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Tuesday September 22 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.


Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb16/Big_Brother_16_Houseguest_Guide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Battle of the Block (BotB)

Bedroom (BR)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Dining Table (DT)

Fire room (FR)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

Kitchen (KT)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Living Room (LR)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

Washroom Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)



If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.



Thank you!

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Flashback:12:00am -3:30am Hg eating and walking around the house. Sitting in BY.no game talk going on at all just enjoying the last night of the By. Derrick and Cody play pool and then go eat again. Victoria gets ready for bed.Derrick and Cody say they are the last ones to play on the pool table and the last ones on the hammock and Derrick tells Cosyhe is the last one on the weight bench.


 3:35am Derrick in BY alone talking to the cameras: regardless of what happens it was a fun time. I recomend it to anyone.I wouldnt have changed a thing i did this season.and i will remember this forever.This is really it man wish me luch for Wednesday. HE GIVES SHOUT OUTS TO EVERYONE TELLING THEM THEYARE THE BEST . He then  says he will be seeing everyone in a couple of days then says  Backyard it has been a pleasure. He then heads inside and says Backyard its been real as he closes the sliding glass door.


 3:40am All HG in bed sleeping.

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12:27pm BB is letting the HG sleep in today as they are still sound asleep.


12:54pm Victoria is up and goes to the WC.


 12:55pm Victoria washes her hands and goes goes back to bed . Cody is awake and goes to the STR and changes his batteries. He then looks in the fridge then goes to the KT.


12:58pm Cody goes to the Wa puts his mic on then brushes his teeth.

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1:04pm Cody now in the KT making breakfast.


 1:25pm Cody goes to the tree house sand plays with the chess board. Victoria laying in bed and ask BB can we have some music please?


 1:29pm we now have foth.


 1:36pm Cody now playing solitaire  in the tree house.Derrick and Victoria still in bed.


 1:45pm Victoria now up and goes to  the bathroom. Cody playing black jack by himself in the tree house.


 1:50pm Cody still playing blackjack alone. Victoria  in the shower and derrick still in bed as Bb tells him to please put on his mic. He puts the mic on and rolls over and covers his head.
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#BB16 1:58PM BBT Cody tells Derrick they are getting Panera again for lunch. He wasn't sure if that would be okay. Derrick told him it was a safe bet.


#BB16 2:04PM BBT Cody and Derrick discuss that they hear noise from the BY. Derrick says he has never seen the after party in the BY but maybe it is. Victoria is putting on make up in the WCA


#BB16 2:09PM BBR Lunch has arrived. Derrick and Cody get it from the SR.


#BB16 2:32PM BBT Derrick asking BB for Hollas from different HG. We keep getting FOTH.


#BB16 2:36PM BBT Victoria tells Derrick that she lost her contacts in the shower. She just put in her last pair. She said her Father probably ordered her more for when she gets home.

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#BB16 2:43PM BBT Victoria is starting to pack. Her suitcase contents are all over the floor as she starts to roll clothing.


#BB16 3:02PM BBT You can hear a woman in the background counting down and we get FOTH. Victoria still packing. She is showing Derrick how tiny her footprints are on her shoes. (her words)


#BB16 3:07PM BBT Victoria shows the guys her dress for finale. Derrick tells her to try on the look. She says no. She feels dirty even though she just took a shower. She says she has been touching all her stuff so she feels dirty. She says she needs her makeup on too. She is going to wear her sparkly headband. Cody discusses her shoe choice.


#BB16 3:33PM BBT Derrick is packing. Victoria lying in bed talking to him.

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4:05 PM BBT The HGs are sitting in the LR. Derrick is speculating that his family may be at the airport already for tomorrow's finale. Victoria says they only have twenty four hours to go.


4:13 PM BBT Victoria walks up to the BY doors. They are on IDLD. She can hear music on the other side of the patio doors. She walks right up to the glass and we can hear the music through her microphone. It sounds like a party is going on in the BY. BB "Stop that." Victoria "Sorry....I love music."


4:20 PM BBT Derrick goes to lay down in the Fire BR. Cody and Victoria are laying down in the LR. They start to doze off. BB reminds them that sleeping is not allowed in the LR. Victoria goes to the Fire BR. All four feeds are now on Derrick and Victoria in the BR.


4:33 PM BBT Derrick gets up and goes into the LR. He tells Cody "It's not happening. I was hoping to go to sleep but it's not happening." He tells Cody that he thinks Victoria is almost done praying now because she's sleeping now.


4:36 PM BBT Cody and Derrick are talking about the battle with the jury tomorrow and the questions they are going to get asked. They think Frankie is going to try to downplay what they did together. Derrick "Zach is going to say something like Fruit Loops or Cheerios." Cody "Fruit Loops, all day long." They agree that Zach is probably going to be funny. He might start the question with "Even though I hate both of you..."


4:38 PM BBT Derrick doesn't know if he is more excited for the finale or to see all the jury members again. They are both bored now though but Derrick says "Someone out there is in a factory right now busting their balls. We are earning our money here chillin."


4:44 PM BBT Derrick says that he is already packed and ready go. Cody is planning on packing later tonight. They want to take some stuff from the comps home with them. Cody says his Dad would die to see the inside of the BB house but BB won't allow it. BB does everything to be equally fair to everyone. They won't let him because they would have to let in all the families. To give him hope Derrick reminds him that BB is only flying out three families so maybe there's a chance.


4:50 PM BBT Derrick and Cody are in the LR. Derrick is worried that he will be about 5 days late to work. He took a 90 day leave. Cody says he has been working with them for eight years. They will probably forgive the 5 days. Victoria gets up and joins them. She checks the time because she has to pray again at 7:30.

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5:06 PM BBT Cody and Victoria are lounging on the couch. Derrick is throwing cards across the room trying to get them on or in something off camera. Victoria is talking about her holiday and prayers. Derrick quits with the cards and goes to lay down on the couch. He covers his face with the baby blanket.


5:20 PM BBT Derrick is laying on the couch. Victoria and Cody are on the other coach. He is resting his head on her lap and she is rubbing his hair and back. They are just talking. Cody says Caleb better stay away from his sister if she is there at the finale.


5:30 PM BBT Cody and Victoria are talking about bar mitzvahs. They are great parties and the dancing by the kids makes the event. They start talking about different holidays. Derrick is just listening quietly from the other couch.


5:40 PM BBT Victoria, Cody and Derrick start talking about cars. She wants to buy a new one. She wants a high end car, four doors, yet small. Cody recommends the C class Mercedes. Derrick and Cody continue to talk about cars. Victoria decides to play Solitaire. Cody goes to pack.


5:50 PM BBT All four feeds are now on Victoria. She is going through her whicker box of extensions. She then heads into the KT and sits at the DR table where she is plucking her eyebrows. Cody is packing. Derrick is still on the coach.


5:54 PM BBT Victoria heads back towards the WA. Cody is standing at the KT counter by the bowl of plastic limes. He is throwing them at the cook pot on the DR table. Derrick tries to block one and starts taking some shots of his own. The KT floor is now littered with plastic limes.


5:57 PM BBT Derrick and Cody are now picking up the plastic limes off the floor and shooting them from wherever they picked it up at. After they get them all picked up and in the pot they begin the game again.


6:05 PM BBT Derrick and Cody are officially packed and ready for the finale. Victoria is sitting in the LR. She is praying. After her prayer she lays back down on the couch.


6:11 PM BBT We have been on WBRB for about 5 minutes.

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#BB16 6:19PM BBT Derrick and Cody discuss what will be happening tomorrow night.


#BB16 6:27PM BBT Victoria tells Derrick to weigh his options tonight one last time.  Derrick just changes the conversation to what he can call her mom at the finale. Victoria says she isn't sure her parents are coming. Derrick says of course they came.

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6:30 PM BBT Victoria is clicking her fingers, and checks the time in the KT. She says, it's 6:30 PM on the dot. Her and Cody go to the SR to look for something to make for dinner. They get chicken breasts, and Victoria asks if she can make something cool with them? Cody says, Derrick is making something, and she needs to check with him. She tells Cody what she needs to make what she wants, and he says he'll take what Derrick is making. Cody is making cookies. He tells Victoria he has to, because it's the last night. Victoria opens 1 lb. of frozen tuna, and Cody says they are only going to get like 2 pieces out of it. Victoria says, it's a lot, no? She says, should I ask you a question, or ask Derrick a question? She asks Derrick how to say to put the heat on someone when you are under pressure?


6:34 PM BBT Victoria says, she can never ask a mean question. She then says, she came up with a mean question in her head, but she can't ask it. Cody tells her to ask it, and Derrick tells her to plead the fifth. Victoria says her fingers are so frozen, after she opened the tuna. Derrick and Cody talk about making baskets with the plastic limes, and the pan on the Dining Room table. Derrick goes to the SR. Victoria says that she shouldn't really be eating soy sauce, but whatever. Cody says, he doesn't think anyone is going to say anything to her. Derrick comes back to the KT. Victoria tells Derrick, they already brought out the chicken. Derrick says, it's a lot, and wants to make the smaller amount. He goes to put a pack back in the refrigerator in the SR. Victoria says she's not eating chicken, and asks for her medicine. Derrick says, he asked for Benedryl, but it's not happening.


6:38 PM BBT Cody says there's no speech tomorrow at the beginning, it's at the end. He says, he asked them, and your speech can be changed by the questions they ask. Derrick says, he's going to find out, and goes in the DR. Victoria says, it sucks to suck. Victoria sings a little, and then so does Cody. Derrick comes out of DR, and Victoria asks him what? He says he's not in there, they are going to e-mail him. Derrick says, they are really crushing it out out there. Victoria says, yep. Cody is cutting potatoes with a butter knife for dinner. He finds a bad spot in the middle of the potato, and uses the potato peeler to get it out.


6:42 PM BBT Victoria says, ding dong, and walks to the stuff by the dresser in the hallway near the rock room. Cody says, the ding dong has sailed, and Derrick agrees. Cody says they still need to take the HoHR apart, and that's going to be depressing as f*ck. Derrick says, they will be up there, and he is banging the rolling pin on the chicken, while it's on the KT table. Victoria goes in the WC. We hear the toilet flush, and she comes out to wash her hands in the WA sink, and doesn't use soap. She dries her hands on a towel that's sitting on the blue couch. Derrick says it sounds like a birds nest being taken apart up there. Cody says, it's depressing. Victoria goes back to the KT, and says, she is getting up early tomorrow. Derrick tells her they are taking apart the HOH, and she asks how are they going to be up there tomorrow during lock down? Derrick bangs the rolling pin more on the chicken breasts. Victoria says, she feels nauseous. Cody asks her why? She says, she doesn't know. Derrick says the chicken is falling apart, but it's doable.


6:45 PM BBT Derrick says, they don't mess around. Cody says, yeah, they don't f*ck around. Derrick pounds on the chicken some more with the rolling pin. Victoria says, that's why they said the HOH is not available. She says, they will all be in different rooms. She says, she's going to ask them something, and heads to the DR. She sees the green light come on, and says, that's nice, thanks, and goes in the DR. Derrick says he was told not to be paranoid, and Cody says he was told the same thing. Cody says he was told not to get paranoid, that they are telling this to everyone. Cody puts water on the stove to boil for the potatoes. He says the tuna needs to get defrosted. Derrick says, hopefully that doesn't happen, and if so, you know what my question is going to be. (He didn't say what it is). Victoria comes back to the KT, and tells Derrick he's going to get called to the DR. We hear, "Derrick, please go to the DR." He goes to the DR, and Victoria goes to the fire room. Cody says, it's going to be defrosted in 4 minutes, and these are going to take 30 minutes (potatoes).


6:49 BBT Victoria comes back to the Dining Room table, and asks Cody, if he wants to see how much she has to pray and read? He shows her all the pages in her book. She says, it's not that bad. Cody says, it shouldn't take to long, and it should be alright. He goes by the microwave, and asks Victoria if they have butter out there. She says, she doesn't know. He looks some, and then goes into the DR. He says, f*ck and sh*t on the way to the SR. He says thank you when the SR door is opened for him. He goes back to the KT. Victoria is looking at the tuna, and says it's starting to cook, and Cody says that sometimes happens. They want to cut it, and put it in the oven.


6:54 PM BBT Cody cuts the tuna in the middle, and says it's still a little frozen, but it will be o.k. Derrick comes back to the KT, from the DR, and says, he just wanted to confirm it. He eats something, and then opens a bag of crackers and dumps them in a plastic bag. Cody says, he was going to use butter, and asks Victoria is she is using oil, and she says, yes. Derrick uses the rolling pin to mash the crackers up. We hear, "Victoria, please go to the DR." Cody asks, why she's running? She says, I like to run. Derrick says, interesting, that's the first time I've seen her run all season. Cody agrees, and says, that's interesting. Victoria comes out of the DR, and Cody asks if she got it. Victoria says, she's just going to start praying at 7 p.m. because she's supposed to start at sundown. She asks when it gets dark now, and asks if they need anything before she goes. Victoria hears something, and asks if they heard it? Cody says yes, they are going to town up there. Derrick says, someone came out, that's why he looked up. Derrick added parmasean cheese in the bag. Cody asks Victoria if she's going in the fire room? She says, no the LR.


6:59 PM BBT Victoria goes to the LR, and is standing while she reads her book. She is whispering and speaking in Hebrew. Cody goes to the rock room, and moves some things around, and goes to the Beehive. Derrick is pacing back and forth in the KT. The water is boiling on the stove for the potatoes. Derrick goes in the Beehive, and picks up the 2 last BBSelphies to take them to the storage room. Derrick gives shout out for people to follow Cody on Twitter, and maybe he will follow them. Cody cleans up the Beehive some, and asks why the hell shampoo and conditioner are in there. He puts them under the sink in the WA, and goes back to the Beehive.


7:04 PM BBT Cody is walking around on top of the seats in the Beehive room, and we can see the back of his light grey underwear, with his darker grey sweat pants falling down a little. He pulls the sweat pants up, and we see his package in front. The cam seems to be zoned on his lower parts, while he's in the Beehive room. He says, "Wow, look at that room," after he cleaned it up. He tells Derrick to set the timer for 20 minutes, when he comes out of the Beehive room. He says, sh*t balls, and goes to the SR. He comes to the Dining Room, and takes his blue shirt off. He puts his lime green hat back on his head backwards, and attaches his microphone around his neck. He and Derrick are talking about how far in the game they came.


7:08 PM BBT Derrick and Cody are walking around the house. Cody gets some cleaner from under the KT sink, sprays the Dining Room table, and is looking for paper towels. He goes to the SR, and we can hear the door open and close off camera. Derrick is pacing, and goes in the hallway by the WA, and back to the KT. Cody comes out of the SR with paper towels, and wipes off the Dining Room table. Victoria is still in the LR, whispering, as she reads her book in Hebrew. Cody throws the dirty paper towels away, and also something off the table. He continues to clean things up, and even pushes in a tall blue chair by the KT table.


7:11 PM BBT Cody gets 3 white plates from the KT, and puts them on the Dining Room table. Then, he gets 3 parts of the paper towels, and silverware, and sets them on the table, on the right side of the plates. He goes to the stove, and checks the potatoes. Then he goes by the KT sink, and washes the dishes that are in the sink.


7:15 PM BBT Cody says, "Yo D." Derrick responds, and Cody asks if he's in the bathroom? He says, yes. Cody says, he might want to check the food. Derrick says, "These pans just suck, they freakin suck, they just suck." Cody says, "Yeah." Cody dries the dishes, and is putting them away. He's screaming, and saying to take it easy on the bed. He's telling them to stop, and saying they are hurting it. Derrick says, "How dope is it that he wrote, Nonstop?" Cody says, he can't believe he wrote a movie. Derrick says, "These guys are no joke, we are here with the big leagues." Derrick says, "At least she's not praying right now." Cody tells Derrick, "Grow up child." Cody says his uncle told him a saying one time, and now he says, "Who are the big d*ck swings in this company." Cody says he heard a mouse. Derrick says, "Really?" Cody says, "No." Cody continues to dry and put away the dishes, and Derrick is trying to cook. He says, he can't wait to have a good pan back home, and he can't wait to go outside. He says, can I take the trash outside, and he's told not to ask. They talk about what they will do and say when they get back home. Cody says, he'll be shouting out to the feedsters, and he'll be told no one is there. He and Derrick laugh about it.


7:21 PM BBT Derrick and Cody talk about how Derrick is cooking the food, and Derrick says, he lowered it just in time, and it actually worked out alright. Cody is washing some more dishes in the KT sink. He says, "Crushed it," and says, "I wonder what my brother is doing right now?" Derrick says, he may be in the hotel. Cody asks Derrick, how many people do they think come? Derrick says, he thinks they may pay for his mom and dad, and then the others can pay there way. Derrick says, he might not be giving them credit, because they may let more. He says, his immediate family would be his wife and daughter, and may say his parents can come. Derrick says, someone may have to stay for his dogs. Cody says, his ex-girlfriend usually goes to his house, and takes care of his dogs. He says, she has the code to their garage, and his uncle goes over also. Derrick says, he and his wife are hermits, and Cody asks what that is? He says, they stay in all the time. Derrick talks about his wife falling asleep when he gets home, and he'll ask her to go upstairs, and tell her he'll be fast. They both laugh and joke some more about it.


7:26 PM BBT Cody jokes about how Derrick's daughter will wake up also. Cody asks Derrick to old a plastic container to block the potatoes from falling out of the pan, while he dumps the hot water in the sink. Cody gets the butter, and goes back to the sink with it. He yelps a little, and says, he wasn't thinking that one through. He says, he pushed the pan back with his bare hands. Derrick and Cody talk about one of Cody's girlfriends being a Nick's dancer. He says she was a 76 dancer, and then went to the Nick's. He says, she dances outside the city. Cody says, imagine if she came out, and he says, he loves her, and she's really cool. He says they haven't been dating that long, just hooked up shortly before the show. He says, he doesn't know if they are still together or not.


7:30 PM BBT Derrick says, "It's 10:30 PM East Coast time." Cody says, "Wow." Victoria is still whispering to read her book, standing in the LR. Derrick and Cody continue to cook dinner in the KT.


7:32 PM BBT Derrick tells Cody, they are going to have some Frankie fish, he just knows it. Cody says, no, he doesn't f*ck around. Cody looks at the food in the tin foil, and says, "Holy sh*t balls." He tells Derrick they are barely done, but Victoria's will be done the way she likes them. Cody says, "Holy sh*t that's spicy." He says, he doesn't know what he put on there, and says holy sh*t again. He goes to the sink and washes more dishes, while Derrick is cooking on the stove.


7:35 PM BBT Cody is slamming the dishes around that he is washing, and Derrick sits down at the KT table. Derrick gets up to check the food on the stove. Victoria is still standing in the LR reading her book. Cody tells Derrick, he doesn't know what he put on there, but it's spicy. Derrick says, a little spicy? Cody says, little is an understatement. Cody asks Victoria, "How much longer?" She says, "You guys can eat, about 10 minutes, you guys can eat without me." She goes back to reading her book. Cody says, "I just burnt the sh*t out of my hand." He looks at his first finger on his right hand, and says, "Yep, that'll feel good." He tastes the food he's making, and takes a tin foil off other tin foil, and jerks his hand back quickly, because it's hot. He puts one of the foil packets on a plate, and puts it on the Dining Room table. He finishes in the KT, and goes to the SR. We hear the door open and close off camera. He comes back to the KT with Coke. He gets glasses, and puts them on the Dining Room table with the Coke. he gets another plate of food, and puts it on the table as well.


7:41 PM BBT Derrick says how he couldn't stand when Caleb put the fish fork in the mayonnaise and ruined it. Cody says, he would take some for later, and then sit there and eat it. Cody gets Italian Salad Dressing out, and puts in on the Dining Room table. He sits down, and then gets back up for a spoon. He goes back to the Dining Room table and sits down with Derrick. Victoria finishes her book, closes it, and kisses it. She heads to the Dining Room, and Cody says, "Dunzo?" She says, "Yes." She gets a glass and puts ice in it. Derrick and Cody both get up from the table. Cody asks Derrick if he's going to have any of the tuna? Derrick says, "No, I'm good, thanks." They both sit back down. We hear a lot of clanging and banging around from upstairs. Victoria walks to the KT, and Derrick toasts to Cody for their last dinner in the BB house. Then he toasts to Victoria as well when she gets back to the table. Cody asks her how it is, and she says, "Perfect, thank you." They all are eating. Victoria asks what time it is, checks, and sits back down. Cody says, "This is a dank dinner, OMG." Derrick is eating so fast and loud, like he hasn't eaten in a week. He is shoveling his food in his mouth.


7:47 PM BBT Victoria says, "I wonder if my parents are here." They are all quiet while they are eating, except for the noises being made with their mouths. Cody says, "God, I can't wait to see what they are doing." Victoria says, "Maybe something big." Cody wonders if they are going to be locked down in there. Victoria says, maybe the fire room. She says, she doesn't think they are having a lock down up there. She says, they get right on it, they don't waste a minute. There is a lot of noise going on up in the HoHR.


7:49 PM BBT Victoria says, "OMG, crazy." Cody says, "They are crushing it." Derrick says, "It's definitely them taking the nest apart." He says there were screws in the bed frame. They are trying to analyze the noises they are hearing. Cody and Derrick say they are hearing them dismantle it. We can hear the loud noises, and Victoria says, "Bye bye birds nest."


7:51 PM BBT Cody says, "That's crazy." Victoria agrees. They wonder if the comp may be up there. Cody says, feedsters, and continues eating. Victoria says, "My stomach is hurting," and she holds her stomach, and breaths out really loud. Derrick asks, if they knew they would get an interview with Jeff? Victoria says, last season they had them up, so she figured. Derrick says, he knew there would be a media day. Cody says, someone says, you would have never thought Aaryn would have turned out the way she did, because she was so polite, and innocent in the beginning. Derrick says, you can hold it together for like the first month or so. Victori and Cody say that she started after like 2 weeks. Derrick says that Caleb had a couple close calls. Derrick says the show starts at 6:30 PM and ends at 8 PM. He says they will announce America's Favorite Player after the winner, when they come back from commercial. Victoria wishes them both the best of luck in their last comp. Derrick says, "Thank you." Derrick says, Victoria will say she knew that one, and will be going oooo oooo. She says, she hopes she'll be able to hear them.


7:57 PM BBT Victoria asks them if they are nervous, excited, or both? Cody says, he's not nervous, just excited. She says a good nervous. He says, he just wants it to come. She says, less than 24 hours. Cody says, less than 24 hours it will be all over. Derrick goes in the WA, and flosses his teeth. Victoria asks Cody if he wants her to save his fish? He says, no, just toss it. She says, she's going to save hers, because she barely ate anything. She asks him if he wants her to toss the chicken and mashed potatoes, and he says, yes, they aren't going to eat them. Cody starts humming and says he wants to hear that song so bad. He sings it a little, and Victoria says, less than 24 hours.  Cody yells, "Wow, man, this is literally our last night in the house." He says, "Last night sleeping." They are all cleaning up from dinner. Cody asks, what was the Luke Bryan song again, and they all start humming and trying to sing it.


8:00 PM BBT Cody says, it's almost 8 p.m., see this day flew by. Derrick says, that's because they didn't get up until 1 p.m. Cody sings some more, as they continue to clean. Victoria is washing the dishes in the KT sink. Cody is drying and putting them away. Derrick is cleaning off the KT and Dining Room tables.


8:03 PM BBT Victoria cuts some cantaloupe on a paper towel with a butter knife. She has her book on a blue chair by the KT table, and has it opened. She stands by her book, and starts reading a little while she's eating. She puts honey on the cantaloupe. She says a prayer. Cody and Derrick are finishing cleaning, taking out the trash bag, and putting a new one in. Cody takes the trash bag to the SR. Victoria gives shout outs. She says, she will see you soon. She says, Happy New Year and love you to someone. She is trying to get ice out of an ice tray, and putting it in her coffee cup. Cody burps and doesn't excuse himself. Derrick goes to the fire room, lays on his bed, and covers his face with his daughter's blue blanket.


8:07 PM BBT Cody sits down in the LR, and starts to shuffle a deck of cards. Victoria walks through the LR, and we can hear her unzipping something off camera.


8:10 PM BBT Cody is still shuffling cards, and Derrick has taken his daughter's blanket off of his face.


8:12 PM BBT Victoria grabs some clothes, and heads to the WA. Cody is playing Pyramid Solitaire on the coffee table in the LR. Derrick is lying in his bed with his eyes wide open.


8:14 PM BBT Cody shuffles the cards again, and sets up a new game board for Pyramid Solitaire. He says, "That sucks." He continues to play his game. He stops his game a moment, while he scratches himself down below. He picks up his game, right where he left off. We can hear some noises going on in the house.


8:16 PM BBT Cody shuffles his cards again, and sets up another game of Pyramid Solitaire.


8:19 PM BBT Victoria gets in the HOT side of the shower. Derrick goes to the LR with Cody, and sits on the couch across from him. We see FoTH twice. Live feeds come back with Victoria's red bra hanging over the shower door, with her clothes. Derrick gets up from the couch, and Cody shuffles his deck of cards once again.


8:22 PM BBT Derrick goes back to sit down on the couch. Cody is now playing a different game with his cards, by himself. Victoria is still in the shower in the WA.


8:24 PM BBT Cody shuffles his cards again. He says, "Something's going on up there, that's a fact." We see FoTH for a moment. Live feeds come back, and Cody is looking around. He spreads his cards out, and flips them all over. Derrick says, "They're building now though." Cody says, "HuH?" We see FoTH for a moment. Live feeds come back. Derrick says, "See." Cody says, "That's been going on the whole time." We hear, "You are not allowed to talk about production." Cody says, "Take it easy," and gives a weird face. He says, "Tomorrow, I'm going to drink a mean cup of coffee." He shuffles the cards again, and then lays down on the couch. He says, he waiting to iron his shirt tomorrow, and what else he has to do. Derrick says, he's going to get his stuff ready tomorrow also. Cody says, he wants to chill in the house, and doze off for a while. You can see his bright blue eyes really popping with his lime green hat on.


8:28 PM BBT Cody says, The only thing I can think of, unless they are starting, and we see FoTH. Live feeds come back, and Cody and Derrick say they are going to say something short and sweet to each other tomorrow, and sit back down. Cody says, he's going to say something like D's nuts. Derrick laughs. Cody says, he's not sure what they want him to say. They run through what they might say, like, lets take care of business, or let's finish the final contract. Cody makes some hand gestures, and uses his hands like guns. He sits in the orange chair and pretends to do the motions. He tells Derrick if he does, he will to. Cody asks if that's not o.k. to do. Victoria is out of the shower, and in the WC getting dressed. The guys say that Victoria might start crying, and then they will look like a$$holes. Derrick says, she will do something elaborate. Cody says, will she though? Derrick says, yes. We scan hear scraping on the floor upstairs.


8:33 PM BBT Cody shouts out that if anyone goes to the show with a Hitmen shirt, he will sign it. He says, hopefully his mom, or someone has a Sharpie, so he can sign it. Derrick says, he will sign them also. Cody says, 100%. Derrick says, 800%. Cody says, his psoriasis is acting up. Cody starts to say something, and we see FoTH for a moment. Live feeds come back with the guys talking about the moving around, and we see FoTH again.


8:35 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Derrick comes out of the SR, with cookies, and sits on the couch in the LR. Cody sneezes, and Derrick blesses him. Victoria is putting on make-up in the WA, walking around in her robe. Cody talks about the drilling noises they are hearing, and says, he definitely thinks they are taking down all of those nests. We see FoTH. Live feeds come back, and Victoria walks over to the couch in the WA, and grabs her clothes from there. She puts them on the other couch by her brown basket. Cody says, at any point at all he starts to doze off on the couch, he's going in the bed in the rock room to sleep. He says, he's going to get a belly full of cookies. Derrick says, "One way or another, we are walking out that door tomorrow." Cody says, he doesn't know what they are walking out to. Derrick says, "Boo, Boo." Cody says, he will say to shut the f*ck up. Cody asks Victoria if she showered? She says, yes. He says, she smells good, and asks her what she put on? He sniffs, and says, cocoa butter. He says, she smells banging.


8:40 PM BBT Cody and Derrick talk about Caleb having F2 deals with like 9 people. Derrick talks about the drilling, and Cody makes loud noises. Victoria was in her bed, under the covers, putting on shorts. Derrick is walking on the beds in the rock room. Cody is lying on the couch, he scratches and adjusts himself. Derrick says, he thinks they should play Hide and Seek again. Cody asks what time it is? Victoria says, it's 8:41 p.m. Cody says, "Oh, 8:41 p.m., TVGN is coming up." Derrick says, "Hear that?" We hear, "Derrick, stop that." Cody has his left hand down his sweat pants again adjusting himself. He says, he feels like he adjusts himself all the time. Derrick says, he does. Cody starts to sing, and we see FoTH for a moment. Victoria is digging through her brown basket in the WA. Cody says, take him back to the first day, and the feelings were weird. He says, he asked himself, how he was there, how he even got into the game, and how he got casted. Cody makes loud noises, and we can hear loud noises upstairs still. Victoria is tweezing her eyebrows in the WA by the sink.


8:45 PM BBT Cody says, "They are getting close to that door, I should go up there." We see FoTH. Live feeds come back on, and Derrick says, "Screw once for no, and twice for yes." Cody says, he wonders if the people that cast them even like them. Derrick says, his guy, and we see FoTH. Live feeds come back. Cody is talking about Rich, and we see FoTH again. Live feeds come back, and Derrick says, you cast so and so, you're fired. He and Cody go back and forth. Cody asks Derrick if he put in a video? Derrick says, "Yes," and we see FoTH again. Live feeds come back with Cody acting out, and Derrick says he had his head on the keyboard. He says, he's only kidding. Derrick says he sat on his stairs and did his video. Cody says, he crushed his. We see FoTH. Live feeds come back, and Derrick says he did his in 30 seconds on his phone. Cody says, he did his on his laptop. He says, he already had sent his stuff in, and then sent the video in. Cody says, he has to say what's up to Chris, Robin, and we see FoTH.


8:50 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Cody talks about being locked in the fire room. He says, they better hope they can trust them. Cody wants to know what the activity tracker is for, and how it works. Derrick says, it f*cked his life up. They talk about wearing them after the show. Derrick says, he doesn't understand how Zach wasn't a HN, and he wants to see the stats for that week. Cody says, he thinks they picked. Cody says he played a lot of pool, and they stayed up to the sunrise a lot. He says it was with a different person. Derrick says, Brittany never slept, and he kind of felt bad for her. Derrick says, she always felt like she was missing something, and she took about 1 hour naps. Derrick says, she came out to the hammock the one time, and couldn't sleep, and he told her to take a nap. They talk about how she was put up next to Donny. Cody says, she gave him a hug.


8:53 PM BBT Derrick says that Frankie and Caleb had the thing going back and forth with the chess pieces. Cody says, Caleb was the biggest pawn, and Frankie was just nixed. They talk about the order of how people left, and how they were supposed to leave. Derrick says, he'll be interested in seeing if Amber was trying to start an all girl alliance. Derrick says, Christine was a floater, and she constantly was going back and forth. Cody says, he knows how she got flipped on him. He says it was Frankie and Zach on week 5. They continue to talk about who was trying to nix them.


8:56 PM BBT Cody says that a lot of what Nicole was saying was true, but some of it was a lie. Victoria is popping her pimples on her face, while sitting on the couch in the WA. Cody and Derrick continue to talk about the HG's.


8:59 PM BBT Derrick and Cody start to talk about Devin, and their alliance. Derrick says Brittany will definitely have some comments. Cody says, she took Jocasta's story. He says he heard it, and Jocasta was right there. He says they were out by the jacuzzi.

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9:00 pm BBT Cody and Derrick talk about how Brittany lost all credibility after she stole Jocasta's story and talked about what kind of car she drove [a BMW 5 series]. Cody wonders if his dad sold his car.


9:05 pm BBT Cody says he can't wait to just drive around. He wants to go to the beach, he doesn't even care if it's cold. Derrick says he hopes he gets some overttime / comp time. He says if he works 8 hours overttime, he will get 12 hours comp time (vacation time). Cody says he won't need the money, so he can take the time instead. Derrick says from October to December he's going to crush it. Derrick says they have sprinkler systems running through the parks that were put in in 1985 that need to be replaced. He says light bulbs need to be replaced...or things at the schools. Plowing paths through the schools with a snowblower. Getting snow off the football fields. He tells him if they are called in for 2 hours, they get 3 hours. He tells them if they paint the endzones, they roll out tarps over them so the snow doesn't get on them.


9:10 pm BBT Cody says he hopes he can get a good job when he gets out of the house. Vic is sitting on the floor in the LR doing her nails. Derrick and Cody are laying on the couches in silence. Vic says she's going to go to sleep early. Derrick says, "No you're not." She says how do you know. He says she hasn't since they moved in to the house, she isn't going to start tonight. He guesses she will go to bed around 2 am. Derrick asks Cody what time it is. Cody tells him and Derrick says their families are on their way.


9:15 pm BBT They decide they are going to play Bulls*it. Cody says if he tells them his strategy they will hate them. Derrick says he knows his strategy. If he has 3 Aces, he will put down 2 knowing that there's already 2 in the thing. Then, if you have 1 in your hand, you call Bulls*it. Cody laughs and goes up beside Victoria and says, "That's not my strategy at all. What a rookie. Plus, he just told us his strategy, ya know what I'm saying?" Derrick goes to the WC. Cody and Vic bake some cookies.


9:20 pm BBT They moved back to the LR for their game. Victoria sits down on the couch next to Derrick and he says, "Why don't you sit in my lap Victoria?" She gives him a very dirty look. Cody says Derrick is serious about his BS. She moves to the floor. A titillating game of Bulls*it begins.


9:25 pm BBT  Derrick says that Cody hides his cards in his sweatpants as part of his strategy. Cody says Derrick doesn't know sh*t about sh*t, it's called reading people. He tells him to stop staring at his c*ck. Derrick tells him it's a Jewish holiday, why doesn't he swear again. Cody says the Jewish holiday is tomorrow. Victoria says it starts tonight. Cody says it starts tonight, dickhead [this is all in good fun].


9:30 pm BBT  Cody has the majority of the cards. Derrick tells him he can give them some of the cards. Cody says not to worry, he's the champ...they'll get theirs. Vic puts Kings down and Derrick puts down Aces. Cody tells him to give him a second because Victoria was lying.


9:37 pm BBT  Derrick says 2 Kings. Cody asks Victoria if she trusts him. He tells her to call it. She says she doesn't want to. He says if you trust me, call it. She says NO. So he calls Bullshit. He says for the rest of the time in the house they aren't talking because she didn't trust him. Derrick says Cody has all the cards, there was no skill involved. She says the last time he did that to her she got stuck with all the cards. Cody gets up to get the cookies out of the oven.


9:45 pm BBT  They all take a break for cookies. Vic goes to the SR for milk. Derrick says to Cody, "So much for praying." Cody laughs and says, "She did." Derrick says, "For an hour."


9:50 pm BBT  After eating some cookies, Derrick heads to the Fire BR and lays down in his bed. He's there for less than a minute then heads back out. Cody is now laying down in the LR. Derrick grabs a pair of shoes and a towel from the Earth BR. Cody asks him if he's going to shower. He says he's going to clean his shoes, shave, then shower. He heads to the KT to clean his shoes. Derrick says that the day didn't go too, too slow and that he's kind of pumped to know that his family will be in LA in just a few hours. He thinks they left around 7 pm. 


9:55 pm BBT  Victoria takes all the stuff from the KT and puts it away. She brings the milk back to the SR and opens the fridge to put it away (it is unbelievable how much food is still left). Derrick is shaving in the WA. Vic tells Cody she is tired. He says she isn't. He asks her how long it will take her to get ready tomorrow. She says she "could be with her hair for literally 3 hours." Cody says it sounds like a personal problem. She says she has already shaved, so at least she doesn't have to do that. She heads to the WA to get her shaving stuff out of there. Cody starts to talk to the TVGN audience. He says he loves them and hopes they entertained them, even though they aren't entertaining right now.

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10:00 pm BBT  Victoria and Cody talk about what card games they could play. They talk about Blackjack or Slaps. He says if they play Slaps, she can't scream like she's getting murdered. She says that is how she rolls, so she can't guarantee anything. He says they will play double hits / double hands. So he divides the decks. Cody asks if they will ever play Bulls*it again. She says NO. He asks if she wants to know his strategy. He says if he says he's putting down 2 Kings, he actually puts down 4 cards. She gets really angry. She says he's cheating. He says he's not lying. Anyone can say Bulls*it. That's what makes him a winner.


10:05 pm BBT  Derrick is still shaving as Cody and Victoria start to play "Slaps." He tells her she is getting really good. She says she can't wait to see what they will be walking out to tomorrow. She says the game isn't energizing her. As they play, Victoria screams every time they finish a round. 


10:10 pm BBT  Vic and Cody stop playing and they talk about tomorrow morning. He says they will wake up, brush their teeth dancing, and have a big breakfast. She says she won't eat breakfast because she will be nervous. Vic says she knows her mom watches live feeds because her bronzer broke a long time ago when Nicole was here, so she was using Nicole's and the nothing. Well, she got a new bronzer the other day, never requested. Plus, she got face wash. Cody says he remembered the face wash. She says her mom is literally watching every second. Everyone was using her face wash, and her skin is really sensitive, and everything was disappearing. She was hiding it, her makeup was disappearing, her lotion, her face wash. She says she was complaining to Nicole about it a then she went to the DR and they said they had some from her mom since it was medical.


10:20 pm BBT  Vic says her clothes were destroyed in the house. She says that the first day in the house Brittany told her she didn't bring a bathing suit and asked if she could borrow one. She said all the bottoms Britt wore were hers. She says then of course you feel bad because you're doing a photo shoot, so how can you say NO.


10:25 pm BBT  Cody says tomorrow they will wake up and say goodbye to the feeds, lockdown in the Fire BR. He says they will get music after that. Vic says they will get music all day! Derrick is out of the shower now and Vic heads to the WA. Derrick is trimming his nails. He says he loves doing it...it's a ritual that tells him something good is coming.


10:29 pm BBT  Vic asks Derrick if he has a speech prepared. He says not really. How much of a speech can you have prepared for a minute? She says that a minute is actually a long time...because a veto speech is like 30 seconds. He says that most people probably have their minds made up already anyways. They are going to vote for whoever they want. He says there is only one thing guaranteed tomorrow. She says that they are exiting the house? He says yep... that he will see his daughter.


10:33 pm BBT  Vic asks Derrick how different do you think the vibe would be if it was you, Cody, and Frankie? --just in general around the house. Derrick says it would be about the same. He says it would be a lot more messy. He says it's the same thing he's been saying all season... you've got to compete and win. He says Frankie has helped get them here, so he can't be too pissed at him.


10:35 pm BBT  An announcement is made... "HG you have 5 minutes until the Luxury Competition." Cody screams "DAMMIT are you going to bring the jury back for that one, too?" Victoria tells Derrick she can't wait to have a conversation with him after they are out of the house. Cody comes into the WA and asks Vic if his company wasn't good enough for her.


10:45 pm BBT  In the LR, Victoria is back to praying for Rosh Hashannah. Cody is on the couch and he says imagine that her parents are on their way to the finale and people ask what they are doing. They tell people and and get to have a little bit of fame. She says that would be cool. She goes back to praying.


10:49 pm BBT  Cody goes to the Fire BR. BB says, "Cody, stop playing with yourself." Derrick is laughing hysterically and tells him he just got crushed! Cody says that's epic and tells them to come out and say that to his face.


10:53 pm BBT  Cody says the reason they said that is because he was messing around with the camera. They all think it's hilarious. Cody starts to tickle Victoria. They all leave the Fire BR. Derrick asks Cody if he can help bring up his hairline tomorrow. Vic says she wishes he would have let her do it sometime while they were in the house. They talk about tomorrow with the jury. Derrick says that a lot of times the questions the jury ask reflect more negatively on the jury than anything. He remembers watching and thinking, WOW... that's a bitter jury.

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11:05 PM BBT Cody is in the shower. Victoria and Derrick are in the LR, Victoria is helping Derrick with his speech to the jury. Derrick says if he loses the HOH comp tomorrow he won’t throw Victoria under the bus in his speech to Cody. Derrick is reminding Victoria about their pact that if one of them is in the final two and the other is in the jury, they will give them their vote to win.#BB16 11:05 PM BBT Cody is in the shower. Victoria and Derrick are in the LR, Victoria is helping Derrick with his speech to the jury. Derrick says if he loses the HOH comp tomorrow he won’t throw Victoria under the bus in his speech to Cody. Derrick is reminding Victoria about their pact that if one of them is in the final two and the other is in the jury, they will give them their vote to win.


11:10 PM BBT Victoria says to Derrick that she hopes she is America's Player. Derrick says she might be because she is the last female in the house so by default all the female votes might go to her. Victoria asks Derrick if he wants her to ask him her jury question. Derrick says he doesn't want to tell her what to do, she can ask either him or Cody a question. Derrick says he isn't scared about tomorrow. Victoria says he is never scared and Derrick tells her that about this time tomorrow she will find out why he isn't scared.


11:15 PM BBT Derrick is telling Victoria about how excited and no matter what happens tomorrow, he will get to see his family the second he walks out the door. Victoria says if she sees her family, especially her dad, she won't be able to function for the show.


11:20 PM BBT Cody is done taking a shower and changed then joined Derrick and Victoria in the LR. Victoria is still talking about how she will feel when she walks out of the house. Derrick tells her that Nicole said she felt a lot better the second she walked out of the house. Cody and Derrick say that it will be hard to sleep tonight at a decent time since they woke up late today. Derrick says that all of their families should be landing in CA now. Victoria brings up the hotel they stayed at during finals and we get FOTH.


11:25 PM BBT After a couple minutes of FOTH Victoria is in the WA digging around in her bag. Derrick and Cody are in the LR talking about buying something at Marshall's for their toiletries. A brief FOTH and the conversation between the three HG is on where the word "jamoke" is from, they are trying to think of a movie with it in it.


11:30 PM BBT Cody tells Derrick his BS card game strategy, when he puts down cards he actually hides more cards underneath. Derrick says that is 100% cheating. Cody asks Derrick if he wants to play checkers but Derrick isn't biting. Victoria stares briefly and Derrick says when she stares or zones out her eyes look scary.


11:35 PM BBT In the LR, Derrick wonders to Cody and Victoria if their families are at the hotel watching the live feeds. Cody and Derrick are teasing Victoria that her mom is going to be mad at her since Victoria only says she misses her dad. Derrick tells Victoria that they shouldn't worry about tomorrow they should be excited. Victoria is worried that the jury is going to hate her and she will be sitting with them the whole show. Derrick says not to worry because her family will be there and once she leaves the house, the game ends.


11:40 PM BBT Cody says he won't turn his phone on the first night out of the house, Victoria says she will do the same thing. The HG are talking about seeing cars, seeing other people, and other things when they leave the house. Victoria is excited to see all her text messages and picture messages as well as all her birthday voicemails.


11:45 PM BBT Derrick goes to the DR to ask a question. Cody tells Victoria they should hide from Derrick on the balcony outside the HOHR and scare him when he comes back out. They both rush up there within seconds and Derrick comes out a few seconds later. Derrick says "Ha ha I love this game," while walking around the house. Victoria giggles out loud and Derrick looks up at them. Cody yells at Victoria for giving them away. Derrick says he was heading up there anyway. Afterwards Cody starts battling Victoria and Derrick with dodgeball in the KT.


11:50 PM BBT Derrick is walking around the house. Victoria and Cody are laying down in the LR. Cody says they should play the fossil game and lays still with his eyes open. Victoria starts yelling at Cody to stop because he is scaring her. Cody and Derrick start yelling at each other and making each other laugh. Cody asks Victoria if that is funny to her. Cody and Victoria start debating what time BB will make them separate tomorrow. Cody says 6 and Victoria says 9:45 AM BBT.


11:55 PM BBT With the previous topic we had a brief FOTH. When the feeds return it looks like Cody and Victoria tried to scare Derrick again in the LR. Derrick says it didn't work because he saw Cody's back. Cody and Derrick start playing baseball in the house. Derrick is using a dough roller and Cody is pitching the plastic limes they were playing dodgeball with. After a couple pitches BB tells Derrick and Cody to stop. Cody asks Derrick if they are still on TVGN tonight. Derrick says it will be the last night on TVGN and they have a few minutes left.

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