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Thursday, June 27 Live Feed Updates


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Guest 6Borders

11:19am BB Time

Aaryn & GM seem pretty upset with Elissa's "lying and weird shit". Aaryn said it would be different if Bill Clinton was your uncle because it has nothing to do with the BB game. Aaryn says she loved Rachel but they agree it's just unfair to put someone in the house whose sister has played and been in the house.

They are talking about the bed smells like "a turd". Aaryn said she wishes people would do their own dishes.

Nick is told to move his mic higher.

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Guest 6Borders

11:25 BB Time

HOH Room: Elissa is having a meltdown to Judd. She said she's the only one who has told everything and they (the other hg's) are looking for an excuse (to target her). She said McCrae told her he would put her up. Elissa says is she goes on the block she will go home. Judd tells her that Candace is likely to go because she is pissing people off right and left.

Elissa said if she goes on the block and stays in the house she won't trust Judd again. Judd left. Elissa is now saying don't say anything to anyone because everything you say in the game people will use against you (duh...really???)

Jessie (I think) came in to use the HOH bathroom and conv. stops. Amanda has just come into HOH.

They are discussing what McCrae will have to say for veto.

Elissa asks Amanda what she thought she heard on the song. Amanda said last night she was in a weird state (says she has insonmia and does not have the proper meds in the house to deal with it). Amanda said it really scared her (not sure if she's told everyone in the house but 3rd time I have heard the story).

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Guest 6Borders

11:33am BB Time

Elissa asks Amanda and Jessie to leave so she can talk to McCrae.

McCrae tells her he is pretty sure she will stay. McCrae is telling her who she can "talk shit about" and what she should say.

Elissa says McCrae should have told everyone is is not who she's related to. McCrae tells her it's not about Rachel, it's about Elissa being tackless and going after Aaryn. Elissa keeps saying they won't want Rachel and Rachel's fans not to like them. McCrae tells her he does not give a shit about all that stuff. McCrae guarantees she will stay if she puts up (David?) and outs the showmance.

Elissa is saying "I was sooo nice to her" (Aaryn). Elissa says "she's starting the drama with a married mother". McCrae is telling her she needs to keep quiet and not be catty.

McCrae says if , however unlikely, Jessie wins veto, then McCrae puts up Elissa...and then he can't finish the senario.

McCrae said as long as there is a big physical threat on the block (David I think) there is no way she goes home. He tells her to use things against him! (personally I am wondering if McCrae is actually setting up Elissa).

Elissa says she is the only one telling people the truth, McCrae said he will tell people that if Elissa stays they will get her next week. Elissa is not buying that (good girl, I'm not buying it either). She says that will sound funny if one week he wants her out and the next campaigning for her to stay.

McCrae says it might be the best stragetic decision. Elissa is making every argument to stay off the block. McCrae said it makes the most sense to put David on the block. McCrae says he will be pissed if he has to replace and put up the 3rd nominee and he will walk out (heard that before).

Elissa says McCrae needs to tell everyone that she was really upset because of being backdoored. She says she just wants people to stop talking about her and she does not want her son to see this watching the show. McCrae says look what Rachel went thru...she went thru the ringer (fans and hg's being nasty to her).

McCrae tells Elissa she has to put on the waterworks, soil her reputation, play like she is the weakest player and he actually just guaranteed her she would win HOH next week. Elissa is putting on the waterworks now. She just does not understand how people can be mean like that.

Elissa says (between tears) if she goes on the block she's going home. McCrae says "no way, no way" and says there are so many ways he can work this. McCrae said the plan is "so f'ing solid". He says they want David to win veto because she gets to pick whose going up next. McCrae says if he puts up Elissa no one will believe they are working together.

McCrae tells her that everyone will feel safe next week because he will tell everyone Elissa is going home (but he won't promise her anything because he says he will be screwed). McCrae says no way either of the two girls he put up will win veto. He says it's so crazy he is shaking!

Elissa asks what he thinks veto is going to be. He thinks it's going to be a puzzle. Says he can't win it or he will be screwed.

Elissa says she is going to tell Nick she won't put him up.

Elissa says so you are going to put me up. McCrae says "I have to". McCrae tells her to keep her head in the bible and lay low.

Elissa says she does not want to go thru and entire game with everyone lying (hello, did your sis not coach you and have you not watched this show girl???).

McCrae says the plan is perfect. McCrae tells her to ask production how it works. Elissa keeps saying this is not how she wanted the game to be. McCrae tells her this is the best for her game. Tells her she needs to tell everyone she is crazy. She does not to do that because she has a child. McCrae says explain it away in the DR. He says it's ok to swear on the bible and go back on it because it's big brother. (I dunno..sounds to me like a set up!)

Elissa leaves and McCrae is warned by BB not to talk about his DR sessions.

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11:07am elissa in hoh talking to MCrae he tells her he doesnt put up the mvp she does.MCrae says if my noms come off with pov then i pick someone else to go up and if the mvp comes off you pick she says really he says i think so if not then that is super blood on my hands.
11:09am MCcraE tells elissa that she needs to put up the strongest person so we can get a strong player out. elissa says if i have mvp and then you get it then we can work together ya know. she says Aaryn has been so mean to her that she would like to put her up but she wont. elissa says i just dont want a mean girl to like bully me but i dont think she will go home.
11:11am MCcrae tells elissa he wants to work with her and keep her safe but not at the cost of his own game then spencer comes in.
11:13am spencer leaves and elissa says dont tell anyone she got mvp. Mcrae says the best bet is to put up someone that wont get mvp. elissa says she will tell nick not to win veto and she wont put him up. MCrae says you could put up david. elissa says will they vote him out? MCcrae says i dont know.
11:16am elissa says i want to work with you but i cant if you cant commit that you wont put me up. MCcrae says i cant do that i cant promise that,
11:18am MCcrae says if i have to put you up and elissa interupts and says if you put me up and i dont go home then i wont work with you.elissa says what if we tell everyone to keep the noms the same and MCcrae says it wont work candice will go off.
11:26am Judd joins the hoh room and asked elissa if she got the mvp she says no that Aaryn must have gotten it.judd says really she says yeah and then says how mean Aaryn is. judd says you swear you didnt get it elissa says i wont swear but i would tell people if i did. elissa says i feel like i have told everyone everything and it screwed me. judd says me she says no just everyone and she tells judd that MCcrae says he is gonna put me up. judd says candice will probably go home she is pissing people off left and right.
11:28am elissa says i told you if i go on the block i will go home and if i dont i will not trust you. elissa says i am not saying anything to anyone cuz what you say they use against you.
11:30am amanda has now joined the hoh and elissa is sitting there not talking now playing with her hair
11:34am nick , gina and andy talking about the pageant lastnight and how helen won. gina says she likes to have people feel good about themselves and she doesnt judge people.
11:37am MCcrae is telling elissa if she puts up a strong player this week and you tell people if she stays this week then next week she has the target and he says she will stay this week.
11:39am elissa says she feels like candice and jessie arent playing the game. MCcrae says i feel if there are others on the block then you wont go home.
11:42am MCcrae says he is gonna tell everyone that we could get david this week cuz elissa will self destruct next week and david is in a strong showmance and this might be our only chance to get david out.
11:45am MCcrae says if you put david up and someone else gets the veto then they will take david off cuz he is liked then that screws us and you have to pick someone else to go up.elissa says i still think you make the replacement noms. Mccrae says if i have to choose the replacement i will be pissed that makes 3 i have to put up.
11:49am amanda in kt telling candice that her conversation with helen and her telling helen the plan to backdoor elissa screwed herself. amanda says you telling helen things and if helen wins pov she wont use it and you are going home. so you need to watch what you say. candice says ok thank you for telling me but helen and i have just been talking.
11:52am : amanda tells candice that no matter what happens in this veto comp to keep your cool or else you will go home so just keep your cool no matter what.
11:53am amanda now in wc talking to helen telling her to just lay low and not worry so she can stay safe. helen says ok thank you for telling me.
11:58am elissa leaves hoh as spencer, jeremy and judd comes in and says i heard it was getting a lil tense in here so we come to save you . MCcrae says she hates me now.

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Guest 6Borders

11:57am BB Time

Jeremy and Spencer came in as Elissa is leaving. McCrae is telling them the MVP shit sucks and says who the hell has it. Jeremy says "her" (Elissa). Spencer says she has a terrible shot at playing much less winning (POV).

Jeremy said McCrae should have just put Elissa up in the first place. McCrae says the MVP comp will be geared toward girls.

Jeremy says he can be in a girl mode and win it. Jeremy says she (Elissa) is already flustered and looks like the type to get flustered.

Spencer says regardless of if she likes you or not it's a weird feeling. McCrae says he told her "you are going to go up".

Jeremy says he wonders what is going on downstairs.

Amanda just came in and said she took one hard-core for the team. Amanda says Helen told Elissa of the plan to backdoor her.

Amanda said she told Helen that it would be stupid to keep "this f'ing person in the house who nobody wants". Amanda asked if Elissa told McCrae that she's mvp and McCrae denied it (don't really think Amanda bought it).

Judd has joined now. Spencer says the reason everyone is getting called to DR is to cover up who actually got MVP.

Amanda says now she took two for the team today. Amanda says they just have to hope Elissa doesn't get picked for veto.

Candace comes in. They are all now figuring the odds of getting picked for veto. Judd says if you get houseguest choice we'd pick Elissa right...Candace says "what" and everyone laughs.

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Guest 6Borders

12:07pm BB Time

Everyone left the HOH room except Candace. She and McCrae are discussing who to pick if they get houseguest choice and McCrae says pick a really strong player. Candace says that would be Jeremy.

Elissa is called to DR.

Candace continues to go over senarios of the MVP. (BB needs to tell McCrae not to obstruct his mic because he is muffled).

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Guest 6Borders

12:16pm BB Time

HOH room: Amanda is explaining to Candace that she got put up because she was saying shut up to people and it was all in her delivery! Amanda is reassuring Candace that she is not the target, she's the pawn (hmmm...I think I have heard that before!). Amanda tells her she just really needs to keep her cool.

Amanda says she threw herself in the f'ing fire for Candace! She (almost threatening) says you need to remember who saved you.

McCrae says Jeremy will win the comp and the whole house will vote Elissa out because they have her in the cross-hairs.

Amanda says she thinks Jeremy will throw the comp. McCrae says no way, that the veto will be used on Candace and Elissa will be going up.

Amanda continues to lecture Candace. Candace wants to know how she is walking around losing her cool. Amanda keeps telling her she is not the target and Elissa is the target. McCrae is still spectulating that Elissa has to be Rachel's sister.

Howard comes in to use the HOH bathroom and conv briefly stops. Resumes with Amanda reassuring Candace that the whole house wants Elissa out. Tells Candace she needs to play her ass off to win veto. McCrae says he should have come to Candace and told her she was not the target before noms. McCrae says he can't talk about who he will nom beforehand so it would be against the rules and put him in a poor position if he wants to use pawns.

Candace says you can't win the game by yourself. Jessie comes in and joins the group. Amanda wants to know who the 3rd nominee is. McCrae says he can't eat and didn't eat yesterday because he is so stressed (good actor...deserves a BB academy award for that one in my opinion).

Amanda is back up at the lecturn getting ready to lecture again. Amanda says you need people to like you and nobody likes her (Elissa). Candace says Elissa still could get her name pulled out of the bag. Amanda says it's one thing to get your named pulled and another thing to win it (they seemed convinced because their will be brawn playing it's a given brawn will win).

They are discussing how to gauge time by the sun and when to get up so you don't go over (not sure where that conv started even tho I was right here).

McCrae says he is going to have a horrible time doing the pov hosting because he's so stressed!

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Guest 6Borders

12:40pm BB Time

Andy has joined McCrae and Amanda in the HOH. They finally agree they need to wait and see what happens.

Andy leaves.

Amanda and McCrae double high five their plan. McCrae says he wishes he knew if Elissa had MVP, wishes she had told him. Amanda tells McCrae she knows everything - know's Elissa is Rach's sister, knows she has to go home....!! Amanda tells McCrae he needs to not spend so much time with Elissa because it puts a target on his back. McCrae and Amanda make the bed and decide that no matter which way it goes they are "sitting pretty" (I guess that happens when you have an alliance with everyone).

Nick comes in. Amanda asks if Elissa is down there crying. Amanda says it's kind of cool who she is because they are all fans of the show. They say it will be fun to play POV if Elissa does not get picked to play.

McCrae is called to the DR. He says "Oh F, here we go". Amanda takes dishes and leaves the HOH room.

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12:08pm : nick and elissa in the kt nick is making fries and elissa is making slop.
12:10pm Aaryn in wc saying to andy and amanda that she cant believe that someone made helen cry she is so sweet and she was crying. Aaryn is pleading to america to make helen mvp next week. spencer is trimming his beard.
12:12pm Aaryn tells spencer that she hope america doesnt keep voting for elissa because she is rachels sister it sucks and i was feriouse about it.
12:16pm MCcrae is telling candice that she will get pulled off of the block if pov is won and elissa will go up she screwed herself. amanda says if we save you dont come after MCcrae ever cuz you were not the target you never was.
12:22pm andy and jessie talking and andy says you know you aint the target you will be safe everyone wants you to win you know that right? she says yes i am excited now.
12:28pm in the hoh jessie is saying she wants to know who the 3rd nom is amanda asked Mccrae if he is eating today he says he isnt eating he didnt eat yesterday either from stress if he eats he will get sick. amanda tells candice and jessie they have to win pov and thsat it is a matter of staying or going this week.
12:31pm hoh rm is talking about how to count numbers in a comp and amanda says they try to confuse you though.
12:39pm : kaitlyn anf jeremy making their bed as candice watches them and elissa is playing with something on the dresser. elissa says her face is so dry. candice asked do you have lotion elissa says yeah i even used neosporin on my face but it is still dry.
12:43pm elissa , gina and aaryn are cleaning the wc kaitlyn is cleaning the br's and gathering towels to be washed.
12:48pm amanda and MCcrae are still in the hoh rm tsalking about elissa and amanda says the house thinks you are in an alliance MCcrae says they will see when i put her up. amanda says i need to eat and MCcrae says he does too.
12:49pm MCCrae called to the dr and he says oh here we go and everyone leaves the hoh rm.
12:53pm most hg in kt and upstairs around the chess game just general chit chat about cheerrleading and cooking.

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Guest 6Borders

12:50pm BBTime

Spencer and Jessie are playing chess and David is watching. Nick joins. Spencer asks if Nick plays chess and Nick starts to go into a long explanation which is interrupted when Jesse accuses Spence of making a move he can't make.

Judd, Elissa, Candace, Jeremy, Andy, Amanda, Howard and GM are in the kitchen fixing food. Helen comes in to give a report on what food is left. They all hope they can make it thru tomorrow. Judd is talking about things he had to eat.

GM and Katilin are cleaning the bathroom. GM says she is just cleaning because she is bored, that she does not even clean her own house and her mom would be amazed. Kaitlin asks if GM's mom has the feeds and GM is not sure. Judd is not sure if his family has the feeds either...says they probably watch After Dark.

Bathroom discussion is about shoes now. GM is sweeping and Andy and Judd are watching her. Judd tells us he pees in the bushes back home. Andy says waiting for nom ceremony he was ready to pee in a bottle. Andy wonders if the live feeders can hear them if they are peeing and pooping. Andy said he was nervous about it at first. Judd says he doesn't care about the sound just the cameras. GM says if someone wants to get something on you they will and she just doesn't care.

Judd says he thought GM was going to be a playboy bunny type, a quiet and sweet little Southern girl. She says usually she is sweet just don't cross here. GM thinks they should just leave a chair in the bathroom.

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Guest 6Borders

1:05pm BB Time

Amanda and Kaitlin (I think...her back is to me and I still don't know voices) are in the bedroom whispering about "she". Not sure who they are talking about...Jeremy gets mentioned and Amanda says "she needs to keep him happy", and showmance is mentioned a few times.

Amanda is lecturing again. Says people are looking around and seeing who can keep their cool down the road. Kait says she is being super cool about it. Amanda says they (production ) put people in the house stragetically because they basically know what is going to happen when they put these personalities together. They are mumbling now and it's hard to get.

1:15pm BB Time

David, Andy, Jeremy and Spencer on the living room couch. Just general chit-chat, talking about who hurt their foot last night.

They are talking about Frasier TV show and put-downs on tv. Nick joins. It's just semi-ranchy bored guy talk.

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Guest 6Borders

1:22pm BB Time

Candace is taking with ???.

She says it must be hard if the whole house is against you...that kind of sucks.

Helen and McCrae are in the HOH, discussing Elissa. Helen says McCrae is up against the wall and he said I have to do it (put Elissa on the block). They both say Amanda is scary and Helen says there are a lot of bullies in the house. She tells McCrae don't worry about me, that I told you from the beginning I would support you.

Helen says if she (Elissa) gets MVP no idea who she will put up. Helen says they have to see who the 3rd person is.

McCrae is giving Helen the "options" speech he gave Elissa earlier about "getting her (Elisa) out next week". Helen says we need to get a big guy out before getting her out. Helen says it;s not fair, and McCrae says we can't debate what's fair.

McCrae then says Aderol might be an advantage in a comp (not sure who takes that).

McCrae says Dave thinks McCrae is lying about being a pizza boy (me too) and that makes McCrae think he can't trust him.

McCrae and Helen think they should get Elissa to put Dave up with the MVP. McCrae says they can keep her (Elissa) safe and that she will get HOH next week. Helen agrees, says they (production) won't want Rachel's sister out the first week because people are watching the show for her! McCrae says it can't be a tie! Helen is doing to math on a tie vs not a tie and how the votes might be spread.

Helen says she's going to make it look like she is being friendly to Elissa even tho she knows Elissa has been telling lies about her. Helen says she doesn't want the rest of the HG's to think she and McCrae are friends. McCrae wants to put Elissa up "so bad" because it will make the house trust him.

(This all really depends, to me, on what the exactly powers and immunities of the MVP are, and it's all still a gray area!!)

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Guest 6Borders

1:50pm BB Time - We have WBRB and Fish...might be picking for Veto (finally) since it's been several minutes!

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1:00pm :amanda is in the br looking for her glasses that have dissapeared. she says she doesnt think anyone would steal them but she cant find them.
1:06pm Aaryn is doing her hair and gina and helen are sitting and talking about cleaning the bathroom and how everyone dirtys up all the towels helen says everyone says they should all have their own colored towels so they didnt have to use other peioples towels. then talk goes to tampons and the applicators and how unsanitary it is.
1:13pm howard is at the table eating just general chat going on through the house as they wait for MCcrae to come out of the dr.
1:21pm candice and nick in br talking about the pov and that there will be 7 players in the pov the head of household the three nominees and 3 other players selected nick says thats right your right.
1:27pm helen and MCcrae are in the hoh talking helen tells him he is up against the wall now and he says yeah but i have to do it i just have to helen says i know you do. helen says she told me about rachel and that she said she told you but she didnt say she told amanda. MCcrae says amanda we have to watch and helen agrees.
1:33pm helen and MCcrae talking about getting stronger players out quick and soon she wants to backdoor jeremy.
1:35pm helen says she is gonna conitnue what she has been doing cuz elissa trust her and she is gonna keep it that way. untill they can send her out.
1:43pm nick, howard and amanda talking about they need out in the sun cuz in the house you go crazy..amanda says she needs to sleep she is tired.
1:44pm amanda says she doesnt trust nick as far as she can throw him after he walks out of the room and howard laughs she says he is playing and acting like dan .
1:47pm foth

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Guest 6Borders

3:44pm BB Time

Feeds are back up but have been freezing.

David and Aaryn are in the bedroom. She's apologizing for her meltdown. He says the only people he trusts are her and Jeremy.

HOH room: McCrae and Elissa are having round two of the previous discussion about putting her on the block. She tells him she can't believe he did that and if she gets it again (MVP) it will be....

She says she should never have told McCrae she was MVP. He keeps telling her she will be safe (more of 2nd verse, same as the first).

Amanda, Gina, Jessie, Jeremy, Spencer come to the HOH. Jeremy said Elissa told him she would get all the votes for MVP because of her famous sister. Said Elissa said she never said that and he said "so you are sitting right there lying to me"

He calls her a retard, the others tell him to shush because he's talking loud and he says he doesn't care if she hears.

Apparently she came in..she and Jeremy have words. She said she never said that her sister was a model, then says she was just kidding. She names some famous Victoria Secret model and he says he never heard of her. Elissa says has he heard of Tom Brady and he says yes, then she says something about his wife. Jeremy said he does not keep up with Tom Brady's wife.

Elissa tells him he was bullying a woman and he should bully the guys instead. He said he was just clearing the air.

Apparently Jeremy is mad because Elissa used her MVP and selected David as the 3rd nominee!

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Guest 6Borders

4:08pm BB Time

Kitchen: Howard and Kait are talking about anyone could go on the block next week.

Amanda, Andy and Nick are fixing food.

Kait says she need to sit down...she is furious!

David and Aaryn are still having some pillow talk in the bedroom. Aaryn said "what just happened between us just made (?) more confident again (she is whispering and the soundtrack keeps repeating). Aaryn said if anyone but David was up there they would be able to backdoor Elissa.

David and Aaryn go to the bathroom. Helen is primping and Aaryn asks if she is getting ready and does she think it (POV) will be tonite. Helen says she thinks it will.

Amanda is now explaining to captive audience David in the bathroom no matter what happens...it's scary (I guess the POV upcoming)...David said he's pretty relaxed about it right now. Amanda says you cannot let her win. She says if he (McCrae) puts anyone else (but Elissa?) on the block he will have 14 people against him.

Helen says David is cheerful and Helen thinks the POV will be something anyone could win! She thinks is a "parlour game"..

They decide it's too soon for "how much do you want it?" David and Aaryn leave the bathroom!

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Guest 6Borders

4:21p BB Time

Elissa is in the HOH with McCrae. She's back on her "poor me" and he's back on "I'm going to puke my guts out"!

McCrae and Spencer are telling Elissa that she has to stop worrying and caring about the internet.

Elissa said she's going to tell all her fans exactly what happened and she brings up what happened to Shelly.

Elissa is whining "it's not fair". She said she was trying to play the game and be nice and everyone is attacking her!

Elissa says there is no point in her even being there because she is not going to make it far. McCrae says this game F'ing sucks.

Spencer is surprised to learn there is not only a showmance but two of them (not sure if he's kidding or Elissa was kidding about her having a showmance). Elissa thinks they should have a scripted and not a reality show (gee...we don't???). Elissa said Jeremy should have known she was joking about her famous sister. Spencer starts to say everyone in the world knows who (the Victoria Secret model is) and we get WBRB and when we return no camera on the HOH!

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Guest 6Borders

4:28pm BB Time

David and Howard are talking about who they will select to take off the block if they get POV. Howard says he would take Candace off...and "the crazy girl". They shake hands on some agreement!

Back in the HOH: Elissa is still going on about why can't it just be fun drama (I don't know what she expected!!!)

McCrae says again not to worry about what the internet thinks and we get WBRB!

4:32p We are back! Spencer wonders if his mom is watching! McCrae says before he left he told everyone he would probably be acting really weird. He says they will prob all know each other better than their friends do. Elissa laughs (she is off camera and I could have sworn it was Rachel).

Spencer says they are running out of food. For the record, Spencer likes orange gatorade!

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Guest 6Borders

4:35pm: Looks like dinner prep is starting in the kitchen. Lots of chatter and just general conversation!

Jeremy is walking thru the house like a man on a mission. He apparently thought the door to the yard was open.

He goes into the bathroom where Kait is primping. He tells her if I win HOH I will put you up (I think).

They are back on the conversation of Elissa lying about her famous sister (2nd verse, same as the first).

Kait is saying how Elissa is so worried about her family and getting a bad rep and says Elissa looks totally stupid on natural television.

Kait says that Elissa came into the game with an advantage. Jeremy says if she is not gone this week she will be gone next week.

He says he promises.

Kait says she's "f'ing scary" and Jeremy says "not to me". Kait says they made an irrational move (not sure but maybe calling out Elissa or challenging her on something) and to do it in front of everyone makes them a target.

Andy and Nick join. Nick says he wants to be in a unitard and Andy says he wants to be evicted in one (so much for ambition).

They are bantering...Andy says next week he's going to frame you for cheating. Jeremy said he just hopes she gets her ass out now! Judd says everyone is going a little crazy in here...he's letting America know.

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4:34pm : elissa, mccrae,howard and spencer in hoh talking about getting to know everyone better. most of the hg in kt eating and talking just general chat.
4:39pm jeremy is trying to open the back door he is now in wc talking to kaitlyn and tells her he will win hoh and put her up . he promises kaitlyn he will never let her go anywhere.
4:41pm in the hoh rm the talk is about taking a nap they are all tired
4:45pm kaitlyn is telling andy and judd and jeremy and nick that elissa has a stomach problem andy says my stomack hurts too and i am weak as hell.
4:52pm candice and kaitlyn in the bedroom in bed talking bb tells them to not obstruct your mic.
4:54pm david and elissa talking in the hall elissa says do you think i would put you up and want you to go home? david says i dont know. david says are you gonna tell me the truth that you put me up elissa says no i didnt david says are you rachels sister and elissa doesnt say anything david says you are look at your face.
4:56pm elissa says if i was mvp do you think i would put you up david says i dont know elissa says well they are all lying they all want me out of the house and i have never lied about being rachels sister so why do they want me out.
4:58pm elissa says i didnt want to play this game like rachel she was mean at times i aint like her.

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Guest 6Borders

4:45p BB Time

HOH room: Elissa leaves to get something. Howard says "for the record..." and McCrae says "so it won't be misconstrued?"

They don't elaborate on what "it" is "for the record"

Aaryn is now in the HOH. She and McCrae are discussing the POV. McCrae says he needs to get the POV so everyone trusts him.

Bedroom: Candace and Kait are discussing Elissa's remark about getting votes for MVP because of her famous sister (3rd verse, same as first). They are mumbling so hard to hear. (apparently BB was having trouble tooo..told them not to obstruct their mics)

Elissa is in there now talking to David. She said something about having the MVP and David said "do you have it". She backpeddled and denied it...then directly lied and said "no I didn't put you up" (this from a gal who earlier said she didn't want to play a game where everyone lies).

David said "so are you Rachel's sister". Elissa says "why does it even matter" (but won't answer the question).

Elissa says everyone is pressuring her to tell everything.. David asks her who she is most close to in the house. She says Helen. She says she doesn't know why everyone is ganging up on her, why can't we play without being catty, etc.

Elissa is explaining to David that she didn't like when she told Jeremy about her famous sister. Elissa says she was joking and that's the way it is going to be portrayed on tv.

Elissa said Rachel was an amazing BB player and never lied in the game!

Now Elissa is saying she doesn't know why anyone would like her. She's sniffling and fighting off the tears. She is telling David he needs to win POV he needs to get himself off the block. She is worried about even going home now because she is worried about how she is being portrayed by America.

David keeps asking "if you were mvp would you nominate me?" (it's prob the 3rd time he's asked and she skirts the issue every time). Elissa is now back on the offensive "why would they just put Rachel's sister in the house with random people?"

David grabs an apple and leaves with Aaryn and Elissa is scrubbing a counter.

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5:04pm elissa tells david that he should get himself off the block that he cant trust his friends. david says if you was mvp would you nominate me? she says she feels like anything in this game to people is used against you she says she feels like all this game is about her and if she is gone is there going to be a story? david said you brought a good point to me. elissa says why would they put rachels sister in a house with normal people?

5:06pm david and aaryn are in storage rm aaryn says no matter what happens dont be upset if you dont get pov cuz you upset easy.

5:10pm arryn says if elissa had come in and said that i am rachels sister then i would have said wow cool i love rachel but she came in and didnt say that but i came in here to tell you if you dont win pov dont freak out and put a target on your back.

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Guest 6Borders

5:05pm BB Time

David and Aaryn in the storeroom. She says whatever happens don't get upset. He said you mean if I lose?

David is relating his conv with Elissa. David says everyone was picking on her so he went right up to her and directly asked if she was MVP would you put me up? Aaryn said they are sisters but their game play is different...it would be impossible to duplicate someone's game play.

Says The issue is not that she is Rach's sister but that she is lying and acting weird. She said if Elissa came in and said "hi I'm Rach's sister" she would have been cool with it. Aaryn says "what are you buddies now...you are cool with her". David said he wanted her side of the story vs the rest of the house and if she was mvp why would she put him up? Aaryn said whatever she tells you is going to a lie anyway and why would you trust her and he would be crazy to trust anything that comes out of her mouth.

(methinks the showmance is in trouble)!

Aaryn said if David wins POV and takes herself off then she is going up. David keeps saying he just wanted to talk to her. David says ok he won't talk to Elissa any more. Aaryn says she's been laying herself on the line for him and there is no reason for him to even talk to Elissa. She said he stirred things up..he says what did he stir up? She tells him to leave it alone! Says she told him to lay low and he didn't.

Gina came in to get some things and exits quickly. David says he just wanted to know what was up and how can he explain it any better? Aaryn is not letting it go (David, buddy, my advice is run and don't look back after this show is over!!)

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Guest 6Borders

5:18pm BB Time:

HOH room: they are back on Elissa and why she didn't just come clean as to who she was. Kait says she's getting some special prize for doing the show. Kait says she guarantees Elissa has 20K waiting for by the 4th week. Kait (I think) said Elissa told her everyone in the house wanted the noms to stay the same! Jeremy says that everyone wants Elisa out.

Discussion about the POV. Jessie does not know that if you use POV you can't be nominated. Amanda wants to know why anyone who had ever seen the show would not know that. Jessie said "she" (Elissa) did not know that.

Andy wonders who is going to get put up if he (David?) wins! Andy says "me" us both of us tied together (not sure who he means).

Kait comment the fish looks hungry...they are trying to eat the rocks.

WBRB and break time for me...dogs need to eat)

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Guest 6Borders

5:50pm BB Time

HOH room: they seem to be practicing for trivia (sounds like who entered the house in what order)!

Nick took two naps today and working on number 3.

Bedroom: Kait (?) and Jeremy are snuggling. They are whispering and mumbling so hard to hear but sounds like the same old subject...getting Elissa out of the house. Kait says she's not worried...the whole house is against her.

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