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Posts posted by SueZqueZ

  1. With last nights public announcement that he is playing for a Broadway charity as a FUND raiser....CBS better make an announcement that Frankie CAN NOT be voted as America Favorite Player.  WHY?  If he wins...I'm claiming him as a 25K charitable contribution on my 2014 Tax Return....hey I'm an american tax payer and I just handed that guy 25K...I want the deduction too!!!!!!

    Also, with all this he should be blocked out as AF....if I was a hg right now, I'd be calling "FOUL".  Can't blame them all to now be saying they have NO shot at winning the monies.  I didn't like how it was done last yr either.  Hell, I don't like anything that is decided by click of a keystroke by viewers, in my opinion its not the best that wins, its the most popular!

  2. I do believe that once she is out and watches the live feeds for herself, she is going to be devastated to find out what Derrick has said about her being in his pocket, will do as she's told, etc. and that he has lied about being a grounds keeper and that he is a cop.  Of all these hg, she is the one I most worry will need professional help when she gets out. :(

  3. Big Red....sorry but Survivor comes on in a month. :) It would take two houses to keep the ladies and the gents on two different teams until a merge!  Without that, the mingle would start immediately.  Testosterone and Estrogen have always been hard to function one without the other :)

  4. Little shithead has probably been planning this "Frankie Funeral" from Day #1 in case he

    got in trouble.  What a lower than a snails belly thing to do in order to save yourself in the house,

    dropping your famous sister and your charity on everyone (and the dead grandfather {again}

    was another nauseating touch) and promising front row concert tickets and meeting your fav



    At least when Dan did "Dan's Funeral" it was all game play.  He didn't name drop famous

    people or promise people to hook them up after the show.  Frankie should be proud of himself (sarcasm)

    for being like Boogie (Boogie promised HG's jobs and things for votes, which he never made good on).


    There are dozens of shows he and his sister could go on where the celebs specifically play for

    their charity, so instead the little self-entitled turd has to come on Big Brother and ruin the other HG's legit

    chances at getting Amer's Fav. or legitimately winning the game because they played the best game!


    I was starting to dislike him before this and now I absolutely cannot stand him.  What a creep!



  5. The dominos thing could have been done by one person. It would be unfair if Frankie couldn't fight by himself in a challenge. The cake thing only needed the 2 at the end to stand on the cake. It can and should be allowed to be done.


    Sorry Fred....but IMO...It was and it shouldn't of been allowed.  


    I do agree, the domino game appeared as if one could do it alone, but being as that was already used, I do feel production came up with an alternative, I have joined the conspiracy bandwagon!

    Battle of the Block....TWO people battle TWO people to get off the block and dethrone HOH.  Therefore, the game should be staged that it takes TWO people to win.  If one wants to hinder another, so be it, but it should always take TWO!!  The cake game good example, one could of built, but TWO had to be on top together to win!

  6. I don't think NIc is "star struck".  I feel she might now be totally conscience of what she should say by saying what she knows the person she is talking to wants to hear.  What and how she consoled Vic being an example.


    I feels she knows she can't trust Christine farther than she can see her....hard to keep mouth shut around her when she wants Chris to feel they are still BFF's.  

  7. Every time I think there is a little hope for how I'd like the game to move forward, it is smacked down.  

    You should know better!! Derrick has flipped Frankie's ploy around now and the target on Frankie's back just grew bigger than it was before!!



    Guess I need to do some more reading.....:)  Still doesn't get him Frankie out this week .....

  8. Christine got to Cody and he told her everything then he told Frankie everything.

    I don't understand why people say snooze fest. The second half of the game when they turn on each other is where the game gets exciting


    I didn't say snooze fest....I'm agreeing that it will become to predictable....that's what I don't like.  I had one week of excitement so far...well at least since Sunday to last night....was hoping for an Attack on Zach.....:)

  9. I am not sure but I think Derrick spilling the beans and Cody's spilling the beans are totally different. Cody went on and on and told Frankie and Christine every single word said. Stupid.


    Agree...that is why I said, Derrick seemed miffed that Cody had already told everything cause he (Der) knew Cody would of said too much and Der would of wanted control of what was said.  As it is Derrick did damage control again...Frank/Chris are still going to oust Der/Cody asap.  Numbers or no numbers...

    Since Zach is staying, if the BS wins the second HOH, we will see the same snooze-fest for the next 2 or 3 weeks. Maybe for the rest of the season. 



  10. I got that same impression from what I read Marty, that Derrick was a little taken a back when Cody spoke up....but I also had the same impression that Derrick was already leaning toward an all out "spilling of the beans" before he came into the room, he probably wanted to be the one to do it, but as usual he picked up the "ball" and ran in with an explanation "touchdown"....


    I just really didn't want to watch the game finish out the season with the ones that now seem to be in charge...I would of liked a mix of good and evil....wish they could change it up, but don't see that happening again not enough time b4 the show....wanted a couple weeks of a more even game play and crafty moves, now back to predictable...<<<sigh>>>



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