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Everything posted by Teri

  1. Boy, I have to tell you, I am super excited about Judd winning HoH. I think this is the first time in years I've actually not had a clue what someone is going to do. My instincts are telling me he'll put GM up, because she bugs him and that has been escalating. Hopefully, we'll get some real insight into Judd after this week. Should be fun.
  2. The goodbye messages were vanilla. They play the vanilla messages (edited out any game info) if they are wanting to bring someone back. Helen's message was edited really hard. I hope they don't bring him back, but until someone can confirm he is out in the real world... he didn't get any game info last night, so I'm going to not be shocked if it happens.
  3. I would pay cash money to hear anything from Nick about her at this point (you know he's watching the feeds).... maybe we'll get lucky and TMZ will break some news on him getting a restraining order. LOL As to GM, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Judd will put her up.
  4. Agreed. I know I don't dislike Ellissa, I just want someone else to get MVP, and I'm smart enough to know (like most of the other viewers at this point) that the odds of that happening with her in the house is pretty nil. So, sadly, she has to go.
  5. I typically agree with the posters on here that think things are rigged or shady, done on the fly when things don't go quite right and they are worried about ratings. But, in this instance, I'm going to respectfully disagree that this is some ploy to save Ellissa. She doesn't need saving. If anything, this is a ploy to get MVP away from her for the week. I honestly think those twits running this show didn't have enough of a brain cell between them to figure out Ellissa would get MVP EVERY week. I think this America MVP is their way of trying to get it away from her before they take a ratings hit because people become disenfranchised with the whole dang show. That's just my 2 cents on it, there is simply nothing to be gained for Ellissa with this move.
  6. I really hope they don't tell the houseguests, just imagine the tension that would cause... not knowing who nominated and everyone saying it's not them, and all of the houseguests assuming that someone is lying. Telling them that it was America isn't nearly as much fun, all that serves is making whoever is nominated feel crappy. I decided to split my votes, and here's why... if we pick someone who Judd puts up (say, Aaryn), it will fall to the next highest votes. Then, let's say the next highest is Howard (yeah, right), but he wins the PoV... then it will fall to America to replace and I believe they will take the next highest vote getter, since there won't be time to recast votes. Having said all of that, I decided to split my votes... 3 Aaryn, 3 GM, and 4 Ellissa.
  7. I'm seriously thinking about Andy next week. I was going to vote for Amanda... but I really want to vote for someone that will hold the info close and make a big move and not tell a soul they did it. Amanda will just blab it to Mc... although, I still think their choice would be interesting. I love the MVP twist, but they should have never put Ellissa in the house. It's really not fair... I hope America wakes up soon.
  8. I liked her. I do not like her anymore. HoH has shown her true colors and she is just as much a bully as these other people are. Does she not understand that after this week, she is a peasant again and there will be consequences for what she does this week. Nobody died and made her queen, these people owe her NOTHING and since she CAN'T evict them all... she might want to mind her Ps and Qs and how she talks to people this week.
  9. I keep thinking about voting for him to have MVP... I hate that everyone knows where the MVP is. Would Andy keep his mouth shut or would he just end up being a tool for someone else's game?
  10. As bad as Aaryn is, Jeremy is worse. I think it might be all the native american claims he throws around that really get under my skin. I can't put my finger on it, but I just get the feeling like someone told him he has a little native blood in him and he's gone off on this whole thing about it. It bothers me. He bothers me. The 2 of them should call their alliance the "Bad Eggs" because that's what they are. I voted for Elissa as my fav simply because she's the underdog at this point. I think Helen could be a sleeper and I am watching Nick, he might emerge as my favorite as we progress. Seems like he's got the brains for the whole house and is aggressive and charismatic enough to get people to do what he needs done.
  11. Is anyone in the house even old enough to remember Howdy Doody????
  12. Hoping you guys are right about her calming down, maybe she was just trying to impress everyone on that first night. She's 32, so I'm thinking she's in that strange stage of life where you are trying to hang onto your 20s with every ounce of gusty and it just comes off as annoying (and slightly desperate for attention).
  13. Yeah, this is an interesting twist. I'm really thinking that if the MVP is on the block, they will prob remain on the block. All 3 will get to play for Veto and you better just hope you put someone up who is a bigger target than you are. The big question is, does America get to vote after they know who is on the block for the week and will their vote be influenced by the nominees... or will the vote be a week behind.
  14. Yeah, I like her, she's cute and seems nice. I hope she ends up being someone to root for, I guess time will tell... at least she wasn't totally annoying last night (one of the only ones that wasn't, it seemed).
  15. Can someone make a Grumpy Cat meme for this chic. The top panel could be GinaMarie telling us how cool she thinks she is. The bottom panel could be Grumpy Cat telling her cool she is NOT. I don't know how much of her I can take, she's sooooo annoying and I just want to reach through the tv and shake her and tell her to calm down and remember that she is on tv, not at some skanky night club.
  16. I would like to see Ian, Dan, and Shane in the top 3... but I think Shane might be a bad spot this week... and Ian is in real REAL trouble next week.
  17. I keep forgetting Jenn is even in the house. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, or a bad thing.
  18. Well... I'm officially disgusted. How stupid do they think we all are??? There is no way a "no" answer on this will go over... can you even imagine that show: Julie: America has voted and decided the coaches will NOT enter the game to play for the big prize. So... uh... yeah. Um... not quite sure what the plan is now... stay tuned after the commercial to see video of cricket's chirping since we have a lot of empty time to fill now. Seriously... how do they deal with a no answer? Answer, they don't. What I find really interesting is the unofficial poll out on Morty's page shows things pretty even. How is that even possible?? It's not NOT NOT fair to let them enter when they've had 3 weeks to WRECK the game. The whole thing has turned into a "teams" thing, which is HORRIBLE. I normally try to take these twists and such in stride, but this is too much. Best case scenario if they enter, the HGs gang up on them and boot them out... but what really will end up happening is the newbs will play like a pack of idiots and the coaches will be the last 4 standing, then Mike wins the game. I need a pillow to scream into.
  19. Oh man, I hope I don't get stoned to death here, but I kinda like the "coaches" twist. It's like BB meets The Voice. I hate it when they bring past players back (esp when they do it on Survivor), but I understand that they keep doing it because it gets the ratings up. If they have to bring people back, at least this makes it so they can't team up, walk all over the people that can't figure out their you-know-what from a hole in the ground, and play on their star power to carry them to the end. It's nice to know that the conversations between the coaches and their team members "should" be honest strat sessions. Now, if it starts to get too predictable, that's when I might check out, but for now... I think this is interesting enough to at least give it a chance and see how it plays out. But, that's just my 2 cents on it... don't hurt me!!! =)
  20. Ya gotta have the big ears to hear all the whispering in the BB house.



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