any rumors or info on how much outside of the 100k prize Julie announced. Last night Brit mentioned (in an discussion with Janelle in the HOH) that "they signed their lives away"...wonder what exactly is planned for the coaches. Brit & Janelle were planning as if it is a known fact that they will jump into the game around week 4...do they really know or are they speculating based on the number of players vying for the 500k. Has anyone done the eviction math to figure out how many players are needed to play out the game thru Sept.
  5. Thought we might expand this thread to all kinds of creative Big Brother outlets: Letters From Inanimate Objects to Big Brother Houseguests Big Brother Haikus Poetry and thanks to Ashley "Big Brother Dream Boards. Dear Shane: We want our necklace back. Sincerely, The 70's Yo Yo Yo... JoJo & Jen: Youz ain't no "Dick At Nite". C'mon ya screen Ho's, Step up your game or dump the show. Peace Out, Ted The Bear
  6. There has been several people that mentioned or wondered if we had less traffic on the site. I suspect that there could be a decline, because of all the options today and Big Brother probably peaked in popularity, but I think it is too early to tell. Part of the traffic to Morty's occurs once people get into the show and look for a place to see if others feel the same way as they do about some of these wretched hamsters. I also think some old timers may be staying away for different reasons but BB addiction is just to strong to resist...many will be back. Just for the heck of it I took a look at the results of this Lurkers/Hibernator Thread for the past few years. Here's the Lurker/Hibernator stats: BB 13: 134 replies. 6,590 views BB 12: 209 replies. 12, 192 views BB 11: 136 replies. 5,368 views BB 14: 135 replies. 3,221 views. (so far). At least for this thread we are trending to other Seasons.
  7. It will be OK UVP... I suspect the posting will pick-up once we get to know our targets (errrr I mean the houseguests).
  8. I am very frustrated as I cannot get into chat...have not for some time. I am going to see if I can get someone to help me trouble shoot but I have tried some of the easy stuff and now just mad because I lost more than I gained by removing the cookies.
  9. I think this year's crop appears to be reality show wanna be's of a whole new dimension. We have a Hantz, a playmate of the year 2006, a hard rockin Kitty, a descendant to a famous wrestler... And introducing Wil H., Amer Idol 8 Louisville contestant and Real Housewife drag impersonator extraordinaire! I was not sure if I could copy the you tube links but check-out YouTube or TVGASM site...they have some incredible downloads of Wil doing the Countess and Jill Zarin (RHONY) and Kim Z. (Atlanta) that are incredible.
  10. Kittttttteeeeeyyy Kaaaattttt!!!!!! how's them squirrels hanging? All keep the check in rolling. I dont know about you all, but I am ready for the fireworks to fly and I am not talking about the fourth of July
  11. It is so great to see so many new and returning members. So many coming back year after year, I kinda half expected SueZqueZ avatar to be pushing a walker. I also hope that some people we have not heard from in a while return again this summer...you all make my summer year after year and you don't even know it.
  12. I could not get to chat either the other day. I thought maybe there was some type of prep work going on. Hmmm I will have to try again later from my other computer.
  13. I think the camp theme could be brilliant (Love it 6B). When I worked at t camp (best job I ever had) we had a different theme each week...BB could do a lot with that tailoring food and comps around a different theme) I could also see creating a have not tent pitched in the backyard.
  14. Hey All...while you are waiting for the show to begin there lots to do Check-in here and say hi... Share your excitement level, EXCITEMENT ALERT: LaLa has opened the The Prediction Challenge and the Pre-Season Predictions should be placed ASAP. If you have never played, it is easy and a whole lot of fun. Pre-Season Predictions MUST be posted BEFORE the cast is announced. C'mon, guess how many blondes will be in the house and how many HG will have breast implants (perhaps the same number). Sign up for feeds using the Morty's link - great way to help support the site.
  15. My Top 10 Favorite Hamsters to Watch 1. Dr. Will - Season 2. (Handsdown, by far, my favoritest playa EVA!!!) 2. Evel Dick - Season 8 3. Dr. Will - Allstars 4. Janelle - Season 6 5. Janelle - Allstars 6. Dan G. - season 10 7. Nakomis - Season 5 (I literally did not watch the rest of that Season once she left). 8. Danielle - Season 3 9/10. Jeff/Jordan - Season 11. (they are a package deal) A couple of honorable mentions for memorable (train wreck) players: Marcellus, Chima, Allision, Ivette. My Alltime least favorites: Jesse (by far), Boogie, Cappy, Maggie, any Natalie
  16. To me, the game behind the game is what makes Big Bro so different than any other reality show. I get to play too!!! This board, this site, these people (US) get to review, strategize and comment in real time. Weeks 3-6 are the most exciting as true colors begin to show and we get to watch alliances form and shift. We have the inside scoop on what is happening. I like to watch Survivor and Amazing Race BUT I get to play Big Brother.
  17. Welcome Back one and all!. The board is starting to hum again back to life.
  18. I am also at about a 3 right now. I am actually looking forward to the prediction challenge right before the reveal. I love the game before the game...anyone know if there are plans/support for the challenge this year?
  19. Welcome to All... I was trying to figure out a term for people that stay around all year long and all I could come up with was "old timers"/ After seeing the number of posts for Marty and UVP I think I will coin the term "Power Posters" as another category. But what would be a good word for people that stick around Morty's year round? Marty you are from Palm Spings what is the opposite from a "Snow Bird"? Anyone have any ideas?
  20. Just a few posts and I am already getting excited and have some strong thoughts. There is nothing like Morty for a complete BB interactive experience. Boards, Chat, Live Feed Updates, Prediction Challenge, 24/7 activity, etc. And with Glass House as a possibility this Summer we may have 2 times the fun. A couple comments on some of things that were said: UVP: I think that Morty's being like a ghost town for AI and DWTS is more a phenom of a lackluster season/excitement for these specific shows. I know I for one did not see one episode of either show. I did watch Survivor AND Amazing Race and while I did not post much (if at all), I did lurk to see what others thought of Rachel/Brandon AND Colton C. For all the year-round stalwarts, please know that your posts did not go un-noticed. Slowpoke: I have been having some strong feelings lately about "other social media" coverage of reality TV. While there may be other options out there, very few are delivering a concise or complete experience. I enjoy a blog or two but that typically is a one way ego driven rant of one person's take (kinda like this post Twitter is choppy and "codey"....just provides a snippet of something without any details or commentary. Then there is Frenetic Flow of Facebook...which to me is the Devil of All Social Media Devices. No cohesive flow of thoughts or data, lots of repetition, no organization. Also on Facebook I lose my annonymity...which for me is part of the rush of this board. I feel that all this choice is going to yield us much of nothing. And my bigger fear is that some of the classic sites will lose their voice in all the choas. A couple of weeks ago I learned one of my (other) favorite sites is closed down (Reality News Online). For 12 years they were the best in what they did...detailed analysis and assessment for several Reality shows. One of the key factors closing...too many competitive alternatives. So for all the Morty people as we reconvene... Keep in mind how fantastic we have it for BB...don't take it for granted. Let's get involved in lively discussions and have fun. If you are going to buy the live feed...try to get it thru Mortys. If you can donate a little money at the start, middle of end of the season please do so.
  21. There are a lot of social media options out there today, but there is nothing quite like Morty's for Good Old Fashion Big Brother Fun. If you are a newcomer, a lurker or just someone that does not post very often...come on out and don't be shy. There is lots to do at Morty's and being part of the board is another fun way to enjoy the 24/7 Big Brother experience. Introduce yourself and dive into the message board. Anyone is free to join in - It is what makes Morty's, Morty's. While we might not always agree...we do have fun and people here are generally pretty nice. Or, maybe there are some of you that leave Morty's each year only to return for the Summer BB excitement. Well, here's the chance to "check in", say hi and share your thoughts and hopes for the season. Everyone: Let us know how long you have been following the game, what you are looking forward to this Season, say hello to all our new and returning BB friends & family and just ramp up to what we all hope to be the best Season of BB ever!
  22. CBS intends to be the first to cast stones at ABC's Glass House. Guess Julie Chen's close connection to the real Power of Veto will come into play. CBS to Sue ABC over New Show Link
  23. Wow...2 shows, similar concept, this summer! Things could get interesting around here. My family is going to miss me. Glass House Article



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