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whats happened?

Guest Lexia

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Guest Lexia

Sorry I missed earlier post... who did maggie NOM and has POV been done yet? I thought I saw a post where Maggie NOM Janelle and James, was I seeing things?

(sorry if repeat post)

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They have to save something for the show... That would give away things they want to keep secret until the show... Although it never happens...

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Janelle is talking to Kaysar and she said she wished they hadn't change the thing where some veto's couldn't be used (won)...

Maybe they took that little tidbit out and haven't told us...

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Guest dancingfool

My impression was that on some veto comps it was POSSIBLE if noone completed the competition that no PoV would be won.

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But from what Janelle was saying they have changed that... She was saying it was too bad they had changed it and this wasn't one of those weeks cause then maybe James' would be leaving not Kaysar...

Side note... Kaysar asked Janelle if she would leave the house for him and she asked him what he would do for her... He said something along the lines of I will make it worth your while... She said the same thing you and Mike talked about... He paused then said yeah... She said really? He said yeah... Then said I'm not even sure I want to stay, I was just thinking...

He might be trying to work it so he stays...

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Guest Witness

They misunderstood what Julie said. Julie said this year, there will be competitions that possibly won't be won. An example is the chess game. If Kaysar & Co hadn't worked with James, it would have been possible that at the end of the round neither of the last 2 players would have been able to make a move, thus, no winner.

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If this has been asked in the past, please don't flog me. LOL

I have watched BB every season, and I also have the live feeds. Maybe the HG have this in their "rules" before entering the house, but I have never heard it mentioned. My question is this. Say for instance that James and Kaysar are on the block. They play for the Veto and James wins it. Has it ever been suggested that James use the Veto to save Kaysar, thus saving himself?

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Guest Devoncroix

Actually I have wondered this myself... because the person using the veto can not be put up for eviction. However I would imagine that it doesn't remove the user either. It does seem to be a weird loophole though.

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Guest raceingal11

the POV only protects the user from being put up in the place of the person removed. it does not give immunity to a houseguest who is already on the block - i/e/ if james had won and used it to save kasar, it would NOT remove them both from the block, and would not have prevented james from being evicted. but, as has already happened - sarah won and removed james. it DOES prevent HER from being put up in james' place. HTH

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Ranster, I know that Sarah used it to save James.....I was just using that as a "for instance". Because if you win the POV you are safe, and also if the person that wins it decides to use it on someone, they are also safe from eviction. I guess I'm not doing to good of a job expressing what I'm trying to say. :oops:

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It's a good question, because this year it really could happen! Since there are partners this year, I could envision perhaps Sarah and James being on the block, Sarah winning the POV and choosing to take James off the block instead of herself. In that instance, Sarah would have to stay on the block and the HOH would then nominate another hamster to go up in James' place. That would be a BB first!!

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