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Shelly - Week 8/DE Part 2 Replacement Nominee Evicted 9/1 Jury #4

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She told everyone in the backyard a little while ago the vets all hated her...basically she was announcing she would be the perfect goat to take to the final 2...I don't get it... does she think she has a chance to win....maybe she would be happy with $50,000...that could buy an awful lot of cigarettes...

She is such a waste of everthing..even now with only 6 HG left nominating her still would be a waste of a HOH...

LOL $50,000 after taxes...maybe $30K - $35K? For 3 months spent ruining her reputation. Hmmm, worth it?

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she is not going to win money w/ her new team. They will kick her to the curb soon. She is a cruel woman in my opinion.

Why is she cruel? Because she made friends and then because of the nature of the game had to make a move? Why is she held to higher standards than JJ?

Does everyone forget that a few weeks ago when Shelly was on the block JJ was trying to see if they had enough votes to get rid of her?

If adam would have gone along with it JJ would have gotten rid of Shelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But she's cruel? No she's FINALLY playing the game. And guess what timing is everything and she had some pretty good timing.


I already knew Shelly was a backstabbing liar but how she had the gall to yell at Jordan and tell her she feels worse than Jordan amazes me. The woman has no inkling of how Jordan feels and should have been apologizing instead of yelling at her. In Shelly's own words, she is "a piece of work."


I liked her at first but I really hate the way her game has changed. I am a big J/J fan but I agree she needed to do something I just don't like the way she went about it. She is a fool if she thinks this will not affect her Daughter at school. Even if her friends don't watch the show their parents do and kids listen to every thing. You can say it's a game all you want but how will she explain to Josie that it is ok to steal someones stuffed dog and hurt that person as long as they don't do it to you. What ever happened to "do unto others"


I would now like to see Rachel win the 500k, Jordan (my fellow North Carolina girll) win the 50K and Adam win Americas Favorite Player ....just because. Wouldn't that make them all scream, "SHOCKER"!!


She will be fine at school. While I am a huge big brother fan you people are acting crazy. You really think anyone is going to pick on Josie or talk about her mom because of a reality tv game show move???

My niece is friends with Josie and she goes to a great school with great parents.

I also really like JJ but think logically people its a GAME!!!!! And Shelly made a great move.

Oh and once again:

Does everyone forget that a few weeks ago when Shelly was on the block JJ was trying to see if they had enough votes to get rid of her?


Wow I can't believe that Shelly flipped like that & backstabbed Jeff & Jordan. She's got a big set of balls. No I'm serious. Literally. She literally has a gigantic set of gross overly-tanned leathery testicles.


Wow I can't believe that Shelly flipped like that & backstabbed Jeff & Jordan. She's got a big set of balls. No I'm serious. Literally. She literally has a gigantic set of gross tanned leathery testicles.



Wow I can't believe that Shelly flipped like that & backstabbed Jeff & Jordan. She's got a big set of balls. No I'm serious. Literally. She literally has a gigantic set of gross tanned leathery testicles.


I also really like JJ but think logically people its a GAME!!!!! And Shelly made a great move.

Oh and once again:

Does everyone forget that a few weeks ago when Shelly was on the block JJ was trying to see if they had enough votes to get rid of her?


I think you may have Jordo's definition of a floater wrong. She often followed describing a player as a "floater" with a statement about this person's greatly reduced risk as the gamers took each other out.

Jordan was always at risk, and for a few too many reasons as it appears to be turning out.

  • She had already won.
  • Some players had stated that they would NEVER even put her on the block. That sounds good, but it enlarges the target on her back for the other players.
  • Her tie to a strong player like Jeff.
  • The biggest and most difficult reason was the "Couples" issue. The very notion of a couple marked them for extinction. Splitting them up is a very tough issue for them to fight off. It was a 3000lb gorilla of a liability that was constantly hanging over their heads and flashing "Send Me Home" like a neon sign over a "Girls * Girls * Girls" bar. No "Floater" ever had an anchor that heavy to carry to the end.

Both J & J knew & had obviously accepted the likely possibility that they would be on the block simultaneously and that if Jeff could get off Jordon would more than likely be gone because of the reasons above. But the difference between Jeff's departure and the others departure is SheDevils betrayal combined with the compressed timeframe.

Jordo has had little to no time to digest either of these issues. Add to that her beautifully decent nature and it is easy to understand her fracturing. She is dealing with a loss of a trusted friend[sheDevil], a shockingly unexpected betrayal, the loss of her man from her side, the feeling of inadequacy & shame she feels as a result of her one on one loss of the HOH to Kahlia. And then consider the fact that all of this has happened to her in a single day.

  • On the feeds last night as Jordo was crying, she blurted out that she can't be trusted to come through for her friends in these competitions.
  • Jordon also took herself to task for telling so much to SheDevil, thus loading SheDevil with ammo which the disgusting one then used against Jordan's alliance. So now, she feels she let her alliance down by talking to much.
  • And then the Coup de Grace, after SheDevil & Jordon had it out, Jordon took herself to task for acting like a fool. Her word, not mine. Personally, I was very happy to fight that nauseating Skank.

Instead of blaming others, she looks to herself for these issues she sees as personal failures. Juxtapose Jordon's inward looking reaction to Dani's & Kahlia's reactions when they suffered a loss.

Adam, Yugo, Kahlia, & Shedevil were never in any actual danger of leaving as the real gamers fought it out. These people are floaters. Jeff, Jordan, Brenchel, and Dani are anything but floaters, their BB lives were always at risk.

This is shaping up to be one very bad season of BB. A floater with a Styrofoam personality will win... Just what we needed, another Jun. Add to that, the most likely winner is a person that shares many of Mike Boogies wonderful character traits... Yuck!! And all of this was set in place by a women who has just sealed her fate to lose lose lose. The Mean girls won't trust her, the Vets will never give her their FOUR votes BUT she did take Maggies crown as the most hated BB player to date.


I don't even know what to say to this post :animated_scratchchin: ! I disagree with you in many ways, but also agree with you in certain areas!?! I find it amazing how we as fans can have so much in common, but also nothing in common at the same time!

I'm actually a JJ fan that also was not a fan of Jun or Mike Boogie winning, but did not have a problem with Maggie, and not a big fan of Shelly...though I get why she flipped.

I agree that JJ,D,Brenchel were all main targets and had to work to save their butts. But I also feel our dear Jordan does not step up to play until she's forced to when Jeff is gone, and she is content on "coasting" until she has to do something. Her intuition is normally right, but her downfall is depending too much on Jeff's "intelligence" and giving in to paranoia and playing emotionally.

I remember how excited I was when she starting figuring things out at the end of her season and actually started making moves. I don't think it is because she lays low, I think she's insecure and has been told how simple she is so many times that she doesn't trust her own gut.

As much as I like her as a person, she's NO angel. She would not have liked backdooring Shelly, but she showed that she would have supported it. I keep hearing a lot of "but Jordan gave Shelly her phone call," if you play games that way, you should probably not play BB, Poker, Spades or any game for that matter. I love my husband dearly, he could give me the world in the palm of my hand today, doesn't mean I would let him win when we play pool later. I wouldn't want him to do the same for me and I'm not a super competive person, I just understand that you play a game with your brain based on the rules provided, not with your heart.

I hate to admit it, but if JJ backdoored Shelly, the forums would have been minus thousands of fanatical hate posts today! Shows most fans watch the game with our hearts(self included at times) instead of our minds, I guess it makes us all human. Sad and emotional, crazy and suportive, irrational and sane... humans! I'm done for the day! :lipsrsealed2:


I am not saying people will pick on Josie but kids do listen and repeat things and yes I can see them talking and saying stuff that she will be able to hear and I think it will hurt her feelings. And people do judge you by your actions reality show or real life and think where there's smoke there's fire. I would hope people judge you by how you act outside the game but I think deep down they will wonder how much of that person is really you. Kids her age can be very mean and jealous. I see it every day.


I would now like to see Rachel win the 500k, Jordan (my fellow North Carolina girll) win the 50K and Adam win Americas Favorite Player ....just because. Wouldn't that make them all scream, "SHOCKER"!!

That's not gonna happen. I think Shelly's actions yesterday secured the America's Favorite Player title for Jeff...or Jordan if she doesn't make F2.


Dani played the best game with the weakest alliance, that was her downfall. Had Jeff kept his word with Dani he would still be at the house with Jordan. With all that said, it still bothers me immensely that Shelly was so concerned that all her kids teachers, parents, her kids friends would see what a chain smoker she is, yet she is ok with flipping (backstabbing) on the one person she claimed she loved and wanted a true, long lasting, real friendship with after the conclusion of the game. I watch BB After Dark on Showtime every night. I found it interesting last night that Shelly wouldn't even acknowledge or look Jordans way. Talk about awkward..lol I have a feeling the finale will be the best part of the season. Old saying is what goes around comes around.


She will be fine at school. While I am a huge big brother fan you people are acting crazy. You really think anyone is going to pick on Josie or talk about her mom because of a reality tv game show move???

My niece is friends with Josie and she goes to a great school with great parents.

I also really like JJ but think logically people its a GAME!!!!! And Shelly made a great move.

Oh and once again:

Does everyone forget that a few weeks ago when Shelly was on the block JJ was trying to see if they had enough votes to get rid of her?

I understand that Shelly thought it was a great game move, but she really didn't think it through. She is further away from prize now than she was before. What I dislike about Shelly is how she handled herself with Jordan. Jordan was not yelling at Shelly. Shelly, a 41 year old woman who just got her way, got in Jordan's face and started screaming at her. Perhaps it's an intimadation tactic that she uses at work, but completely uncalled for last night. For that she gets an F+ in my book.


I understand that Shelly thought it was a great game move, but she really didn't think it through. She is further away from prize now than she was before. What I dislike about Shelly is how she handled herself with Jordan. Jordan was not yelling at Shelly. Shelly, a 41 year old woman who just got her way, got in Jordan's face and started screaming at her. Perhaps it's an intimadation tactic that she uses at work, but completely uncalled for last night. For that she gets an F+ in my book.

totally agree with you on this SueNRob! =0)


Dani played the best game with the weakest alliance, that was her downfall. Had Jeff kept his word with Dani he would still be at the house with Jordan.

If Dani had kept her word, we'd probably have the 5 vets still in the house with one newbie. Porsche would have been long gone and Kalia would have been out after her one HOH - probably. Dani could have teamed up with Brenchel to kick out Jeff and I could see her in the F2. Maybe not what some of you wanted but I think it would be much more dramatic to see them fight it out than what we have now.

With all that said, it still bothers me immensely that Shelly was so concerned that all her kids teachers, parents, her kids friends would see what a chain smoker she is, yet she is ok with flipping (backstabbing) on the one person she claimed she loved and wanted a true, long lasting, real friendship with after the conclusion of the game. I watch BB After Dark on Showtime every night. I found it interesting last night that Shelly wouldn't even acknowledge or look Jordans way. Talk about awkward..lol I have a feeling the finale will be the best part of the season. Old saying is what goes around comes around.

The woman has to reek. Just saying.


Dani played the best game with the weakest alliance, that was her downfall. Had Jeff kept his word with Dani he would still be at the house with Jordan. With all that said, it still bothers me immensely that Shelly was so concerned that all her kids teachers, parents, her kids friends would see what a chain smoker she is, yet she is ok with flipping (backstabbing) on the one person she claimed she loved and wanted a true, long lasting, real friendship with after the conclusion of the game. I watch BB After Dark on Showtime every night. I found it interesting last night that Shelly wouldn't even acknowledge or look Jordans way. Talk about awkward..lol I have a feeling the finale will be the best part of the season. Old saying is what goes around comes around.

Have to disagree with Jeff in house if Dani stayed. She had him next on the list for her to take out. Had her "crew" won Jeff would have been gone instead of Dani.

Dani played the best game with the weakest alliance, that was her downfall. Had Jeff kept his word with Dani he would still be at the house with Jordan. With all that said, it still bothers me immensely that Shelly was so concerned that all her kids teachers, parents, her kids friends would see what a chain smoker she is, yet she is ok with flipping (backstabbing) on the one person she claimed she loved and wanted a true, long lasting, real friendship with after the conclusion of the game. I watch BB After Dark on Showtime every night. I found it interesting last night that Shelly wouldn't even acknowledge or look Jordans way. Talk about awkward..lol I have a feeling the finale will be the best part of the season. Old saying is what goes around comes around.

What I didn't understand was Dani saying that they were writing the check for Jeff & Jordan; was she just ticked off because they weren't writing the check for Dani?


Have to disagree with Jeff in house if Dani stayed. She had him next on the list for her to take out. Had her "crew" won Jeff would have been gone instead of Dani.

What I didn't understand was Dani saying that they were writing the check for Jeff & Jordan; was she just ticked off because they weren't writing the check for Dani?

Exactly. Dani's accomplishment this summer was writing a check for a newbie.


Everyone watches with different eyes and hears things differently as well. There is NO WAY Jeff or Jordan are America's favorite if you base it on GAME PLAY....maybe looks or personality. NOT GAME PLAY.

Have to agree, some people thinking WAY TOO FAR into the Shelly bashing. Her family/friends love her regardless. She came there to play for HERSELF ultimately, as did everyone else that's there...JEFF IS GONE, JORDAN WILL BE SOON (hopefully) GET OVER IT!


Everyone watches with different eyes and hears things differently as well. There is NO WAY Jeff or Jordan are America's favorite if you base it on GAME PLAY....maybe looks or personality. NOT GAME PLAY.

Have to agree, some people thinking WAY TOO FAR into the Shelly bashing. Her family/friends love her regardless. She came there to play for HERSELF ultimately, as did everyone else that's there...JEFF IS GONE, JORDAN WILL BE SOON (hopefully) GET OVER IT!

I disagree with Jeff not being the best game player. Till that eviction, Jeff deserved to win more than anyone else in the house. I'm not a fan of his, but I have to admit he deserved it this most.


Full disclosure:

OK so maybe its because I'm from Baton Rouge or the fact that my niece is friends with Josie but I cannot believe how horrible some of these comments are!

Its a game people! and Shelly did a great job of staying in the middle until it was necessary to make a big move. Does everyone forget that a few weeks ago when Shelly was on the block JJ was trying to see if they had enough votes to get rid of her?

Its a game! and I believe Shelly sincerely loves JJ but what do you expect her to do, leave her family for 3 months to end up with third place because she likes JJ?????

Shelly has made herself look like an ass to her community, her job, and I fear for her poor daughter, her daughter is not old enough to even be involved or watching this kind of show, that is what is wrong with kids today watching this kind of tv too soon in their lives, it is just too brultal of a game for an 8 yr old.I think Shelly is disgusting, and believe me I reserved my opinion for a while as I wanted to see if the good outweighed the bad, and as it tured out it didn't. Ya know she could have played this game with out being soooo overly lovey dovy to Jordan, telling her how she wanted a friendship out of this after the show was over, sorry what Shelly did is to me unforgivable, because she took a young naieve girl, and really made her think she liked her and cared for her, then stuck it to her in the worst way, that is not just game, she humiliated Jordan and I think that sucks. I cannot stand this womans chain smoking and anyone who smokes cig after cig the way she does has some kind of emotional problem, geesh, put the cigs down, you look disgusting. You say its a game and you think Shelly sincerely loves Jordan, horse you know what , that is the most silliest thing I have ever heard, just my opinion


Have to disagree with Jeff in house if Dani stayed. She had him next on the list for her to take out. Had her "crew" won Jeff would have been gone instead of Dani.

What I didn't understand was Dani saying that they were writing the check for Jeff & Jordan; was she just ticked off because they weren't writing the check for Dani?

I have no idea at this point whose name will be on the big check. Dani did a good job of turning Shelly. I don't expect to see her name (Shelly Moore) on the check either though, regardless of how big a game change she thinks she made.

Also, I found hate pages on Facebook already bearing Shelly and Porches name and pictures. Unreal how much we like BB in America. =)


I don't even know what to say to this post :animated_scratchchin: ! I disagree with you in many ways, but also agree with you in certain areas!?! I find it amazing how we as fans can have so much in common, but also nothing in common at the same time!

I'm actually a JJ fan that also was not a fan of Jun or Mike Boogie winning, but did not have a problem with Maggie, and not a big fan of Shelly...though I get why she flipped.

I agree that JJ,D,Brenchel were all main targets and had to work to save their butts. But I also feel our dear Jordan does not step up to play until she's forced to when Jeff is gone, and she is content on "coasting" until she has to do something. Her intuition is normally right, but her downfall is depending too much on Jeff's "intelligence" and giving in to paranoia and playing emotionally.

I remember how excited I was when she starting figuring things out at the end of her season and actually started making moves. I don't think it is because she lays low, I think she's insecure and has been told how simple she is so many times that she doesn't trust her own gut.

As much as I like her as a person, she's NO angel. She would not have liked backdooring Shelly, but she showed that she would have supported it. I keep hearing a lot of "but Jordan gave Shelly her phone call," if you play games that way, you should probably not play BB, Poker, Spades or any game for that matter. I love my husband dearly, he could give me the world in the palm of my hand today, doesn't mean I would let him win when we play pool later. I wouldn't want him to do the same for me and I'm not a super competive person, I just understand that you play a game with your brain based on the rules provided, not with your heart.

I hate to admit it, but if JJ backdoored Shelly, the forums would have been minus thousands of fanatical hate posts today! Shows most fans watch the game with our hearts(self included at times) instead of our minds, I guess it makes us all human. Sad and emotional, crazy and suportive, irrational and sane... humans! I'm done for the day! :lipsrsealed2:



Shelly has made herself look like an ass to her community, her job, and I fear for her poor daughter, her daughter is not old enough to even be involved or watching this kind of show, that is what is wrong with kids today watching this kind of tv too soon in their lives, it is just too brultal of a game for an 8 yr old.I think Shelly is disgusting, and believe me I reserved my opinion for a while as I wanted to see if the good outweighed the bad, and as it tured out it didn't. Ya know she could have played this game with out being soooo overly lovey dovy to Jordan, telling her how she wanted a friendship out of this after the show was over, sorry what Shelly did is to me unforgivable, because she took a young naieve girl, and really made her think she liked her and cared for her, then stuck it to her in the worst way, that is not just game, she humiliated Jordan and I think that sucks. I cannot stand this womans chain smoking and anyone who smokes cig after cig the way she does has some kind of emotional problem, geesh, put the cigs down, you look disgusting. You say its a game and you think Shelly sincerely loves Jordan, horse you know what , that is the most silliest thing I have ever heard, just my opinion

I agree with you. What Shelly did is unforgivable. If you have young kids maybe you should put them first and not put them in emotional danger by being on BB. So any pain caused to Josie is on Shelly, her mom, not us.

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