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Everything posted by myss911

  1. I love how all the HG's are sitting in the living room & Joe & Wil are sitting on the 'block' chairs... get used to them fellas! Bahahahahaha!
  2. I saw that and did a BIG eye roll. He even said "This is my ass kissing for the week"
  3. Yes he does indeed! Matter of fact the wart removal on Boogies was aired!
  4. Did Joe just seriously go upstairs and say "Good Morning Sir Shane." and serve him a HUGE breakfast??? and also one for Brit???
  5. I can't stand Joe, haven't been able to since day one... He is the epitome of a 'tool'.
  6. Am I horribly evil for absolutely LOVING how uncomfortable Joe looks now that Shane is HoH????
  7. I HOPE America does NOT vote to let the coaches play.... that would just suck.....
  8. I am in California & couldn't wait to watch the show! All I can say is HELLZ YEAH!!!!!! I am sooooooooooo happy with this weeks HoH!
  9. I feel badly for Willie... the ENTIRE house shunned him, his coach didn't have his back or try to resolve anything except for the few times that she said "Willie you really need to calm down"... His 'Team' was all for him when he had the power BUT as soon as the tables turned they all turned into Benedict Arnolds... He got a raw deal. I went over & over the 'fight scene' - Joe- whom in my opinion is a much bigger bully- should have been tossed too. He is an asshat, a bully, a pot stirrer... just a creep.
  10. I completely agree... Joe is far more a bully than Willie... Willie is a hot head & says what is on his mind but Joe is completely a bully...
  11. I am beyond annoyed with all the WBRB... seriously contemplating cancelling my feeds...
  12. I like Jojo... she cracks me up...
  13. He is a nutter... plain & simple... a nutter.
  14. I did not hear the N word either & I watch the feeds all the time... I actually find Willie entertaining...
  15. He gets mad at Willie for being a bully, yet he is the biggest bully in the house. He is really swinging on my last nerve!
  16. I know everyone on the feeds has been complaining about their stuff going missing... wonder if they are returning it...
  17. Did you all see the guy on the feeds in the store room dressed up like a burglar???? They are on OD LD right now and they look like they are stealin things!!!!
  18. Ooooooooooh OK! I've watched every season, every episode... & I only saw her smoke a couple of times when she was bored... so it makes total sense! LOL!
  19. 3:08 pm BBT - Why is Janie smoking??????? Has she always smoked????
  20. She is as about as exciting as licking an envelope... I often sit and name the house guests... she and Danielle are always forgotten...
  21. Anyone else notice how agro Joe is getting??? He is kinda wack-a-doo!!!!



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