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Guest ranster627

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Janelle: i don't understand why bb would partner everyone up.. It doesn't make sense...

once again they are talking about the "hotel" which they stayed at prior to going into the house i would assume.. Usually when they talk about it, the fish come on..

Janelle: why don't you and i just tell the group and expose people.

Kaysar: because they might build alliance's with other partners.

Kaysar: don't tell mike that i told you, (partnered with mike)

Janelle: why wouldn't he tell me

talk continues about partners and such

mike joins the gold room.

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mike leaves the room. janelle asks how he felt about michael getting nominated. says that it reached a point where michael made some poor decisions... kinda makes it out like he's given up on michael. janelle says she felt like she was babysitting ashlea, had to tell her what to do.

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Janelle is aware that mike and kaysar are friends in the outside world, she also admits a bit more that ashlea and her are best friends..

janelle: how did you feel when mike got nominated.

Kaysar: i felt bad, i told you i feel that mike has made some bad choices in the house and got to emotional.

Kaysar: i told him prior to coming into bb, don't get emotional, people take advantage of that.

Janelle: i had to keep telling ashlea what to say, because she kept making mistakes.

Kaysar: i told mike to go into the house and make other connections, now the whole house hates him..

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Janelle can't take it anymore and is going to tell kaysar, she came into the gold room to tell him but i guess he was resting. She left to get food and came back.

J: I've been speaking to michael about people knowing each other, i lied to you, I knew ashlea, I couldn't take it anymore and had to tell you

K: what did michael say

J: He said don't tell howie cause he might know someone

dang it they put the bubble sound over it

J: april was on to you guys, so was ashlea,

K: i just met him in a coffee shop in irvine, and we live in the same apartment complex

J: why would they partner everyone up, it doesn't make sense

K: to drive everyone crazy

K: james and sarah, maggie and rachel, ivette and beau, i have a feeling rachel knows maggie by how rachel tells stories and turns to maggie

K: don't tell michael i told you

J: why wouldn't he say anything

K: cause we are not supposed to say anything

J: are you guys best friends

K: we see each other everyday, we hang out together, live in the same complex,

J:how did you feel when michael got nominated

K: i felt bad, i feel he made some bad decisions, it got to a point i couldn't save him, he got too emotional, i told him you got to emotional and people take advantage of him

J: same thing happened with ashlea

K: you and him stuck in this room, it was like 'f**k this'

K: i think everyone know everyone

Maggie is simple so is rachel, plus we saw them hang out and connect

J: why would they put everyone together thats bad

K: this is complete chaos

J: its like all secrets

K: now that i know you had a pair, now i can trust you completely, and know that everyone has a pair

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Janelle: no not everyone, only six of us have partners

Kaysar: oh that makes sense, thats why they got rid of her, cause they knew

Kaysar: I'm gonna rage on jennifer,

J: she's turning into a bitch

J: what if we told eric and james

K:no, no, james accused me, i denied it, i need to ask him if he trusts me, and see if he's with us, so you don't think rachel and maggie

J: no thats 8 people, thats enough

K: its game time now, we need to get serious and put our head together

K: i told eric already, he doesn't want to hear it

J: we need to see if eric knows anyone

K: we'll keep this between us, unless we need to use it in an emergency

J: if we get HOH should we break up the couples

K: so we have - me, you, howie, we need rachel and maggie, we need one more

J: we should get eric and james out before the couples

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Converation continues in GR

Howie joins the room...

Howie and Kaysar engage in a nice hug. Talk continues about the other houseguest's and pairs.

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Kaysar: eric is scared that him or one of his goon's might not get HOH

Kaysar: we have enough people and options to take out half of the group.

Kaysar is talking about the orginal alliance with eric and how mike said something stupid that made it break up and eric lost trust in them.

Howie is telling jan that everyone hates her because she is pretty and has fantastic boobies..

Jan: how long did you live in chicago for?

Howie: almost all of my life.. hmmm tell 1999

Jan: have you been to orlando before?

Jan: do you know sarah? have you met her before coming here

Howie: i dont know her

Jan: tell us the truth, we wont get mad

howie: i've seen her in passing in the hallway

Kaysar: did you know anyone in this house prior to coming here?

howie: no

Janelle is pressing howie and trying to get him to confess that he know's sarah from the outside world.

Jan: howie, do you know anyone prior to coming into the house

Howie: well i knew ashlea

Jan: howie, just be honest with us..

Jan: we want to know if you had been given a deal to have someone come in the house with you.

Howie: i can't like to you guys...... silence... no!

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K: Howie, you have to promise that its us three till the end

J: you won't tell anyone our secrets right?

H: you found another room in the house

J: no, its about us

K: you have to promise its us 3 till the end

K: they already paired us up, we need to know you are with us

H: i don't want the rest of the house to know though

H: if we can win in the next few weeks the balance of power would shift

K: jenny and april, ivette and beau

J: ashlea and i knew each other

K: and michael and i knew each other

J: so we cannot let april and jenny or ivette and beau make it to the end

H: we have to bust up their nucleus

Michael joining them: did you guys grill him, I was outside and suddenly the doors start shutting, i'm like hello, i'm still out here

H: we got to make them fight against each other

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Janelle and Kayser just told Howie that Janelle knew Ashlea and Kayser knew Michael....Howie is playing dumb

Howie is playing dumb, acting really confused/excited about the whole thing

Janelle says, we've both lost our partners, so we can't screw you over at all.

They agree to all go to final three together.

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Mike and Kaysar leave gold room.

Jan and howie continue to talk about paring.

Mike re-enters the room and start's talking to jan.

Mike: i'm sorry for not telling you jan.

Jan: it's ok, i never asked

Mike: kaysar didn't even want to come into the bb house.

Mike: kaysar is like my brother. I'd take a bullet for him

Mike: kaysar is a very smart person, he's a great guy.

Mike continues to talk to howie and jan on how a great person kaysar is.

Mike: BIG BROTHER, i'm really pissed that i'm leaving without a penny.

Mike and jan start kissing in front of howie and the camera.

Mike leaves the room.

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Michael: (to howie and janelle) Kaysar didn't want to come here, i convinced him to do it, i told him in life you can live a mediocre life, and i didn't want to do live that life, and i asked him to not pass up an opportunity in life. He's like a brother to me, he's different, and he's a really good person. He's very smart so after I'm gone, put your heads together.

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Janelle: mike is my dream guy!

Howie: really?

Janelle: let's get back to the game. Janelle starts talking about the hotel and who seen who when they where spilt up in pairs of 6.

*long silence*

Howie is talking about ashlea and boobies (like always) and continue to talk about HOH


Jan: i felt so bad for lying to you guys about that ashleah thing.

Mike re-enters GR

Can't hear the whispering....

Jan: what about eric?

Howie: he is strong but we have to break him up.

howie: you did awsome in the challenge the other day

Kaysar enters the GR

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Eric, Rach,maggie and jenny are in the kitchen talking about the HOH room and how lonely it is to sleep up there all by yourself.

Jenny: i really want to get HOH to be able to sleep up there.

Rach: it's really lonely..

Eric: totally lonely up there, you don't notice until you are up there.

ivette joins kitchen.

Guest are talking about cooking the chicken and rice.

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Mike, jan, howie and kaysar are ripping apart the gold room again looking for clues or something.

they are really paying attention to the lamp.

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Mike and Kaysar in the GR looking at the map and trying to figure out the numbers to it..

Mike: what a weird way to mount a map, to be honest with you, nothing in this house is just. unless it's just wallpaper.

boys are searching around the room talking about taking things off the walls for clues.

nothing behind the mirror..

Kaysar: i took the compass last night and tried to figure out if there was a clue that rach missed. why would they direct her to this room.

kaysar: they want us to be... if you look at the room.. it kinda is like a focus point where the safes are.. they want us to look at them and try to figure it out.

mike: why would they plug in a lamp that doesn't have a bulb in it..

Kaysar: it doesn't make sense..

Kaysar: do you think that compass really means to go here? (by the lamp)

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