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Posts posted by SueZqueZ

  1. I think its funny that some of the house guests didn't know who Ariana is. I mean yes she's quite famous. I only knew who she was because I've seen her on TV. Then one of the people I watch on youtube interviewed her, and that's how I found out she's a singer. I mean its not like hes Beyoncé's sibling. I really would love to see him leave the house AFTER the jury buy back. He just seems like a HUGE diva and an equally huge loose cannon.




    Thank you :)

  2. She was smart to align with derrick.  How far it takes her remains to be seen but I wouldn't discount her ability.


    I don't think she thought to align with Derrick, I think Derrick read right through her vulnerability and has manipulated her the entire game, when ready he will drop her but I also think he wants her f2 over Cody.....

  3. Yeah he is LOADING on the pity party 24/7.  I find it neither endearing or cute, but it sure is working on many viewers.  I am constantly reading about pooooooooooooooooooooooooor Donny and his "pure heart" LMAO. 

    This is true but he has never really tried.  I would see it differently if he were laying out a strategy in the DR, but no.  He says a whole lot of nothing in there too. 


    Can't lay out a strategy in the DR when you are hardly ever called in there.  I don't pity Donny and don't take his conversations as such.  He's not my fav player, but I don't dislike him.  He is who he is and playing the game the best he can the only way he can.  That's all.  When he leaves and looks back he will realize the difference between the TV version and the REAL version of BB (he has already stated as much!).....

  4. I don't think Donny has ever recovered from the early negatives of the game. Right off the bat, he was part of the D&D alliance and ended up on the block. From the beginning the other players suspected him of hiding his true identity, I guess, because they couldn't believe that Grodner would put a plain old guy with a simple life on the show. So, he has never found a way to fully trust other players and they have not found a way to fully trust him. Ergo, he has been basically drifting along throughout the game, with no true direction and no strategy. He's play the TV version of BB and the BS/Detonators (Derrick/Frankie) played the real BB.   


    very good.....

  5. In Cristine's DR last night she acted like she had agonized over picking a side and that it was so hard for her to go against Nicole. Picking side implies that at some point she was neutral. But, I can't remember when she was supposed to be on Nicole's side. Since like the second night, when she was drafted into the BS, she has been keeping secrets and working against Nicole. I don't know whether her DR was supposed to justify the move to the fans or was she just trying too clear her own conscious for continually screwing Nicole.    


    Agree she had never told her about BS till it came out in open, even then she glossed over it, or explained the Detenators ... never really been a true friend in the game...I took her DR as you did, she wants to justify to American TV Viewers (not feeders) but, She can't clear a conscious she doesn't have, so disagree there :) 

  6. Caleb once again showed he should stick to hunting, thinking is too much of a challenge. All he had to do was take his end of the chain and do nothing. He could still make his speech to Frankie explaining why he's doing it but while the comp was going. Frankie would not have won.


    Agree, and Caleb saw that I'm sure.  BUT, to save face and get to the prizes (trip and slop pass for a day) he chose to keep sitting instead of all out visual sabotage.  I recollect reading in the updates that Caleb said he even started to give Frank pointers cause he wanted to meet NFL players..(this was cut from TV, his pointers and convo about it)....


    I'm as convinced this game was used for this battle to give Frank a chance (or the assumption of) to win, to which he did and much to the chagrin of production.

  7. A floater goes from one side of the house to the other, depending on whose in power. Caleb is actually one of the only ones in the house who hasn't floated. He picked a side and stuck to it. While others were playing mind games and gossip games and kissing a$$, Caleb remained honest and never made any alliances other than the one started in the beginning.


    Agree with the actual term as we know it and you stated it...one who goes from side to side.  What I meant by Caleb being a floater was he just floats along with the big guns of his alliance and yes props for his allegiance to them...if best I should of said he "goes with the flow"....

  8. I was wondering about that too because other than the premire night(s) there really hasn't been one.

    I am thinking the final battle of the block will be endurance between the 4 jury and the 4 houseguests, however

    chosen, are still in the house!


    If the two Hoh have 4 noms (2 ea)...they battle first 4 jury, how would the winning HOH be determind?  Just wondering :)

  9. Derrick knows his only threats in F2 are Frankie and Donny....how and whom to take are probably dancing in his head 24/7.  It will all depend on how the first five go down.  Zach/Cody/Vic/Caleb/Christine are all votes for him or Frankie....thats all the winner needs with 9 jurors...5 votes...


    And if Frankie in jury, still 5 votes, unless Frankie proves he really is a bitter biotch.

  10. The way he told Nicole to "take a seat next to your boyfriend" confirmed that he was jealous of Nicole and Hayden because Amber wouldn't give him the time of day.


    I think it would be fab if Amber showed up at the wrap party with a  6'2" good looking totally chiseled guy, blonde and doesn't have crazy eyes!   Wait, this guy is a country singer too and has his own reality show starting next Spring.   Wouldn't that be a hoot!


    lmao.........thanks need the giggle

  11. Keep on keepin on Derrick...your still the best player in the house.  I may not like some of what you'v done, the backstabbing, twisted truths, manipulation, but hey! thats the game of BB!!!.  At least your not doing it giving out tickets to a family reunion, a ride in a cruiser, bowling with the boys from the precinct or on the pain you feel with the loss of your Grandad!! 

  12. I'd be bored too...it would be 16 wanna be's lounging all day, kissing the camera's dupa, primpin, buffin, smacking/chewing into a microphone, afraid to say a word we could hear so lots of whispers.  Booooorrrrring.


    I like the format, I like the contests, I even like the BotB...don't like the HN situation though.  HN and Food should be a competition, make HN sleep in a separate semi comfortable room with an enforced bedtime (so they can't stay up late or up too early for all the scheming, that could hurt a few alliances) and make their diet simply, ie. PB&J, Cereal&Milk and Water.   The competition in itself could be for certain food items and some how determine the losers.  


    Oh...the thought of just watchin peeps just sit on their arse...........yuk!!



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