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Emmett Blois HG Discussion Thread


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Big-Brother-Canada-Emmett.jpgName: Emmett Blois

Age: 24

Hometown: Gore, Hants County, NS

Occupation: Dairy farmer

Three adjectives that describe you: Outgoing, adventure-seeker and social

Why did you want to be on Big Brother Canada?

My older brother told me I had to do it. I didn’t really watch the American version much until I auditioned. When I found out that I got in, I was so excited to tell my brother!

Do you have a strategy going into the house?

This is going to be tough,. I’m a competitive person but I’ve never thrown a competition. I don’t think I’ll be able to get out of doing that in the house. I’ll probably flirt a little. I’m really good at that, and I like the ladies who play hard to get. If you don’t get turned down the first time you try, you’re not having fun.

Will you hide anything about yourself from the other houseguests?

No, there’s nothing intimidating about me. I had a basic upbringing and I’ll definitely tell them that I’m a dairy farmer. Dairy farmers are the most trustworthy people.

Do you think that the physical or mental challenges will be more difficult for you?

The mental challenges will be tough. I’m looking forward to the physical ones. I will lie for $100,000. I’d do a lot of things for $100,000. I’d get into the ring with Mike Tyson with my arms tied behind my back for $100,000!

Describe your perfect day?

Training with the Toronto Maple Leafs.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

People who don’t put away their dishes – especially the ones that are clean and dry in the rack. But I’ll suck it up for $100,000.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree. After 12 years of watching BB I hope I've learned a little about people, and he seems like a good guy, or maybe I just got that from the fact that he wears a white hat. :-)

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Can anyone enlighten me as to where he got the Slop pass? I read all the feed updates, but I didn't see it.

I could be wrong but I think he got it because he won POV. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

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I could be wrong but I think he got it because he won POV. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Yup, you are absolutely correct! It was on last nights episode, but before that I couldn't find anything about in the LFU's so I wasn't sure.

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Ok LFU's - can you tell us how Emmet hurt his foot? Seems like it might be serious.

Emmett hurt his foot playing soccor,he didnt wear shoes because he didnt want to roll his foot.I think it may have worked out better if he would have put his shoes on....but that may just be the mother in me.
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I agree. I wasn't a fan of Suzette but in all reality who is who to define what one person can or cannot talk about. They didn't like her from the start, especially him since she put him on the block the first week. Sour grapes with him but because he is the "nice gu" he thinks he can hide behind that.

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  • 1 month later...

LOL Emmett held back a temper tantrum the during the entire finale. That's what you get big guy. You kept Gary so he could get rid of Jillian for you, but you were outsmarted by Canada's new gay superhero.


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He thought that if it came down to it, Gary would take him and Talla wouldn't, should things not play out with he and Jillian winning the first two legs of the HOH. Thing is, Talla wouldn't have won a challenge, so moot point! I think he was really sweating how his decision was going to be not only his own demise, but Jillians' ...

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I agree. The way they edit those diaries, they build things up to look a certain way, but after watching live feeds, you start to notice things like that, and learn to ignore the hype BBC editors try to create. Emmett had a responsibility to his own game, but he always tried to ensure that his moves were as best for both him and Jillian as he could, right up to the end.

I think the thing that blinded him with Gary was the fact that he received a letter from home telling him that Gary was a good guy. Though that was early in the game, and things do change rapidly in the BB house, I think Emmett was trying to choose the lesser of two evils, and took a chance on the last one he had a mental character reference for. Though he probably considered the possibility that Gary would take Jillian over him, I believe he thought some chance was better than no chance.

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