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Who Do You Think Is Coming Back Tonight?

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I think it is ridiculous and insulting to viewers to let someone walk back into the house and be in final 5, they should have made this move earlier in the season. I like all the players who are in jury, and would have loved to see Gary win this game but not this way.

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I'm ok with someone coming back.

I just think that doing it at this last stage of the game leaves the returning houseguests with a severe disadvantage, as opposed to if someone were being brought back earlier, because at this point alliances were formed long ago and are solid enough that the only way to break them apart is to win an HoH or PoV competition.

If ever they were to return the houseguests BEFORE the vote, that would also be unfair, as they would be voting without having faced the danger of nomination.

So, if someone comes back (let's say Gary), if he doesn't win HoH or PoV, he will most likely be the one voted out next.

Giving the returning houseguest immunity from the block this week would also not be fair.

I do understand that it had to be now because if it had been last week, there would have only been 2 houseguests in the jury house to choose from. However, had they done the double eviction a week earlier, they could have had the vote a week earlier with Canada choosing from amongst 3 evicted jury members instead of 4, and the returning houseguest would have re-entered the house this past week (at a second final 6 point, instead of a second final 5 point). And at the point of next Thursday, we would still finally be at final 4.

Their only other choice would have been to sequester non-jury evictees for an earlier return, like has been done in past seasons of BBUS.

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I think they really screwed up the whole bringing someone back. I mean, all of these Power Shifts are just getting to be too much. They should have taken a leaf out of BBUSA's hat and just sequestered everyone instead of doing it like this. And as Jedi said, the returning player is going to be pretty much screwed as the house will unite to take them out if they don't win HOH or Veto.

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So, I'm not surprised that Gary was voted back in but I am surprised that it happened at this late date. I thought that we might be tricked and the jury member might be coming in to host a competition. I have a question, why is there pictures of the jury members in the jury house with friends/family...... I thought they were sequestered.

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Gary told Andrew and Talla he couldn't talk about the Jury, but spoke to Emmet and Jillian about what the jury members were saying. Does anyone know if Gary is just saying he can't talk about it? And I am pretty sure he is lying to Emmet and Jillian about what is being said. (Not that I would hold it against him, it is part of the game).

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Geary wouldn't ruin his game by not saying what he's not supposed to say. It's unfair to make him not be able to speak about what happened in the Jury house. I think it's just game play against Talla and Andrew. but anyone's best bet is to have that dummy Talla next to them at the end.

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Gary was talking about jury off and on last night. (See my AfterDark report in yesterday's Update thread, from before the feeds came back last night after the show.) He did get warnings from Big Brother not to talk about production. And he did often repeat (many times in the middle of talking about jury) that he was not allowed to talk about pretty much anything from outside the house.

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So Gary gets voted back into the house after a couple of weeks of Jury house, relaxing and mentally decompressing, to be fresh and ready to go AND he know knows information that none of the other competitors know. Is that not to much of an advantage? I like Gary, always did but starting to loose the faith with production.

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