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Posts posted by SueZqueZ

  1. Last time I made a wish for BB, all I got was a headache......but here goes....I wish, I wish, I wish.....ALL UNKNOWN HOUSEGUESTS!!! No card carrying actor/actress members!! Give me 14 peeps without any TV experience....I always said they could grab some of the best houseguest there would ever be if they just pulled them off this website!!!

  2. Howdy, plan on getting live feeds (through Morty's as usual) and can jump in if I see no postings, but to be assigned specific times....no can do. Let me know how you want me to work it. Last summer I was not on much, but did help when saw no one posting..

  3. What a bummer, first time I look forward to the man playing and he is gone!! Hope nothing serious. If TPTB dq'd for the tape he had released after the premier, then they are dumber than rocks:hammer:...he was going to have a whole new batch of watchers...even this ED hater was excited about it...not good IMO

  4. Dan's interview with Gretchen proved I picked the right one! Hope you stay wise with your winnings Dan, your young with a lot of life left. Know that you will need those monies in the journey !!

    Congrats again...

    Psst: If you ever do read Morty's, there's this one poster named MARTY...be careful...she wants to adopt you! :animated_bouncy:

  5. First congradulations again Jem and please take care of your precious cargo :)

    To Morty, hope you are recovering well and look forward to seeing you on the boards when you can. Just know how much I appreciate you site and have so for more years than I am registered. My donation has been sent.

    Thanks again for years of fun and a place to go on the net that is .... unlike no other!


  6. I am not a Michelle fan but she is doing a great job dodging the bullet and having others help her on her way.

    Just how I feel EC49...gotta give her credit on that

    I really think if we were to walk around Michelle's neighborhood we would find that 70% of the kids her age walk, talk, dress and swear the way she does....

  7. IMO she came across well with Julie, her answers were thought out, she defended her decision to be on the show with confidence and maybe now some of her critics can get some rest.

    I have gained new insight into her, and as far as Libras 4 yr old watching BB, if it is just the CBS show, who could complain about that, it is very watered down from what is on the internet

    On spot Fatcat



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