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July 25th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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E compliments R and says she's doing a good job playing, after he says people are willing to sell their souls for the $.

E says he won't talk to James.

They think there might be a luxury competition, but they don't know what for.

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M&E talking about R. Maggie says, GAME ON!

M says if she gets HOH right now I & B & A & Jen are all safe.

E starting with what $ makes people do.

E tells M she is the wild card in the house.

E saying that the Kaysar group doesn't know what James is all about.

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Guest brandee

E and M are discussing how the "good guys" have to win this week and what a great week it would be for them.

Mag says she will put up James and Kaysar if she wins HOH and she says that if one wins then she'll just replace them with Sarah or Janelle....doesn't matter to her (then throws in ...or Howie)

Mag must have a cold b/c she keeps sniffing and swallowing.

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Guest brandee

Rachel is sitting on the couch reading through the recipe book and looks extremely bored.

Mag and Eric are stillin the ex room talking about life and how much they miss their loved ones. They discuss who to call for each other in the event that one of them leaves (mag wants eric to call her boyfriend, parents and check on her dogs and eric wants mag to just "take care of Julie and the kids")

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M: James is putting doubt in your mind about Ivette. E said that J is upset because he won't let him upset him, E won't even acknowledge that J is in the room.

M- He says that when we get out we will be friends. I don't think so. I don't surround myself with people like that.

M getting upset about Dave:

When I go home I am going to want to get married and to have kids.

E: Maybe he will want that too.

Maggie looks like she is going to break down in tears

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Guest Jillio

E: When I take my last breath I will not have any regrets.

M: I am so glad there are so many people that love life as much as I do.

E: Beau is the salt of the earth and was so fun last night (LOL)

M: I told him that I don't care what he is (gay) I love him anyway and I bet he never hears that.

E: I would be proud to take him to the firehouse (oh brother)

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Eric telling Maggie that they were winners when they walked through the front door.

Maggie thanks Eric for what he has given her in this game.

Eric saying we were in this together, together... we came in this together.. you have nothing to be sorry about.. I played my cards, some people never get the chance..

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Guest Jillio

M: Is it 2 hours from now? Do you think they will give us a 1 hour warning?

Are they talking about the veto ceremony??

Janelle is up, her and Eric passed each other and didn't say a word.

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Guest Jillio

April slept in the shirt she had on last night apparantely. She looks depressed and totally out of it. She has a blank stare.

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