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Everything posted by Califcyclone

  1. Big Brother is a total spectator sport for me.
  2. I guess I wanted him to have the power to play for HOH next week. Santa never gets me what I want
  3. Ian has read and re-read the note from his family. He has no one he really can talk to in the house. He opened Pandora's box. Maybe, just maybe, there is aspecial power yet to be revealed.
  4. Do we know for sure that all Ian got was toys. Could there be a special power?
  5. Houseguests: We are scheduled to pick up a Mike Boogie by 6:15 PM PST on Thursday. Please have Mr. Boogie and any other Houseguest you plan to throw under me by curbside in able to facilitate a swift pick-up, roll over and departure. Sincerely, The Acme Bus Company
  6. I'd like to take a swing at the difference of ED vs. Boogie: ED played this game with passion and an in your face strategy. ED is a brilliant strategist AND he really has a talent for assessing other players play. Part of my appreciation for ED comes not from just watching his gameplay (where he won the game using this strategy that he actually brought to the game AFTER Allstars),but also from his analysis of other players after his season (house calls, his website). He actually seems to be able to accurately assess other players strengths and weakness - not so with the Boogie. Mike gloats, misinterprets his surroundings and knee jerk reacts....while it might seem similar,it was different. Mike is no ED. Mike Boogie has made a couple of big moves....but they were bad for his game. His ousting of Jannelle to keep Frank was great for Frank but was very short sighted on Boogies part. He overplayed his hand too early, ousted a coach ally, created distrust with the other 2 coach allies and overtly manipulated every one in the house. Mike trying to keep Frank at all costs = shortsighted. ED trying to keep Dani at all costs = a dad,who albeit messed up, was doing whatever it took to protect his young. Boogie taking of prizes over HOH and his treatment of Ian for not taking a prize is an arrogance that only Mike Boogie could think was good gameplay. ED may have played with ego and arrogance too BUT he knew how to use it and used it to win the game. IMO the only reason Boogie was on AND won All Stars was riding Dr.Will's coat tails and having a built in alliance with a BB god. Who knows,maybe Boogie can pull off another save this week but if this happens it will be a Hail Mary and because of the other HG's failure/stupidity not to break up that alliance vs. Boogie's great gameplay.
  7. Bye Boogie or Frank Time to fold the ClownTown tent. Parade out the door.
  8. Haiku A summer breeze blows Gently between Ashley's ears Thanks for the refill! Haiku Format Typically contains nature or seasonal reference 5 syllables 7 syllables 5 syllables
  9. Please let boogie be gone...I cannot stand another week of ClownTown. Neither Frank or Boogie are Dr. Will. I do not give Boogie any credit for his AllStar win. He makes rash, greedy, total self serving game decisions. He gloats when he wins and pouts like a 2 year old when he loses. He lacks awareness of others or his surroundings in a good game play way. He is no Dr Will nor is he even close to being an Evel Dick.... I would say he knows how to con, bully and BS his way in certain situations but again he is FAR from a great game player. His only/best game move was to have made friends with one of the best players ever...he was the one with the good coach.
  10. Mike: I feel so dirty... the way you look at me, the way you fondle me, the way you think of me. If only you would treat me with a little respect. Your $10K prize
  11. I know I would want Frank gone before Boogie. Frank is likeable and could win if put up against any of the other players. Boogie is detestable, a money grubbing ho who has already won $500K. Who would you want to be standing next to...they need to get Frank out now. If Frank wins POV then Mike is gone but they need to break them up AND get Frank out.
  12. Last night I really could not get why Danielle, Shane or Brit were not at least questioning Boogie (to his face or behind his back) about his Ian comments. It made no sense that Boogie would throw Ian under the bus for not being a ruthless money whore. Is that maybe a good thing in an alliance partner that is # 5 or 6 in your alliance. I would think that one other way Boogie could have played it with the Avengers, would be to convince the others that Ian was young and gulliable and he could bring him into the group too. Someone needed to fly the avenger plane (can't remember that character's name but he was geeky and loyal). Why weren't Danielle and Shane a little bit tipped off on how quickly Mike disposed of Ian... Hello, McFly...Boogie's the Anti Christ. Can you not see that he looses some of his demonic powers if he looses his evil Minion Frank. Can you not see that there have been 3 attempts for Frank to go yet he is still there if they do not act on it this week (Frank may seem a nice guy but this is a treal from the Devil and they should get that Frank is a menance to their game too). Dan needs to convince Danielle and Shane that getting rid of Frank and weakening Boogie is their best play for this week.
  13. NOW IS THE TIME LADIES - BUILD A SIDE ALLIANCE FOR AT LEAST THE NEXT FEW WEEKS: The women should all align right this moment to vote out, ANY MALE over a female, until they have the numbers. They have a chance to get Frank out for the 3rd time...OMG sieze the day. Look what happened to Janelle with Chill Town, Look at happened with Brit with the Brogade. Look ladies, all of you, don't let the men continue to have the upper hand...you need to stack the cards for multiple options. Did any of you watch the survivor episode on how great it was when women stuck together? And Danielle, while you have a little bit of power...and as a woman Regarding Jani: Janelle has pretty much no one other than herself...Work to make her your friend (and try to diffuse her as a threat to you). She is the one that you should wait a bit for to get out (NOT FRANK AND BOOGIE). You are only going to do others dirty work by getting rid of Janelle (she is a huge target). Get rid of female jealousy...try to play without emotion (pretend you have a phallus - Janelle does) Regarding Frank: With everything that has happened, how at your very core could you believe that a guy you and your partner Shane have put up 3 times won't try to come after you...no matter how nice a guy he seem. You already have Frank's blood on your hands. Janelle is the devil you know...Frank is the devil you don't really know mixed with the Anti-Christ Boogie. Regarding Boogie & Frank: Wake up and smell what Boogie is peddling...he is trying to build a super strong alliance - break it up. You and Shane seem to have a pretty strong alliance between the 2 of you AND you and Dan seem to have a pretty strong alligance of 2...don't allow another one that you are not involved in continue if you have the option and set-up to stop in now. Allow Dan to help bring Boogie into the fold as a solo player. Having an 3-way alliance with 2 guys who won the 500K before just might be another end game play for you to exploit with a jury that would be balanced with newbies over vets...think about how you can triumph/exploit how good you are if this is the F3. You do have Shane and Dan on your side...so keep em around and keep em happy stroke their ego, reinforce how Frank is a threat to them. Use your feminine ways to advance your game. Your feminine powers are best used against MEN not other WOMEN. For the love of womankind.....UNITE!!!!
  14. Actually I would like to see ChickTown. I have been waiting forthat since BB AllStars.
  15. Give Ash a break...she is doing all her feathery little head can handle to create an alternate nominee in liue of herself.
  16. Thought we might expand this Thread to other creative things like BB Haikus, Poetry and thanks to Ashley (Dream Boards). Ashley's Dream Board - Week 3 Hello Dream Board you are looking extra tan this week. I would like a man with eyes and ears and a mouth. He does not need to see or hear but must be able to eat. He can be tall and short and oh you know what I like... Also, I would like to be put up on the block to experience humbleness but be surrounded by a forcefield of immunity that has unicorn guardians that repels all negative energy and changes any vote cast for me to Shannon Daugherty who did not tip me 3 months ago for that special Brazilian tan. Mike Boogie's Week 3 Dream Board I envision Shane continuing to be a mindless dolt totally diregarding that Frank and I were the one's that had him up for eviction last week and wanted him gone until he won the POV. Oh and vision board if possible figure out a way I can steal back the $3K I so graciously "gave" to Ian in a way that keeps Ian's good will toward me but let's me be the greedy batard I really am. I would also like for everyone in the Big Brother universe to forget that I rode Dr Will's coat tails and for all of humanity to think I am as good of a player as I think I am. And while were at it I would like to bang Kara when I get out of here. Willie Dream Board: Get out of Jail Free Card I won in Monolopy with Russell and Brandon works is lieu of actual Bail Bondsman. Britney and I are BFF's once the game is over.
  17. Dear America's Vote Committee: Can you please ask America if they would want to see any one of us have a date with Joe's Soul Patch. Respectfully, All the razor's and the blender in the BB House
  18. Heck...they probably have next week HOH all lined up. To win you must have literally delivered a baby gril in the last 7-8 months, have 18lbs of breast impants, have said bye bye bitches at least 47 times on National Television and was an official memeber of the Sovererign 7 during BB 6.
  19. This is total speculation on my part. Green: is for messages with "please" in it. "....", please go to the diary room or please put on your microphone. Yellow: is for sterner tone "....", Stop That! Red: All we see is FOTH.
  20. Wait, are these two different people? I thought it was the same person with multiple personalities.
  21. She is sooooooooo dull even this thread is boring. Her rambling, not the least bit interesting stories about life or gameplay draw life right out of my veins.
  22. Thanks for the clip Lenray... It reaffirms my feelings that Uncle Willie tore a page out of nephew Brandon's Survivor playbook. Remain clueless that everyone is playing for the big prize and throw it all away on a bonehead move based on non-sensical principles. Perhaps he will trot out the Fruit Loop Defense to explain his actions.
  23. Dear Pork Rinds: Big Brother is hosting a special food group support session in the HOH at 10am. We will be talking about long term management of PTWD (Post Traumatic Willie Disorder) Hugs & Serenity, Fruit Loops
  24. Last night was Epic Big Brother... (Chima Bat Poo Insane Epic) One minute I am posting that he is playing like a Hantz and the next minute he pulls a Hantz. But who knew he would pull a Brandon versus a Russell. Some people wait a lifetime to have a shot at at half a million while Hantz's seem to have a free family pass to CBSland. Like the Kardashians, the Hantz's need to just fade away. For the love of humanity please just go away.
  25. This is the 2nd time today that someone mentioned that their cat could do a better job than people... I may have to rethink my personal position as a dog person. Nawhhhhh...I could still love dogs more but accept the fact that cats are smart independent and cunning. Continue the Britney bashing...



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