morty Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here ! If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Battle of the Block (BotB) Bedroom (BR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Dining Table (DT) Fire room (FR) Head of House Room (HOHR) Kitchen (KT) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Living Room (LR) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Please post pictures in the open thread: If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nma1985 Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 1:07am Victoria mentions a friend that didn’t sign a release so all 4 cameras now on the guys playing their home run derby 1:15am Home run derby continues, the girls have now come outside to watch and are sitting on the patio couches. 1:21am Frankie tells Christine that production knows and would prefer they not hit the Styrofoam pears out of the yard but … Christine says eh its one night and they agree no one's had fun in the house in a long time 1:30am We came back from a brief fish of the house to the Frankie and Cody playing pool and the girls on the couches but Victoria said something and now all feeds on the pool game 1:40 Derrick is telling the girls that he felt neglected today that they are always preoccupied and how much tomorrow is going to su*k. Frankie and Zach are starting a new game. 1:50am Christine says she's such a brat as she talks about her and Tim's budget, then shouts out to him that he's perfect. Caleb, Derrick and Cody in the WA, Caleb does a Larry the Cable guy impression as him and Cody leave. 1:59am The feeds come back to girls in the bathroom with Caleb and Derrick. Christine saying again who would have thought soybean oil was the first ingredient in mayonnaise. Cody is up in the HoH WA with Frankie. 2:06am Christine joins Frankie and Cody they are talking about how decisions are going to be made after this week and how Donny doesn’t know what's been going on behind the scenes and why zach needs to go. 2:12am Derrick gets yelled at by BB and told to put his mic on. Christine, Caleb and Frankie talking about the veto and how in one week everyone in the house will play. 2:19am Caleb Frankie and Christine going over why they have to send Zach home. They are saying that he has Donnys back over theirs and that him refusing to throw the BotB if put up with Donny as proof. 2:27am Zach telling Derrick that it would be better for his and Christine's game if they keep him over Cody. Zach saying since he knows he is going this week he wants Derrick to win it. 2:31am Derrick tells Zach that he's played a good game and is hilarious but he has no chance of staying. Zach tells Derrick that the only person he can trust in the house once he leaves is Cody. Everyone else in the HOH talking about song lyrics. 2:38am Zach tells Derrick he should try to work with Donny and open up to him. He says Donny is afraid to talk game with people but Zach has told him everything and Donny plans on putting up Caleb, Frankie, and/or Christine. Zach says he is going to tell Donny that the one person he can trust is Derrick before he leaves. 2:46am Frankie and Caleb talking about their attempts for jobs. Caleb telling about how he didn’t make it past the first two rounds but he was wanted for modeling. Derrick and Zach still talking out by the hammock Zach says he talks to much. 2:56am Derrick and Zach talking about the blog he wants to set up, Madden 2014 date nights on Thursday nights and going golfing in Florida after this is done. 3:03am HoH gang was talking about the past comps and how they doubt or didn't doubt their answers. Derrick and Zach are talking about the Otev comp. 3:12am Everyone except Caleb and Frankie have disbursed from the HoH room Cody joined Derrick and Zach outside, they are starting a game of pool. 3:17am Derrick is in the HoH WA rehashing parts of the conversation with Zach to Frankie and Caleb. How he understands he's going and is ok with everyone now, he didn’t mention who Zach said he could trust 3:23am Derrick and Caleb talking about how nominations would go if theres a BotB this week, everyone but Donny will go up. Christine and Frankie joined Zach and Cody in the BY 3:28am Zach wins the pool game they start another and Zach tells Cody he won't beat him and if he does Zach will jump in the pool. Cody said he's going in the pool. Christine and Frankie talking about how often Victoria curses. 3:36am Caleb and Derrick knuckle bump and Derrick says he's going to let Caleb get some sleep and dream of the final 2. Zach jumps the cue ball far off the table. 3:43 am Caleb said goodnight to the cameras and derrick joins everyone outside. Zach won the last game, they are playing another game, Cody says Zach will lose this game and have to jump in the pool 3:53am Derrick, Frankie and Christine have moved to the kitchen and are talking about what causes cancer, both Derrick and Christine says knock on wood no one in their families have had issues with cancer. A new game was started outside after Zach won again. 4:04am Christine and Frankie in the KT talking about Jocasta talking in tongues. They both saying that no one must read the bible because tongues is another language not gibberish and is only used to profess the teachings. Derrick is now playing Cody because he lost to Zach 7 times. 4:12am Cody lost to Derrick. Frankie gives hugs to everyone saying good night and Cody is playing Zach again, loser jumps in the pool fully clothed. 4:18am Frankie climbs in bed. Zach finally losses and jumps in the pool. Frankie appears in underwear and a t-shirt saying he missed it so Zach does it again and Frankie dances around the BY singing "I'm not wearing pants I'm not Wearing pants" 4:32amZach slicing banana into his cereal gets a piece on the table with the balls and they joke about it. Victoria has joined them in the BY to watch Derrick and Cody play. 4:38am Cody loses to Derrick and does a backflip into the pool after a little prodding from everyone else. Victoria is making some slop. 4:45am Derrick telling Victoria that Zach said nothing he has done in the game was personal it was game. Victoria says not personal my a** when he see my goodbye message his jaw is going to drop and… we get FotH 4:52am Feeds come back Zach is taking a hot shower. Everyone else is in the backyard talking about marriage and how many fail and for what reasons. 5:03am General chit chat still going on in the BY latest topic of conversation… the spider web above their head 5:12am Zach goes to bed in the ER. Cody is looking for something in the SR fridge and Victoria, Christine, and Derrick are talking about the competitions this year. Christine says as a viewer she would be p***ed off at the lack of endurance they have had this year. Derrick says it probably has something to do with fairness and the BoB. She mentions older houseguest that have done the wall 5:23am Everyone heads inside and talks about heading to bed. Derrick shows Victoria how to keep her face warm with a towel while sleeping. Cody just made quesadillas. 5:33am General chit chat in the kitchen talking about who needs cars, what makes of cars are good, and how cold the have not room gets. 5:47am Frankie is back up him, Christine and the guys head out to the BY Derrick and Cody are playing a game of pool 5:56am Victoria has gone to bed, the boys plus Christine still outside talking about their pool experience before the big brother house. 6:12am Frankie and Christine staring up at the clouds while Cody and Derrick play their game of pool. Frankie says goodnight, he is heading back to bed. 6:30am Derrick headed inside to use the BR Christine and Cody hanging out in the Back yard waiting for the sun to come up and Derrick to come back 6:45am Nothing new to report, Derrick came back to the BY general small talk and pool playing 6:55am Everyone decides its time for bed and head to darkened rooms Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CortneyIrene Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 8:16AM BBT HGs are all sleeping away in dream land. 9:05AM BBT HG are still asleep with the occasional tossing and turning. 9:40AM BBT HG Still sleeping... 10:08AM BBT HG ZzzzZZZ away Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 #BB16 9:02AM BBT All HG are sleeping. #BB16 9:38AM BBT All HG still sleeping. #BB16 10:09AM BBT We have FOTH - must be time for a wake up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CortneyIrene Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 10:42 Am BBT Donny is in the BY on the elliptical. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 #BB16 10:21AM BBT Donny is moving around the house. Frankie comes down from HOH - changes his battery and drops off his activity tracker. He heads back to bed. Donny heads outside to eat his cereal. #BB16 10:34AAM BBT HG slowly make their way out of bed to change batteries and turn in their activity trackers. most go right back to bed. #BB16 10:58AM BBT Donny working out. All else is quiet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CortneyIrene Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 11:31AM BBT Christine is in the BY with Donny on the couches chit chatting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 11:03am Christine and Donny in the BY talking about memory Foam mattresses. 11:16am Donny and Christine in the BY still just talking about the time .Donny says man we aren't going to have anything to do in the house. Christine says i know it is going to be boring. 11:21am Christine talking about how Victoria goes to sleep in the have not room with socks on and covers with a blanket with holes and can see her toes. I don't know how she does it. Donny says she is a trooper though she has been on slop for like 5 weeks now. Christine agrees. 11:24am Donny tells Christine he drinks water with his meals cause tea leaves a film in your mouth and i think the food taste better if i drink water. 11:31am Donny and Christine talking about eye exam and glasses insurance. Everyone else still sleeping. 11:34am Donny telling Christine how he puts his contacts in and he has to go to the bottom of his eye and sneak up on himself to get them in. Christine laughs and Donny says yeah i have to sneak up on myself. 11:46am Donny is working on laundry as Christine sits on the couches in the BY. All other HG still sleeping. 11:54am Donny says that Victoria has a lot of numbers in her boat and alot of power. Christine says yeah she has alot of power that is why they are keeping her. 11:56am Christine says i don't even know what it will look like on TV, oh yeah we do and Donny says yeah we do we know how she is. 12:00pm BB has now locked the Hg inside the house. Donny is walking around inside going from bedroom to KT. Christine is in the WC. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 12:04pm Donny tells Christine here is what we can do we can split the blocks here and play jenga by ourselves and see who can get it the tallest. 12:10pm Donny tells Christine that in the begging he wouldn't talk game to anyone cause he was afraid someone would take what he said and turn it around. Christine said yeah i know what ya mean man. 12:20pm Donny and Christine talk about who you can and cant trust. Donny says right now i have no one all my friends are gone and Christine says that sucks. 12:26pm Donny and Christine looking at the memory wall and Donny says he is tight with nobody but the people with somebody is tight with everybody. But what if you are in the pick then you are nobody. just think how people hang out cause they are loyal to those people. Christine says yeah like people that cant spend time with people on a personal level.Donny says think of the whispering that goes on in this place. I don't sleep all the time, I don't. Christine says yeah and Donny says that it is something to think about. 12:29pm Look at it this way he is one that has played in most of the comps and he is their Victoria. Just think this is a numbers game and you can let people win for you.I was a target week one and i am a target now but once i am gone people wont have anyone to help them. You have to think of Cody up there so you have to think that someone is loyal to him and I know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 #BB16 12:38PM BBT Donny and Christine chat at the KT table. They aren't sure if they are going to watch their season. #BB16 12:51PM BBT Christine and Donny continue to talk about the game. Donny trying to plant seeds. He then tells Christine that they should talk about Jenga because you never know when stealth mode cowboy is around. #BB16 12:56PM BBT Donny talking to Christine that eventually the alliance have to turn on their team members and get them out. He is trying to plant seeds but Christine is just not getting it. #BB16 1:02PM BBT They continue to talk. Donny telling her to look at the numbers. Donny tells her that Frankie is automatically a target. Donny says that there is someone who is not a target and never will be one. Donny says that he can live with Victoria coming in 2nd. He says if Frankie wins then he deserves it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 #BB16 1:09PM BBT Donny and Christine talk about how pissed they were at last season. Donny says that Victoria is going to get second place just as Gina Marie did. #BB16 1:10PM BBT Donny tells Christine to look at their season like a fan. Not to let it end like last season. #BB16 1:15PM BBT Donny tells her that he is not saying to work together but for her to put more thought into her game. She says she will. She has a lot of uh huhs. Donny says if he goes out the door he has done everything he could. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 #BB16 1:18PM BBT Christine tells Donny that the only reason she has ever come after him is that he is the only one that she heard her name from. He tells her it was a lie. His HOH was a waste. He had no intentions of putting her up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 1:30pm Donny and Christine still sitting and talking about him being alone and who talks to who in the house. Donny says there is some really smart people in this house there really are or a really really impressive person and you know who i am talking about cause Jacosta love him, she prayed with him every night. 1:34pm Christine says i want to thank you and Donny says all i ask is that you don't say we talked cause it will look bad on you too. 1:38pm Donny and Christine still talking and Donny says maybe we should go lay down and pretend to get up when the others do and Christine says i need to go wake Cody up to see if he wants up since i was supposed to wake him at noon. 1:44pm Donny says if i win HOH or if you win HOH then they would have to turn on each other. you can say that you want to backdoor me and then don't do that put one of them up. 1:46pm Donny says or if you can say something like someone said something to make me doubt you. Christine says oh Donny i have so much information. Donny says i am sure you do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted August 20, 2014 Share Posted August 20, 2014 2:09pm Feeds on Caleb sleeping and other on bathroom door. no one is talking in the house as most are still sleeping. 2:22pm Victioria comes out of the WC and heads to the STR she gets a drink of something then pours some chocolate milk and drinks that while she holds the fridge door open.She then throws her cup in the trash and goes back to the KT and looks in that fridge then finds the almond milk and pours some in a glass. Donny sits at the table playing with jenga blocks. 2:31pm Christine is in bed whispering to Cody as he covers his mouth. he says that is a flat out lie. that is literally a flat out lie.(Christine whispering so low we cant hear her.) and we get FOTH. 2:36pm Christine still whispering to Cody and Cody is now whispering to Christine all you could hear was Donny's name. and Christine laughing. Caleb and Frankie are now up in the HOH rm. 2:44pm Donny and Frankie are in HOh talking and Donny says i told you the other morning about what other was saying. I know that winning the big money was my goal secondly i know i wont win and i can posabily win Americas choice if you are not in the jury house and i want you to know i will keep you here no matter what.Frankie says well you know i don't think the jury votes are in my favor anyways so i think it is good for anyone to take me to the end. 2:47pm Donny telling Frankie that these people want you in one place and these people don't. I don't sleep all day and i see and hear things. Frankie says yeah i will try to keep you off if i am in power. Donny says i know you will do what you can do. 2:54pm Caleb is in the KT making food and Donny talking general talk to him .Cody and Christine whispering still in the Fire BR. 2:56pm caleb talking about wild hogs and what they eat and how nutritious they are and how farmers hate then cause they destroy things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted August 21, 2014 Share Posted August 21, 2014 5:59 PM BBT Victoria heads out of the HoHR. Cody is cleaning a pan in the KT, and Derrick says he’s up to something. We see FoTH. 6:00 PM BBT Derrick goes in the fire room and finds a peni$ formed out of blood sausages on the bed. He goes to the DR. Cody and Christine start singing in the KT, and we see FoTH twice. 6:03 PM BBT Frankie made an I love mom sign on the Dining Room table. Then he says he wants to play darts, and walks out of the room. 6:04 PM BBT Cody makes something to drink in the KT, with Christine and Victoria sitting at the KT table. Donny goes to sit at the Dining Room table. 6:06 PM BBT Cody and Caleb go to rock room with Cody to play darts. Donny sitting at Dining Room table eating, and Cody goes by the table and asks him, what’s so funny, and what is he looking at? Then he walks off. Frankie goes by the picture board, looking at the HG’s pictures. 6:09 PM BBT Christine goes in the rock room, and gets under the covers on a bed. Christine and Victoria are going to keep score as Caleb and Cody play darts. Donny is still eating at the Dining Room table. 6:12 PM BBT Frankie joins Caleb to play darts, while Cody lays down next to Christine on a bed in the rock room. Donny is on his second bag of snacks that he's eating at the Dining Room table by himself. 6:14 PM BBT Donny finishes his snack, throws his trash away, gets a cookie, and his cup off the Dining Room table, and walks to the rock room to watch the dart game. Derrick comes out of the DR, and says, "Throw your last 6, time's up, the 24 hours is over." They say no, and finish. Zach leans up on his left elbow, in the bed in the rock room. 6:17 PM BBT The guys find the last dart, and Derrick takes then back to the DR. Frankie says they just figured out the game, and asks why they are so mean to them. Christine asks Frankie how long he's had the t-shirt he has on. He says he just got it for the BOB, as HOH. Derrick walks in the SR, and says, "Oh, hey buddy," to Caleb while he is getting ready to iron his jeans. Frankie says, "Good morning Zachary, do you want me to make you anything special?" Zach says, no. Frankie says he's making family dinner tonight, and then starts running down the ingredients in the blood sausage. 6:20 PM BBT Victoria says they've run out of slop, but she really doesn't feel like requesting slop. Frankie says, there's something morally wrong with having to request slop. Christine says, she might request some black olives. Frankie comes up with some outlandish story for what's going to happen tomorrow. Christine says she just doesn't want to be HN again next week, and so does Frankie. He says, maybe America will choose the HN's for the next week. Caleb is ironing his jeans in the SR, and we see FoTH. 6:24 PM BBT We come back to Live Feeds. Frankie tells Caleb in the SR that Zach and Donny are probably working together. Derrick and Caleb in the WA, and Victoria walks in, and Cody asks her why she's had an attitude for 3 days? Christine goes to the WC, and notices something with the toilet paper. Caleb was trying to iron a patch on the inside of his jeans. Caleb says, he's supposed to hold the iron on it for 2 - 3 min. Frankie tells him to hold it for 2 - 3 min. The iron makes a sound, like a back-up beeping noise. Caleb says one of them has to win HOH tomorrow, and they are building like crazy outside. 6:28 PM BBT Christine comes out of WC to wash her hands, and says, "So, what's up bathroom peeps?" She sits on the couch in the WA, and Frankie comes out of SR singing. We see FoTH. Frankie sits next to Christine, while Cody is next to her on the left, and then Caleb, all on the couch in the WA. Caleb asks if anyone has seen his drink, and Frankie starts singing again. We see FoTH for a moment. 6:29 PM BBT Frankie starts talking in a character voice. Caleb goes to KT, where Zach is, and asks him if he slept well? He says yes, and is going to take some Ibuprofen. Caleb walks into the WA, and Frankie says Hi to him in a character voice, trying not to move his mouth. Cody says, "Oh my God, it's so f*cking creepy." 6:31 PM BBT Zach is in SR, when Caleb goes back in there. Zach asks if he's putting the patch on his jeans? He says, he trying to, not sure if he's doing it right, because he's never done it before. He says, he read the directions. Zach says, it looks pretty good. Caleb says he needs to really get his them fixed when he goes home. Christine in WA, with a light blue hat on her head. She starts to tell what she was asked in the DR, and we see FoTH for a moment. Caleb starts talking to Zach about how good it's going to be to leave the house tomorrow, and that he has a possibility to come back in. 6:34 PM BBT Caleb tells Zach he'll get to watch DVD's and do cannon balls by the pool. He says, that he may get to call home, and they don't. Zach says, he only has 28 more days until he gets to go home, on September 17. Cody is laying all over Christine on the couch in the WA. He is petting her hair like a dog. He asks Christine if she wants him to take his shirt off, and give it to her. Victoria is standing by the WC. Frankie is telling Zach and Caleb what he'll do when he walks out the door, and goes to see Julie. Caleb says, if he's not in the top 2, he should have been in his shoes anyway. 6:37 PM BBT Zach says he got Zinged by Kathy Griffin, and won OTEV, what more could he ask for? Caleb says there's nothing else big going to happen. Frankie says, they kind have blown their load. He says, Kathy Griffin is the biggest celebrity to ever be in the BB house. They are collectively saying there's only about 3 weeks left in the game. Frankie says, in 29 days, he'll be crossing the street to go home. Caleb says, there's going to be a riot when he goes home. 6:41 PM BBT Caleb in SR making moves and acting goofy, making muscles, while talking to Zach about tattoos. Frankie comes back in the SR, and looks through the cabinets. Cody, Christine and Victoria are talking about Cody's corporate office. 6:44 PM BBT Caleb tells Zach and Frankie that he would not be where he is in the game, without them. He says the world will always remember, Zach Attack. Zach says, he may just leave swearing at everyone, and saying how he hates them. Caleb says, he's tired of the house himself. He says, the last time he was in something like this was when he was in uniform, and there were other guys with him on his left and right in war. 6:48 PM BBT Christine says she wonders how Cody will sound on the phone when they talk. She asks Cody on a scale of 1 - 10 how much he likes his job, and he says, about a 6. He tells her he was an Assistant District Manager, and how you can move up at his company. Victoria uses the WC, and washes her hands. Caleb, Frankie and Zach still in the SR, talking about things that Frankie can say when he leaves. Zach tells Caleb again that he's not the Saboteur, and they will find that out. 6:51 PM BBT Christine is hanging onto every word that Cody says in the WA, with her mouth hanging open. She gets excited and smiles when he says something good, and comments. Caleb is on Zach that he's saying he has to say it's not him, so he gets the money. Zach says it's not him, but it was fun. Caleb says, yeah. Frankie says, they are all just bored anyway. We see FoTH. 6:53 PM BBT Live Feeds come back with all cams on SR. Caleb tells Zach that he's going to have a huge following when he gets out of the house. Frankie asks Zach what size feet he has, he tells him about a 9 1/2. Frankie says that his feet are weird. Caleb says he's 5' 10", Zach is 5' 9" and Frankie is 5' 8" tall. Caleb walks out of the SR. Zach says, "I'm never going to forget you, Frankie." Frankie says, no, you're not. He says, he's going to get his phone number right away, when they get out of the house, and save it under Zankie. They walk out of SR. Zach goes to the ice room. Cody is talking about health insurance and Obama Care in the WA, and Caleb walks in there. 6:57 PM BBT Victoria says insurance is good, and now she's getting into Real Estate with her mom. She says that the market wasn't good, and it's just starting to pick back up in Florida. She talks about people flipping houses. Cody says, his barber, and corrected himself, to his hair stylist, buys houses and flips them with a partner. He says they make crazy money. Caleb is shaving his hand in the sink in the WA, and Victoria asks him what he's doing? Cody says, he needs to shave his toes. Victoria says it takes her mom 3 - 4 months to get paid, after getting an answer back from the bank. Christine says, her daddy is an electrician, and her mom stays at home. Cody is playing with his feet on the couch in the WA. 7:00 PM BBT Frankie gets told to, "Stop that." He then grabs on to Cody, holding on to him the entire way to the HoHR. They both go in there, and Frankie lays on the nest bed, and hugs Derrick, lying on his chest, while he's listening to music. He waves to the camera, and says he' never cuddled with Derrick before. Cody lays on the other side of Derrick in the nest bed. Everyone leaves the WA, except Caleb, who is still shaving his hands. Victoria walks up to HoHR, Frankie is singing, and we see FoTH. 7:05 PM BBT Victoria lays on the outside of the nest bed by Cody, and is rubbing on his back, under the covers. Frankie is talking about Chaz Bono, and sends a shout-out to Cher. He says, he wonders if Kathy Griffin will follow him on Twitter now. He says, he follows her, and has Tweeted her before. Victoria asks, if she has Tweeted him back, and he says no. Caleb is shaving his arms in the sink in the WA. Christine leaves the WA, and goes to the HoHR. She tells everyone to be careful on the stairs, because they are wet. Frankie says he was going to go downstairs to get her, and she says she came up to see him. She lays on the next bed on Frankie's back. He tells her, he's never cuddled with Derrick before. He says, watch Donny come in here, and get the middle. 7:09 PM BBT Frankie gets told to stop singing. Caleb leaves the WA, and goes up to HoHR. Frankie asks him if he wants to join them in the bed? He partially lays by Victoria, and then says, he'll just go over here, and sits down on the grey couch. Zach put a pair of blue jeans on with a green and white shirt, and his yellow shoes. He walks in the rock room and back to the ice room. He kicks off his yellow shoes, takes his microphone off, takes the blue jeans off, folds them, and lays them on an ice box. He puts his light blue shorts on, unbuttons his shirt, takes it off, and folds it. He take the blue jeans and the shirt, and puts them on another ice box. He is taking all of his stuff out of an ice box, and packing it in his big suitcase. He zips the suitcase up, lifts it off the floor, and puts it on top of the empty ice box. He put a red sweatshirt on, and puts some things in his black BB bag, and then sits it on top of his suitcase. 7:15 PM BBT Frankie is telling everyone in the HoHR what hhis sister wears at her concerts, still cuddling with Derrick. Derrick is sucking on a ring pop. Caleb is sitting on the couch popping pimples on his right arm. Zach goes in the KT, to make himself something to eat. Frankie sees this on the T.V., and says, there's the Saboteur. Christine tells Frankie that Donny is asleep. Christine says, she wonders what Zach is going to do in the jury house. Christine makes a joke about Jocasta being an ordained minister, and that Hayden and Nicole could be married. Frankie wonders who the jury members will say they want to see coming around the corner tomorrow. 7:18 PM BBT Frankie wonders what the jury members get to see on the DVD's. Christine tells him it's just the comps. Frankie says they have an unfair advantage going in the jury house, talking about everything and coming back. Zach goes into the SR, and says, he can't wait until tomorrow. He says, don't ever f*cking change alright, that he's the f*cking man, gets some cheese out of the fridge, and goes back to the KT. He sits down at the table, and puts it on his sandwich. Frankie tells the HG's in HoHR that he's going downstairs to make dinner. Caleb says, he's going to assume they are out of turkey. Zach says, he's a roast beef fan, and it's tender. Caleb in the KT, says he's so not a roast beef fan. Derrick and Christine leave the HoHR. 7:22 PM BBT Frankie goes back to the HoHR, and goes in the bathroom, while Cody and Victoria are lying the nest bed. Derrick picks up Christine in the KT to give her a piggy-back ride, and says she's a horrible piggy-backer. Cody and Victoria are watching the TV in the HoHR, after hearing the noise in the KT. Derrick and Christine go by the Dining Room table, where Caleb and Zach are sitting. Frankie asks, what he should wear tomorrow? 7:24 PM BBT Derrick is spelling something out on the Dining Room table. Victoria tells Cody that everything is getting to her. He asks her what her paranoia is? She says, she doesn't know what to do if she doesn't win HOH this week, and Donny's safe this week. She says, she knows she will be gone. Cody tell her he doesn't think so. 7:26 PM BBT Cody tells Victoria that Frankie is just a monster when competing. Victoria tells Cody that Derrick is up Christine's a$$. She says she noticed it before Nicole left, and now that she's gone, she notices it even more. 7:29 PM BBT FoTH keeps going on and off. Cody tells Victoria that Derrick and Christine are getting crazy, crazy tight. Victoria tells Cody that they haven't spoken game in 3 days together. Derrick is spelling out his daughters name on the Dining Room table. 7:32 PM BBT Frankie is trying to figure out if the evicted HG's go on The Talk with Julie Chen or not. Victoria and Cody are still talking game in the HoHR. Cody says he wishes he could on nom one person. Frankie is tearing foil in the KT, preparing everything to cook dinner. 7:34 PM BBT Zach says, what's up Nicole. Frankie says, that Nicole will say for Hayden to get up for a second, that Zach is there. He says, Nicole will tell Hayden to pull out. Zach says he's disgusting. Victoria tells Cody that Christine is not a girly girly, and she acts like one of the guys. She tells Cody that she's the only girl in the house because she's not like Christine. Cody grabs her hand and squeezes it really quick. 7:36 PM BBT Victoria tells Cody that Derrick is not acknowledging her, and hasn't talked to her in days. She says, that's her best friend in the house, and she missed talking to him. Derrick spelled out, "Hi Tenley," in the Jenga blocks on the Dining Room table. 7:39 PM BBT Christine and Derrick go to the fire room. They both say it's been a bad day. They are talking about what Donny is telling everyone. He thinks that Donny might just be saying that, but it doesn't make sense. He says, he doesn't get the rationale. Victoria and Cody still talking upstairs, and Victoria says it will be different if another girl was in the house, and it wasn't just all guys, because she feels all alone. Cody asks her why she doesn't feel she can tell him how she feels? She says, she doesn't tell anyone, because she doesn't want it to get out. 7:42 PM BBT Caleb walks in the fire room, and Christine says, "What up C dog?" He says, nothing. Cody tells Victoria that he thinks the Zings were about what people have said in the house. He says everyone calls him a flirt, and he really hasn't made any enemies. Derrick and Christine are still whispering in the fire room. Derrick is throwing different scenarios about Donny. Derrick says, thank you to Donny, for making him look like Dan, while he's still sucking on the ring pop, and holding his daughter's blanket. 7:45 PM BBT Christine tells Derrick that Nicole was a floater, and so is Victoria. Derrick says that Victoria is not even a floater, that she doesn't know there are two sides. Christine asks what she is then, and Derrick says, "Entertainment." He says that Victoria has no idea what's going on, and is no benefit to his game at all. Cody and Victoria are talking about the BOB, and possible comps coming up. 7:47 PM BBT Caleb is trying to sneak upstairs heading to the HoHR, but Cody and Victoria see him. Christine and Derrick are saying they don't think the jury members will compete to come back this week. He thinks it will be next week. Christine says that if it's like last year's comp, it wasn't as extensive as the DE, and they weren't locked out as long. Caleb lets out a loud belch when he walks in the HoHR. He tells Cody and Victoria they need to learn how to use the remote. He's eating food upstairs.7:50 PM BBT Frankie goes in the fire room. Frankie says it its a slide comp, he'll have a nervous breakdown. Frankie says, there has to come a time when BB stops f*cking them. He says they keep getting f*cked, because of the comps being made so he can win them. Derrick says if it's a wall, you pretty much know who will and won't win. Christine says that if they keep rigging the comps, it's discrimination against them. Derrick says, but who would know. Christine says, it's at the producers discretion. Caleb is pigging out on snacks in the HoHR, and chomping as he talks. 7:53 PM BBT Christine is saying that they can make it to the F5. Derrick says they will pull a Renegade move on Victoria when Donny goes. Christine says, she wants to make her feel as safe as possible, for as long as she can. Frankie says that Donny is more cautious with his words with him, and isn't throwing out names. Derrick asks, why Donny wants to keep Zach in the house. He asks, why it's beneficial to him. Frankie explains what Donny was saying to him about different sets of people in the house. Caleb keeps looking at the TV being paranoid. Victoria is headed downstairs. Caleb takes off his shoes, and slides out of the HoHR, lying on the ground. 7:56 PM BBT Caleb is lying on the floor outside the HoHR. Derrick was picking his nose in the fire room, when Victoria goes in the fire room, to ask Frankie to help her feed the fish. Derrick and Christine thinks it's sketchy, and she's up to something. Derrick says that Cody definitely knows where the fish food is. Frankie and Victoria go up to HoHR to feed the fish. Derrick and Christine are whispering about the Skittles. Cody is listening to music in the nest bed, bobbing his head around to the beat of the music. Victoria and Frankie are in the HoHR bathroom, feeding the fish. 7:59 PM BBT Derrick and Christine are talking about the bone comp, and the producers calling her out on giving bones to Caleb. Derrick says he doesn't know why she couldn't give them to him. Derrick says she got, "porked." Christine says, as soon as the lights came on, she says, "F me." She says, she knew she was screwed. She calls herself a big dummy. Frankie is making noises as they fish are eating. Christine says, there has to be something big before they go back to one HOH. Derrick says, yes, a DE. He says he thinks it's still BOB this week. 8:03 PM BBT Derrick says that Donny played his heart out in the bone comp and still won it by himself. He says he's a beast. We see FoTH. Live Feeds come back. Derrick says everyone is wearing the Team Donny shirt. Christine says, everyone in production is wearing the "Fear the Beard," shirt right now. We hear, "Christine, what is there about stop, that you don't understand?" She says, she's in soo much trouble right now. She says, "America hates me." Derrick says, "America hates me, oh no." They talk about why Donny would say he's America's Player. Frankie leaves HoHR, after feeding the fish. Caleb is backing up on the floor upstairs, still lying in the prone position. 8:07 PM BBT Victoria is talking about a friend of hers that is so small, she is smaller than Pow Pow. All cams on HoHR. Cody is singing, and we see FoTH. Life Feed comes back and Cody and Victoria are watching Caleb in the hallway, on the TV. 8:09 PM BBT Frankie goes to the fire room, and tells Derrick and Christine that Caleb is being Stealth Mode Cowboy trying to listen to Donny and Zach talking in the LR. Derrick tells Frankie and Christine, they aren't in a bad position, because they know who's talking about them. He says, there are worse positions they can be in. He says, it's still bad, that someone is going around telling that everyone is his (Donny) target. 11:02 PM BBT Frankie says he's slept in the HoHR room for 48 of the 63 days so far, because he loves the bed. Derrick tells Frankie, he wishes he could compete tomorrow. Frankie says at least he can get the Veto. Derrick and Frankie are talking about the comp tomorrow if it's endurance, and how quickly Victoria will fall. Derrick says it took Victoria so long for the light bulb comp. Christine says, it was ridiculous, because she was just finishing the first one at the end. She says, it took her 35 minutes to do the Comic Book competition. Donny tells Zach, that the next time he sits in the orange chair, he's out of there, unanimously. He says, no if, ands or buts, do not pass go, and do not collect $200. Zach says he slept until 7 p.m. tonight, because no one wants to hang out with him. 8:14 PM BBT Zach tells Donny that they've been there for 63 days already, so 31 days isn't that much longer. Frankie belches, and doesn't excuse himself. He, Derrick and Christine are goofing around in fire room. We hear, "Victoria, you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions to other HG's." Zach asks Donny how long his flight was to the show? Donny says it will be quicker going back. Frankie is acting like he's raging out in the fire room, because Caleb is not going to get near his sister. 8:18 PM BBT Donny tells Zach that throwing comps is hopeless. Zach tells Donny how he told them that he wouldn't throw the comp if he was put up with Donny. Zach tells him, they said they would pull Skittles then. Zach tells Donny, he didn't even have a Skittle, and he says he figured that. He says, he knew it, and it doesn't surprise him. Frankie leaves the fire room. Donny asks Zach if he's always had short hair, and he tells him it was like Hayden's until recently. Derrick says, on a bright note, he gets to see Tenley in 28 days. He says, he's at piece, that tomorrow is a black and white day. You win you stay, you lose you go home. 8:21 PM BBT Caleb goes in HoHR to tell Cody what Donny and Zach were talking about. He says he couldn't hear it a lot, but he heard them talk about the Skittles, and that Donny says he'll use them also if he wins HoH tomorrow. Caleb says that Donny says he doesn't want to hang out with anyone in the house when he leaves, and he wants the first flight home. Victoria goes in the fire room and whispers to Christine and Derrick, and you can't hear what she's saying. 8:24 PM BBT Victoria was playing with the sock monkey, and telling them that Caleb was spying on Donny and Caleb, but she had to come downstairs, so he could get back in the HoHR. Donny walks in the fire room, and smiles at Victoria. Christine changes the subject about her brother. Caleb tells Frankie and Cody what Donny has said. 8:28 PM BBT Frankie goes to the KT to check on the fish for dinner, all cams on him while he's singing. Zach walks in the KT. Derrick is still sucking on the ring pop, and Christine puts her dukes up, like she's going to fight Derrick. Zach says, "This one time at band camp." Then comes up with a random fishing story about his dog being with him. Victoria goes to the fire room, and walks out. 8:31 PM BBT Victoria goes with Cody in the ice room while he's looking for his stuff to pack. Victoria tells him she loves his brown boots, and he says he's wearing them tomorrow. Christine says Victoria looks in the mirror tomorrow always looking at her thong. Christine says she's probably trying to impress Cody. She says he's a Casanova, and she really likes him. She says, she's never met anyone as smooth as he is, or like him. Caleb goes in the fire room. 8:34 PM BBT Caleb tells Derrick and Christine what he thinks Donny and Zach were talking about in the LR, and he was embellishing it more than he did for Frankie and Cody. Derrick says, Zach is going home, and Donny is going next. Derrick says, I'm sorry Donny, that we played a better game than you. What else do you want me to say? Caleb says how Donny said everyone shuns him. Donny walks in, and they start talking about winning HOH tomorrow. They say it might be a wall tomorrow. They say it might be about babies.8:38 PM BBT Caleb says he sky dives for fun, and doesn't get motion sickness. He says he will be asleep on the wall, and he will not fall down no matter what. They come up with different types of games it could be, and we see FoTH. Feeds come back and they are still coming up with ideas of what the comp might be. Donny is finishing getting dressed, sitting on his bed, and putting his socks and shoes on. Victoria is still in the ice room with Cody. Cody shows her his cross that broke just before he got into the house. 8:41 PM BBT Donny walks out of the fire room, and is combing his hair in the hallway. Cody says he needs to iron his clothes for tomorrow. He says he needs to grab his sandals, deodorant, and all that stuff. Donny walks in the ice room, and tells Cody, at least he's got a big ole' bag, it's perfect. Caleb leaves fire room. Donny walks in KT where Frankie and Zach are. Derrick and Christine are shouting out to Joker's and Hamster Watch, and thanking them for what they do, since they don't get paid to do it. He says he can't wait until next year to be on there. Frankie moves all the Jenga pieces on the Dining Room table to the middle of the table, to get ready for everyone to eat dinner. 8:45 PM BBT Donny is sitting at the KT table and Victoria is in there also. Frankie is talking in a character voice talking about making more fish tomorrow and Friday. Derrick and Christine are coming up with worst case and best case scenarios for tomorrow. Derrick believes it's still BOB, and is saying for someone to throw it again. 8:46 PM BBT Victoria comes in and asks Christine is she wants slop, or is she should put it away. Christine says, no thank you. She says she not eating. Derrick tells her she needs to eat something for tomorrow's comp, especially if it's a wall. We get FoTH, because Caleb is singing. 8:48 PM BBT Derrick tells Christine now they can go out there, because they've been in the fire room so long, they are in a romance. Derrick says how Victoria will go to him, and say they haven't talked all day. Victoria walks in the fire room, and says she trying to hide her valuables. Derrick says, you don't think he knows your drawers. Christine says, she's going to pee her pants. She gets up and stretches. Victoria and Christine leave the fire room, after Christine asks Derrick if she can watch him eat dinner. Frankie singing. Cody is lying on the couch in the LR, Donny goes to sit in an orange chair, as Christine is leaving from the LR. 8:51 PM BBT Victoria is still putting her stuff away, and goes up to Cody, and asks if he wants to feel something? He says yes, and puts her cold hands on his face. Cody tells Victoria she has a hole in her pants. She says, she knows, asks him if it's getting bigger? He says, he doesn't think so. She goes to the DR to ask for sewing kit. Cody tells Donny is eyes are burning. He asks him, why you reckon they are burning? He says he hasn't slept well. Cody asks Donny, "Do you feel me?" Donny says, "I understand you." Victoria comes out of DR, and tells Cody and Donny what they said, while we see FoTH. 8:54 PM BBT Frankie calls all HG's to the Dining Room table for dinner. Zach has been sitting there already by himself. Christine goes by Cody in the LR, and hugs him. She says, she's sorry. Cody says he still has a migraine. He says, someone was probably comfy and cozy in a bed with his blanket around him. Christine says she wants to help him pack his bags, and save his blanket for a special occasion. 8:57 PM BBT All HG's sit at the Dining Room Table for dinner, and start talking about Jimmy Johns. Christine says they ran out of Chocolate Almond milk, and Vanilla milk. Everyone is chowing down like hogs smacking their lips and chomping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brotayjax Posted August 21, 2014 Share Posted August 21, 2014 9:06 pm BBT Caleb wears sunglasses at the KT table. Frankie says he doesn't think he will ever eat Halibut again after being in the BB house. He doesn't think he's ever seen it on a menu. He says Italians eat lots of fish/seafood. People associate them with pasta, but it's mostly seafood. Not his family, though because his mom and other relatives are allergic. HG thank Frankie for cooking. They say it was an awesome meal. 9:12 pm BBT Although Christine and Victoria can't eat the fish, they are sitting at the table. Victoria is eating slop. Christine isn't eating. Talk turns to their activity trackers. Zach asks why people care how many steps they take each day. He wonders if there are people betting on it. Christine says she runs 3 miles every day at home on a treadmill. Zach says that August 21 is the first day of Fall, so tomorrow is the last day of summer. People are flabbergasted that they've missed all of summer, but no one disagrees with him. Then Donny says that the way his brother teaches the seasons is "Michael (March - Spring) Jordan (June - Summer) Slam (September - Fall) Dunks (December - Winter)." They are all relieved to learn that Summer isn't over until September. 9:16 pm BBT Caleb and Cody are in the LR. Caleb says he has a hard time sitting at the table without calling Donny out. Cody asks how he thinks he feels when Donny is campaigning to get him out of the house. Camera 2 is on Caleb and he is staring at Donny at the table. Caleb says that Donny told Zach he was lucky to be leaving because he wouldn't have to deal with everyone anymore. 9:20 pm BBT Zach says that he found Nicole's sweatshirt next to the bed and has been wearing it. He says he's going to tell her he got evicted just so he could give it to her. Then he's going to say "Now where's my kiss." They are in an IDL and they all really want to go outside. Zach says he would like to get a ping pong table. Frankie has joined Caleb and Cody in the LR. Caleb is making a sound with his mouth and says it sounds like a lions purring. Cody says he's never heard a lion purr. Caleb says he's broken a lion's jaws with his bare hands before. Frankie says in Kentucky? In Afghanistan? in Iraq? Caleb says that he has been all over the world. He says he was in Africa...he lived in Africa. Frankie says he told him he had never been to Africa. He says he was there when he was 18 months old. Cody says that's when he broke the lion's jaw. At this point, Cody and Frankie drop the subject and Caleb doesn't bring it up again. 9:27 pm BBT Frankie is educating the LR crew about mountain lions, cougars, panthers, and leopards. Frankie starts to share all kinds of fun facts with the HG in the LR. Victoria is called to the DR as Zach comes out of it. He joins Derrick and Donny at the KT table. They are talking about winters. Zach says winters in Florida are amazing. Derrick says winters by him can be -18 degrees. He says the first couple snowstorms can be really fun. 9:30 pm BBT Caleb asks how you know if a horse is pregnant. No one really knows. He doesn't answer, then asks how you know what the sex of the colt is in a pregnant horse. His answer is to put a glove on and stick your arm up the vagina of the pregnant horse. Cody wants to know how you find out what the sex is. He says you feel around. Frankie says that the colt must in the birthing canal. Caleb says the horse has to be pretty far along. Frankie asks if they know about how a marsupial is born. Cody asks what a marsupial is. Frankie says like a kangaroo. Then he explains how it crawls from inside the mother to the pouch. 9:35 pm BBT Zach comes into the LR and starts picking up things from the table under the TV. He is 'testing' the HG about the items on it. He picks up one items and asks how many spikes are on it. Frankie says "80" and he says "Good job." He picks up a vase and Frankie says, "My testicle." Zach tells him he's good at this game. He goes to pick something up and asks them if it's glued to the table. They say NO... he tries to pick it up, and it is. He picks up another vase and asks them what's in it. He pulls out a little stick looking thing. He tells them it's a urethra dipstick. 9:45 pm BBT All the HG are now gathered in the LR. Frankie is called to the DR. They are eating cookies. Someone says they have "crushed" all the cookies. Donny says he has learned so many new words this summer. The HG are talking and Camera 3 is on Caleb wearing his cowboy hat. His eyes flick back and forth from HG to HG as they talk. He stares Donny down every time he talks. 9:48 pm BBT BB comes on the intercom and reminds the HG they are not permitted to sleep anywhere but the beds. Christine tells them to take a chill pill. She only had her eyes closed for a minute or 2. Donny says they monitor them with their activity trackers, so they know all. Zach says asks him how many lies he's told today, and Donny says 2 and 1/2. Camera 3 is still on Caleb and he turns to Cody and smiles. Zach says he has told 5 lies. Donny says he wonders if it monitors their heartbeat. Then he says it might monitor their brainwaves and since he's from a smalltown, his brainwaves are slower than all of theirs. 9:53 pm BBT Talk turns to cutting their hair tomorrow before the live show. Derrick says he looks like he's in a boy band, so he really needs one. They start talking about all the boy bands. Zach says he bets he will be able to listen to music in the jury house. Derrick says he'll be interested to see if he gets a phone call or a Skype call. Caleb says you'll be interested for a whole month. 10:02 pm BBT Frankie says he's so upset they took the darts. They talk about the ones that went over the wall. Derrick explains where he thinks they went from the birds' eye view he has seen of the BB house online. He explains where it is in comparison to where they came into the house. Zach says that was 63 days ago. Christine says it seems like 15 days ago. Frankie talks about choosing his bed that day. Zach takes off his activity tracker and asks how much they think he could sell it for online. Christine tells them that the most she has seen anything sell for in the past is $200. She says past BB contestants have sold signed pictures for like $20. Zach is happy about this. Donny says he can sell pieces of his beard. Zach says he can buy Gators' shirts and sign them. Derrick says you can buy a P.O. Box and fans can send you things to sign. G.M. does that. 10:10 pm BBT Derrick says that his idea is that they should put some of these homeless veterans in these schools as guards and make it a government funded program. He says that someone comes into the school with a pistol, he's getting taken down. Zach says that since the Newtown shooting there has been an average of one school shooting per a week. Frankie screams, "What?!" He wants to know how it is that we haven't heard about it. Christine says that they aren't all the same scale, but there are school shootings just the same. 10:18 pm BBT Cody and Frankie talk about the movie "We Have to Talk About Kevin." Frankie talks about the song "Pumped Up Kicks." This is a deep conversation that you might think would take place more often when people are locked in a house together for 60+ days. 10:24 pm BBT Zach and Cody are talking about how much they like Fall Out Boy. Donny, Christine, and Victoria like them, too. They keep getting told to stop singing. Talk in the LR turns to movies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kuzma Posted August 21, 2014 Share Posted August 21, 2014 #BB16 10:37 PM BBT 15 minute conversation with the whole house in the LR about the movie The Purge/The Purge 2 moves onto The Human Centipede. #BB16 10:47 PM BBT Victoria and Caleb have joined the group in the LR. Movie talk has covered the stunts from the Jackass movies and moved to Sasha Baron Cohen movies. #BB16 10:53 PM BBT Zach was playing with his mic and found a label with Spencer's name, Frankie found Janelle and McCrae on his mic. Someone said they had Ian. Production called all HG and told them to stop it. #BB16 11:03 PM BBT More label finding on the mics in the LR, Caleb has Chef Joe, Derrick has Wil, and Cody has David. All labels are from the previous 2 seasons. Talk was briefly on previous HG and moved back to movies. #BB16 11:08 PM BBT So far Donny has refused to show the tags on his mic for the other HG, who all want to prove a theory regarding which mics belonged to the coaches fro BB14, Production said out loud "Donny...thank you" for not messing with the mic. #BB16 11:10 PM BBT The HG think production is getting bored, BB just said "Zach, Christine, you are not allowed to jump in the pool". Which might have been a result from last night. #BB16 11:19 PM BBT The HG have started to talk about Zach's feet. Frankie says they are ugly and remind him of his Ex. Donny says Zach's second toe bends 4 times and looks like E.T. Zach finally notices how ugly his feet are and explains the one ugly toe was broken playing football. Now talk in the LR has moved onto feet in general and tattoos on feet and other places of the body. #BB16 11:26 PM BBT The some HG have finally left the LR, Donny and Cody went to the FR to fix their beds, taking the blood sausages off their pillows. Derrick follows into the FR to do the same saying Cody was the one who did it, but Cody gets defensive. #BB16 11:32 PM BBT Victoria, Caleb, Cody, and Christine are all in the Kitchen making food to eat. Frankie, Zach, Donny, and Derrick are still in the LR, talk about social media, Instagram and Twitter. #BB16 11:38 PM BBT Zach is rehearsing his speech for tomorrow. Caleb tells him to use it to promote everyone's social media outlets. #BB16 11:43 PM BBT All HG except Christine who is in the HoH room listening to music, have congregated in the LR again talking about movies again. Zach is now showing the HG his best Karate moves, he told Caleb he is next. #BB16 11:49 PM BBT Cody followed Zach with the martial arts moves, Donny was next and impressed the HG with his flexability, Frankie showed off his dancing skills, and Derrick wouldnt show his moves as much as everyone else. Caleb is last with his martial arts moves as well. #BB16 11:57 PM BBT Frankie has gone upstairs to take a bath, Christine commented on watching them to their martial arts moves. Caleb, in the LR, was still going but then moved on to actual dancing moves, Cody was helping him count his spins. Victoria was shown briefly laying down in the FR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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