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Friday, May 1 2015 BBCAN3 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Vault Room (VR)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

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1:55AM BBT Feeds back, waiting to see who is nominated.


2:30AM BBT The lights are out in the HoH room on Kevin and Pilar (who is out of her shell for the night).  FotH on the rest of the house.  Unfortunately, we still cannot confirm nominations.

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1:05am BBT  We are still waiting with you for the feeds to come back. 

1:42am BBT  The feeds are still down.  Nominations? We hope so.

2:04am BBT  The feeds are back.  They are talking about Sindy and JP in the jury house together.  Feeds go down in 1 and 2.  Bobby is washing his feet and everyone is cheering.  

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2:50AM BBT It's lights out throughout the house, with Zach and Bobby in the HN room, Kevin and Pilar in HoH and everyone else in the main BR.  We think 2 of them are nominated but don't yet know who.  Check back in the morning!

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This would be a great day to post your first update!


The updates on my Big Brother pages are written by volunteers, fans like you. The text comes from this forum and social media  To post in my forums, you need to be registered, go here to do that and use the invitation code 6547979 when you're asked.


Then just watch the feeds, and write a short blurb saying what's going on, in this forum I'll spruce up your text (if it needs it) and add it to the http://mortystv.com/bbcanada update page where thousands of fans will read it.

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 9:30 am BBT Bobby and Godfrey are in the hallway chairs and Bobby asked Godfrey if he thinks he will get picked for the PoV comp and Godfrey responded no he has a bad feeling about it. Bobby said not to say that and then he walked away.

 9:34 am BBT All feeds went to FotH

 9:48 am BBT The feeds are still on FotH.

 9:55 am BBT The feeds are still down. They could possibly be picking players for the PoV comp today.

 10:05 am BBT Still waiting for the feeds to come back.  

 10:15 am BBT The feeds are still down.

 10:25 am BBT The feeds have been down for almost an hour now and the anticipation is building.

 10:35 am BBT Still waiting for the feeds to come back up.

 10:36 am BBT And they are back up. Sarah and Britt sitting on the grey LR couch. They are discussing the PoV comp and trying to guess what it will be. Sarah thinks it will be endurance based.

 10:37 am BBT Britt said that she feels bad that Godfrey did not get picked and then she got up and went to sit down next to Godfrey on the red couch. Bobby picked Ashleigh’s chip, Britt picked Sarah’s chip and Kevin picked Pilar’s chip.

 10:47 am BBT Britt and Ashleigh are in the WA talking about vitamins. Britt left the WA and went into the BR to get her makeup. She walked back into the WA and told Ashleigh that she might as well do her makeup so she don’t fall asleep.

 10:50 am BBT Bruno, Bobby, Kevin and Pilar are in the KT eating.

 10:51 am BBT Willow walked into the KT and got a bite of Bruno’s food. Godfrey is now in the KT fixing something to eat.

 10:52 am BBT In the WA Sarah and Britt are whispering. Britt does not trust Willow. Sarah does not trust anybody. Sarah said that Bruno tells them nothing and Bobby and Bruno would throw them out. Sarah said that Willow said they might be losing Bobby this week. Sarah said that they need to be scared of the guys more than the girls. Britt said that she don’t trust Willow and Sarah told her that she needs to start saying she don’t trust the guys. Sarah said to know that Willow will have Britt’s back more than anybody else will.

 10:56 am BBT Sarah told Britt that she really don’t trust Godfrey because he is one of those people that is sincere in the moment and then he forgets. Britt wants the others to think that she is their friend. Britt agrees about the Willow and Bruno thing. Sarah said that they need to see who in that group they could get info from. Britt said once she wins PoV Godfrey will go up.

 10:58 am BBT Sarah walked into the BR and Ashleigh is in there cleaning her stuff. 

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11:01am BBT: Pilar, Bruno, Kevin and Godfrey in the KT talking about DR's and the money thing. In the Bathroom area Bobby and Brittnee are whispering, Bobby says he is scared now too and brittnee says well there is a reason he put you up there but you should not feel worried  but i am worried cause i have no back up and you do. Brittnee ask are you going to use your veto? Bobby says i have to i have to. I can not take any chances 

11:05am BBT: Brittnee and Bobby leave the bathroom and Brittnee goes to the bedroom and talks to Ashleigh,Brittnee says Bobby has a veto and he is going to use it today, Pilar and Bruno walk in and talk stops as Bruno wants a trim around his ears done.

11:09am BBT Ashleigh and Kevin and Pilar in the bedroom talking about how weird Bobby and Bruno are acting this week. Ashleigh says we have to watch out for Bruno and Godfrey both this week but it would be nice if Godfrey could go and the veto go this week too.

11:12am BBT: Brittnee and Bruno walk into the bedroom and Kevin leaves then talk turns to putting on bras before the comp later and Bruno says he needs to gel his hair before he host  the veto comp.

 11:23am BBT: Brittnee and Zach in the hoh bathroom talking then Kevin comes in and  brittnee ask  him if he wins POV will he take Bobby down? Kevin says yes but would Bobby be ok with taking you down? Brittnee says i do not know. Kevin says yeah see we will have to see.

 11:26am BBT: Ashleigh in the bedroom talking to Pilar about if Bobby has a pov and if he will use it . In the bathroom area Willow is talking to  Sarah and Bruno about the POV .

11:33am BBT: Brittnee leaves the HOh rm, Pilar and ashleigh are in the bedroom laying on the bed as Pilar is moaning cause  it is hot in the costume.We then get FOTH.

11:41am BBT: BB calls about Half the Hg and tells them to please wake up that nap time is over.

11:45am BBT: Zach is still soaking in the hoh tub , Pilar is in the hoh shower and Kevin laying on the bed. Sarah and brittnee are in the HOh rm floor. Looks as if Brittnee is going to sleep again

 11:53am BBT: Hg are leaving the HOh rm now after a brief lockdown. 

 11:56am BBT: Pillar yells ok who did we get this time and we get FOTH.

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12:08pm BBT: HG in the LVR area talking about Pictures  and the screen reads POV competition today.

12:18pm BBT: Sarah and Willow in HOH rm Talking about  how Kevin and pillar are to scared to put Bruno on the block and Sarah says i told you this and it is pissing me off.

 12:19pm BBT: Bobby in the LVR area helping Pilar get her  gloves back on.Kevin is just watchmaking  them. Bruno and Godfrey are sitting there just general talk going on as they wait for the POV comp to begin.

 12:33pm BBT: Girls are in the HOh rm talking about  their hair. GUys in the LVR area talking general talk.

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 8:50 pm BBT Feeds are still on FotH so we do not know who won the PoV yet.

 9:10 pm BBT Still waiting, watching and wondering who has the PoV because the feeds are not back up yet.

 9:30 pm BBT The feeds are still on FotH, hoping that they will come back up soon!

 9:45 pm BBT No news yet, the feeds are still on FotH.

 10:00 pm BBT BB is keeping us waiting; the feeds are still on FotH.

 10:15 pm BBT Wow, over six hours of FotH. Wonder if it was an endurance competition?

 10:21 pm BBT Recap: Kevin is HOH and he put Bobby and Brittnee on the block. Kevin, Bobby, Brittnee, Pilar, Ashleigh and Sarah are playing in the PoV competition.

 10:30 pm BBT Still watching the FotH screen.

 10:37 pm BBT Feeds are still down. Will Bobby win the PoV? If he doesn’t win it, will he get caught in his lie about the secret PoV and will that hurt his game?

 10:50 pm BBT Still waiting to see who won the PoV. 

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