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Everything posted by myss911

  1. I would guess that it is just someone that is off with their timing or hasn't been told before hand.... I kinda like getting little glimpses of what is happening... I would rather see all of it & not get any FotF or WBRB....
  2. OH SNAP!!!!!!!! LOL! She is a wack-a-doo & needs some serious help....
  3. Oh you got that right! I am a huge BB fan! I watch BB games world wide, even when I don't speak the language... mainly because it is interesting to view human nature... I am sure it was prompted by production too... That is one thing that irks me, the influence of production in BBUS... In BBUK I love the fact that we, the viewers, are privy to the DR sessions!
  4. I am not a Boogie fan at all but if Jani had been that cocksure & rude to him & he called her a name... I would have been "Good on ya Boogie" fight fire with fire! I agree... I am sick of PAST HG's coming in the house....
  5. No absolutely not. If she had done that then he should have his say too... it is a game & a spade is a spade... You know nothing about me so saying I have double standards is hot air...
  6. How does Janelle have a bad attitude? Is she just supposed to take his crap... call a spade a spade... Good on ya Jani!
  7. Oh it is a bazaar ritual... it kinda goes like this... *spackle on the first layer - do the duckface - turn at look at self in all angles - duckface - bat eyelashes - put another layer of paint on - duckface - pucker up - bat eyes - look at self in other mirrors - smile at self - tilt head and bat eyes - duckface - another layer - duckface - smile - bat eyelashes - duckface.... and it goes on & on & on & on for hours....* You will also notice that whenever she looks at herself in the mirror as she is walking, sitting, eating, laying down... she looks in the mirror and bats her eyes & does the duckface or cheek suck... it is the weirdest thing.....
  8. Wow! I think I have just seen the unimaginable! WiL came into the back room to sleep and Boogie got up and asked him if he was ok or needed to talk. WiL said he was kind of depressed & Boogie was actually concerned....
  9. It was freakin bazaar the one night she was HoH and was getting ready & she was posing, smiling and literally hugging herself like a slow dance & dancing... That was wack-a-doo!!!!!!
  10. I noticed that too.... strange ritual she has there....
  11. PMSL! Oh that was hilarious... I just spilled my water because I laughed so hard....
  12. Well she is back to obsessing over Shane "None of my feelings for Shane were fake, the kisses weren't fake..." (then I switched feeds because I can't stand her continual nonsense)....
  13. I am cracking up... on the live feeds Brit & Dani have just discovered that Joe has been spanking the monkey in the HN room with them.....
  14. LOL! Could you imagine???? Boogie would poop bricks! LOL! I don't think she will leave Violet again though...
  15. OK whoever it was that pointed out that when Danielle talks the tip of her nose boings up and down... Thanks A LOT! Now that is all I see!
  16. You are so right... that person has not contributed ANYTHING but a spewing of name calling & slamming people because of their physique... shall we all pitch in for an optometrist appointment?
  17. I agree... she is NOT overweight at all....
  18. Right now on the feeds she is talking about Trey again and she just said "He is probably saying that we only hung out a couple of times" Which is exactly the truth according to him! In a large group... I feel bad for him. I also feel bad for Shane the things she says about him... I've watched the feeds of she & Shane together & she is one lying twit.
  19. I think last night with the spinach & the chicken was the worst... there were bits & pieces falling everywhere, even when she turned her head a big nugget of something flew out.... I think she is generally a nice person, but her habits and repulsive... I know none of us are perfect BUT being on TV should make one more aware & alert...
  20. Just don't watch her eat... the vision will stay in your mind forever....
  21. I agree..... she needs some medical intervention... It started after sleeping on the HN beds... then production put those thin foam mats on top of it...



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