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4:25 PM BBT

Jani and Dani walking laps. Well, that didn't last long. Now Dani and Mike talking "48 hours Danielle" he says to her. "So glad I brought it up."

Joe talking to Janelle in lounge. Telling her all about his convos with everyone in the house.

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4:39 PM BBT

"This game is nuts, it looks so much easier on TV." Dani says "People sit around and talk crap about each other all day, it's he said she said all day long."

Boogie tells Danielle that if he wins HOH she can host Have not games. "God that sucks, I don't want to be a Have Not, I thought I was immune to that this summer." Boogie says. On his season there was slop but it was only for a week, he guesses that's where they got the idea - let 's do this for a week!

Talking about her 12 day Have not reign how funny Dan thought it was. Dan has never even had slop. They discuss how they would nominate Joe for eviction after he's fixed up the slop for a week.

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4:45 PM BBT

Joe making dinner. "Do you think the puppies are bieng born?" He asks Janelle. "Yes, if I leave her Thursday night I will be home by Friday night to see them." Janelle replies.

"Do you think they will actually be dumb enough to keep Frank?" Janelle asks. "I hope not. The thing is, you're not going to get Wil's vote"

Dinner is a seafood fettuccine with an Alfredo vodka (without the vodka) sauce. He's adding a little colour to it, some pink to liven it up.

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4:51 PM BBT

Joe tells Shane that he is still 100% with him, no matter what happened back there. It is his opinion that Wil is doing a lot of lying right now. He told Joe he told an elaborate story to scare Ian. Well, Janelle now knows that she was betrayed.

Shane knows this.

Joe saying that he thinks they should all stick together, with Danielle. Joe is afraid that Wil is playing this game, too wishy-washy? That's not the word. Shane says that Wil scares him because there's not a person in the house that doesn't like him. Yet he lies. Shane knows he's coming after him next week.

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4:55 PM BBT

Joe is worried that next week Frank and Boogie are coming after him and Shane. Shane knows. Joe suspects that Wil, Boogie and Frank got together to make a story up. Joe says that he wants to tell Shane that he thinks that if Frank stays it will be more trouble than if Janelle stays. Shane says he knows because Janelle told him that she wasn't coming after him next week.

Earlier in the KT Joe had told Janelle that they really needed Shane's vote this week.

Joe and Shane agree to talk 5 minutes a day to talk about who they are voting for.

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5:01 PM BBT

Janelle pointing out that a woman has never beat out a man in this game in Final 2. People seem to respect a man's way of playing more she says. It's better to have two women together. She's talking to Jenn. She asks Jenn if she will let her know either way how her vote is going to go. "Absolutely, i"m not into the whole blindsiding thing." Jenn says.

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5:18 PM BBT

Brit and Janelle have a heart to heart as they brush their teeth. Brit isn't sure what all that stuff with Joe, Jenn and whomever is about.

Outside the rules for the game are that people outside of the pool have to bounce the ball into the net or throw it from the farthest away.

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5:29 PM BBT

"Downtown!" "Off the street!" "Ian, pick up your garbage buddy!" "She likes the contact." These are the sorts of things Mike yells as he races down the court. HGs have made teams and are playing Basketball down the yard with the net in the pool.

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5:48 PM BBT

Ash and Dani talking up in HOH. Ash telling Dani how much Janelle talked about her all the time. Ash says Janelle doesn't talk to her because she told her before that the way she talked bad about everyone made her (Ash) uncomfortable.

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5:51 PM BBT

Ash thanks Dani for letting her nap. As she walks downstairs past Janelle/Brit Janelle snipes "She's been sleeping, like, ALL day."

Shane up in HOH having gotten changed from his pool clothes. They discuss how Joe is trying to get votes for Janelle and how Joe is saying that he and Janelle still want to work with Shane and Danielle.

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5:54 PM BBT

Outside on the patio Wil, Jenn and Mike complain about Joe cooking all these fancy meals. "He can cook all he wants but cooking 5 meals a day isn't going to help, this isn't good chef Big Brother." Mike says. Joe comes outside to tell them that dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes. "Thank you Chef Joe...." they all chorus. He goes back inside and they say that they need to tell him to only cook once a day. He's using all the good food and not everyone likes the same things. Wil is not going to eat tonight's dinner in protest.

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6:19 PM BBT Wil and Jenn still talking in the SR about Jani and that she only has Joe's votes. Joe in the KT telling Jani to get him something from the SR so she breaks them up.

6:31 PM BBT Dan/Dani/Sheane in HOH - gen chic chat about how sore they all are. All 4 feeds on HOH. We get FOTH

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6:39 PM BBT It's almost time for family dinner. Some prepping in the WA before dinner. Dinner tonight is a seafood alfredo.

Jani asks if the pink sauce is for dinner - turns out it is leftover milk with fruit loops from Shane. Everyone laughs.

Family dinner time. Small talk about how good it is (to be followed by the usual complaining about Joe using all of the food)

6:59 PM BBT Frank says he had a dream that he opened a cupboard and there all this food they didn't know they had.

Jani tells the HG that she is still lactating and if someone pisses her off she will quirt them.

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7:03pm hg talking about a porker tournament tonight dan says so far we have 3 players

7:06pm :dan and Dani in by hammock. Dan asking her if she wants a chocolate she says no thanks i got a cookie. Jani and wil in sbr talking joe comes in jani says what good does it do for me to repeat things people say and wil says why would i say anything about you going on the block and make myself a target next week why would i do that

7:11pm jani says she doesnt care who is talking bad about me as long as i have the votes to stay and i dont go home

7:14pm Brit and Boogie sitting in by with dan and dani complaining about people not doing the dishes dani says i see who doesnt do it brit says who is it i want to know dani says the one that never does anything

7:25pm jenn washing dishes Joe, shane and boogie in kt helping clean Wil in wca with Frank and ash Jani and joe in by Frank asked wil how his talk with jani went he said she made me swear on my dog that she had my vote then says i crossed my fingers behind my back

7:35pm hg have now got beer and wine wil says oh we got it early tonight ash says 7:30 wholy cow we did get it early

7:40pm wil asking what happens when you swear on someone life and break it what happens he says dan said they die!!!!! wil is shocked and blows kisses to the camera

7:50pm Frank telling boogie in by that wil had to promise jani his vote by swearing on his dogs life boogie says did he frank says yeah he crossed his fingers behind his back and did it boogie laughs loud and says what are we in fing 3rd grade again

7:58pm jani in the kt all alone waiting for 9pm to drink her wine

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8:04 PM BBT In the BY couch area - most of the HG talking about movies and actors. Brit/Ian still on the hammock. Jani has left her wine bottle and heads to the WC.

8:12 PM BBT Ian/Brit talking over voting out scenarios for future weeks. Still gen talk on the couches.

8:19 PM BBT Janie comes over and sits by the hammock. Still movie talk. At the couches, TV talk. This is the excitement of the evening.

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8:28 PM BBT Jani telling Ian that Ash is a sweet girl and she will be able to trust some people but not all. Ian tells her to make sure Ash knows that.

8:37 PM BBT Brit telling Dani about Jani wanting the wine and not wanting to wait for Dani. Jani didn't want to wait to drink it.

8:45 PM BBT Jani says goodby to Ian and heads over to Wil and Jenn. Asks how much longer before the drinking. Jani comes in and asks where Dani/Brit are - says she wants some purple eyeshadow and heads to HOH.

8:49 PM BBT It has cooled down enough for some working out. Shane/Boogie and Frank working out. Jenn counting down their reps.

8:58 PM BBT Jani pulls Joe and Ash in to the side room and tells them Wil didn't do it. Joe doesn't believe it. Says that Wil did the same thing last week and he was the only one in the house that knew of the convo.

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