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Live Feed and BBAD 7/22


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This is my first time posting on here but I wanted to see if anyone else noticed this last night.

Did anyone else catch when Rachel was in HOH talking to Britney and Rachel said, "for some reason Brendan trusts Andrew" and then BB cut really quick to Brendans face outside and he looked just liked Andrew! Then he kept insisting Andrew is their Ally. Also in the DR at the end Brendan said Andrew is the best ally they have.

Anyway, my opinion is that they are brothers.

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I still think there is something between Kristen and Andrew.. I think they are brother and sister..

No way! She's giving HJ's (and whatever else) to Hayden and Andrew is sleeping 10 feet away in the same room. That'd be just gross having her brother/friend in the room while doing that....

I also think it was a lie from the sab...there's been no mention of it from BB at all since.

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Hmm, Well for some reason it looks like threads are being deleted all over, one of them being my thread I made from yesterday asking about the houseguests sleeping arrangements :-( And since the "Big Brother Questions" thread seems to be deleted as well, I suppose this would be the best place to repost it :-D :


Hi everyone, I'm sorry if this has already been addressed or answered elsewhere, but I don't have the feeds & so am only able to see BBAD & the CBS shows, so I don't get to see everybody go to bed for the night. I guess I'm wondering exactly what the sleeping arrangements are, specifically:

1. How the hell has no one seen Hayden & Kristen making out yet?! They seem to have kept it a complete secret (even when Rachel & Matt were agreeing and telling Britney that Hayden/Kristen are a couple last night in the HoH room, when Britney asked "Do they like, kiss?", they both simultaneously said "Oh, no, they don't kiss"!!), and I just don't understand how they've done it unless they have a room to themselves (and even then, does nobody wonder what goes on in their room all night if so?). So, if I recall correctly, there are two regular bedrooms, the Have Not room, & the HoH room. Four people sleep in the Have Not room, usually two people at most sleep in the HoH room I believe (Rachel & sometimes Kathy?), so that leaves 6 people spread out in two rooms. Do 4 sleep in one room & leave Hayden/Kristen to their own space? If so, I don't understand why there's not more suspicion about those two.

2. Is Kathy like, seriously sleeping up there with Rachel in the HoH every night? If so, was she really invited to? I know Rachel wanted to have the Have-Naughties sleepover the night she won HoH, but did she invite Kathy up there for every night and even when her & Brendon are up there making out...? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm as happy as the next person anytime anything interrupts B/R's slurping sessions! But I just think that's all kinds of awkward for her to walk in on them making out without even knocking & just get in bed with them... I'd be a little creeped out/at the very least exasperated if I were Rachel, but it doesn't sound like she's ever said it annoys her. Just wondering what the set-up is there lol.

Thanks for any help or discussion on the hamsters sleeping practices!

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Guest 6Borders

Hmmmmm...interesting idea. I don't think they would be brothers but might be good friends or maybe even related somehow. Brendon has been defending and trying to protect Andrew all along to the point of actually leaving Rachel in tears and saying he doesn't want to talk any more. Correct me if I'm wrong but did Brendon eventually sway Rachel into putting up Matt over Andrew?

Somehow I think (in my twisted BB fan mind) that there are more than 2 people in the house who are either related or knew each other before the show. BB had to have some back-up in case, which it did, the saboteur thing fell flatter than a slop cake.

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Hmm, Well for some reason it looks like threads are being deleted all over, one of them being my thread I made from yesterday asking about the houseguests sleeping arrangements :-( And since the "Big Brother Questions" thread seems to be deleted as well, I suppose this would be the best place to repost it :-D :

Your previous post/thread got combined into 7/21 feeds and BBAD thread...now locked...and probably soon to go into the BB12 archives sub-forum. The mods here like to keep the main discussion sub-forum tidy and to a minimum...you'll get used to it soon.

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Your previous post/thread got combined into 7/21 feeds and BBAD thread...now locked...and probably soon to go into the BB12 archives sub-forum. The mods here like to keep the main discussion sub-forum tidy and to a minimum...you'll get used to it soon.

Okie dokie. Yeah, I saw later that it got merged into that thread (but it wasn't really a question for a specific day, it was more of an overall topic, so that's why I opened a new thread for it & didn't post it in the daily thread in the 1st place) but then that day's thread was locked right after, so the post ended up in a kind of no-man's land :-) & I'd really like to know from someone who watches the hamsters overnight what the sleeping arrangements are & how the heck Hayden & Kristen have maanaged to keep what they're doing a secret! So I just wanted to repost to where people would actually see the question. Thanks for the help!

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The past few nights/week Kristen and Hayden have been sleeping together...but Kristen goes back to her bed around 5 am, Andrew is the only other person in that room and he's either sleeping through it or keeping his mouth shut.

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Oh my god, I can't believe Andrew is in there with them! Poor thing! I wonder if he knows what's going on... he's so mysterious that boy, I really wish they would give us more DR sessions with him on the episodes, I'd love to know where his head is at. I think Ragan & Kristen are playing the best game right now, but Andrew is playing the most interesting/mysterious game.

Oh, and is Kathy sleeping up with Rachel in the HoH room every night?

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