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Everything posted by myss911

  1. I do not think she is faking it. Not at all... I broke L1 & L2 last August & I was the exact same way... I am still very cautious and step gingerly... She is making the exact movements, & has the exact body stances that I did... my heart goes out to her...
  2. She is in the bathroom now spackling on the foundation... she needs to lay off the heavy make-up as she has a mountain range forming on her forehead... PLUS she looks so much better without all that make-up on....
  3. Remember that Danielle said she tried out for the Bachelor twice but never got on....
  4. PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Facebook... he and I are on multiple boards... I had made a comment about some players & he IM'd me....
  5. Odinsraven98 You have one of the coolest user names!!!!!!! BB! Well said!!!!!!!
  6. You are both completely right! It is usually the pot calling the kettle black! But I think Brits body is perfect for her size...
  7. I soooooooooo agree! It is those 'attention whores' that give us all a great show! And it is so awesome that people come & post about it!
  8. That is hilarious! Thank you for sharing those!!!!!
  9. Right! Haters will hate! I find it incredibly funny that people call the players, losers, fat etc etc etc... but those same people tune in week after week & even come to post about it! I'm GLAD there are Big Brother fans & players! I love the show! The jealousy of the 'fans' is so much more prevalent that that of the actual players!!!!
  10. No more obsessive than Jordan & Jeff fans, Britney fans, Dr. Will fans or any of the big names....... we all have our favorites... Am I mad that Jani is gone? No. Am I bummed that she is gone, yeah kinda... It is all in the nature of the game...
  11. Brit, Shane, Danielle & Joe are Have-nots... The public chose candy canes & cod....
  12. I couldn't agree more... anything Boogie is not-likable...
  13. You are so right... She was all class and poise... Boogie has always been a pig & undoubtedly always will be... He is repulsive. I am so glad she said what she did about Booger... had it been me? There would have been a lot of *beeping*
  14. I think that WiL may have sealed his fate by going up to the HoH earlier & having a 'tude' with Boog & Frank.... They were NOT happy...
  15. Lol! Right kywildcat!!!!!! That would be phenomenal!!!!!!! I think Boog thinks that he has it in the bag.... I think Jani made a good choice by choosing Ian as the all around winner. Didn't last night, she say she wanted Dan to win it? She probably saw the past few days of feeds and such and decided against it. I know Joe was fighting hardcore for her but I think Brit was the most torn up emotionally... I am proud of Jani & even happier that she got to go home to Violet... I know she was missing her horribly...
  16. Oh ok, I had never heard him talking... I saw his mouth moving one time and had to make sure my sound was on.... Thank you )
  17. How cool would that be if Uber Fan Ian won! That would be awesome to see such a cool kid get it!
  18. No she was never an escort. She may have gone to interesting places and maybe there were men there but she was never an escort. And she looks fantastic for recently having a baby...
  19. She was never an escort... she is not fat... She was very classy upon her exit....
  20. I agree Marty... it is impossible to watch.... there is no reason for the continual FOTF....
  21. Oh I totally agree.... he and I are one one of the same boards & I posted about certain players moves in the game & HE inboxed me first... I am bummed about Jani but it is all in the nature of the game... I firmly believe that those that make death threats (ie: Shelly) and stuff like that are ridiculous... That is completely uncalled for... He has put in on blast about his 'connection' with Dumbell...
  22. I agree Marty! He is a fun guy... it was a bit awkward for him in the beginning and he did seem quite shy, but I love how Brit & Ash helped him ease out of his shell )
  23. I have been IM'ing back and forth with this Trey, the guy that Dumbell keeps mentioning on the feeds, and CONFIRMED she is exactly as she is portraying herself to be on BB... She is a psychopath stalker... an attention whore and he also said that she is a massive fabricator... he said that he does know her but not on ANY intimate level and that she sends him flowers & gift baskets and all kinds of stuff and he does NOT reciprocate. He said also that, from what he has seen on the feeds & what he has been told she has been saying, that 90% of the crap she says about 'events' and 'activities' in her life are fictitious... Nice to get some confirmation but I had Dumbell pegged from day one. Trey on the other hand is a very nice guy! RUN TREY! RUN SHANE!
  24. Love ya Jani! Thanks for tweeting with me last night! Give Violet hugz from all of us out here!



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