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August 10, Live Feed Updates

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Eric saying he enjoyed every swing.

Z: Just smash the middle on the corner.

E: We were smashing so hard that stuff was coming out of the thing (they're being very descriptive).

All four feeds showing the BR with Eric and Zach. I'm still trying to figure out who is on slop and who isn't. Zach keeps saying he had a great time regardless of the outcome.

All feeds showing Eric drying himself off. Feeds switch to Small bedroom with Daniele and Zach. No talking.

Now the cameras are following Eric around in a towel.

I hear Daniele/Dick whispering but I don't see them on the feeds. Now I do.

ED: I should've been on the other team, goddammit.

ED: I can't believe I gave Eric the fucking slop pass. I should've given it to you. That was a load of crap.

Feeds keep messing up fo rme.

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12:57pm bbt

Dani/Dick in round room whispering

Dick:yea, that was the plan with me grabbing both of the bandanas, they planned it outright... I should have been on the other team &^%$

Dani: Zach said, he goes I said you were supposed to switch places with me and he goes yea I know but I couldn't because of something I'll tell you later whatever that means

Dick: I can't believe I gave her the *&^% slop pass, I should have listened to you and given it to you

Dani: yea but... I don't know, the whole thing, that's a load of &&%$

Dick: yea that was a load of *&^%

Dani: it's like everything else...

Dick: everyone has had the slop pass

*silence* Dick laying on his back, Dani sitting

Dick: oh well

Dani: I'll be fine, I'll just eat it, it won't be so gross... mimics someone saying they'll make it for her

Dani: what's the point of even staying?

Dick: get HOH and bust them up

Dani: what if they don't put either one of them up? and then we play? I'm trying to think of any and every scenario

Dick: Zach keeps saying back door back door

Dani: it would be stupid, if they put you and Zach up... I don't think they would take any of those chances... it will be both of us or neither of us.. it makes me mad, I know it's the game, but everyone is so fake, and then being nice, pick one or the other, I'm not an idiot

*Dick makes mention of an extra glove for Dani to use in comps*

Dani: are you going to ask Jen what Amber said?

Dick: I think it's better just knowing...

Dani: what if she was just saying, why did he use it on you?

Dick: when I walked in, they stopped talking immediately and walked away... Dustin was so *&^% he grabbed one and I grabbed it out of his hand

Dani: I want to know why Zach did that... he said there was a reason...

Dick: ... sat in the middle of the yard, tuning the guitar (?)

Dani: I'm so ready to leave and go to sequester and spend my birthday alone

Dick says he'll go this week, but Dani says she thinks they want her to go this week

Dani says he should have kept the slop pass for himself.. I should go complain, and have a do-over!

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1:03 pm BBT

(just logged back on)

Dick and Danielle in the round room

Dick saying he was going to take Jameka's bible and hide it because it would drive her crazy. Dani told her not to do it.

Dick saying he wished he ate before the competition. Saying "it was fucked" Dick saying that Marcelleas last year didn't have to do it right away and neither did Joe this year (I have no clue what they are talking about)

Dick saying that everything in this house is 5 minutes late for us and Dani says "i know we suck"

Dani saying we should use our own tactics against us by me saying that "I'll be a mess for POV because I'm on slop"

Dani....how about Jameka saying "Thank you God" over and over.....Dani saying Jameka was a sore winner.

Dick and Dani talking about throwing something out little by little (didn't hear it). Dani is laughing. Dani says "just say it all fell on the floor"

Dani and Dick both say they are tired.

Dani says that she hates Dustin and she hates Amber, she doesn't know what to do. Dick tells her to be cordial and nice. Dani says cordial or nice there is a difference. Dick says it will make them look like assholes to everyone else. Dick says it is funny that he never says anything "when I'm around."

Quiet now.

Dani asking how can she trust someone. Dick says "don't just use them." Dani says that she thinks she can only trust Zach.

(Apparently Dick gave a slop pass to someone)

Dick saying it was obvious when he walked in on her and Amber....(I dont know what he's talking about)


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1:10 pm BBT

Eric and Zach in the little bed room.

Zach (with funny voice)

Eric saying that he passed away of a heart attack at his own father's funeral. Eric says it happened the day of his barmitvah (sp). Zach says all 3 of those events happened on the same time. Eric says yes.

They continue talking about whatever it is they are talking about. Very friendly conversation.

Dick and Danielle continuing their "talk" in the round room. Same talk different time.

Storage room is open and Zach, Eric, and Jen go in there to check out the stuff. Jen is in this shiney hair wig (she looks funny). Jen says "a haven of food."

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1:23 pm BBT

Feed 1 & 2 on Dick and Danielle continuing their talk. Seriously, it is the same stuff just a different day. Dick has talked about putting honey in Jameka's bible (earlier he said it but I thought he said "hide" it). They have off and on quiet moments. Dick and Dani talking about everyone. Dani saying that Amber told her that she (Amber) was going to have her own sitcom when she gets out of the house. Dick says "who told her that, the voices in her head"

Feed 3 & 4 on Jameka and Amber having a bible study group. Jameka reading the bible while Amber sits and holds her necklace tightly.

FOTH @ 1:26 pm

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1:36 pm BBT


Dick and Danielle still laying down in the round room, still talking. Dick saying that there is only 3 votes needed. Dani saying that was random and Dick says that was random. Dick saying like yesterday they said "440 laps is 1 mile in the BB pool" Dani says "when did they say that?" Dick tells her she was sleeping. Dani talking to Dick about Zach "calendar" he made to quiz himself on things that happened. Dick says he'll make them slop when the get up from a nap, Dani says she can't make herself take a nap. Dani commenting that slop can't be good for you...all the sugar that is in it.

Jameka and Amber still in the bed room. Seems like bible study is over. Jameka laying down. Amber talking....

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1:44 pm to 1:54 pm BBT

Amber and Jameka talking still. Amber saying she can't be in sequester with "him" (talking about Dick). Jameka saying "don't worry you won't be....it's not an option" (I guess she knows who the final 3 will be LOL). Amber saying that she told Dustin to leave it alone and that maybe he'll stop (talking about Dick). Jameka says that she doubts it. Jameka talking about Danielle saying she is supposed to talk to her later and she doesn't want to. Jameka knows she has to but she feels like Danielle should have said things before that it's too late now.

Dick fell asleep and started to snore. Dani waked him up to tell him she can't sleep there because of his snoring and she leaves.

Zach eating a sandwich with Jen there too. Jen made herself something to eat.

Jen goes into the little room and tells Jameka and Amber that there is food.

Amber saying that she doesn't know what it is, but Jen is clingy to her lately. Amber saying "she was so worried about her eye shadow." Amber asks what does superficial mean. Jemeka tells her it is like name brands, etc. Jameka says that Jen is lonely.

Danielle comes into the little room. Amber gets up and pulls something (it was a blue bandana) out of her drawer. She says this is Nick's and I thougth it was mine. I'm sorry. Danielle says it is okay and Amber walks out (to put it in Dani's room????).

Danielle is called to the DR.

Jameka and Amber continue to talk nothing really important.

I the kitchen Dustin has joined Zach and Jen. Dustin appears to be reading the rule book about slop. There is a bottle of Vaseline lotion on the counter in front of Dustin and the camera keeps zooming in on the lotion then panning up to Dustin (LOL).

Eric joins the kitchen group and Jen asks if he wants a turkey burger. Eric says "no thank you I'm going to make myself a grilled cheese."

Kitchen group still talking about ants.

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1:54 pm BBT


Amber telling Jameka she knows that "me, you and Dustin will be the final 3 and I'll win HOH and get rid of Dustin and we'll go the finals together." Amber says that she will win HOH and that God told her that Dustin would understand since he won the trip to Barbedos and the money, the stipend. She knows that Dustin will understand. Amber says that she knows it will happen. Jameka says it is still crazy that she has to sit out 4 HOH's and that getting through that will amaze her. Amber says that she knows she will win the next HOH.....Amber starts to cry and says "my daughter"

They continue to talk

Feed switches.

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2:01 pm BBT

Eric thinks that Dick blew his nose into the hand towel. Eric says he isn't for sure because he didn't want conflict or a confrontation with Dick but out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw Dick blow his nose into the towel. He doesn't want to make a big deal out of it he just wanted everyone to know....Dustin suggests to bring it to the DR attention so they can check.

Jessica has been laying down listening to music. Jameka goes to get Jessica to eat.

All 4 feeds switch to the kitchen area. Jen is going to make Jessica a turkey burger.

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2:10 pm BBT

All 4 feeds on kitchen and kitchen table.

Everyone eating. Dustin thanks Jen for cooking. He is eating slop though.

Everyone else eating food I think (Jameka, Jessica, Jen, Amber, and Zach).

Jessica says "don't forget ladies slumber party tonight in HOH room" Eric says he is jealous he isn't a girl. Eric asks if boys can sneak in (too cute!).

General chit chat.

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2:20 pm BBT

Lots of general chit chat about the food competition.

Jen saying she was surprised that Dick gave her the slop pass.

The HG's worried bout their leftovers, not wanting to leave anything out...afraid D & D might do something...Eric says he is going to bring his eds to HOH room.

Jessica saying it was obvious that people were getting their frustrations out hitting those things.

Eric saying the costumes were fun.

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Amber in the HOH room crying !!!! And praying to God for putting her in the big brother house.

*she squeaks when she cries like Dani*

Asking God to take away her things and give Jameeka a perm *WTF*???

deep sighs....sniffling.....listening to music while she is talking to God

making that pouty face

more talking to God..I am being patient. I cant wait to get out of here. I have learned so much about myself and people and you know, life and my family

Even if I dont win the money and you know I mean it...so thankful so thankful

She is rambling crying and conversing

I want to be a nurse. I am going to. Get my life together and I* dont know, I want to be a nurse. I want to be a nurse so bad. I am only 27 and I want to be a nurse soon than later. blah blah blah

**ed she appears to be SO very aware she is on camera

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2:27 pm to 2:40 pm BBT

Feeds switch to HOH room

Amber crying in HOH. Saying "help me god to be strong" Saying she is thankful for the wonderful competition. Says thank you so much for being there for her allowing her to be there. Saying she knows she cries a lot but she can't hold it in. She says she is so thankful "you have no idea" She hopes her daughter is okay she loves her so much, so much. (She is crying through all of this)

Amber saying if she gets HOH take away one of her pictures and to put one up for Jameka. She can't get HOH for 5 weeks and honestly god, take away everything she will get for HOH and give something to Jameka, give her her perm, Amber only wants her letter. She says "I don't know if you can or if it is allowed....I just love Jameka and I'm so thankful for her."

Amber saying "if I don't win, I've learned about myself and about people and life and her family and everything and even if I dont win the money and I hope you dont think I'm saying that even if I don't win I am so thankful." She is crying so hard throught this whole thing. "I've learned so much and through Jameka I've learned so much and when I get out of here I'm going to be nurse, I am going to..I am going to get my life together. I just want to be a nurse so bad, I want to help people, it is hard for me because I want to be committed and it's so hard to be there for everyone and be there I can't go to school. I want to be a nurse. I want to be a nurse my whole life. Please help me."

Make me strong, make me do better in competition even in endurance. I need willpower to eat right and work out. I dont mean to be help me, help me, help me. I need help with Dick...he's so mean. I am a mess because of him this week. Help me please.

(I'm sorry but this girl needs help....seriously).

Amber saying I love you god, I love you so much, I love the person that I am, I love the person that you made me. I love the changes that I've made to better myself. I know I did drugs and I know I made mistakes but I...I want you to help me. I don't want to do drugs again...I want you to help me.....I've learned from it. I promise I did god. Dick says I'm a bad mom, I am not a bad mom, I am a good Mom...the only reason why I did drugs was because of my family I had 4-5 people to take care of them and I'm sorry I turned to drugs to help me work harder and give me energy. I really regret it. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just....I just did it to help my family and I know I ended up hurting them in the long run, but I learned and I got .... because that car accident....I love my boyfriend so much. I love him so much oh my goodness. I know that is my sole mate and I thank you so much for keeping him around and for realizing that there is a good person in me and he is realizing more and more everyday and he sees the person that I am and I know he's seeing me on TV and we .... and just ummmm and I just thank you for watching what I eat because you put me in the hospital 1 month ago and I'm just a different person that I used to be.....

Jessica comes in. Amber stops.

Jessica asks if she is okay. Amber says that she just is sweet to let her go into the HOH room. Amber saying she knows she is nervous about nominations. Amber saying if you need advice you can talk to me, I can give you some words and stuff. Jessica says that she will leave her alone. Jessica gives her a hug and leaves her alone....


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2:42 pm BBTDustin and Jessica talking in hallway about Dani (it seems) but Jessica keeps it short and walks away.....Jen, Jameka and Jessica digging in something. Jen says "do they want the packaging back"....Jessica called to DR.Eric and Dustin talking about what they are going to do.Jen saying "okay I'll give up the bunny costume" as she is pulling it out of a drawer in the room.

2:46 pm BBTFeed 3 & 4 showing a rack of clothes...then quickly changed.

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2:49 pm to 3:09 pm BBT

Jessica out of Dr. Eric asks "do you think I should nap or go outside." Jessica says you should come upstairs and talk to me. He says okay I'll be up in a minute and she says okay good.

Jessica goes upstairs. Amber is still there. Amber asks Jessica if she knows what she is going to say. Jessica says that she has hundreds of things she wants to say but she has to wind it down. Amber saying that she was probably the best HOH to put "them up." Amber saying that if she was HOH that he would pick on her....she saying that he walked past her saying "mother of the year...where was your daughter when you were high." saying those things. Jessica says "like he is dad of the year...that is just mean." Jessica saying that "he hasn't attacked me but he has attacked people I am very close with." Jessica says that she is going to keep is short. Amber starts to cry and says Dick is just mean....she says that he takes things she has says and runs with it. Dick saying "you're so fat, you deserve to be dead instead of being a mom." Amber crying to Jessica saying that she hopes her daughter didn't see all of that on the internet. Amber saying sorry she is so emotional. Jessica says its okay. Amber still going ... Amber saying the only reason she did drugs was because of stress. Jessica says that he is one to talk...he openly talked about drug use. Jessica saying that she needs to be strong. Jessica saying the food comp was such a kill...Jessica saying karma is so huge in the house. Amber saying "i know I got so many of those greens." Amber saying she knows "what goes around comes around" and "treat people how you want t be treated." Amber saying those are her favorites quotes that she put on her BB application. Jessica saying that he got the slop pass and he was hitting the guitar that he was so dramatic. They are talking about the food competition.

Dick goes outside and says "congrats on the win" Zach says that every time he is with Eric he loses but for once he won.

Feeds switch to gym where Eric and Zach are talking. I missed some because I was listening to Jessica and Amber. I switched so I could hear this. Eric is talking about Kail. Zach says the problem with him is that he wants to have an ear in everything. Zach saying that when he was outside with D&D that he always has to know what the conversatoin was. Zach says he can't trust him because he's on too many sides. Eric says that he (Dustin) thinks he has him all roped in and on his side. Zach saying that he needs to figure out what the biggest threats are in the house. Zach saying that 100% his vote is going to him to go. Eric agrees. Zach says as sucky as it is that he will vote for her to go if he isn't on the block. Eric saying that Dustin said he would go on the block with Dustin...and Eric thought it would be a good idea to give Dustin a little jab of reality. Eric says that she wants one of the two of them out. Zach saying that it would be funny to see him squirm. Zach says but you take the risk that Dick may stay. Zach saying he will vote him out. Eric saying regardless of how the week was he did save my ass last week so it is beneficial, Eric says he can't go up there and bury him. Zach says that he will try to side with them even as much as he still talks to him (Zach and Danielle). Zach saying he will definilty go up next week because he is squirmy and he can't be trusted. Eric says he isn't the only one to say that to him.


Eric saying that he tried.....but she made the actually correct decision because if Dani won POV she could take Dick off and then they'd both be safe. So the best game scenario is that they both go up and if one of them win the POV we can deal with that later. Eric saying that from what Kail told him about Dustin, and what he heard from others last night and from him (Zach), he would love to see him squirm. Zach is liking that idea. Zach says you are taking a risk that Dick won't go. Zach says there is a 17% chance that will happen. Jessica told him (Zach) that he was alright this week. Eric says he thinks that is right. Eric says this isn't my HOH it is hers and ultimately it is her choice. Zach saying that she has to think about people that she will go up against. Eric saying it could be presented that he be put up as a slap in the face to Dick.... Zach says it will put them into craziness in the house. Zach saying that he doesn't have friends and he just wants someone he can be a friend with. Zach and Eric agree that Dani is just latching onto him (Zach) since Nick left.

They are going on and on.....round and round. Seems to me that America told Eric to get Dustin up (stupid choice IMO).

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3:15 BBT

After Eric goes about Dustin to Zach, Zach heads out back. Dustin asks Zack if he'd ever have kids. Zach tells him how he wants to have 3. 2 boys and a girl. Dustin replies, "Oooh you want to have that one special girl.". Zach wants a girl last. He wants his sons to kick the shit out of anyone who bothers her. Dustin complains about after 5 hours of babysitting he's done. Dustin doesn't want to have childrens since the longest time he can spend with them is 5 hours. He realizes he's to selfish to have them. Dustin says he doesnt think he's advanced enough to have kids. Zach thinks he has a good job and had a pretty great girl but he doesnt make enough money to support another mouth. But if it did happen unplanned he'd have one. Says they are a big responsibility. Then goes ahead to talk about how when he was 24 he was wrapped up in a fantasy relationship and wanted to have kids and he didnt have any money. Then his latest ex- all the puzzle pieces fit, but he was 8 years older. They didn't see eye to eye on many concepts. But now in the house he realizes he'd compromise things on his end if she'd compromise things on her end.

~( Sorry feeds cut out )~

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3:15 pm to 3:30 pm BBT

Zach and Dustin talking outside. Zach wants 3 kids...2 boys and 1 girls. Dustin saying "oh you want that 1 special girl." They continue to talk about personal things.

Eric goes to HOH so I'm going to change and listen to them.

Eric is giving Jessica advice on what to say in the nomination ceremony.

Jessica saying as much as I want to say it is strategic, it's not...it's personal. Eric saying that you can just say that "all last week you went after the 1 person that I'm closest to"...Jessica says it is true. Eric says you can say that "going after me is going after you." Jessica says "that is true". Eric says there are so many options, Jessia agrees. Eric says that you could go into the speech about being strong armed last week....and how Dick says she could never win anything. Jessica says "yeah...I won this."

Amber chimes in and says that I'm putting you up and say that he 's a "big influence on the house and I feel that this is the best move for everyone."

Eric agrees and says how could anyone dispute that. Jessica says "yeah"

Eric telling her "honestly you don't have to worry about having the perfect words because you aren't going to be hated after nominating them" (he is really trying to make her feel okay about what she is going to say at nominations)

Jessica says that she is hard about Danielle. Jessica says that Amber said she should say something about last week and that is why she is going up. Jessica is worried because she is going to stay and Jessica feels she should be careful. Eric says that even if she (Dani) wins HOH he feels that Jessica is safe anyways. Amber thinks it would be her and Jameka because they are so spiritually whatever and that bothers Dani or Eric and Dustin. Eric says that the way things went down last week it wasn't her fault...they tried to forced it upon her. Jessica says she knows they doubted it the whole time because she is so close to her.

Jameka knocks and comes in.

Amber explains what is going on.

Jameka asks if she is nervous. Jessica says that she really isn't. Jessica says that she doesn't like to see people close to her being hurt by him (Dick).

Amber says that she (Jessica) could say something like this to Dani - "you could say something like you lost your best friend in the house and you tried to get mine out of the house and it didn't work."

They are continuing giving speech advice to Jessica.

Some talk about Danielle and her mistakes last week. Jameka says that they (D&D) were both so sure that Eric was leaving. Jameka says that she probably said something about it to Nick in her HOH blog. Eric says that if you want to do something to say to her to protect yourself it is up to you (Jessica) but Eric says that she isn't without fault.

Jessica doesn't want to just be blunt and say this is the nomination and not say anything...she says that she gets cut off all the time and wants to say something now while she can.

They are continuing their speech advice to Jessica.

Jessica says that she wants to keep things strategic. She doesn't want to feed crap by saying "it's strategic and you are a tough alliance"...Everyone agreeing that would be "bullshit". Jessica says she knows it will be short and she isn't going to ramble on.

On and on....round and round.

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3:40 pm BBTFeeds 1 & 2 on HOH room with Amber, Jameka, Eric, Zach and Jessica. Jessica was talking about some boots she had that she was going to wear....Zach asked if he could get a 20 second dance with the boots and Jessica hesitates and says maybe. Just general chit chat.Feed 3 & 4 on back yard with Jen and Dustin laying out general chit chat.3:45 pm BBTFOTH3:47 pm BBTBack Same old. No change.HOH people still general chit chat. NO game talkSame with Dustin and Jen outside laying out. NO game talk. Just talk about outside life.

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4:00 pm BBT

Nothing great to report

Dustin and Jen are outside talking about Kail and the mistakes she made in the game. Dustin and Jen talked about Dick and the things that he does, etc. Dustin talking about how the votes went with Kail and Eric.

HOH room group still talking about random stuff. The Bachelor, TV, Jessica talked about her parents and brother, they talked about Iraq Spiders (those huge things...I've seen pictures). Zach yells to have Jessica's brother please bring him one back. More just general chit chat.

Everyone leaves the HOH room. Eric talks to Jessica about the Dustin thing. He is making it seem that it was Zach's idea. Eric saying that maybe they (Eric and Jessica) should throw him a bone and be nice so that maybe they can use that in the future. Jessica agrees. Eric leaves to let her get ready for nominations. Jessica says "see ya later" (very happy voice! she's cute).

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4:06 pm BBT

Jessica asks Eric for some Immodium, says her stomach is "Yuck". Eric and Jessia whisper while he goes to get her some of the medicine. She says "thank you."

Zach, Jen, Dustin in the BY general chit chat. Some about the food competition. Talk about how Dick didn't even have to get into costume for this competion because Dick already had some of the stuff (? guess we have to wait and see). Amber comes out crying and Jessica and Dustin ask her if she is okay...she says "just had a DR session."

General chit chat continues outside about the show and how they think the show is, how they think the games are made/suited for certain people.

Other feeds show Jessica by herself in HOH. She is getting ready for the nominations, getting the bag out for keys, etc.

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Zach and Eric leave Jessica to get ready for her nomination ceremony. They go outside to play chess with the giant chessboard. Zach was surprised that Eric was really going to play. They get started and Eric gets called to the DR. Jess comes out looking for him, and asks him if he has some Imodium, he stomach is killing her. He gets it for her before going to DR. Amber comes out of DR, and Jess asks how she is. She said she had a great DR session.

Dustin, Jen and Zach in BY talking about the competitions, and how they seemed geared for certain people, or events. Zach said if the ratings suck, they might get some that are controversal to get people interested, like people having to set out HoH, or slop, or taking money or whatever. Zach said they have to do something since they moved Pirate Master.

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Eric is back out already. He and Zach resume playing chess. Eric moves a piece and lets go, then wants to change it. Zach says it is ok, but Eric said he won't. He continues making bad moves....Zach calls them interesting.....and Eric said he is going for a re-set. Eric is talking about using his rook to remove Zach's pawns, and how his bishop is equal to a queen. Zach keeps calling check, and Eric is having a tough game. Said the DR messed him al up.

Jen and Dustin are talking about food, and Dustin said he is glad he had the grilled cheese last night. Jen said it smelled good. They continue talking about cookie binges, and different foods.

Zach says he wants to start a new game, but Eric said to keep playing to its natural conclusion. Zach moves and says "fuck, it's a tie". Eric said no, it was checkmate, but Zach said he was not in check. Zach said it hasn't happened to him.

GUESS WHAT! Amber is crying!!!!

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Dustin is telling Amber that "they" love the person she is to them, and that is teh only person she can be. He said you can't regret the past, because it is over. He said you can regret opening up to "him" about what has happened, but without having those things in your past, you wouldnt be the person you are today. You had to push yourself to go that far, because now you know you will never go back. Amber said Kail had kids too, but Amber's daughter is only 8 and needs her there now. She said she never would have left her daughter if it wasn't for her mother being there for her. She said she never would have left her daughter with her dad that long. Amber is supposed to have a break on the weekends, but her daughter calls every 10 minutes because she doesn't like things around her dad. Amber said this time together should help strengthen their bonds.

Jen and jessica in HoH talking before nominations. Jen said she nominated Dick and Daniele, then they both put her up. Jen said Dick is being nice, he gave her the slop pass. His game plan is to be mean.

Amber still crying about her 57 year old mother. How she never could have made it without her. They got fired on the same day, then her mother got a new job, but it wasn't enough money. Amber lied to her mother and said she had money. she went twice to go strip, she borrowed clothes from a friend and bought the shoes, but she couldn't do it. She said she tried, but couldn't. Dustin said Amber does a lot for those people.

Jen is giving instructions to Jess about putting the keys in the box.

I can't take any more of this.............be back later.

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