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Everything posted by myss911

  1. OK NOW I see why they called Danielle 'pepperoni nips'.... http://www.bigbrothernudes.com/category/big-brother-14-nudes/
  2. I agree she can be a Debbie Downer sometimes but most of the time she is funny!!!!
  3. So far no real game talk... just general chit chat.... Good day for the Closing Ceremony for the Olympic Games!
  4. LOL! I hadn't seen your post & just posted about this exact thing on another thread! Great minds!
  5. Love the fact thyat Brit told her NOT to put on the eyeliner today... Thank you Brit! She looks better when she is more natural...
  6. I wish these asshats would quit singing... they know they are not allowed... I think IF they have been warned over three times that $$ should be taken out of their pay.. BB has comeone & keeps saying "Quit singing" but Dumbell, Germ & Wil can't stop... and Dumbell just belts it out... Dan is pretty bad about it too... they need to stop...
  7. I love Brit too!!!! She cracks me up!
  8. The morning face spackling has started.... she should really cut back... she is broke out horribly....
  9. Right! She should go for that look more often....
  10. Her hair looks so cute today! She is cracking me up on the feeds this morning!
  11. Exactly! He told her straight out when they were in the HoH room for her HoH... Then the next morning she was whining to Brit that "He is so mean to me & gives me mixed messages"... completely vice versa... then the whole made up Trey romance came up and then the "my feelings & the kisses for Shane were real" then a minute later "I wonder if Trey will forgive me".... RUN SHANE!
  12. LOL! Jedi Howie!!!! Have you seen his tweets???? LOL! He cracks me up!
  13. I watched it too and you are right... Boggie brought it up first.... LOL! BTW - I love your avatar! Too cute!
  14. Issues with a capital 'I'... keep watching her as she does her mirror sessions... she is nuts.
  15. Yes his name is Trey & he is basically trying to clear his name... she continually talks about their 'romance' and then goes back to how her feeling for Shane were genuine... She bashes Shane, I mean really bashes him & makes up stuff about how he is mean to her & how he belittles her and on EVERY instance she is claiming I have watched... it is complete and utter nonsense... HE has told her that she is verbally abusive... SHE is the one that lays on him... he HAS though cuddled with her a few times... and I believe that to be out of sheer loneliness. Now about his hair... he needs a stylist and needs one badly. That has to be one of the worst styles I have ever seen.... With his beady little eyes he kind of reminds me of Tom Cruise... LOL!
  16. I am not a Boogie fan, not at all... but I will say that he adds to the game... can you imagine sitting around and watching Danielle, WiL, Joe, Ashley & Shane all day... he is a tool, no getting around that but he does keep it interesting. IF you watch the live feeds he actually seems like a human being & can be nice some of the time... the way he is edited though he keeps the evil, scumbag persona... On the feeds though, without editing, he is actually interesting. Do I want him to go far in the game? NO. But if he does leave, it is going to get very very boring... All good shows have the 'bad' character... BB is no exception. But from the way he is on daily live feeds to the way he is on the shows that production have edited is night & day....
  17. I wonder, despite the things her ex-friends have said, how different her game would have been sans the coaches.....
  18. Pathological liar.... they spin webs like no one else... sad thing is that THEY start to believe them!
  19. Yeah she is! According to ED she is going to be spilling some secrets later tonight on twitter... I set her twitter for mobile alerts so to not miss a thing!!!!
  20. Oh my goodness you have to go to her thread on here and look at the awesome link that kywildcat put up!!!!!! We are all spot on with our Dumbell analysis!!!!
  21. Oh yeah I LOVE that BBUK shows the DR sessions! No production foul play there! Theirs is far more interesting too...



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