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Everything posted by LenRay

  1. The twins are twidiots. Why should they hate Jmac?
  2. Well the inmates are running (or ruining) the BB asylum this week. Can't wait for them to be on the block!
  3. Highlights began at 9:30 p.m. BB time. If it is long HOH much of BBAD will be fish.
  4. Shellie will have a good chance in comp to return to house.
  5. Yes, I want James and Jackie on the block. ASAP. The Goblins is appropriate because they are all petite. James has the shortest legs I've ever seen.
  6. Vanessa should have gotten rid of James when he was up against Jason.
  7. Thanks, Jedi! I thought that was the case! I wonder how this bunch will keep up on a DE!
  8. If Shellie goes to Jury House, she could win a comp to return to BB house easier than Vanessa.
  9. If Van stays, Becky will realize it would have been best to put up one of the Goblins if not two. Becky will get the message that she is at best No. 4, behind the goblins. BTW, is there a definite double eviction this week?
  10. I just wish whinessa would just STFU...enough already.
  11. Vanessa's game got old and tired a long time ago. I hope she goes. She's rich already and annoying. Maybe Shellie can play a better game without Claynessa around. BTW, Clay was happy to leave. He comes from money. His family owns a big Texas ranch a la Southfork.
  12. That's true. But it may be safer to clue him in before the JH. There's no telling how he will react in JH. There is a darkness about Austin. He's super possessive. He mentioned a few weeks ago that he pushed James into backdooring Jace because Jace like Liz too.
  13. Mayzee...on Fri's bbad Jackie was whining to James and Meg that Becky should have left her some of the secondary prizes.
  14. Austin should have gone weeks ago. Tonight on BBAD the Twins were in nasty hot tub mocking Austin as he worked out. If I were in Austin's position I'd get the message! He'll go all postal in JH when Austin realizes the Twin Scam. Wish it happened in BB house so we can witness it.
  15. Even with his win he still acts like a weirdo. Becky sort of owned her HOH win.
  16. It's hard to tell man. Meg just has an all around best body.
  17. I hate the twins now. I even hate Jackie's twin peaks because they are silicone missles.
  18. I think Vanessa is a meth addict on withdrawal like the other Vegas gal on BB that cried all the time about five years ago. What was her name. Vanessa is screwing up her game chances big time.
  19. The way Steve mumbles to himself if I were in the house I'd call him "Mr. Mumbles".
  20. After the noms Steve was mumbling "I didn't know Vanessa will be backdoored..." Steve's confused.
  21. Becky's mad a Vanessa for causing the big fight Thursday afternoon.
  22. Steve and Shellie on block with plan to backdoor Vanessa. So Becky tells Shellie. Maybe Becky should have put up Vanessa and Shellie. At least Becky is playing her own game and not that of Jackie/ewok James.
  23. That useless argument caused by Vanessa Thursday made V a huge target, especially to the likes of Becky. I hope Becky play her game and doesn't follow Jackie's lead.



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