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Posts posted by SueZqueZ

  1. 7am BBT,quick peek in house shows Devin in the hammock alone on two cams and Brit/Zach/Cody discussing sushi. Brit mentions a certain resturant and tells Cody he has to go there. He states he will only if she goes with and the kids too! She says absolutely not. He makes comment why? I have money and a job (or maybe not now) and can afford it. She giggles, with a no, not going to happen and convo goes into liking Wasabi etc....

  2. They have all confirmed they still want Devin out and feel now because he almost won the POV comp that it proves he is also a strong mental player along with being physically strong. The general talk is that Devin because of this is a stronger player than Caleb. That Caleb is not good at comps that are mentally challenging, though a beast at endurance and when the time comes he will be up.

  3. 6 pm BBT feeds return, houseguest come out of HOH....The have not food is presented. Tortia's Tripe and Tomatillos...An Awful Burrito. The have nots are Caleb, Amber, Devin and Hayden volunteers for the last spot..

    Derrick quick to add since Hayden volunteered he can sleep in HOH room all week and on the night b4 next HOH comp ALL have nots can sleep in room so as to get a good restful nights sleep.

  4. Off with her head....she is too inconsistent with what and whatnot she can do for religious purposes. She can wear provocative clothing but can't sleep in the same room as a man. No one asked her to jump in bed with them. And she is another one with too many "ME ME ME" issues. Why does she hog all the blankets in the Icebox room??? She feels she is more entitled?

  5. After watching last nights broadcast, I am absolutely discussed with the show. This is one of the dumbest bunch of so called BBfans/draftees I have ever witnessed. Devin, how could he not see he threw Caleb and Frankie under the bus during his house meeting. He is so self centered I want to puke. He blatantly stated it was ME who told them to nominate Donnie. It was MY idea all along. I MADE them do it!! Thus, blowing Caleb/Frankie's reasoning that they only nominated by who fell off first in the comps as a fair first week draw. The way he looked at Frank/Caleb when they tried to explain that to him...like, "What, no, I did not. I was trying to be honest and trustworthy." And his chit eating grin....What a tool !!! Then to watch him tell (bully) the nominee (Pow pow) to throw a comp and he will save her till jury. What a dumb stupid little girl she is!!! Does she not know what a NOM HO she is going to be from week to week...anyone who is HOH is going to put her up for the same reason .... she will either fail outright or throw it for them!! I don't blame Brit at all for not liking her. Brit was trying to save them both, to no avail. Anyone nominated with her will also suffer the same fate. Oh Hayden, why did you fall....and Amber...you need to leave your hair natural...when you straighten it you pulled to hard and it dragged your brains to your hair tips!!!! The rest of the house better wake up soon. Zach is right to feel like "what does it matter". Thats how I feel...I know its only week 2 ... but I don't see much real light at the end of the tunnel ....wish I didn't love this stupid show!!

  6. Wondering how do you all feel about the Have Nots being selected by HOH? I'm am not liking it...it should be a comp. I understand due to the double HOH and the added comp for BotB it would be time consuming for production, BUT in all fairness, I don't like it. Once the HOH is determined they can then place their noms and potential POV replacements in the Ice Box....hoping to weaken them physically and mentally. Let's face it, being a Have Not has always drained most players in some ways. Also, it can also become very personal. The HOH just doesn't like them...so off with your heat!!! Anyways...just don't care for it being done this way....

  7. I got through the interviews, the first night and then a couple days ago when I had some down time tried to watcj and nada! I can get the interviews and such, but my feeds won't load...and Marty thanks for the link, but it did not help. Going to call a tech tomorrow.....or just give up

  8. Because my feeds don't work (computer issues I guess) I am at a loss as to why Devin and Brittany have such a dislike of each other. Some of the LFU have made reference to Brittany saying "if and when she leaves she has memorized Devins # and will call his wife" What is that about?? I get the sense that Devin made inappropriate advances or verbal slurs at Brittany for some reason OTHER that the fact she liked Joey and/or Devin feels Brittany is a threat to reckon with (which I think she can be and hope she stays!). Can someone give me a little more light ??

  9. Too Quote Moxie......He's playing the exact game I thought he would. He's very cordial to all HG but listens and observes more than actually talking game. He lucked out when he was called in to join the jocks and thugs alliance. That keeps him informed on their strategies so he isn't blindsided by something they try to pull. I think he is a smart player and see him being in the house for quite a while.

    ITA, love watching his observation skills, interacts at the right time, lays low at the right time, and he wants Devin and Caleb out. I hope his talks and plans with Cody and Zach happen ... but guess we have another week to wait for that....:(

  10. Someone explain to him...this was America's Birthday, a day to CELEBRATE our country and our independence!! Not a day to mourn ... it's a day of festivities, family picnics, hot dogs, apple pie and fireworks!! Yes we think of and honor our hero's who saw too it that we have out independence, but we mourn them on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Get over yourself Caleb, you knew going into BB you'd miss holidays and birthdays and family interaction. Don't use it as a tool to gain sympathy!! You might think this is a plan to go farther in the BB game, but houseguests really don't like whinners!!! Wonder what he has planned if he stays till Labor Day :(

    Just can't find reason to root for this clown.......

  11. Misha.... :hurray:

    No need to apologize...you have a right to your feelings and opinions and a right to post such, as do others. What I have always loved about Morty's is that MOST people do not slam people for their opinions and feelings...those that do have that right, but I just choose not to agree with them.....

    As for Caleb the house guest in the BB game...I didn't like him in the beginning and currently trying to give him the benefit of my doubts. Time will tell, but he is still not on my fav list :)



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