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BB13 Spreadsheet Summary

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Hi everyone, and welcome to another edition of the BB spreadsheet summary!

This year, I'm trying to put the spreadsheet on Google Docs... bear with me as I play around with the features and figure out the best way to save it and post the link, etc...

I haven't worked much with Google Docs, so if anyone has suggestions/pointers, I'm willing to listen. You can post here, or possibly better send me a private message. (I tried having Google Docs convert the file. It opened the file as a web page, but I lost some of the formatting. Instead I have Google Docs not converting the file. Now when you click on the link, it has brings up an open/save dialog box. Clicking open will bring up the web page... ok? or not so much?)

(and moderators, feel free to edit this thread as you see fit once we figure out the details)

I've posted the spreadsheets from BB6 thru BB12 and have it linked below to give you an idea of what you can find here:

BB6 - Summer 2005 - Summer Of Secrets/Partners/Soverign 6 vs The FriendShip (Winner-Maggie)

BB7 - Summer 2006 - Allstars (Winner-Mike 'Boogie')

BB8 - Summer 2007 - Unfinished Business/America's Player Eric (Winner - Dick)

BB9 - Spring 2008 - 'Til Death Do You Part (Winner - Adam)

BB10 - Summer 2008 - Back To Basics (Winner - Dan)

BB11 - Summer 2009 - Cliques (Winner - Jordan)

BB12 - Summer 2010 - Brenchel vs The Brigade (Winner - Hayden)

And now, here is BB13:

BB13 - Summer 2011 - The Summer Of Double Trouble (Winner - ???)

Thanks and enjoy the season!

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I've updated the spreadsheet with information from the first week of activity in the house. Still waiting for Wednesday's show to and details about the POV comp.

Have fun! Where's my popcorn?


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Sometimes I don't know how some people get into power when they're not truly watching what's going on around them, and their basing their opinions on subjectivism of who they do or do not like.

Rachel, your power days are over this week. Who are they going to put up next week.

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I've updated the spreadsheet, and updated the link in the first post of this thread...


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Hey George do you have a master cheet sheet link for all the seasons or more than Season 12.

I was interested this you in comparing all the comps to see what the trends are each week.

If so could you (would you) post a link/links to other seasons?

Example: I saw that this weeks food comp last year was a luxary comp...was just wondering if that might be the trend.

I can't believe you do what you do but I like it :)


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Hey George do you have a master cheet sheet link for all the seasons or more than Season 12.

I was interested this you in comparing all the comps to see what the trends are each week.

If so could you (would you) post a link/links to other seasons?

Example: I saw that this weeks food comp last year was a luxary comp...was just wondering if that might be the trend.

I can't believe you do what you do but I like it :)


I can dig them out of storage... give me until the weekend? I think I have back to BB6

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I updated BB13

It's ready for Thursday night's show...


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Calif(and anyone else interested),

I've added all seasons from BB6 to BB12 to Google documents. Check the first post in this thread for links to all seasons!


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Calif(and anyone else interested),

I've added all seasons from BB6 to BB12 to Google documents. Check the first post in this thread for links to all seasons!


Thank you George. You are a sweetie.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't realize I was updating my spreadsheet, but not saving it right to Google docs, so the updates weren't showing... oops :rolleyes4:

But now it's updated and ready for tonight! :popcorn:

(you can find the link in the first post at the beginning of the topic)

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