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Help! Nearly out of time


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I'm still trying to find out if anyone will be streaming the show tomorrow. I am a live feed subscriber but don't have cable, and I really don't want to miss the first two episodes. I know someone said they are sure 'somebody' would stream it, but the boards have been much quieter this year and no specific info mentioned of where to look. :( Can someone help me out? Feel free to send a pm if you don't want to post any links openly. Thanks!

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I'm still trying to find out if anyone will be streaming the show tomorrow. I am a live feed subscriber but don't have cable, and I really don't want to miss the first two episodes. I know someone said they are sure 'somebody' would stream it, but the boards have been much quieter this year and no specific info mentioned of where to look. :( Can someone help me out? Feel free to send a pm if you don't want to post any links openly. Thanks!

Just Google Big Brother East Coast Feeds. I am not sure if Justin TV is still streaming Big Brother.

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Im afraid by just googling it, I'm going to get tons of sketchy virus sites. Last year a member of mortys was doing it and I trust her. Morty also posted streaming updates on the front page but he's not mentioned doing that this year.

I remember CBS was very aggressive about chasing down the streamers and having them shut down- often right before it started or even mid show, and we'd be given an alternate link within a few minutes. It was all very hush hush and underground, not publically listed. We had to rely on word of mouth and usually wouldn't get the link until 5-10 minutes before show time.

Last year it was no problem, but for some reason this year it seems like most of the regular community is MIA.

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I would check with mortystv.com/bb an hour or so before the premier. The thing is, streaming broadcast TV is illegal, so sites tend to not advertise the fact, letting word of mouth spread. And the reason there are all the ads is that live streaming can be expensive so the sites that offer free streams of the show often let their providers serve up ads to defray costs. Those ads can be sketchy, to be sure. Just be careful when you close them and make sure your anti-virus software is updated.


Who notes you can also tune into our Facebook page at facebook.com/mortstv, or our Twitter account @mortystv or our new Google+ page at plus.google.com/+MortystvTFG/posts for our real time episode updates...

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